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If you have not figured out by now that I have been having fun with you Britts all night, I guess I might last more than five minutes in a London Pub.

Can't resist pushing buttons when they are so obvious.

And you guys wear them on your sleeves.

Something to remember.

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

I believe most of history, from every country, is mostly lies!

It's been fun.

Good nightwai2.gif

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

You couldn't be more right. The Americans even believed that Iraq had WMD when they were told so by Bush.


If you have not figured out by now that I have been having fun with you Britts all night, I guess I might last more than five minutes in a London Pub.

Can't resist pushing buttons when they are so obvious.

And you guys wear them on your sleeves.

Something to remember.

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

I believe most of history, from every country, is mostly lies!

It's been fun.

Good nightwai2.gif

Not really, you have proved you are a moron.

Nice try of saving face.

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Some can only look on in awe, bewilderment and jealousy.

Get back to us in about 2,000 years when you are all speaking Spanish and the republican party is nothing but a distant memory.

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This thread is funny.

Imagine if it was called, Brits in Thailand, How do you feel?

Now imagine the number of Americans that would give a watery poop to post on it ...

Bupkis, baby, Bupkis.


I have two nationalities, American and British, a right Yanker some may call me, but if anyone asks; I am firmly making my British side the priority and leaving my American passport at home. Even at Immigration I always go as British rather than American.

My guess is that the most despised nationalities worldwide are Americans and Israelis, any countries that bear a grudge it`s usually aimed at them first hand. I think the OP is quite right to have concerns and the way tensions are building in the world, especially in the middle east, I can see the situation becoming much worse before it gets better.

Maybe despised by a vocal minority, but loved by a silent majority. It's probably the #1 place people want to immigrate to. And for good reasons.


The United States has always been regarded as a nation of immigrants. Recently-published figures from the United Nations support this view. More than 45 million immigrants live in the U.S., according to UN figures, more than four times as many living in any other nation in the world.

And when they get there they are sadly disappointed.

Not the ones I've met. When my wife became a US citizen, the room was filled will similar immigrants. All now US citizens. There wasn't a dry eye among the bunch. About 200 of them. They were far from disappointed.


This thread is funny.

Imagine if it was called, Brits in Thailand, How do you feel?

Now imagine the number of Americans that would give a watery poop to post on it ...

Bupkis, baby, Bupkis.

Are there actually any Americans in America?

Everyone I meet is, Polish American, Arab American, Jewish American, Greek American, Irish American.

F F S, born in America, parents born in America, grandparents born in America, why dont they ever refer to themselves as American, its always, insert whatever race, country, colour you want, but its never American.

Do real Americans actually exist, or are they so ashamed of their own country they have to invent another country?

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thats what makes me laugh when the yanks talk about history,,

how old is america,,? im sure ive got a chair older,,,,

like the other poster says,,, we have stood the test of time,,, your hard times havnt even begun,,,,,, YET

There are a few boozers up my way older, at least you can get a decent pint.

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Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif


The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others

Absolute nonsense! the bitter men you talk about do not exist

They exist in his mind, and he reads their posts on TV. Whether they exist in your mind, or mine, is irrelevant to me.

I'm as ready as the next man to make a joke at the expense of Americans, but I struggle to find a lot of the posts that I expect Neversure finds offensive, funny.

While we may express a dislike of the Americans, (or in my case, the English) that view would be far more convincing if we did not have so many American friends.


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I think that the American Government pisses a lot of pople off including myself

however a lot of my good friends are American

I think if you are open, friendly, and a good man you should not be affected by your governments actions

as most people will see you for the person you are

I resent living under the American Umbrella in my current country where they order governments around

they breed terrorism with their aggressive policies etc

imagine coming home and finding your house a pile of debris,,,you wife. children and parents dead and being informed they were collateral damage

another terrorist is born

I have read comments where we need them to protect them from China,,,but who is going to protect us from from them

it is easy fro them to criticise others while crime, drugs and killing in the decaying parts of most large cities there continues

maybe they should spend more time on resolving these issues at home before trying to resolve other countries shorfalls

I do not like my government much better which is why I left my country years ago but at least for the most part they do not tend to

tell others what to do and how to do it

my only problem now is finding a place where they do not stick their noses in to my financial and personal affairs,

as such I am a little happy with strained relations

i DO NOT want to see a US military base in every country in S E ASIA

Australias, Singapore and the Philippines can have and keep them,,,but at what price?

seems to me that Darwin is slated to become probably the biggest broithel in the this area due to the size if the miltary presence there


5555. The jealous complaining about the US again. Clowns.

newbie calling us all clowns,,,

how long did it take you to open another acount JT, and youve given yourself a like,,,lol


  • Like 1

5555. The jealous complaining about the US again. Clowns.

newbie calling us all clowns,,,

how long did it take you to open another acount JT, and youve given yourself a like,,,lol


Sure thing mate.


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The USA is still where people from around the world flock, and sometime die to get inside the country.

Latest influx is rich people from Brazil who are coming with their wealth to escape the Dilma socialism and high crime

The European theater is again close to war, with Russia again in the cross hairs

There is more for Europeans to worry about, than Americans

Thais have it above all of the complainers here as they, truly don't give a damn about world politics


The USA is still where people from around the world flock, and sometime die to get inside the country.

People die trying to get into european countries too. But I guess you'd have to take an interest in world news to know about that.

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To answer the OP's opening question, I don't think it's time to worry too much. It doesn't mean we can just assume things will work out in Thailand, but when is it ever the case?

Also, the games going on between the US consulate staff and the Thai "government," I don't think they mean that much. Personally, I am embarrassed by what I see as almost willfully ignorant comments by people our tax dollars supposedly support to try and help relations between the two countries. But like most embassies they are not here to help in the way that us ex-pats might. They are working on their own agendas and those of American corporations who have mostly completely corrupted the American system. The Americans stirring up trouble with the Thais here are up to as much no good at home as far as I am concerned, and they will step on the toes of the host country or our friends and family back home without a second thought with their ill-considered bluster.

They are not good people, imho, and as such I don't identify with them particularly. You just have to look at the history of meddling and involvement in Latin America to get an idea of who we are talking about when we are talking about the US Gov in Thailand. They can say what they want but they don't represent me or my interests despite what I am told about America being a demockracy which it clearly bears no semblance to at this point if ever it did.

To put it bluntly, the Ambassador and the boys are spies, neo-colonialists, opportunist, elitists and hypocrites as far as I am concerned. I don't expect much else of them. America is full of many good people and things, but the boys down at the embassy are not that. They are mostly of that stripe who think little to nothing of their effect on others and the future that is going down the tubes because they can't be bothered to show any back bone or leadership. What they say to Thailand isn't what I have to say and I have been involved and had a far deeper involvement with the people and this country than they would ever dare to imagine. They can kiss my ass. They don't know anything.

What they say has almost no bearing on what almost all Thai people feel about me living and trying to have a good life and contribute to the welfare of my family here and those around me. I have met little to no one in Thailand, with the exception of other foreigners, who hold me accountable for the evils of my country or what some Dick Cheney wanna be has to say about Thailand's problems. If there is a problem here, it is more general, that we are westerners or not Asian and staying in their country, and that affects anyone who isn't northeast Asian looking, including Thai citizens. It's always been that way, and I feel I am in good company, so it doesn't get me down much what is happening here these days and that is that I think we are beginning to see the beginning of China becoming Thailand's main patron. But America and the west have been falling out of favour for well over a decade, personally I am used to it.

And no apologies about banging on for pages, no one has to read it. You asked how I felt and that is how I feel.

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Haven't noticed anything different in my interactions with Thais.

Yet I do feel an increase in hostility, mostly from those Brits and Aussies who disliked us in the first place. coffee1.gif


The UK and Aus. are tiny with combined populations about 1/4 of the US. Yet they are vastly overrepresented as expats in Thailand. That's because they hate themselves and their countries. As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others.

As bitter old men they are jealous and have to be bitter toward others

Absolute nonsense! the bitter men you talk about do not exist

They exist in his mind, and he reads their posts on TV. Whether they exist in your mind, or mine, is irrelevant to me.

I'm as ready as the next man to make a joke at the expense of Americans, but I struggle to find a lot of the posts that I expect Neversure finds offensive, funny.

While we may express a dislike of the Americans, (or in my case, the English) that view would be far more convincing if we did not have so many American friends.


After living North of the border for several years in the highlands, the biggest compliment I ever received was from Mr Hamish Mcsporran who said, "you're actually alright for an Englishman".

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its funny that the yanks get all pissed off whe you point things out to them,

like the big oil spill from the bp rig a few years ago,,, yep it was a bp flag flying on the rig,,

but it was run by yankie muppets, full crew,,, but who was to blame,,,,,,yep bp,,,,,,

all yankie crew, not turning a valve,,,,, shall i turn it or not,,,,??? muppets

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Why is this thread even still open? It's been hijacked by rabid British America bashers. What's the point? Don't they have bars to go to? Yes, I've heard them. You don't have a culture. You don't have any history. You don't have a cuisine ... this coming from the British, that is rich! Pathetic. They have a complex. Hilariously, Americans don't care to bash the Brits. Figure that one out ... psychologically.

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Nobody likes America but we sure get a lot of people from Europe, Asia Africa and Latin America as well as the Mid east that want to move to America and have their children become Americans. Why?

Who says nobody likes 'murika?

I think lots of folk somehow envisage a better life than in the shiteholes they live in.. Whether it works out for them or not is a different thing.

I've been there many times.. I personally wouldn't want to stay there, and that's not to say I don't like 'murcians .. I just feel there's better ways of living else where in the world.

Tell me why do you guys always feel, and react so sensitively, about what people think of you?

You just people like the other 7,293,108,475 folk that are alive on this here people farm- You ain't no better or worse.

"Tell me why do you guys always feel, and react so sensitively, about what people think of you?"

I don't speak for all 300 million of us obviously, but what irks me most and gets me riled up some days is that we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. One group's yelling for 'assistance,' the other is rolling its collective eyes at yet more intervention by the U.S. in things that are none of our business. The world and its people love to criticize and voice hatred, but never any gratitude.

Example: Was participating in a Facebook thread that was overrun with Middle Easterners screaming death to America, yet there they were utilizing American technology that had given them a voice in the world. More so than their own governments.

I suppose that's all the more reason not to be so sensitive--knowing that we'll always be angering some, while never pleasing just about anyone. violin.gif

Unfortunately being American, is like being English,there are Countries out there that will never give us the credit deserved for anything,like America didn't land on the Moon,it was all shot in a Hollywood Studio and, England didn't invent the Jet engine (amongst dozens of other major world beating inventions, the same as America I might add) so get used to it,the knockers can't rise to our level,so their only option is to attempt to drag us down to their level!

  • Like 2

Why is this thread even still open? It's been hijacked by rabid British America bashers. What's the point? Don't they have bars to go to? Yes, I've heard them. You don't have a culture. You don't have any history. You don't have a cuisine ... this coming from the British, that is rich! Pathetic. They have a complex. Hilariously, Americans don't care to bash the Brits. Figure that one out ... psychologically.

There is a lot of History between the USA and England which can't be learned over night,often referred to in the Media as : "The Special Relationship" which continued from one President/PM from WW1 through WW2 and up to present times! Interesting reading!


PS.Take no notice of the American and the English knockers,it's simply a basic case of: Jealousy their own country has been sitting back and doing nothing but throw insults,at more successful nations, or doing the Classic: "Biting the hand that feeds them" and there is plenty of them in Thailand !

See my other Posts on this Topic,I personally as an Englishman do not have any issues with Americans,in general they are invariably,good company,well spoken,

and friendly!

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If you have not figured out by now that I have been having fun with you Britts all night, I guess I might last more than five minutes in a London Pub.

Can't resist pushing buttons when they are so obvious.

And you guys wear them on your sleeves.

Something to remember.

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

I believe most of history, from every country, is mostly lies!

It's been fun.

Good nightwai2.gif

Every country has their own version of history and most of us believe what we are told.

You couldn't be more right. The Americans even believed that Iraq had WMD when they were told so by Bush.

Sorry, I need to correct you.

I am American and never believed Bush's lies about WMDs.

Many, Many Americans did not believe it.

Many of us believed and still believe that the Cheney administration fabricated excuses for wars to increase the wealth of the wealthy

We know they were making plans to invade Iraq before 9/11 and were just waiting for an excuse.

Many of us believe they are all war criminals.

When painting, don't use such a broad brush!

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This thread is funny.

Imagine if it was called, Brits in Thailand, How do you feel?

Now imagine the number of Americans that would give a watery poop to post on it ...

Bupkis, baby, Bupkis.

Are there actually any Americans in America?

Everyone I meet is, Polish American, Arab American, Jewish American, Greek American, Irish American.

F F S, born in America, parents born in America, grandparents born in America, why dont they ever refer to themselves as American, its always, insert whatever race, country, colour you want, but its never American.

Do real Americans actually exist, or are they so ashamed of their own country they have to invent another country?

Actually I think it has a lot to do with keeping connected to their personal heritage and a pride that Americans are so diverse.

Talents, knowledge, ethics and attitudes from all over the world, make America the innovative, progressive country that it is.

My ancestors came to America 4 generations ago from Ireland.

I am very interested in my Irish heritage and the history of what the Irish went through when they first arrived in America.

But I don't think of myself as an Irish-American.

I am one of many, many different kinds of Americans.

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