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(Wife) Need to buy a gun (registered)


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I was raised with firearms.

My first gun was a pump action 12.

Over the years I acquired the usual rifles and two more shotguns.

I bought several pistols at another point in my life.

In the Old Country, the first thing you learn about pistols (after you discover just how inexpensive the regular service pieces are) is how much training it takes to hit anything at medium range.

It took me about 2500 cheap target rounds to become confident about hitting center mass.

Some thoughts here . . . . .

Most armed law enforcement officers practice a couple of times a month . . . . . . at first. Then they get complacent.

You have to practice and keep on practicing or you get sloppy with your sequencing and you get lazy with your aim.

Cops know that Western criminals rarely have the time, inclination, funds or training to become competant with their handguns.

If you have the kind of money and the drag it takes to be a gun owner in Thailand you should use that money to leave the circumstances that are prompting you to arm yourself.

Purchasing a handgun either for your wife or through your wife in Pattaya is not a wise plan.


TO OP: This is actually a brilliant post, and your best advice- now its posted twice. Read it!

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Possessing a gun grants increased confidence; for sure. When confidence is increased and not matched with experience or awareness, bad things can happen- really. I would hope this was a choice for the home, and that you intend considerable training, and target practice. Makes no sense to have a weapon if she can't employ it under duress. The times she will need it will never look like a day at the range. Weapons carry is considerably different than static use in the home.

She needs to know malfunction drills, reloads, weapon care, night fire, day fire, etc. These really are the min things you should do for your wife if you are determined to do this. Also, if you do not know these skills you should equally train, irrespective of who is the primary carry. I have trained others in weapons all my life. I applaud your idea but caution that possession needs to really marry with competence or she becomes, perhaps, more vulnerable.

You sound like the a friend of mine when I decided to seek a permit whilst I'm the Philippines. Fortunately he was persuasive enough that I spent two years on the program recommended. Your advice is right I didn't know anything applicable despite a life about firearms.

I might add that if one of the usage scenarios you expect is vehicle based either you in any seated position or vehicle present then you need specific training.

I'm sorry I cannot recommend any Organization here in Thailand I don't have any experience here.

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I can only speak from personal experience, my wife has a Shotgun ( 5 shot pump action ) she obtained a License from our local Amphur Office without any problems cost if i remember correctly was 125 Baht

We have 2 Rai fully walled land, we were advised to purchase a gun by a long time policeman friend who said that certain people were coming across the border to do their nasties and then disappear.

Maybe times have changed a bit regarding regulations so good luck.

And if you use that gun, the police may ask how you acquired this 2 rai of land and what you are doing there?

In all my 31 years of living in Thailand I have never owed a gun. People like you must have much to hide in your walled in fortresses.

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Possessing a gun grants increased confidence; for sure. When confidence is increased and not matched with experience or awareness, bad things can happen- really. I would hope this was a choice for the home, and that you intend considerable training, and target practice. Makes no sense to have a weapon if she can't employ it under duress. The times she will need it will never look like a day at the range. Weapons carry is considerably different than static use in the home.

She needs to know malfunction drills, reloads, weapon care, night fire, day fire, etc. These really are the min things you should do for your wife if you are determined to do this. Also, if you do not know these skills you should equally train, irrespective of who is the primary carry. I have trained others in weapons all my life. I applaud your idea but caution that possession needs to really marry with competence or she becomes, perhaps, more vulnerable.

You sound like the a friend of mine when I decided to seek a permit whilst I'm the Philippines. Fortunately he was persuasive enough that I spent two years on the program recommended. Your advice is right I didn't know anything applicable despite a life about firearms.

I might add that if one of the usage scenarios you expect is vehicle based either you in any seated position or vehicle present then you need specific training.

I'm sorry I cannot recommend any Organization here in Thailand I don't have any experience here.

I am one of those US 2nd Amendment kinda guys who believes its basically a natural right of man to be able to protect his home. Having said that, I am not in the US and while there is danger here, I have actually not noted much of it. I have seen people injured by weapons simply cleaning them- two people from Special Forces in fact, off the top of my head- One blew a toe off. So, there are really many examples where one must always have drilled in them alertness, loading/unloading procedures, never vary, never point a weapon unless prepared to kill, never finger on trigger unless prepared to kill, and numerous lesser supporting "musts." These are actually the basic standards for safety of weapons. It seems like an awfully large jump in training and responsibility for the woman, assuming the wife has no previous background with weapons. Therefore, it seems like considerable exposure to danger.

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Why not just buy BB gun? Seriously, full metal body and good quality look almost the same as real one, it is legal and hurt like hell when fired on someone for defense.

That's not a bad option. You need the parts changed out to accept metal bbs. The rubber mag-seals can perish and leak out air over time.

Not a bad option and a lot more affordable.

I left mine with a friend and some thai low-life came and pinched it!

Never employ a BB gun in place of a weapon. Never bluff. An example would be the instance she employs it and effectively chased them away from the house, only to have a drive by with the house sprayed with bullets moments later. Or, aiming it, nervously, her bluff is called, and an assailant now takes out his pistol. Buy a BB for fun, but not safety. Really.

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Maybe the "Thailand is so wonderful" crowd can offer some advice...

Usually it goes like this...if you are unhappy here...if you can not accept and adapt to Thai culture...then leave we do not want you...

They want quality tourist and expats who thrive on abusive Thais...

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Why not just buy BB gun? Seriously, full metal body and good quality look almost the same as real one, it is legal and hurt like hell when fired on someone for defense.

That's not a bad option. You need the parts changed out to accept metal bbs. The rubber mag-seals can perish and leak out air over time.

Not a bad option and a lot more affordable.

I left mine with a friend and some thai low-life came and pinched it!

Never employ a BB gun in place of a weapon. Never bluff. An example would be the instance she employs it and effectively chased them away from the house, only to have a drive by with the house sprayed with bullets moments later. Or, aiming it, nervously, her bluff is called, and an assailant now takes out his pistol. Buy a BB for fun, but not safety. Really.

It's more for soi-dogs and changed up piss-heads really. Some areas I've lived in will have them running away. Drive-by the house? Not unless they want a police crackdown and mass-arrests against their gang, not going to happen.

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Actually buying a gun is quite easy. I was given one back in 71, bad quality. I bought a good 38 from someone??? But when Thais know you are packing a gun, you are the first target. Don't do it.

That's why discretion is key. ;)

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i guess moving is not an option ?? very much safer than joining the gun toters at there own game have to say certainly sounds scary

Don't be a wuss Gerry, guns are a normal thing except people like you and others are brainwashed otherwise.

I am a gun ¨nut¨, and I find your reply more than a little scary !!!

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You say moving isn't an option however if your wife does get a gun, and sadly ends up having to use it then I doubt the victim (whether deserved or not) won't have family or friends looking for retribution in which case you'd have to move anyway.

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You need to know someone high ranking such as in the police. If your wife thinks about it she knows someone who knows this person.

You have that person take you to the amphur to get approved. Then you take that paperwork to a gun dealer and buy your gun and register it back with the amphur.

Expect to grease some palms.

My experience is that a good handgun such as a Glock costs about 4 times in Thailand what it would be in the US. Figure at least 50 or 60K baht. More with brown envelopes.

You can't use that gun if it's registered to your wife. It is for one person only. You would have to go through the process yourself. So don't be caught shooting it, especially at a criminal if you don't have the license. Yes a farang can get a license.

HERE's the rub. It takes time and practice to be any good at all with a handgun. It has a short sight radius and is hard to aim while you pull the trigger. Those of us who grew up with them have it easy just like I would have it easy if I grew up with Thai. But to start out fresh is going to take a long time, training and practice to be able to overcome adrenaline and distraction at that critical moment even if she's been shooting well at targets. It has to become an instinct.

Look on the web for the technique of "point shooting". IMHO this is the best for beginners and advanced. It is a technique where you use your instincts like you do pointing your finger, rather than using the formal method of strictly the sights.

Good luck in whatever you do. Owning a gun you aren't expert with can get you into trouble if it makes you feel big and like standing your ground. Read everything you can on the internet about gun control (the type where you hit your target, LOL,) and safety and techniques. Practice and practice more.

Good Advice .... Get a knife (knives) and hand-to-hand lessons ... start carrying a sizable cane with a brass handle and blade insert if it's that bad ... or umbrella with one

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Not sure where you live, but try going to the head of the Village, where i live the guy has a brochure, rifles, pump action, glock's, S&W, M4's M16's,, depending what you want your looking at paying over double the price than the US ... stay away from the police unless its a family member...

Maybe start with a Taser before the gun!!!!

So this is why Thais have so many unlicensed guns? In the hands of idiots !

A REAL Taser is illegal, go work that out.

Stay away from the police... OBVIOUSLY a law abiding citizen.

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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

If your wife needs a gun for protection then you know it is time to move somewhere else in Thailand or back in your home country.

And buying a gun is easy, it is really expensive, we pains 90,000 for a Sig Sauer P2000SK, compact concealed .40, my wife also has her concealed carry permit and she can have it on her person at anytime, she never does unless we are on a long road trip, it will work on mean dogs or snakes, any kind of threat.

Good luck bro.

HOW in the dickens did you get a concealed carry license? You must have paid someone. A .40 Cal on snakes? Wouldn´t a .410 shotgun with rat shot be more effective (and safer)? If you are getting close enough to hold it to the snakes head it isn´t a threat anyway !!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

Are you for real?

People like you who are plonking themselves in Thailand scare me. The only consolation about your case is that you and your wife live well out of the way. The more remote you stay, the better and safer for all of us.

I'm not buying any of this. A total newbie here calls us "tourists" and we don't know anything. His "wife", and for some reason I don't believe there is one could find out for herself what it takes to buy a gun as I'm thinking she's Thai.

(Wife) need to buy a gun...

Please change that to:

(Wife) WANTS to buy a gun...

Boyfriend wants to buy a gun. Newbie in Thailand is freaked out and has trouble adapting to the culture and has seriously pissed some people off

is probably more like it.

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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

apparently YOU nor your Thai wife have an idea what's going here either, otherwise:

1. you wouldn't be asking this Q on some epxat forum

2. your wife would HAVE the gun already (longtime)

Ok na khrap. Bye bye na khrap..............

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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

Lived and worked here for 9 years. No serial killers in my soi as far as I know.

I like how he refers to everyone else as tourists.

If he were such the Thai expert, he. Wouldn't be here asking the tourists how to get a gun.


Priceless this forum.

There's one born every minute and it would. Seem two or three of them arrive into Thailand every other minute. ???

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Maybe the "Thailand is so wonderful" crowd can offer some advice...

Usually it goes like this...if you are unhappy here...if you can not accept and adapt to Thai culture...then leave we do not want you...

They want quality tourist and expats who thrive on abusive Thais...

This seems to be coming ¨the Thai way¨, it is the Thai culture. He thinks he is adapting. I don´t think it is the answer however...

As someone said don´t point it unless your going to use it, bluff doesn´t work !!!

Killing someone is serious and I don´t want to think of the consequences if you are farang. Pretty sure it wont be a 5OO Baht fine.

There is ALWAYS another alternative (well almost anyway).

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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

If your wife needs a gun for protection then you know it is time to move somewhere else in Thailand or back in your home country.

And buying a gun is easy, it is really expensive, we pains 90,000 for a Sig Sauer P2000SK, compact concealed .40, my wife also has her concealed carry permit and she can have it on her person at anytime, she never does unless we are on a long road trip, it will work on mean dogs or snakes, any kind of threat.

Good luck bro.

HOW in the dickens did you get a concealed carry license? You must have paid someone. A .40 Cal on snakes? Wouldn´t a .410 shotgun with rat shot be more effective (and safer)? If you are getting close enough to hold it to the snakes head it isn´t a threat anyway !!!

Simple. He doesn't, and highly likely his wife does not either.

...and no one uses a gun on soi dog or a snake.

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If you are serious go to a licenced gun dealer pick the gun the go through the application process with the Department of Provincial Administration.

I have done this and it is possible... You have to meet their criteria which is in short is, resident, work permit, name in yellow book, decent income and criminal check. In the form you fill out defence is allowed as a reason to own a firearm but you have to have something to protect. $$$฿฿฿

Good luck

Sent from my c64

Edited by wow64
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Please and kindly , has anyone bought a gun in thailand ?

no questions please , just response if you have the experience

thanks a lot


The only way to have a hand gun in Thailand is usually illegally or to show proof that you carry *gold or diamonds as a salesman woman. Your 100,000 policemen is the illegal gun by the way. Try the ask a lawyer feature here.

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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

If your wife needs a gun for protection then you know it is time to move somewhere else in Thailand or back in your home country.

And buying a gun is easy, it is really expensive, we pains 90,000 for a Sig Sauer P2000SK, compact concealed .40, my wife also has her concealed carry permit and she can have it on her person at anytime, she never does unless we are on a long road trip, it will work on mean dogs or snakes, any kind of threat.

Good luck bro.

HOW in the dickens did you get a concealed carry license? You must have paid someone. A .40 Cal on snakes? Wouldn´t a .410 shotgun with rat shot be more effective (and safer)? If you are getting close enough to hold it to the snakes head it isn´t a threat anyway !!!

Agree on that, a .40 on a snake is a bit overkill for sure. Then again, from past experience, a 410 will probably allow the angry snake / bird/ rabbit / dog / cat / to attack you! A .410 is as much use as a blowpipe!

I bought one of those pump up rifles that shoot an 8 mm steel BB, they are pretty lethal at 50 yards, bit of a pain in the arse if you need to reload......24 pumps.......it isn't the weapon of choice facing a home invasion but if you get the first one on target an 8mm steel BB will drop the &lt;deleted&gt;!

Edited by Vogele123
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my wife needs a gun to protect her self

you tourists have no idea , what is going on in here ......

If your wife needs a gun for protection then you know it is time to move somewhere else in Thailand or back in your home country.

And buying a gun is easy, it is really expensive, we pains 90,000 for a Sig Sauer P2000SK, compact concealed .40, my wife also has her concealed carry permit and she can have it on her person at anytime, she never does unless we are on a long road trip, it will work on mean dogs or snakes, any kind of threat.

Good luck bro.

HOW in the dickens did you get a concealed carry license? You must have paid someone. A .40 Cal on snakes? Wouldn´t a .410 shotgun with rat shot be more effective (and safer)? If you are getting close enough to hold it to the snakes head it isn´t a threat anyway !!!

Agree on that, a .40 on a snake is a bit overkill for sure. Then again, from past experience, a 410 will probably allow the angry snake / bird/ rabbit / dog / cat / to attack you! A .410 is as much use as a blowpipe!

I bought one of those pump up rifles that shoot an 8 mm steel BB, they are pretty lethal at 50 yards, bit of a pain in the arse if you need to reload......24 pumps.......it isn't the weapon of choice facing a home invasion but if you get the first one on target an 8mm steel BB will drop the <deleted>!

Birds or rabbits excluded I have killed snakes (moving) with a .410 no worries and I am pretty sure a dog with a face full of bird shot is gonna think twice. It takes away the need to aim, seriously how many people could hit a moving snake at 15 feet away?

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