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Is this " constantly playing about on the mobile phone lark " only happen in Thailand? or do people do this now all over the world? I find it all rather strange.....

I spotted a group of Ladies the other day ( not too difficult in Thailand....) who were all eating in Big C and all sat round a table but nobody was talking,but each lady was engrossed in there mobile phone.....

Living with someone who lives there life like this would " drive me to insanity " ( more than i am already..... )

F.J coffee1.gif


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Every worker in the country is facing the sack including the police

in the country...

rather in the world...

I know i chatted during work, I still do but this time I am the boss. I don't mind as long as work does not suffer. Work first then the rest but nobody can be focused on work all the time.

You can't be serious.

Many Thai companies are already very lacking in efficiency and productivity, I know from my consulting work. Why encourage it?

One of the worst I have seen: "No I can't get the data immediately, I'm busy chatting to my friend". Look closer at her screen and the friend is displaying her shopping.

Same company, everything delivered late. Why? Simple answer most of the female staff are watching Korean soap operas on line.

I am 100% serious, you are one of those guys that takes the extremes to ban things. I hate that, i rather punish extreme behavior then to ban everyone from chatting or using mobile devices. There are plenty who can do their work and at times chat a bit.

The things in your example I would also not accept, but using the computer private during work. I have done it, my employees have done it and guess what it helps keeping good motivation. I said as long as work does not suffer but you conveniently left that out.

Now most people here because of the demographics are of course old guys and I can see that the modern technology is bothering them. Face it guys your dinosaurs and you will go the same way.. extinct. Its normal to do private things at the office.. as long as it does not interfere too much with productivity.

I know most of you are real old so no recent real work experience int he west but they are making it easier to work at home with tele working spots and such. That is based on trust too and based on giving people work to do and not bothering if they do private stuff too as long as the work is done. Of course that needs a certain kind of employee. But the whole world is changing and you guys are stuck in the past.

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Every worker in the country is facing the sack including the police

in the country...

rather in the world...

"rather in the world..."

Yes ... from Forbes

Whether it’s web surfing, engaging in personal phone calls, searching for new job opportunities, gossiping by the water cooler, shopping online, exploring social networks or checking personal email, a great deal of working time slips away. Of all workplace distractions, the Internet is the greatest productivity drain.

Sixty four percent of employees visit non-work related websites each day. In this category, the amount of time wasted per week on non-work related websites is as follows:

Time Wasted Pct of Employees

<1 hour 39%

1-2 hours 29%

2-5 hours 21%

6-10 hours 8%

10+ hours 3%

Contributing to these percentages are social media networks. The winners for the time-loss warp are Tumblr (57%), Facebook (52%), Twitter (17%), Instagram (11%) and SnapChat (4%).


Another distraction that is a huge issue from the standpoint of workplace liability is pornography viewing at work. Nielsen has found that 25 percent of working adults admit to looking at pornography on a computer at work. And 70 percent of all online pornography access occurs between 9 AM and 5 PM.

As long as they're not doing it while walking in front of me! if they aren't doing their jobs then it's a problem of course. It bugs me but I have to admit if you have some incredibly boring retail job just sitting there for hours on end then it's a blessing for those poor souls.


I would add to my scenario on page 1 of this thread, who do you think has been advising this woman through the maze of Labour Courts, Appeal Courts and Supreme Court? None other than her mate, the HR manager, whose knowledge of expertise that would be.


I would add to my scenario on page 1 of this thread, who do you think has been advising this woman through the maze of Labour Courts, Appeal Courts and Supreme Court? None other than her mate, the HR manager, whose knowledge of expertise that would be.

I am pretty sure you are on the right track.. cant imagine an other reason.


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I will be discussing this article with all of my uni students next week.

This is getting to be a ridiculous problem. I went to registration desk at hospital here and had to wait for employee to get off her personal phone. I raised hell with the int'l affairs office because I previously worked in healthcare administration back home . Friday I ordered a sandwich and while waiting for it to heat in a toaster oven the employee took two phone calls. The bread had several large burn spots. I demanded my money back...I got it but unfortunately no manager available to complain to.

It's already an issue at my uni and many of the students are adamant that they should be able to talk and text to friends while thy do their work.

In the discussion I posed:

- A situation where they were the business owner who had have many staff often talking / chatting on the phone or doing personal e-mails on the internet.

- Customers are not getting personal attention.

- Mistakes are happening because people are not focused on their work.

Each team (about 7 teams) had to agree a response to each point.

Overall summation, "So what, I need to talk to my friends".

And this is why Thailand will never change from "third-world" status. coffee1.gif


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As long as they're not doing it while walking in front of me! if they aren't doing their jobs then it's a problem of course. It bugs me but I have to admit if you have some incredibly boring retail job just sitting there for hours on end then it's a blessing for those poor souls.

Retail boring job so it's OK to play games and talk on the phone, customers not noticed and treated as a nuisance.

Well they could be stuck in a situation where their only work options are hard physical labor 8 hours a day in the hot sun, perhaps then they wouldn't be bored?


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Great News. I've taught the CEO of a major property company, and one of his main concerns was the time his staff spent on their make you dumb fones.

It i also a major problem for university lecturers.

Hopefully, this will be used as a precedent for work, education, and dare I say it, even socially.

Let's all learn to speak to friends, in our own time, again.

"It i also a major problem for university lecturers. " Certainly agree with that point.

What's also emerging is the keen students:

- Complaining to other students 'please stop talking on your phone I want to listen to the professor and learn'.

- Complaining to administration that the professor is not stopping / punishing students who talk on their phone all the time.


As long as they're not doing it while walking in front of me! if they aren't doing their jobs then it's a problem of course. It bugs me but I have to admit if you have some incredibly boring retail job just sitting there for hours on end then it's a blessing for those poor souls.

It could be an opportunity to study while there are no customers, or read an interesting book or knit a bag fgs. No braindead selfies it is...


I have found Thais to be efficient and courteous most of the time. I have talked to many experienced 'Thai hands' who inform me that the negative behaviour described above is probably a Thai style protest at unprofessional employers. It is an avoidance of confrontation but a form of protest about something wrong with he employment conditions.


The manager at the hotel where I stay when I am in Pattaya has a policy of no mobile/smart phone use whilst on duty.

The staff now look like addicts suffering withdrawal, but at least some work gets done.

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