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NACC To Prosecute Former PM For Yellowshirt Crackdown

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wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any color LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

yes they took over at the point of a gun..because chalem had all the guns firing at the protesters ..your memory selective again..at least try to be honest or dont bother posting biased remarks ok..

."because chalem had all the guns firing at the protesters"

and you call him dishonest, what a crock of s**t!

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Doesn't matter which country your in. To the average person of voting age it's irrelevant to that person if they vote one way or the other. I've seen it time and time again in Australia. The politician's say "every vote counts" and I am sure it does get counted, but if it's in a blue ribbon Liberal seat the Liberal candidate will win which ever way you vote! Same for Labour seats. Your vote will only have value if it is a tightly contested seat where it may come down to a few votes.....and that's only sometimes.

After the election you will be forgotten. Joe Public doesn't get a look in. It will be 2.5 years before you again hear "every vote counts".

What happens in those 2.5 years is you will have a collection of politicians all the same whether they wear a Blue button or a Red one. They are often mates who eat together, drink together and sometimes play together. Sure they put on a show for the public, it's called a session of parliament! But in the corridors of parliament and backrooms there are opportunities to help your mates of whatever colour.

In Asian countries that mateship exists. It would be naive to think opportunites (call it what you may) aren't offered or received. If the lid was blown off the pot of the dirty business of political opportunities I am sure all those claiming to be working towards peace and happiness of the people would be covered in the same muck as all the others.

So, when somchai gets to vote in a future election.......it won't matter a d@mn thing as everything will still work the same way.....but different!

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wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any color LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

He's a Fascist......used to being told when and where to squat. Edited by Thaiready
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There's no favoritism being shown here. Meanwhile Suthep still doesn't even need to answer questions.

Now don't get me wrong, it's fine to investigate cases like this. But when it's one side being investigated in all cases, but there is plenty to go around on both sides, it's pretty obvious.

Obviously it takes time for all cases to evolve. This is from 2008.

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Two words... Airport Takeover

Two words...Protest .....Peaceful (relatively by the Yellows as I recall)

what's with this myth about the yellow shirts being peaceful?

As MAJIC stated, relative to the actions of the red shirts, the yellow shirts are peaceful.

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Two words... Airport Takeover

Two words...Protest .....Peaceful (relatively by the Yellows as I recall)

what's with this myth about the yellow shirts being peaceful?

As MAJIC stated, relative to the actions of the red shirts, the yellow shirts are peaceful.

nah, that's just nonsense.

violence is violence. it's not "relative" to the victims.

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It is clear that this is a puppet government run in the background by the wealthy elite.

Perhaps the Shinawatra faction won't specifically for a new party but eventually the power will return to the people (Red Shirts) because the pen is mightier than the sword.

At that point there will be a price to be paid by the Yellow Shirts but I hope it is not violent vengeance but a proper democracy.

The world is changing, the pendulum is swinging back to the left where there is more sharing and Thailand will have to become a part of the change.

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The "witch hunt" is in full swing

Yes it is finally the shins are getting their medicine. When this is all over they won't be able to form a party anymore as all the players have lifetime bans for their crimes.

When they were in power they tried the same.. now the tables are turned and the other party is far better at it.

Wow, you really believe that?


You don't think the majority of the Thai population don't understand what is going on and are keeping their powder dry?

The pushback will be very nasty.

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If a manifestation try to close ANY Public or Government building in most Democratic countries, for ANY reason, will face strong Police action.

I was surprised that last year the Yellows were doing that without any response from Yinluck Government. My impression was that Yinluck was restraining her power, or she didn't have any support from the Police......or...that was just common lawless political thainess. If this was the case, no real Democracy will work in Thailand. Parties will prefer demonstrations and violence, rather than dialog.

If Prayut is thinking in become elected PM, what he will do in similar situation?......Ask the Police to arrest the agitators, and wait that it will happens some day..or never.....or put the Army and the Police on the streets to enforce the law in any legal way, even with violence if necessary?

Edited by umbanda
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There are a lot of very angry people in Thailand and I can't see that this sort of "legal" action is going to reconcile any of them with the current regime. In all the coups and other unrest since 1932 the Thais have avoided massive bloodshed - despite cruelty and civil rights abuse - largely because the army has had all the guns but as we come to the end of an era one wonders how these strong-arm tactics will help to create a secure democratic future for the country.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Two words... Airport Takeover

Two words...Protest .....Peaceful (relatively by the Yellows as I recall)

what's with this myth about the yellow shirts being peaceful?

He clearly used the qualifier "relatively".

Over time they certainly defended themselves more aggressively but with the mitigation of constant attacks by the redshirts.

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I guess Nick Nostitz will have a lot to say in defence of Somchai. He was there and published a piece where he asserted that the police did absolutely the right thing in firing the exploding tear gas bombs directly at the protestors. I was under the impression he had moved back to Germany to recover from post-traumatic stress disorder after being unfairly harassed and intimidated by yellow shirts but he was spotted at the FCCT a couple of weeks ago.

obvious to anyone who has read / can read, he never said any such thing.

So where is your link to the article so we can read it?

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The "witch hunt" is in full swing

Yes it is finally the shins are getting their medicine. When this is all over they won't be able to form a party anymore as all the players have lifetime bans for their crimes.

When they were in power they tried the same.. now the tables are turned and the other party is far better at it.

Wow, you really believe that?


You don't think the majority of the Thai population don't understand what is going on and are keeping their powder dry?

The pushback will be very nasty.

Not only are the redshirts not "the majority", they also have been fairly well neutralized as an armed group. I am not expecting much "pushback" at all.

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The "witch hunt" is in full swing

Yes it is finally the shins are getting their medicine. When this is all over they won't be able to form a party anymore as all the players have lifetime bans for their crimes.

When they were in power they tried the same.. now the tables are turned and the other party is far better at it.

Wow, you really believe that?


You don't think the majority of the Thai population don't understand what is going on and are keeping their powder dry?

The pushback will be very nasty.

Not only are the redshirts not "the majority", they also have been fairly well neutralized as an armed group. I am not expecting much "pushback" at all.

Oh, OK, I thought they had won the last three elections by a landslide..... heh heh......but you would know.

In your bubble.

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The "witch hunt" is in full swing

Yes it is finally the shins are getting their medicine. When this is all over they won't be able to form a party anymore as all the players have lifetime bans for their crimes.

When they were in power they tried the same.. now the tables are turned and the other party is far better at it.

Wow, you really believe that?


You don't think the majority of the Thai population don't understand what is going on and are keeping their powder dry?

The pushback will be very nasty.

Not only are the redshirts not "the majority", they also have been fairly well neutralized as an armed group. I am not expecting much "pushback" at all.

A rather "glib" response that doesn't show much appreciation of the situation at present or how it has evolved - . The "Red Shirts" are an amalgamation of various orgs in the same way the Yellow shirts are (BTW - I hope you realise they have sifted hugely to the right since the previous coup) - they as an organisation may not be a majority, but the fact remains that those who voted for the Thaksin's are still by far the largest single voting lock in the country.

At present I fail to see how the current policies of the government will change that - in fact it rather looks as if they know this all too well themselves and are reduced to trying to pick off the leadership one by one until they reintroduce "democracy" with a parliament that guarantees a lower house with an army majority and an upper house full of appointees by the army.

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The "witch hunt" is in full swing

Yes it is finally the shins are getting their medicine. When this is all over they won't be able to form a party anymore as all the players have lifetime bans for their crimes.

When they were in power they tried the same.. now the tables are turned and the other party is far better at it.

Wow, you really believe that?


You don't think the majority of the Thai population don't understand what is going on and are keeping their powder dry?

The pushback will be very nasty.

Not only are the redshirts not "the majority", they also have been fairly well neutralized as an armed group. I am not expecting much "pushback" at all.

Oh, OK, I thought they had won the last three elections by a landslide..... heh heh......but you would know.

In your bubble.

They didn't get the majority of votes cast and not all of the votes cast for the most recent version of Thaksin's TRT group came from redshirts.

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In the spirit of peace and reconciliation, expect Samak to be charged next...

Anyone else Googled 'prime ministers of Thailand' lately... the photo of the current leader of Thailand... rolleyes.gif

hahaha!! I just did the google thing and I recommend everybody else does the same! Great call Kerry!

I guess they will be blocking Google soon then LOL

that was funny

I can see the US getting the blame for that one, we may get another "incident".

Fantastic! A picture paints a thousand words.

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Its becoming a bit too blatant to ignore now.

Article in the UK Financial Times today headlined "Thailand’s generals should stand aside" pretty much sums it up

Pity that even for three free articles a month I have to register.

So, do us a favour and give us a summary in your own words. Thanks wai.gif

PS that's assuming the article has any relation with the topic here rolleyes.gif

Edited by rubl
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wow another piece of 'non-discrimination'?

No, the time for justice has come for some politicians that avoided the law for years.

Jesus rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-siBMq you are some piece of work Costas

It is clear its a witchhunt the public prosecutor DECLINED TO PROSECUTE so they are going to do it themselves as time continues there is less and less credability for this government that took over at the point of a gun under the guise they are indpendant of any r LOL its very clear who is back at the reigns by having to use the GUN because they could never get in by the VOTE.

Yes. I cannot understand, and on other social media, people are talking about this, that on this board, so many think that the yellow shirts are the good guys, when they were responsible for all the chaos, in the first place. When they managed to impeach Taksin, they saw they still not could elected, and every time, over and over again, they put the country in chaos. Taking over the airport, is only a small thing (but cost Thai society an arm and a leg!), compared of all the impact all their actions has caused wrong. And you are the bad guy, stopping this madness?

Don't be confused. Thai Visa Forum is not exclusively read or used by westerners only. Thais with a decent command of English also post here in order to make it appear that the yellow shirts have wide backing in the expat community.

On the streets , I have yet to meet an expat who whole heartily supports the coup and it's fallout to the degree that some of the pro coup posters here would have you believe.

Hi So Thais crave respect and are exceedingly sensitive to criticism . They want democracy , but only for themselves. The concept of one man one vote , regardless of wealth or skin tone , is an anathema to them

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