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Fast-preparation snacks for guest-house - ideas?


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So I'm trawling here for free business advice :)

Seriously, I cannot cook, period.

My guest-house in Phuket has a nice little kitchen with gas hob, electric hot plate, deep fat fryer, toaster, microwave, sandwich toaster, convection oven.

My guest-house is also fully booked every night. But that could change in the future, unless I continuously improve the services offered to guests.

The guest rooms are fine, but the choice of food that I offer is not.

The business only has 4 rooms, so it is not viable to employ a cook/chef. All food preparation must be done by my single Thai staff member, using the available equipment in the kitchen.

It is also not viable to use daily fresh ingredients, because there would be a huge wastage of food that has gone unsold. I have access to a Macro food supply store.

Right now, the 'fast' food offered is such wonderfully-tasty items such as French fries, spring rolls, chicken nuggets, hash browns, ice-cream, eggs, toast.

What I would love to offer is a range of tasty snacks for lunch and evening meals that can be quickly and easily prepared, using low-cost, long shelf-life ingredients, (other than daily, bought-in items such as eggs, bread, milk etc).

The snacks could be Thai, western, Mexican, Indian or Martian.

Please don't tell me that it is impossible to create tasty snacks using low-cost, long shelf-life ingredients. I am sure that those members with a culinary skill can suggest something to me.

Suggestions most welcome.

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Something fast, easy, and long shelve life....must have some frozen dinner/snacks at Makro (I don't eat them, my wife cooks fresh) that you can just take out of the freezer and microwave, just as Konying suggested from 7-11.

Anyway ....just a thought.rolleyes.gif

Edited by beachproperty
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there is a precook rice plastic container that serves 1 meal. just rip the top off and add whatever you like. shelf life of 1 year. my favorite is "Ready Rice Brown Jasmine Rice" but it comes in a few different packs and varieties. some 7s and some tops plus elsewhere i guess.

suggested topping any combo of s: eggs, mayo, kikoman soy sauce, fishsauce with chilli packets/bottles. tinned tuna, rosa gapao gai in a foil sleve, etc.

does me for night snacks even when a 7 is just 50 m from the front door either way.

Edited by rabid old goat
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Por Pia... Buy them in bulk and toss a few into hot oil for a couple minutes when a guest requests a snack... Cheap, easy and culturally neutral...

What's that then?

Spring rolls, and he's offering them already

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You can buy good curry paste mixes as Or Tor Kor market in Bangkok already bagged up.

Just keep some chicken and pork in the fridge with a couple of veggies and stir fry as needed.

Only need maybe 4 dishes and some rice.

Or do larb moo tod and freeze it.. Deep fry as necessary.

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Instant noodles and a freezer that you can store different topping like beef balls, pork balls, shrimp balls, octopus balls, frozen shrimp,frozen thinly sliced pork or beef or fish etc. Keep a little bok choy and green chives in your fridge.

I think there is actually a restaurant somewhere in phuket town that specializes in mama noodles with addons. If you can't find it then just spend a week going to noodle shops trying everything you can to get ideas. Or if you're lazy the just google instant noodle recipes and you'll have enough to keep you going for 3 lifetimes.

You can also buy frozen gyoza, dumplings wanton shumai etc from places like big c

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Negotiate wholesale prices with local restaurants having the type foods you want. Schedule delivery times, buy a few hot food lamps/a microwave and you're in business,

Business every where not so good this year so I am sure you can find what want, at an affordable price & then....................

no muss, no fuss, no bother !

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