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Fast-preparation snacks for guest-house - ideas?


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I tried to think what was famous for the south and came up with this. If promoted in the right way you could get all the Chinese to try once and that would be enough. Stress the health benefits then also have some more Thai herbs/teas that are health beneficial.

Also Chinese will buy the soaps and balms so you could get a stock of those. All labour minimal except for a few fresh made sataw dishes. Make it a good photo op - they'll take it!

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But you should have been creating wealth along the way

Off-topic again, but why? I did that with my software business in the UK. Now I am interested in having a relaxed and simple life in Phuket. I certainly have no intention of working hard now just to amass money to leave to someone else when I die :)

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Glad you made millions off little hotels. But you should have been creating wealth along the way. All you really had was is a decent job.

You come across as a bit jealous!

cut the guy some slack, he has a business here in Thailand that earns enough for him to live OK. And that is difficult enough without others slagging off about his achievements. Simon, personally I would keep things as simple as possible. Just a small snack shop.

Just playing. Now he says he made million with software in uk. Whats next.

ROI on snacks for 4 rooms...........................hahahaha.Cant be serious.

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Just playing. Now he says he made million with software in uk. Whats next.



(Mine is the $2.2M, not the $100M!)

You can't hide it, but you are just oozing with jealously smile.png

Back to the tapas...

Edited by simon43
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So why dont you just sit back and relax. You said you only want 4 roomers to avoid all the work.

Just doesnt add up! Did you lose all your wealth to bad thai girls.

Again ROI on snacks for 8 guests.........................i see a lot of hotels offer only continental breakfast -and they have a lot more than 4 rooms. Where the profit on snacks for you.

What kind of guest you got. They eat all meals on premise?

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So why dont you just sit back and relax. You said you only want 4 roomers to avoid all the work.

Just doesnt add up! Did you lose all your wealth to bad thai girls.

Again ROI on snacks for 8 guests.........................i see a lot of hotels offer only continental breakfast -and they have a lot more than 4 rooms. Where the profit on snacks for you.

What kind of guest you got. They eat all meals on premise?

Have you ever thought that the MAIN reason for snacks could be to provide a better service for his guests and the minute profit is secondary?

No.........I didn't think so. Thinking isn't really your strong point now, is it?

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hmm how do you (farang) conduct a legal business without employing 4 thais?

I don't. I am retired, do not work and have no legal interest in this business. It is 100% owned by a Thai person who can legally employ just one Thai staff (Sole Trader Business).

I am the sole leaseholder of the land on which the business and my own house is located, but I merely sit in my hammock all day and watch the Thai staff run their business

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So why dont you just sit back and relax. You said you only want 4 roomers to avoid all the work.

Just doesnt add up! Did you lose all your wealth to bad thai girls.

Again ROI on snacks for 8 guests.........................i see a lot of hotels offer only continental breakfast -and they have a lot more than 4 rooms. Where the profit on snacks for you.

What kind of guest you got. They eat all meals on premise?

Have you ever thought that the MAIN reason for snacks could be to provide a better service for his guests and the minute profit is secondary?

No.........I didn't think so. Thinking isn't really your strong point now, is it?

Do you choose a 4 room hotel based on snacks?

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So why dont you just sit back and relax. You said you only want 4 roomers to avoid all the work.

Just doesnt add up! Did you lose all your wealth to bad thai girls.

Again ROI on snacks for 8 guests.........................i see a lot of hotels offer only continental breakfast -and they have a lot more than 4 rooms. Where the profit on snacks for you.

What kind of guest you got. They eat all meals on premise?

Have you ever thought that the MAIN reason for snacks could be to provide a better service for his guests and the minute profit is secondary?

No.........I didn't think so. Thinking isn't really your strong point now, is it?

Do you choose a 4 room hotel based on snacks?

No.. BUT if one advertised that they had snacks and drinks available and another didn't ..then If all else was equal the snacks win :-D

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So why dont you just sit back and relax. You said you only want 4 roomers to avoid all the work.

Just doesnt add up! Did you lose all your wealth to bad thai girls.

Again ROI on snacks for 8 guests.........................i see a lot of hotels offer only continental breakfast -and they have a lot more than 4 rooms. Where the profit on snacks for you.

What kind of guest you got. They eat all meals on premise?

Have you ever thought that the MAIN reason for snacks could be to provide a better service for his guests and the minute profit is secondary?

No.........I didn't think so. Thinking isn't really your strong point now, is it?

Do you choose a 4 room hotel based on snacks?

No.. BUT if one advertised that they had snacks and drinks available and another didn't ..then If all else was equal the snacks win :-D

You very funny. You really do that? I go get my snacks at 7-11.

I look for hotels in his price range all the time. Almost no effort is put into attracting customers based on snacks. I wonder why.

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I should mention that a good reason to offer a range of snack foods is because this little guesthouse, (and one of my other small hotels) are not located within easy walking distance of the shops/minimarts. After building my first hotel by the main road, I deliberately built these ones in a rural and quiet location.

The location is not an issue for guest bookings - these all come from internet bookings and I do not rely on walk-ins or passing trade.

The lack of nearby shops is a plus and minus. Plus point, because it means that I have a 'captive' market of guests who want to eat some food, but do not want to go down to the main road to buy it. Minus point, because unless I provide an acceptable range of snack foods, guests may comment negatively on TripAdvisor about this problem, which could affect future guest bookings.

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I am a shocking cook mate but I find salads easy to make given the ingredients I have access too, I can make some good Thai and Western salads for next to nothing, I made a mean mayo/mustard/tuna/chilli salad last week,

Pizzas from a frozen base could go down well too (fresh toppings).


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