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Canine nuisance...what's the answer?


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Just got back from a trip to Thailand and still annoyed that part of my(our) holiday with my (Thai) wife and (English) daughter was spoiled by vicious dogs at River Kwai.

We went to Pattaya and had no problems and same with Bangkok. But at River Kwai, the dogs are an absolute menace.

Almost daily, someone is brought off their motorcycle by some daft pooch unexpectedly crossing the Maenam Kwai Road (also known as Farang Road &/or The Strip) as they drove past.

It's the Soi's where it gets really dodgy and dangerous though, particularly after dark.

We were surrounded, on one occasion, by five or six growling and aggressive mutts and only a passing car broke the dogs' concentration long enough for us to make our escape.

On other occasions we were blocked from going home (day or night) by aggressive dogs and had to hire a tuk-tuk in order to get past them (even then, they would attack the tuk-tuk's tyres).

We even got attacked, in broad daylight, by the bastards whilst riding pillion on motorbikes.

My (Thai) grandson - aged 8 - had his leg savaged whilst riding behind his mum on their motorcycle and had to go to the hospital.

Where is best to complain?

The Police, the Tourist Police, The Army or somewhere else. Would anyone do anything about it, if I did complain?

I adore dogs and have always had dogs but these hounds deserve no quarter and should be destroyed, wholesale.

Any helpful advice would be appreciated.


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You could always try the local tourist police (whistling.gif) or slip that tuk-tuk drier a G note to take care of it.

Believe me, I've considered the poisoning route but:

1) I'm not authorised to do that

2) It wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes' intervention for the owners' to figure out it was me wot did it.

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The general rule is: nobody is responsible for anything if it's wrong. Success has many parents....

Stray dogs are a major problem all over Thailand and the idea that it is a good dead to feed them makes things worse.

We live in a walled compound and the management makes an effort to remove dogs and keep them out, a new fence was just built. People at a house across the street keep feeding stray dog outside their fence. We have many young children playing on the street and and when I asked if they would take responsibility if our daughter or another kid was bitten by one of the dogs they are feeding they were deeply offended. Questioning other peoples actions is very not done here, but I'm seriously worried about these dogs.

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Quotes: " I adore dogs and have always had dogs but these hounds deserve no quarter and should be destroyed, wholesale"

"What I'd like to see is a posse of canine bounty hunters to be employed with the order that any dog not behind gates or muzzled to be "put-down", there and then and on the spot (owners left to clear up the mess). No ifs &'s or buts - non-negotiable canine-euthanasia"

Bit conflicting: Adoring dogs and wanting to destroy dogs and in for a non negotiable canine-euthanasia.

The dogs can't help it, it's the owners ( if any)

Nationwide neutering would be a solution.but TIT.......

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Duggsie, you've got to do what you've gotta do as the man of the family to protect your kind.

It would be wonderful to have an authority in this matter, but the reality is that there is none and likely never will be.

I'm sure you'll step up to the plate as necessary in this matter and others.

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since you only ended with that it sounds to me as if you had ample warning that anyone on a two-wheeler was at risk so why did you put the 8 year old on a two wheeler is what I ask,

when you knew there were dogs around looking for legs?

Or at least let the 8 year sit in the front

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The most important thing to understand here is that Thais don't give a rat's assss about the dogs. NEVER even attempt to talk to a dog owner about their dogs. It is a total waste of time. I tried it.

The lady across the street from me has 20 dogs barking half the day and all nite long. I tried to explain to her that her dogs were making too much noise.

First, she said she would tell the dogs to be quiet. (Sure at 1am she is gonna go outside and politely ask them to shut up).

Next, she promised me to take them to the temple. Didn't happen.

Next she said her dogs don't bark so I made a video over a five hour period. I showed it to her and while the dogs were barking as we talked she said the dogs in the video were not hers. Said it was dogs down the street making the noise.

Next, she told me to go back to the country I came from.

I went to the police with her Thai neighbor. They came out and did nothing.

Next went to the village municipal building and presented a petition signed by 50 people. They did nothing.

Bottom line, either move or eliminate the problem. But you cannot eliminate the problem if they know who you are, right so never try to use reason in this country. It is pointless.

Now, where do they sell poison? I have some rats need killing.

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Invite a Vietnamese family to stay for a month.

I have two tried and tested means.

500 Baht for each mutt killed and disposed of. A good source of finding someone to do this is a local construction site worker.

A tasty meal.

The second method is cheaper, but them mutts is mighty inconsiderate about where they finally lay down.

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Buy a plastic spray bottle, fill it with vinegar, and adjust it to full jet, and spray the dogs if they come to close, alternatively see what you can pick up at the supermarket with a easier option maybe a can of hairspray, or room freshener, I don't think the hairspray, or room freshener will do them any good, but they are not being nice to you either. You could also try a big stick, I notice a lot of people here in the soi's carry them when they walk. When I see dogs trying to have a go at the local's here I turn the hose on them.

I don't think the authorities will do anything, my dad used to shoot them with a bb gun with tiny plastic pellets. Maybe you could carry one of those?

Perhaps find out who owns the dogs and speak to them? or call the tourist police and get them to deal with it, I have done that in the past, and the lady owner was told to lock her dogs away, the cop must have said something convincing because they are still kept in her yard.

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Invite a Vietnamese family to stay for a month.

I have two tried and tested means.

500 Baht for each mutt killed and disposed of. A good source of finding someone to do this is a local construction site worker.

A tasty meal.

The second method is cheaper, but them mutts is mighty inconsiderate about where they finally lay down.

Asking the local motorbike gang also helps, but 500 Baht for each can be very expensive

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The most important thing to understand here is that Thais don't give a rat's assss about the dogs. NEVER even attempt to talk to a dog owner about their dogs. It is a total waste of time. I tried it.

The lady across the street from me has 20 dogs barking half the day and all nite long. I tried to explain to her that her dogs were making too much noise.

First, she said she would tell the dogs to be quiet. (Sure at 1am she is gonna go outside and politely ask them to shut up).

Next, she promised me to take them to the temple. Didn't happen.

Next she said her dogs don't bark so I made a video over a five hour period. I showed it to her and while the dogs were barking as we talked she said the dogs in the video were not hers. Said it was dogs down the street making the noise.

Next, she told me to go back to the country I came from.

I went to the police with her Thai neighbor. They came out and did nothing.

Next went to the village municipal building and presented a petition signed by 50 people. They did nothing.

Bottom line, either move or eliminate the problem. But you cannot eliminate the problem if they know who you are, right so never try to use reason in this country. It is pointless.

Now, where do they sell poison? I have some rats need killing.

How much did you pay the police?

If you say nothing don't be surprised that nothing happened.

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Invite a Vietnamese family to stay for a month.

I have two tried and tested means.

500 Baht for each mutt killed and disposed of. A good source of finding someone to do this is a local construction site worker.

A tasty meal.

The second method is cheaper, but them mutts is mighty inconsiderate about where they finally lay down.

Asking the local motorbike gang also helps, but 500 Baht for each can be very expensive

6 dogs removed @ 500 Baht each = 3,000 Baht.

Money well spent, I wasn't trying to solve the national problem, just a local issue.

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Invite a Vietnamese family to stay for a month.

I have two tried and tested means.

500 Baht for each mutt killed and disposed of. A good source of finding someone to do this is a local construction site worker.

A tasty meal.

The second method is cheaper, but them mutts is mighty inconsiderate about where they finally lay down.

Asking the local motorbike gang also helps, but 500 Baht for each can be very expensive

6 dogs removed @ 500 Baht each = 3,000 Baht.

Money well spent, I wasn't trying to solve the national problem, just a local issue.

If it is just 6 OK, but if there are several pack with 10-20 dogs it will be expensive, specially as nearby packs will fill the gap immediately

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