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Serious And Disturbing Email


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Having read this script and followed it closely one thing puzzles me.Why do you trust this person(who you think you know-you,re not sure though)who has sent these annoymonous messages to you more than your partner??It is my assertion that you dont and would appear never to have trusted her .I know if a similar situation happened to me i would have a lot more faith in my wife than you have displayed.Again,and i dont want to sound like im having a go because im not,WHAT PROOF HAVE YOU GOT?????Why are you so quick to believe abd TRUST this mystry person??I must confess i think there must be something else that has happened that you hav,nt stated or perhpas something previously has occured.That would be the only reason why you appear to distrust your partner of 4/5 years!!

It's a valid question. The answers given in the replies match what I know to be true. As I said, I don't want to paste all emails here because of some of the content is very personal. But this one is one which I can.

ok [my name] i think you and me can sole this case

I will help you for [my wife] come black to you only

to night i need to sleep and i will see you agin tomorow

Don't worrie i go with you sure i have many frienly with Policeman

You can go ahead with her better mr.policeman

You good man for pik and everybody


How do you know so well what is going on? Does someone tell you?

Long time I contract you with job

For her to suggest that she can help me get my wife to come back to me means that she's very close to my wife. That narrows it down to a very, very limited number of individuals. She's also saying that she'll go with me. Which means that sooner or later she has to reveal her true identity. Meow also worked for me.

I'm guessing that one of the reasons she's keeping her identity secret, and it's a quite valid one, is that even though she knows me very well she has no idea how I would react to this news. Would I call my wife and blurt it all out? Had she identified herself initially, and I had gone bezerk over the news and called my wife saying, "Meow told me . . . . " That would go bad for her. And she would lose face.

An advantage I have in determining what's true or not is that I have all the facts stored in my memory. I couldn't possibly relate all of that in this thread. Some facts seem innocuous and unrelated until another piece of information makes them relevant.

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Good luck Tipp, my heart really does go out to you.The reason i wrote my previous e mail was in an attempt to make you question the validity of this mystery peron, however you seem pretty clear in your mind that you know who it is,so good luck pal :o

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I may very well find out in about four more hours. I'm pretending to be absolutely clueless as to her identity and she did answer one question to throw me. I asked if she was a friend of my wife. She replied "no." I told her that I felt foolish addressing her without a name. I asked if she knew Meow and whether she'd mind that I call her Meow as Meow is my wife's best friend and a very close friend of mine.

Also, from many of her other responses it's wholey evident that she knows so many people related to us very well. She must be close to my wife to suggest she could help me bring her back. She's got to be a regular in the household.

Remember, she's not a professional. The more she writes the more clues she'll leave.

I'm trying to convince her that I will not go off the wall and betray her trust once she reveals her true self. She needs time. I've got time.

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Hi Tip,

Although I have never met you, you strike me as a wise, kind hearted soul so I hope things work out for you. A couple of thoughts.

Your whole attitude of concentrating on the positives will ultimately work our best.

You may want to start thinking about how to access your assets especially the condo (assuming its not rented), the TV members will no doubt have some good advice.

Using a professional PI or friend as a buffer is wise, it keeps you one step back from the drama. Keep them with you when you deal with her, it is easy to go in with the best of intentions, yet blind emotion can boil over.

Remember nothing stays the same, time heals all, we are either going down or up, never the same.

When the time is right learn something from the experience, another poster made this point:

Plenty of candidates allright but if he's going away again for 8 months or longer there's like 95% chance somebody else will come along again.

I see it happen regularly here in the middle-east with the filipino's that come over on 1-2 year contracts.

First of all most of them end up with girlfriends (nurses etc) here and there wifes back home are no saints either.

I have seen this over and over again, couples madly in love, everything going for them, a long separation, the invariable problems. IMHO an 8 month break is against a women’s natural inclinations in a relationship (yes that is generalising but many experiences behind that view).

Sorry if this is not helpful, good luck.

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Hi Tip,

Although I have never met you, you strike me as a wise, kind hearted soul so I hope things work out for you. A couple of thoughts.

Your whole attitude of concentrating on the positives will ultimately work our best.

You may want to start thinking about how to access your assets especially the condo (assuming its not rented), the TV members will no doubt have some good advice.

Using a professional PI or friend as a buffer is wise, it keeps you one step back from the drama. Keep them with you when you deal with her, it is easy to go in with the best of intentions, yet blind emotion can boil over.

Remember nothing stays the same, time heals all, we are either going down or up, never the same.

When the time is right learn something from the experience, another poster made this point:

Plenty of candidates allright but if he's going away again for 8 months or longer there's like 95% chance somebody else will come along again.

I see it happen regularly here in the middle-east with the filipino's that come over on 1-2 year contracts.

First of all most of them end up with girlfriends (nurses etc) here and there wifes back home are no saints either.

I have seen this over and over again, couples madly in love, everything going for them, a long separation, the invariable problems. IMHO an 8 month break is against a women’s natural inclinations in a relationship (yes that is generalising but many experiences behind that view).

Sorry if this is not helpful, good luck.

Good post, and helpful, DS. :o

I've not mentioned my assets but all of that is under control. It always has been. She has access only to a special account wherein I deposit money for her needs. She has to pace herself on her spending. The condo is rented.

I like your point of learning from the experience. There's much that I see from what's happening that makes sense to me as to why it's all happening in the first place. There are many rumblings beneath the surface of this event.

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You need a PI

Or you making up the story.

It keeps getting worst everyday.

I wish you luck.

I will wait for the next emails (about 4 hours or so). After that I'll request this thread be closed. I am very convinced that I have my story straight and so this thread really has come to conclusion. I left it open a little while longer as I wanted to see what suggestions might be offered as to protecting my back and that of my wife and Meow.

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Whilst Tip is clearly convinced as to what has been going on and he is almost certainly right to be so, personally speaking I would not be satisfied until I had talked it through with my ‘wife’. I would just have to speak to her, preferably face to face, before I could fully accept the truth. E-mail ‘evidence’ can never be 100%; I would want to hear her confirm what had happened. I would not bother asking why, as the reason(s) have to be patently obvious.

Once I had done that and there was no longer even the slightest shadow of doubt in my mind, I would turn my back on her and walk away for good. The very notion of showing her any ‘love’ seems totally bizarre to me. The relationship is over: the trust has gone.

As for the Policeman, I believe I would bear him no grudge. After all, why should I? Apart from the fact that she may well have been married to him all along, all my ‘wife’ had to do was say no. She made her bed (and his it seems) and so let her go lay in it (no pun intended).

At the end of the day, it must be clear to all that an eight month separation with minimal verbal contact is going to test even the strongest of relationships. I would say the chances of failure have to be odds-on.

I personally cannot imagine not speaking with my partner each and every day when we are apart, even if we only talk for a couple of minutes. She would take it as a given, as would I.

Whilst the above can do little to change Tippaporn’s current situation, it may wake a few people up to the realities of life.

Sorry to learn that your worst fears have been realized Tip, but my advice to you now is leave the emotional damage to heal itself and move on. Your main concern, once you are 100% sure of the truth, should be to mitigate your financial loss by liquidating anything in your control as soon as you possibly can.

Once that is done, ditch the rear view mirror and just take off, looking only ahead…

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sorry about what happen to you. I love my wife a lot too.

If some thing like this would happened to me, I would first call and ask my wife directly.

I know it is sounded stupid, but it is all about trust. I think I know my wife better than [email protected]. I will never make a deal with the strangers, who not even tell me the real name.

If i can not trust my wife, at lease i will trust my self. (rather than the stranger)

i may listen to the stranger, but i will never trust his/her more than my self.

Anyway it is what I would do. In your case, you seem to know what you are doing.

i just hope that you will not let anyone influence you future decision. because that is your family, your wife.

bytheway, is that anyway you can cheack her phone bill or make a surprise visit her.?

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I like your point of learning from the experience. There's much that I see from what's happening that makes sense to me as to why it's all happening in the first place. There are many rumblings beneath the surface of this event.


I'm very sorry to hear that your worst fears are, in your mindm becoming confirmed. I'd like to commend you for not allowing hate to take hold of your emotions in these circumstances.

From reading your story I was reminded of times past, in my own life, where partnerships, either professional or personal failed. In almost all cases there was an unequal level of commitment and energy by one party(me, maybe you too), As the relationships proceeded many, many times there would be warning signs that the other party's level of commitment was less than what would be necessary to sustain a healthy partnership. For whatever reasons I tended to ignore these things and work harder to create the outcome I desired. The truth is, I never did, and in the end I could only point to my own greed and delusion(no matter how well I and others thought of my intentions) as the contributing factor in the failure.

I could be barking up the wrong tree here Tip, and if I am I apologize. It's just that some of the things you've done for this woman, and some of the things you've let her slide on, kinda reminded me of me at one time. I'd lie to myself that things might work out because I'm a good guy and hard worker, but what I really was, was delusional.

I overcame these self-sabotaging ways, and if any of that applies to you, I know you will too. It's easy to stop being stupid, the hard part is to continue being kind and generous without being stupid. It's a work in progress. Best to you.

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Haven't jumped in Tip because you have been smothered with advice, most very good, and I couldn't have added more.

You now know, after nearly 500 posts, that you have incredible support and many friends.

Whatever happens in your life, it goes on, and happiness returns.

Be thankful so many care, or at least find you very interesting. :o

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Tip - no offense mate you can't seriously believe emails without talking to your lady face to face? This I do not understand - I'd know in an instant if my lady was lying to me - can see it in her eyes/hear it in her voice.

So apart from the bank account, truck and whatever is in the rented condo, this is what you have to worry about? I'd say in the scheme of things, not alot since you control the dosh, assume truck is in your name so I think if it ends up being true you will be fine.

If this all happens to be true, not sure how you can't be pissed and beyond angry. I know I would be - trust has been broken and never can be gotten back. What was she going to do when you moved there permanently??? :o I'd lay into her and certainly make her sorry she ever did that to me. (piece of my mind as Tax puts it)

Anyways I've stated this before until you resolve this face to face - this won't be over by any means.

Edited by britmaveric
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Tip, after reading all those long posts it make me feel sorry for you. I can see that you still hold your breath with clear mind in trying to solve the mystery email. Anyway, I would not put more in this post, since some of the suggestion has been posted. May I suggest.

1. Call your wife and inform her you received email from insurance company concerning the pick up claim. From here, you might be able to find some clue.

2. Told her that you did call her but can’t get thru, just say you are worried of her safety because of the insurance email. At the same time, mentions that you call the condo management office and were inform that the security guard sometime saw someone else drove off the pick up. This is to cover your back and whoever passes you the message. Hope this may help. Cheers and hold up your head.

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I once had a exwife and her girlfriend conspire to test my loyalty and they did to the max. I was very young and I am sad to say that the flesh was weak and in the end I failed, as did the marriage......... Women do strange things. Think about this again!

She has not been proven to have betrayed your trust, but, you have, ..........by spilling a very personal matter onto a public forum where many gave advise with good intend, never-the-less driving you to a decision without anything more than the word of a yet unidentified stranger.

Think again before cutting the strings. If you love her you MUST give her the benefit of the doubt until there is absolute proof. How you obtain that proof if up to you but, the best way would be an eye to eye between you and her.

I have lived in LOS for almost 8 years now and have seen every spectrum of the human emotion evoked thorugh these little female beast, but, I for one was warned when I came here and am prepared, for I have been warned.

I wish you and your wife/mate the best. The b*stard is the cop, if he is in fact involved with her, for he preyed upon a weak character, obviously vunerable for the many reaosns that you mention throughout your previous posts.

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Tip, after reading all those long posts it make me feel sorry for you. I can see that you still hold your breath with clear mind in trying to solve the mystery email. Anyway, I would not put more in this post, since some of the suggestion has been posted. May I suggest.

1. Call your wife and inform her you received email from insurance company concerning the pick up claim. From here, you might be able to find some clue.

2. Told her that you did call her but can’t get thru, just say you are worried of her safety because of the insurance email. At the same time, mentions that you call the condo management office and were inform that the security guard sometime saw someone else drove off the pick up. This is to cover your back and whoever passes you the message. Hope this may help. Cheers and hold up your head.

I can see you mean well, 'Thaising', as most of us clearly do.

However, if the insurance company was not involved in the 'cash repair' (as I recall?), all that would do is alert her to the fact that Tip knows something is not as it should be. I also know that it is not standard practice to include an e-mail address on a car insurance application (some companies might), although of course she might not know that.

Also, to mention someone else having been seen driving the pick-up would start the alarm bells ringing and only confirm to her that she has been rumbled, if of course that is the case.

Tip seems to be gathering more and more 'evidence', literally by the hours, and may already 'know' more than he is sharing.

Regardless, to reiterate my previous thoughts, I personally would be unable to conclusively say that I knew what had been going on without talking directly to my 'wife', however damning the uncorroborated 'evidence' was.

The truth can indeed hurt, but forever wondering if it was the truth might well be far more painful...

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Being that the asset situation is pretty much under control, this situation is a cake walk from here forward. The solution is very simple. Just walk away from the situation in a calm, cool and collected manner. There is no need to do anything else. Dont make no fuss, just walk away. I would do that in a heartbeat. She's the copper's problem now

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Is it possible that this whole story is made up? You know, to get an exciting thread going?

Many apologies to Mr. Tipaporn if not.

There is no possible way I could belive any of this to be false.

Tippaporn has been a loyal campaign manager for the Krazy Klown association

for his entire span on thaivisa.com and I do believe I kow him well enough to

be able to tickle his funny bones.


Klown Chompuu.

I once had a exwife and her girlfriend conspire to test my loyalty and they did to the max. I was very young and I am sad to say that the flesh was weak and in the end I failed, as did the marriage......... Women do strange things. Think about this again!

So had they not played you, you wouldn´t have fallen.

They lost you, and you got to shag your wifes best mate.

Sounds like a bargain. I would have done it, and then made a point of


Staying true is hard enough as it is without your own wife trying to catch you out.

Tip, I have to agree that the "look in her eyes to find a trace" thing is not only ridiculous,

but doomed to fail and /or disappoint, if not worse.

You gain nothing and risk a large mistake if you pursue that my friend.

It seems to be that most of us (me too) go through this at some point, if we leave our loved ones behind as we return and get stuck in a rut back in farang land, not returning til far after the originally intended.

Loved one then starts to find for new love.

Love makes the world go round, even if you are on the other side of the world I guess.

BTW, I´m only on page thirteen. (40 posts a page)

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Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

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Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

You write as if the many functioning binational marriages that are out there do not exist. So I thought I should remind you that they do.

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Someone probably have already said it in this thread - (at least someone should have, since it is obvious) ... That email wasn't written to do OP a favour by voluntary providing info - it was written with the intention to cause harm, either to OP or his wife or both.

My wife is a person of the kind that easily makes friends ... and those (female) friendships seems very, very sincere ... Most of them last and still exist ... BUT, I've seen my wife turning completely cold on a "friend" (for reasons I can't make her explain so I can understand it) ... I can easily imagine the wish of revenge from the ones excluded. They don't have much chance of revenge, locally, by trying to turn others against her (particularly not me, since I'm careful keeping a certain distance to those women) --- but, if I were offsite, correponding with my wife by email, she would very likely had given them my email-address during the days of friendship ...

Show me just one female - of any nationality - wishing revenge against another female - that wouldn't be capable of figuring how to plant seeds in that other females boyfriend/husbands mind that could turn him against his woman.

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Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

You write as if the many functioning binational marriages that are out there do not exist. So I thought I should remind you that they do.

There is no need to remind me that 'binational marriages' (a very Swiss expression) exist: indeed they do. I prefer however, the term miscegenation. (I am a partner in such a relationship).

It is always difficult for those who prefer to ignore and disbelieve that failure of {a} relationship is a real possibility in the L.O.S.

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My wife is a person of the kind that easily makes friends ... and those (female) friendships seems very, very sincere ... Most of them last and still exist ... BUT, I've seen my wife turning completely cold on a "friend" (for reasons I can't make her explain so I can understand it)

Oh.... I can understand that one..... when my wife's bestest friend ever decided to hit me over the head with an empty Chang bottle because I asked a seemingly innocent question (it was innocent to me).... she instantly stopped being her bestest friend ever.

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My advice for all it's worth, just one more perspective ! Just ride it out and see what happens,! that is the hardest of all to do ! because "what will be will be " ! I have been with many woman in my 58 years, and my last long time g/f of 4.50 years was a stunning beauty from eastern europe 25 years my junior, she lived with me for 4 years, she was so stunning that men followed her everywhere, and she led them on, flirting, and more.

I tried to stop it, and them the pursuers, and became very jealous ! to the point I threw her out with all her clothes, after a mega rich guy stated to buy her.

Well you may say we both deserved it, but it was a beautifull relationship, I never tired of her company, or she mine, but she was only 21.

I realised my mistake when it was too late, I should have let her done what she wanted, and then she would have chosen, other men or me !

Belive this or not, she came and saw me yesterday,as she does from time to time, this has what prompted me to write this, she is married to the mega rich guy, that has no time for her, and it brought a lump in my throat to here her say, "I was the best man she was ever with, because I allways had time for her.

I wish I had done things different, she was the love of my life ! is this woman yours ? if so remember my words, good luck .....Roy

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Mr Tip: First, I am sorry for all of this.

You must know that in the L.O.S. there are surprises that turn out to be shocks. That there are injustices that are considered de rigueur.

You will have to meet: head-on, the commando course of the soul, when faced with ailing relationships.

There will always be lies in the L.O.S. I prefer to think of them as untruths.

I have {right now} three good friends (ex-pats) who have disloyal, cheating and lying wives. However I will not inform (the ex-pats) that they are in danger of heartbreak. How can I?

So many ex-pat wives have husbands or ex-husbands, often called brothers, who benefit from filthy lucre. This is a way of life here.

I think it is better to define happiness as a day to day emotion. A happy relationship can sour very quickly, Buddhist mentality if difficult to fathom. When you come to Thailand you hire a wife. The rental period might prove lengthy and satisfactory. However when the rental period ends, it is better to treat (however painful) the experience as an ephemeral dream

You write as if the many functioning binational marriages that are out there do not exist. So I thought I should remind you that they do.

There is no need to remind me that 'binational marriages' (a very Swiss expression) exist: indeed they do. I prefer however, the term miscegenation. (I am a partner in such a relationship).

It is always difficult for those who prefer to ignore and disbelieve that failure of {a} relationship is a real possibility in the L.O.S.

If you check again, I did not say your post was untrue and I do not have a problem acknowledging that some marriages are mainly economical arrangements (that's still one of the more important reasons for marriage, obviously), nor do I live under the illusion that my own or anybody's relationship is somehow immune to failure. I meant your post was one-sided and came off as a bit cynical. Perhaps you have been scammed yourself at some point?

The fact that relationships fail and that many guys get scammed does not negate the fact that some cross-cultural marriages work out fine, too. :o

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Hi Tip

Sorry to hear of your predicament

you could always get a P.I. to go round and say that they are from the insurance company re the pick up and just checking because they were notified that some paint or parts had been ordered using the details of your vehicle.and they the insurance co. wanted to know if said pickup had been in an accident as no claim had been made or if it hadnt then someone maybe using false plates or giving wrong details and as they had done so once maybe the next time there might be a more serious accident and the consequences may be more serious i.e. police involvement etc etc

just an idea

and yes i've been burned by a Thai woman or rather she tried to burn me financially

we met in bangkok in Nana plaza spent very good night out together till 10 next morning,a few months later i was back in Thailand and invited her down to Phuket for a 5 day holiday she was stunned by hotel as the one in Bangkok was CRAP!

I always kept everything locked up in safe and except for one night she pretended to be drunk and while i was asleep looked in my wallet how did i know because i only take a small pouch out with me and sealed the wallet with piece of fine thread to check her out but in the wallet was a ccard and pin that had already been cancelled prior to leaving uk .a few days later was text on phone from soon to be ex wife saying bcard were telling her the cancelled card had tried to be used in Thailand

on the last day the Thai lady was very pissed with me when i said she had had enough money so far with the holiday flights and trips etc etc and apparently she was telling my brothers Thai wife that she was expecting 10k to 20K bht from me minimum

unfortunately my flight was overbooked and i flew on a later flight but my brother and his thai wife had to sit next to her all the way from Phuket to Bangkok and she flew into a rage when she found out i wasn't flying with her and delayed the flight slagged me off all the way back to all and sundry not a happy bunny

My brother and his wife were very embarrassed so I had to take them out for several meals before i was forgiven!! and NO i didnt swap flights but was i glad of the cock up!

she was very convincing through out the time in bangkok and phuket but i am a synical bastard and thought i would check her out by tempting her

so if she was that good over 5 days then 5 years means loads of soul searching and is difficult because of distance and the fact that you trust her implicitely

tread wisely and carefully use a good P.I. and either try something like the above or just get thenm to watch the house if it can be done discretely

I sincerely hope all works out well for the both of you and it's someone just making waves and ready to console you if break up occurs but please protect your assets first

N.B. you can protect your money but unfortunately not your heart

Take care

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Tip - no offense mate you can't seriously believe emails without talking to your lady face to face? This I do not understand - I'd know in an instant if my lady was lying to me - can see it in her eyes/hear it in her voice.

So apart from the bank account, truck and whatever is in the rented condo, this is what you have to worry about? I'd say in the scheme of things, not alot since you control the dosh, assume truck is in your name so I think if it ends up being true you will be fine.

If this all happens to be true, not sure how you can't be pissed and beyond angry. I know I would be - trust has been broken and never can be gotten back. What was she going to do when you moved there permanently??? :o I'd lay into her and certainly make her sorry she ever did that to me. (piece of my mind as Tax puts it)

Anyways I've stated this before until you resolve this face to face - this won't be over by any means.

It will be face to face, Brit, but the conversation won't include any queries to her regarding the validity of the emails. I took the risk and spoke with a friend of ours today The truth has been confirmed. End game.

I know that a lot of folks were wondering why I simply didn't ring up to confront her. Face to face is one thing but I wouldn't try it over the phone while 10,000 miles away. Now you're only clue would be the tenor of her voice. Much, much easier to mask when someone's not looking into your face. Your attention isn't split between also trying to control your body language.

Besides, there's too much for me to lose if she were guilty. I know my wife and I seriously don't believe that she'd hang around to face the music. Since she's been straight up with me on all counts before doing a 180 since knocking around with this cop I'd suspect that he's influencing her quite a bit. I would expect the condo to be vacated of everything. And there's one important item I would not want to disappear - my business computer. That would put me out of work. I can't take chances here, folks.

I'll be back in BKK in approx. three weeks.

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Tip - sorry to hear that mate. I'm glad you will resolve this in a few weeks time face to face. No I never intended that you do so over the phone. Obviously that wouldnt be wise for the reasons you already indicated.

Curious have you chatted with her at all since this has happened???? I know personally I would find it strange if I didnt have daily contact with my gf.

I guess the bigger question what was she going to do when you are over there for good? Is it a possibility she won't be there when you arrive and the place be cleared out prior to your arrival???

Anyways I'm going to stay the eternal optimist and hope this is one sick joke. The alternative option really saddens me. :o

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