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Israel intercepts Gaza-bound shipment of materials for weapons making


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These Palestinians are so unresonable, , The European and American Jew ocupiers, have created a heaven on earth for them, and to repay them they resist.

Ungreatful bastards!!

You not far off from the truth there.

If it was not for those European and American Jew occupiers, Fakestiians still be riding donkeys in search of fresh water and green grass.

instead of being riden like donkeys,

what a racist thing to say

What is ? riding the donkeys or looking for water?

May be you did not know, but camels were reserved for "better" races like Syrians or Egyptians.

Edited by konying
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"Originally agreed upon Palestinian territory" ???


You really need to be much more specific about what you mean.

Anyway, this thread is about Gaza.

If you mean the West Bank, how does that stop Hamas from doing what they do?

Keeping in mind, you do realize the goal of Hamas is no Israel at all.

Which of course they can't achieve with what they've got ... but their intentions are relevant.

You keep on perpetuating the lie. That is either mischievous or ignorant. Hamas accepts Israel, if it keeps to the pre-1967 borders (with appropriate land swaps).

And yet you are unable to find any credible recent link to support this.

Or will this be another instance of explaining about Hamas moderates?

The best Hamas "accepted" was a truce (which does not actually carry the same meaning as in English), on condition of full Israeli retreat to the 1967 lines, applying the Right of Return and the whole thing conditional on approval by referendum. All that, by the way - and still not an official recognition of Israel, or a proper peace deal. This notion was raised a while back, at a point in time when Hamas was desperate to gain international acceptance. Not on the cards these days anyway.

That is still very different from "Hamas's goal is no Israel at all". It's a lie.

The usual twisting of words.

Read again - this is not the Hamas position, it was something floated for PR purposes back when.

Not able to come up with a credible recent link to support your claims, yet calling other posters liars. Well done.

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What UG and Morch are both ignoring is that the bet was offered because Morch does not think the event was significant, whereas I suggest it was very convenient for Netanyahu's upcoming speech.ph34r.png

"Get out there men, find something that "proves" Hamas is out to get us"....next minute, boat repair kits are intercepted...."Rocket-making materials!!!!!!"

They (the "best intelligence service in the world") couldn't find any explosive ingredients, just fibreglass.

How to make a rocket from dried apricots, I wonder?

Why is it that fibreglass resin can be intercepted, and assumed to be nefarious, while sole-purpose, decidedly nefarious stuff that makes rockets explode is not found?

You are aware that you're making things up, right?

As in, what you posted did not actually happen?


If it is hard for you to accept that this did not make a lot of headlines in either Israeli or Palestinian media, can't help you - it's one of them facts. I have no idea why you suppose that other materials are not caught (may want to check Egyptian press for the latest), or that Hamas does not succeed in smuggling in materials (they are conducting rocket test launches quite regularly).

It seems that so far the one blowing things out of proportion is you.

Come on....fibreglass resin makes a story and explosive ingredients don't?

I suggest that should anything definitely explosive or rocket related would make a headline.

My scenario is quite feasible.

And there you go again making up stuff and twisting words.

I did not say that there were other materials caught in this incident and not reported. I simply said, in line with reality, that the story did not make major headlines in either Israeli or Palestinian media. That you assert that the materials caught are totally harmless and have no military use, is an opinion, not a fact.

Your scenario (and that's what it is, your scenario, not reality) is bogus. The IDF and other security services of Israel do not exist to support Netanyahu's political agenda. On the contrary, there are more than one documented instances were heads of relevant services are at odds with his policies. Recent examples would be resistance expressed in relation to possible strike on Iran and more relevantly, views aired by former Shin Bet chiefs on the documentary The Gatekeepers..

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