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"Son, there's two kinds of men in this world..."


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dosnt make me crazy,

just people like you bunching all people together who have tattoos,, them that have tattoos must be mad,, else why would you mention them,

ive got tattoos but i dont go around shouting at police, and ive never been to prison,

Sorry, but not intending to bunch all people together about anything, and inferring that they are all mad? That's your choice.

Maybe the tattoos got the cop crazy. I just mentioned them because they looked so silly. But honestly now, I know hundreds of people with tattoos, and at least two of them aren't crazy or mad.

As far as whether it's making you crazy, umm, maybe not, but mad? Maybe.

Don't worry though, since this was moved out of the General Forum, not many will see it.

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Great stuff, well done the cop.

Cant wait for this waste of space farang to post on here later about how he was a victim of dual pricing etc etc.

Must have been either a TEFLR, or Missionary type, they always think they are above the law.

BTW, why didnt you get this on FB?

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The farang in your story got off lucky. In my home country, the US, the cop would have most likely taken him into custody, taken him down to the station where he would have been beaten by the original and other cops, then charged him with a variety of crimes including resisting arrest.

Never challenge a cop, especially in front of the public.

But in answer to your question, not fair at all.

Oh, yeah, sounds like this isn't over yet for the farang if he stays in Chiang Mai.

Edited by mesquite
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Got to love those self-righteous foreigners that will complain non-stop about the week law enforcement, corrupt police, poor driving standards but themselves are, of course, above the law (or so they think).

In the US he would have been tazered multiple times:-)

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I grew up in NYC and that was one thing I figured out early on -- don't sass the cops. You don't have to kiss their ass either, and if they sense you're being too nice they'll suspect you're up to something. They didn't officially have the now infamous stop and frisk laws back then, but it was not unusual for young guys (regardless of color) walking down the street to be searched by cops.

If you say something like "I know my rights" you've moved the game up to the next level, and you should start thinking of who to call with that one phone call they give you.

In the 1970s I was traveling in Mexico and met quite a few young people who spoke fluent English without accents, and they all had the same story: they were born or grew up in the LA and San Diego area, but they got tired of being constantly hassled the cops for no reason other than being there.

A lot of expats get into the "who has been here longer" pissing contest and a lot of these winners still don't have the sense not to raise their voice, especially to the BiB. These guys usually can't count to ten in Thai either.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I feel sorry for all the people with Tatoo's, they are obviously trying to compensate for something.

Visible Tatoo's in the work place were grounds for dismissal in my company, and nobody was ever hired with them.

Welli have tattoos and I'm not compensating for anything. And what company did you work for? The Schutzstaffel?

Trolls however, now they most certainly are compensating for something.

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dosnt make me crazy,

just people like you bunching all people together who have tattoos,, them that have tattoos must be mad,, else why would you mention them,

ive got tattoos but i dont go around shouting at police, and ive never been to prison,

You have to grasp the past association though!

Somewhat dated these days since anyone and his mother has them......... hardly a spark of originality.

Edited by jacko45k
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Got to love those self-righteous foreigners that will complain non-stop about the week law enforcement, corrupt police, poor driving standards but themselves are, of course, above the law (or so they think).

In the US he would have been tazered multiple times:-)

Which is one of the reasons I live in Thailand and not the US... I can do pretty much whatever I want here as long as I don't piss someone off, especially the BiB... And without fear of being shot while doing it...

Now back to the tattoo debate...

Edited by Loptr
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Got to love those self-righteous foreigners that will complain non-stop about the week law enforcement, corrupt police, poor driving standards but themselves are, of course, above the law (or so they think).

In the US he would have been tazered multiple times:-)

Which is one of the reasons I live in Thailand and not the US... I can do pretty much whatever I want here as long as I don't piss someone off, especially the BiB... And without fear of being shot while doing it...

Now back to the tattoo debate...

Would agree. If you get nicked pay up. No point complaining.

As for tats, each to their own.

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and that in Thailand...Don't know what some crazy US cop would have done....
shoot him if he were black...

Why is the US always thrown in the mix?

Not sure. Where there is smoke there is fire?

Not necessarily - We use smoke simulators for fire drills

Think the point was that nowhere is perfect. Wish to compare another country? Most have their stereotypes. US was mentioned but probably because they are often used as a benchmark for other countries behavior.

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and that in Thailand...Don't know what some crazy US cop would have done....

Check youtube and search 'ferrari cop ticket foot' and see what a US cop would have done, and I commend him.

Sounds like a super dumb farang to me, tatts or no tatts! So easy to stay out of trouble, yet so easy to get into trouble.......fine line.

Cops aren't always right, but I do as they ask and there's no trouble. Don't poke the cat.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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