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OHCHR 'misunderstood' military court amendment

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OHCHR 'misunderstood' military court amendment
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE NATIONAL Legislative Assembly (NLA) said yesterday that the concerns expressed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and Amnesty International that an amendment to the 1955 Act on the Organisation of Military Courts would affect civilians were unfounded.

Vice Admiral Krisada Charoenpanich, NLA member and secretary of the committee vetting the proposed amendment, said the United Nations' OHCHR and Amnesty had misunderstood the intentions of the change. Civilians would not be affected as the jurisdiction of martial courts to detain people under the amendment would cover only military officers.

He said the misunderstanding might have stemmed from the current imposition of martial law and the military detention of some civilians, including those accused of violating the lese majeste law.

One such case involved the detention of suspected lese majeste offender Hassadin Uraipraiwan, aka Banpodj, but Krisada noted that the military had only detained Hassadin for two days before bringing him before the military court.

This situation, he said, would only last as long as martial law is in place and has nothing to do with the proposed amendment.

Both the OHCHR and Amnesty expressed concerns this week that the proposed amendment could result in civilians being detained by the order of a military court for up to 84 days without judicial oversight.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/OHCHR-misunderstood-military-court-amendment-30253967.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-13


Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

  • Like 2

Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

Wow. What yellow planet are you on? You and your co-inhabitants must be smoking some powerful mushrooms....blink.png


Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

Wow. What yellow planet are you on? You and your co-inhabitants must be smoking some powerful mushrooms....blink.png

Sarcasm my friend, sarcasm.
  • Like 1

If indeed they misunderstood, then perhaps they should report for "attitude adjustment"?

or Red re-education camp, so that they can then take a 'balanced view' ? rolleyes.gif

  • Like 2

Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

I assume, and sincerely hope, that was said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. thumbsup.giftongue.png


Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

I assume, and sincerely hope, that was said with tongue firmly planted in cheek. thumbsup.giftongue.png

So firmly planted in my chhek that I am having trouble drinking my morning coffee ;-)
  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If indeed they misunderstood, then perhaps they should report for "attitude adjustment"?

Or improve their reading and comprehension skills.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!
General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

Wow. What yellow planet are you on? You and your co-inhabitants must be smoking some powerful mushrooms.... alt=blink.png>

Well you can always go and live in Dubai happyland compond where they have installed and practice free speech and equal justice for all, a perfect democracy which is praised worldwide as a perfect democracy in action, total honesty, no nepotism, no cronyism, absolutely no interference by politicians, free and fair elections with integrity and morality the keynote, candidates must announce and talk / debate in depth the benefits of their policies which are totally focused on all citizens improving their quality of life through their own activity, no corruption allowed / corruption punished quickly and severely, and total open book transparency is the order of the day.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Bloody do-gooders like the OHCHR and Amnesty International need to keep their noses out of internal Thai issues!

General Happiness only has the best interest of the Thai people at heart ;-)

Wow. What yellow planet are you on? You and your co-inhabitants must be smoking some powerful mushrooms.... alt=blink.png>

Well you can always go and live in Dubai happyland compond where they have installed and practice free speech

and equal justice for all, total honesty, no nepotism, no cronyism, absolutely no interference by politicians,

and total open book transparency is the order of the day.

Wow, sounds great to me, time to check flight prices, but hey not going to worry, no matter what the cost I am sure it will be worth it.:D:lol:

"an amendment to the 1955 Act on the Organisation of Military Courts would affect civilians were unfounded"

I think it would be more accurate to say that -

"an amendment to the 1955 Act on the Organisation of Military Courts would affect civilians were irrelevant"

NCPO doesn't need any amendments to exercise its absolute power of the sovereignty of the Thai Peoples.

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