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What's with all the bad feelings against Russians in Phuket?


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"Never had a problem with any Russian. Wish I could say the same about the Brits...." Then you are lucky, it is just a fact that about 95% of the postings here are from people who have a bad opinion of the Russians in Thailand, as it is from across the members of this forum I would assume it to be representative of the general public there, if you have a problem with Brits I would imagine that you are welcome to voice it here but you will not find so many people support your opinion. Ask the Ukrainians their opinion, that should be interesting.

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"Never had a problem with any Russian. Wish I could say the same about the Brits...." Then you are lucky, it is just a fact that about 95% of the postings here are from people who have a bad opinion of the Russians in Thailand, as it is from across the members of this forum I would assume it to be representative of the general public there, if you have a problem with Brits I would imagine that you are welcome to voice it here but you will not find so many people support your opinion. Ask the Ukrainians their opinion, that should be interesting.

I guess I am in the 5% . I worked in 4 different Russian cities and know many Russians and they never once bothered me. Just about every Brit friend I have known screwed me or someone I know over one way or another. Thats my experience in Thailand.

I guess since we can bash Russians and Chinese the gloves are off so Brits and Indians are fair game. Brits drink too much, too many tattoos, loud, and can't understand what they say (do they really speak English?) ..... Indians, don't shower, etc etc

Who else ???


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"Never had a problem with any Russian. Wish I could say the same about the Brits...." Then you are lucky, it is just a fact that about 95% of the postings here are from people who have a bad opinion of the Russians in Thailand, as it is from across the members of this forum I would assume it to be representative of the general public there, if you have a problem with Brits I would imagine that you are welcome to voice it here but you will not find so many people support your opinion. Ask the Ukrainians their opinion, that should be interesting.

Do this forum represents the general public? Sorry, but no way.
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I will agree with some of the previous remarks about English, I stay away from Pattaya, and Bangkok because it only seems to attract the worst kind of tourist (including English) a lot are just noisy louts that drink 2-5 pints then think they are Gods gift, in reality they are boring <deleted>, most end up getting a good seeing to by a couple of small Thai's then crying their eyes out to the press back home (I am English by the way)

No race is perfect, but Russians are definitely making a mess of Thailand.

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"Never had a problem with any Russian. Wish I could say the same about the Brits...." Then you are lucky, it is just a fact that about 95% of the postings here are from people who have a bad opinion of the Russians in Thailand, as it is from across the members of this forum I would assume it to be representative of the general public there, if you have a problem with Brits I would imagine that you are welcome to voice it here but you will not find so many people support your opinion. Ask the Ukrainians their opinion, that should be interesting.

Sorry, but that is utter drivel - the wholly predictable rantings of a number of people who, in the hive mind of the TV forum, always conform to type, cannot in any sensible world be taken as representative of the general public.

The fact is that the people from the yacht club, who have swanned about Phuket for years as if they were gods, are disgruntled because they don't get the respect they feel they are entitled to. The new rich has arrived and the old rich has the hump - nothing more than that.

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"Never had a problem with any Russian. Wish I could say the same about the Brits...." Then you are lucky, it is just a fact that about 95% of the postings here are from people who have a bad opinion of the Russians in Thailand, as it is from across the members of this forum I would assume it to be representative of the general public there, if you have a problem with Brits I would imagine that you are welcome to voice it here but you will not find so many people support your opinion. Ask the Ukrainians their opinion, that should be interesting.

Sorry, but that is utter drivel - the wholly predictable rantings of a number of people who, in the hive mind of the TV forum, always conform to type, cannot in any sensible world be taken as representative of the general public.

The fact is that the people from the yacht club, who have swanned about Phuket for years as if they were gods, are disgruntled because they don't get the respect they feel they are entitled to. The new rich has arrived and the old rich has the hump - nothing more than that.

What colour is the sky on your planet?

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Anyway, we have no need for this debate really, the Thai's will now learn that the Russians are a spent force, their government is only interested in World domination, their currency is now nearly worthless, they always show their true colours when they start to make it in the World, I am not saying that the English are perfect, but Russians tend to be bullies, just like their ex KGB leader.

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The fact is that the people from the yacht club, who have swanned about Phuket for years as if they were gods, are disgruntled because they don't get the respect they feel they are entitled to. The new rich has arrived and the old rich has the hump - nothing more than that.

Really - 'people from the yacht club' ?

Any particular club, and what percentage of the ex-pat community would you say they are ?

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Wuff, Wuff, "Guess Thailand and Russia already know that "Britannia rules" is long over.

Just met a nice young Russian here. He's now with one of the girls that you thought would be your property.
Any objections to that?"

Girls being property?? is it not the Russians that are shipping them to every country that they settle in to force them into prostitution? you are still living in the dark ages of communist brutality my friend, but you are entitled to your opinion, as for Britannia rules being over, I think you will find that Russia has lost much more influence, and control, over massively more domain than Britain ever has, they are trying to bully their way back in but that will all end in tears, they have a currency that their own people are ditching in favour of the US Dollar, because old Putin, is putin his nose where he should not have, and now he is sending a lot of Russians bankrupt but he cannot see it, as he thinks he is God (KGB Rules)

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The Russians in Phuket are well mannered compare to the wave of young " babysitters" English teachers now flooding in the province. Really hope the Thai Government / Immigration tighten the rules and demand more qualified people than this low class to teach their offspring English.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the Russians I've met have been very nice, including a few neighbors I am friends with.

One observation that would be in the negative camp was found on the football pitch. It seems that the Russian players, more so than other nationalities I've observed, like to blame others for their own mistakes.

I've had a Russian pass a very weak ball to me that was clearly an error on their part only for it to be intercepted rather easily by the opposition which lead to a goal. I put my hand up as if to say don't worry about to the fella. Instead of the normal reaction of accepting that he was wrong the poor passer started to make it out like it was my fault for not getting his pass. The fastest man couldn't have gotten this weak pass.

I'm not the best player in the world by any stretch but when even Messi and Ronaldo and Pele in his prime would have trouble with a certain play it's probably the other players fault. But to many of the Russians when it's their mistake the blame is entirely on you!

Had this clown last night criticize my goal keeping. We are not in a competitive league so he should probably go to another one if he wants to pretend he is a pro. He replaced me in goal and promptly let in more goals than I did and embarrassed himself. Total big mouth for absolutely no reason and was very offensive when he was not even provoked. When the balls started going past him I just smiled as he had made a complete arse of himself.

Anyhow most of the Russians playing footie are lovely as are most of the ones I deal with in my personal life. The only negatives have been a few footie pitch incidents so I've been lucky compared to some on here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In answer to the headline "What's with all the bad feelings against Russians in Phuket?" the general consensus seems to be that no one much likes them, a bit like Pikey's really.

"Not Pikey's, I &$£&$ng hate Pikeys".

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The reason is because many people have had not the best interactions with Russians. Definitely line cutters and pushers in general. Any group that bought up so many hotels and tour companies and busses raises eyebrows (many illegally and staffed by Russians without valid work permits). I do agree and understand why many act the way they do. They did grow up in a police state where talking to strangers was often not a good thing to do. The Russians unfortunately for the good ones brought a lot of mafia and criminal types to Thailand. Lots of mob money, cash business, etc tends to attract some bad types. Do you think all those Russian ladies on walking street in Pattaya or similarly in Phuket handing out fliers are there on valid work permits? Don't want to blame all the Russians. Probably most are decent human beings. Culturally challenging to deal with. My humble opinion.

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Its not so much about the Russians in general but if one group of people dominate an area it will feel different. When 80% of the neighbors in your condo are Russians you will also notice bad behavior from some of them. Add to that the language barrier , most Russians only know Yes or No , and it could be a challenge to deal with them.

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One things for sure, they won't be teaching them Russian, it would really be a waste of time as English seems to be the language of the future (especially in the business world)

"as English seems to be the language of the future (especially in the business world)" - don't you mean, Chinese????

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first time in phuket last november, karon beach is lovely but the number of russians, seemed like about 70%on the beach. loud and obnoxious and thats just the women. though word up to me missus, for pretending to take photos of the breaking surf when in actual fact it was some g-string clad leggy russian chicks, whatta girl

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first time in phuket last november, karon beach is lovely but the number of russians, seemed like about 70%on the beach. loud and obnoxious and thats just the women. though word up to me missus, for pretending to take photos of the breaking surf when in actual fact it was some g-string clad leggy russian chicks, whatta girl

They're not only on the beaches showing off their legs... (and bums):


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Spoke to a Thai woman, business owner in Jomtien about it. She said they were rude and obnoxious, the only reason they are here is because of the sudden cheap direct flights from Russia to Thailand. While I was sat in the restaurant talking to her about it 2 of them walked past, not young, probably 50's and asked about prices of food. With no smile, no politeness. The thai talking to them was all smiles and she went ahead and told them. They looked at her like dirt and just walked off. This was not an expensive place, just a run of the mill beach restaurant. The thai woman looked at me and just said "you see".

For some reason the Russians believe Thais are below them but if any Russians are reading this let me tell you....we all believe it's the other way around.

The woman had also lived in Germany and England for many years, spoke 3 languages and travelled all over the world. Her words: "I've travelled all over the world and met many nationalities, they have to be worst I've encountered".

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Spoke to a Thai woman, business owner in Jomtien about it. She said they were rude and obnoxious, the only reason they are here is because of the sudden cheap direct flights from Russia to Thailand. While I was sat in the restaurant talking to her about it 2 of them walked past, not young, probably 50's and asked about prices of food. With no smile, no politeness. The thai talking to them was all smiles and she went ahead and told them. They looked at her like dirt and just walked off. This was not an expensive place, just a run of the mill beach restaurant. The thai woman looked at me and just said "you see".

For some reason the Russians believe Thais are below them but if any Russians are reading this let me tell you....we all believe it's the other way around.

The woman had also lived in Germany and England for many years, spoke 3 languages and travelled all over the world. Her words: "I've travelled all over the world and met many nationalities, they have to be worst I've encountered".

The "worst I've encountered" here are Thai women who have scammed two, three, four, or more, foreigners, out of a considerable amount of their money, whilst traveling the world, and then they buys a business in a tourist area in Thailand, and complains about a nationality of people she can not scam. biggrin.png

Edited by NamKangMan
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Spoke to a Thai woman, business owner in Jomtien about it. She said they were rude and obnoxious, the only reason they are here is because of the sudden cheap direct flights from Russia to Thailand. While I was sat in the restaurant talking to her about it 2 of them walked past, not young, probably 50's and asked about prices of food. With no smile, no politeness. The thai talking to them was all smiles and she went ahead and told them. They looked at her like dirt and just walked off. This was not an expensive place, just a run of the mill beach restaurant. The thai woman looked at me and just said "you see".

For some reason the Russians believe Thais are below them but if any Russians are reading this let me tell you....we all believe it's the other way around.

The woman had also lived in Germany and England for many years, spoke 3 languages and travelled all over the world. Her words: "I've travelled all over the world and met many nationalities, they have to be worst I've encountered".

The "worst I've encountered" here are Thai women who have scammed two, three, four, or more, foreigners, out of a considerable amount of their money, whilst traveling the world, and then they buys a business in a tourist area in Thailand, and complains about a nationality of people she can not scam. biggrin.png

But at least they are polite about it hahaha wai.gif

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What is that lady thinking about. And how do you know she is Russian.

She was actually with another lady and they were speaking what sounded like Russian to me. I suppose they could've been Ukrainian, Belarusian, ...

I think she may be thinking "Does my bum look big in this?"


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