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It is not their custom and most dont feel comfortabke with it. I myself do not give a great big firm hand grip as i do not like it myself... last person that did that to me i sparked em out!


Just ten minutes ago shook hands with a new neighbor. He is a higher up in the Chiang Mai police. Had a weak handshake. I think they don't often shake hands and when they do it is always with a farang. No big deal, not their tradition. I have only been here a year and that may be my first handshake with a Thai or at least the first one I remember. I probably give a crappy wai but I doubt anyone holds it against me.

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It´s an easy explanation to this question...

Thai people do not normally shake hands when they meet someone. They greet people by pressing their palms together....which means they are not use to our way of greeting gestures.

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Think back to when you started handshaking as a young lad, it was probably very simular until either your father explained to have a firm shake or until someone that shook your hand squeezed it. At which point you no longer had the wet fish kind of handshake but instead began with the macho death grip.

Why be so critical of Thai's. There are things that they can do that are more manly than in some other foreign lands, but please don't ask me what they are.

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I totally agree with other post wrote here :

The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

Hopefully the rest of the world will be wise enough to follow the thai way of greeting.

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Possibly because shaking hands is not a Thai custom. Nor is the current craze for fist-bumping. You never know where those sweaty hands have been! Some Thais view a handshake as merely the symbolic touching of hands.

The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

Shaking hands?.......Disgusting habit............

That's why I always give a soft kiss on the cheek of whoever I meet......Thai or farang...........

Looking forward meeting you people.....................

How long have you been suffering from this affliction? If any strange man tried to kiss me softly on my cheek, I`d punch his lights out.

As for firm hand shakes, I prefer Thai girls who`s grip is firm and gentle. But that`s a topic not befitting for the forums of Thai visa.

Firstly, most Thais do not use hand shakes as greetings or for farewells, therefore become preplexed when they are met by westerners extending their right arms out to them. They probably consider that squeezing someone`s hand too hard is impolite or even could be mistaken as an act of aggression.

In most western cultures it is believed the strength of handshakes determines strength of character. The firmer the handshake, the stronger the character. This from my lifetime experiences has always proven to be true, I have known in the past job applicants to have failed interviews because of having limp handshakes. In Thailand, the tests are, how polite and subservient they can be towards those of higher rank and authority.

The reasons many Thai people have weak handshakes cannot be equated for the same reasons as is believed in western societies. As the wise man says; different strokes for different folks, it`s mostly a case of understanding the different attitudes and other means of doing things according to lifestyles and culture.


It's not just Thai people that proffer a soft handshake. It's the same in many other places.

On the other "hand"...

Why do Americans, Brits, and Aussies shake hands like it's some kind of macho wrestling match?

Because they're insecure in their sexuality, so if they're forced to do something as potentially gay as touching another man, they must compensate with a display of manly strength.

You should tell them that, they may be interested in joining your limp wrist society

  • Like 1

Possibly because shaking hands is not a Thai custom. Nor is the current craze for fist-bumping. You never know where those sweaty hands have been! Some Thais view a handshake as merely the symbolic touching of hands.

The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

Shaking hands?.......Disgusting habit............

That's why I always give a soft kiss on the cheek of whoever I meet......Thai or farang...........

Looking forward meeting you people.....................

But in Greece no kissing?



whistling.gif Thai custom is not to shake hands.

That's a Farang thing anyway.

Even Thai males will "wai" each other on first meeting.

By the way the "hearty handshake" thing goes back to the long ago times when robes and even Togas were common.

The reason then was that if you grabbed the person you were meeting and shook his or her arm vigourusly, you might shake loose any dagger they were concealing in the sleeve of his or her robe or Toga.

The "handshake" started out centuries ago as a protective grabbing of the arm of the person you were meeting.

Your explanation of the reason and origin of the handshake is entertaining and colourful but not quite


The handshake was originally intended to show anyone you came across that your hand was empty

and without a weapon in it and because the usual weapon hand was the right hand that is why we

shake hands with the right and not left hand....................... thumbsup.gif

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And how many farangs who bother to wai to Thais know the difference between the low wai to children, the high wai to monks and the hundreds inbetween. I settle for something around nose level, and if I get it wrong, offence is never taken because at least the farang is making an effort.

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TV, the unhappy and need more to complain about chanel.

Be greatful anybody would shake your hand.

"Love is never self-seeking, and it cannot be self-bestowed. Divine love cannot be self-contained; it must be unselfishly bestowed."


Possibly because shaking hands is not a Thai custom. Nor is the current craze for fist-bumping. You never know where those sweaty hands have been! Some Thais view a handshake as merely the symbolic touching of hands.

The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

Good answer!

Thus the real question is,...why do westerners expect firm, non-hygienic handshakes,...I personally find the custom competitive and apalling.

Most non-Thai martial artists use gentle shakes,...they know they can kill a Western in seconds,...don't need to exhibit strength.

I prefer gentle handshakes if I'm forced out of politeness to do so,...but forget about the firm crap,...you're lucky I shook your hand at all.

Actually, handshaking is a practice that should ended. It's the number one way to transmit disease.


whistling.gif Thai custom is not to shake hands.

That's a Farang thing anyway.

Even Thai males will "wai" each other on first meeting.

By the way the "hearty handshake" thing goes back to the long ago times when robes and even Togas were common.

The reason then was that if you grabbed the person you were meeting and shook his or her arm vigourusly, you might shake loose any dagger they were concealing in the sleeve of his or her robe or Toga.

The "handshake" started out centuries ago as a protective grabbing of the arm of the person you were meeting.

Wow! Really, as a student of history, can you give me the toga hand shaking reference?


whistling.gif Thai custom is not to shake hands.

That's a Farang thing anyway.

Even Thai males will "wai" each other on first meeting.

By the way the "hearty handshake" thing goes back to the long ago times when robes and even Togas were common.

The reason then was that if you grabbed the person you were meeting and shook his or her arm vigourusly, you might shake loose any dagger they were concealing in the sleeve of his or her robe or Toga.

The "handshake" started out centuries ago as a protective grabbing of the arm of the person you were meeting.

This reminds me of growing up in North Philadelphia, Pa.,...where if someone asked you for a match, you punch them as hard as you could in the face, least you put your hand in your pocket (to get a match) and they punch you first.


whistling.gif Thai custom is not to shake hands.

That's a Farang thing anyway.

Even Thai males will "wai" each other on first meeting.

By the way the "hearty handshake" thing goes back to the long ago times when robes and even Togas were common.

The reason then was that if you grabbed the person you were meeting and shook his or her arm vigourusly, you might shake loose any dagger they were concealing in the sleeve of his or her robe or Toga.

The "handshake" started out centuries ago as a protective grabbing of the arm of the person you were meeting.

Wow! Really, as a student of history, can you give me the toga hand shaking reference?

Watch the film Ben Her,...Charlton Heston


whistling.gif Thai custom is not to shake hands.

That's a Farang thing anyway.

Even Thai males will "wai" each other on first meeting.

By the way the "hearty handshake" thing goes back to the long ago times when robes and even Togas were common.

The reason then was that if you grabbed the person you were meeting and shook his or her arm vigourusly, you might shake loose any dagger they were concealing in the sleeve of his or her robe or Toga.

The "handshake" started out centuries ago as a protective grabbing of the arm of the person you were meeting.

Your explanation of the reason and origin of the handshake is entertaining and colourful but not quite


The handshake was originally intended to show anyone you came across that your hand was empty

and without a weapon in it and because the usual weapon hand was the right hand that is why we

shake hands with the right and not left hand....................... thumbsup.gif

thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7pbAkthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7pbAk ima

phuk dry.png


I don't care how much strength or weakness is received from a handshake. What I look for is the sincerity of its meaning.


It freeks me out........... I never do a weak one unless the guy gives me so little of his hand to grip.... another wet fish story.bah.gif

Non assertive types, I guess.facepalm.gif

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Possibly because shaking hands is not a Thai custom. Nor is the current craze for fist-bumping. You never know where those sweaty hands have been! Some Thais view a handshake as merely the symbolic touching of hands.

The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

Shaking hands?.......Disgusting habit............

That's why I always give a soft kiss on the cheek of whoever I meet......Thai or farang...........

Looking forward meeting you people.....................

Which cheeks???????????


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Someone told me one time people with soft handshake are physical ill

In certain cases, this is true, but usually given away by the props, such as hospital bed, IV, monitoring machines, etc.



Shaking hands is NOT a Thai thing.

You think they are like wet fish, they must be disgusted to hold your hand.

Just think!


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