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1 dead in shooting at Copenhagen free speech event

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That is not what i'm saying - I'm simply stating, that this clown is first of all a criminal thug, that is the product of a failed drug policy in the west and some social issues, that is embarrassing for one of the top 3 richest countrys in the world.

There is not doubt, that his extremist ways (that he properly picked up in jail.) Was why he attacked those places - but again, without the other factors, he would never be able to carry out the attack, in a place like Denmark.

So he shot at a Jewish synagogue and a free speach event about the drawing of Mohamed ,because he was in a gang ,and it had nothing to do with the fact he was Muslim . do you work for the Guardian or the BBC?

Indeed, clearly the congregation (?) of the synagogue and Swedish journalists and free-speech defenders were planning, in concert, I should add, to muscle in on Copenhagen's lucrative hashish dealing scene.


I'm sorry for complicating the scenario with facts, an old work habit.

I know its easier, to just see things in black and white coffee1.gif

"I know its easier to see things in black and white"

I have always found ,if it walks like a duck ,quacks like a duck ,its usually a duck.coffee1.gif

Well, i know the feeling - and in most of the attacks around the world (I would not know the details on those attacks) you are properly right.

But in this case, i guess its a goose....or something, not exactly a duck. smile.png


Of cause this idiot picked out exactly those targets, becaus he felt, he had to protect Islam/the prophet/punish the west...what ever somebody idiot whispered in his ear.

It is right there, in your statement, the exact reason these atrocities are happening around the world.

Everything else that you wrote was an excuse for his behaviour.

Nothing to do with Gangs, drugs or anything else.

You nailed it one and did not even realise it.

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These attacks are virtually impossible to stop. Even with greater gun and border control they will become more common, more widespread and probably a characteristic of life in C21st. As with the horrible Lee Rigby case in the UK, it is not necessary to have a gun; the Lindt Cafe guy had an easily obtainable weapon.

While it might be possible to stop the mass killings as in Paris, the terrorists seem to have learned that it is not necessarliy the best 'use of resources' to be going to Syria when they can create terror at home ( including Thailand).

As a child of the 60s and a frequent traveler in the 70s, some of the is reminiscent of those times( albeit almost more horrible) . Black September, Baader-Meinhof, The Japanese Red Army, IRA, factions of all kinds setting of bombs all over Europe and hijacking planes almost monthly. They targeted public places like airports, railway stations , pubs simply to terrorise the communities.

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active supporters and sympathisers across the Moslem world.

In this case, we are talking about Muslims.

But it is true to say, that the one thing any terrorist organisation needs is ' Active Supporters and Sympathisers '


You are simply making excuses for his behavior.

The problem with these radicals is not the war on drugs and it is not the invention of gun powder.

Ohh..Jesus. I'm not making excuses! I'm not muslim, i'm as pale as a bedsheet and I don't care about this clown. But one of the things I did work with, is analyzing exactly these things, in exactly that city! So i actually have some first hand information and a broader perspective, that non of you guys would ever get access to and that none of the media care about(not the mainstream anyhow) - as i said, its easier just to blame everything on religion. The attack yesterday is more complex, than just "christians vs. muslims"

If people think that i'm saying he picked out those targets, because of a gang war - they are not reading what I'm writing! Of cause this idiot picked out exactly those targets, becaus he felt, he had to protect Islam/the prophet/punish the west...what ever somebody idiot whispered in his ear.

Again this clown, is not a product of the middleeast, but a product of the dirty corners of our own backyard, mixed with a twisted version of a stupid fairytale(religion).

if one can not see that, you are uneducated and/or uninformed - end of story.

Without that specifik conflict inside Copenhagen, this would not be possible for that idiot. Maybe someone else...but not him. That is based on facts and knowledge on the exact people involved, conflicts in that area and the place he grew up.

I'm not making ANY speculations about the general problem with terrorism in the west, carried out by muslim extremists - i'm only stating facts about that one incident that happened yesterday in Copenhagen.


Thanks for the explanation. It is interesting in an academic sense.

The point is that perhaps his mother didn't breastfeed him long enough and his father didn't affirm his masculinity, or he was a member of a gang. He knowingly and willingly picked up a gun and did some bad things. He is responsible for his actions.

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It is irrelevant who carried out the attack. He was just a disposable pawn. Who selected the targets, ordered the attacks, organised and provided the weaponry and funding, still heads networks of radicalisers and jihadi procurers is much more relevant. I would wager it is a group of Radical Moslems based in Iraq, Saudi, Syria with tentacles, active supporters and sympathisers across the Moslem world.

By focusing on Omar El-Hussein only, the knobhead shooter, you are completely failing to see the wood for the trees.

Well I very strongly disagree, based on very precise facts about him and his surroundings. Again you are properly right, when it comes to some of the other terrorist attacks on the west - I would not know, as in these cases I do not have inside information, and have to rely on the information given in the media, which is so untrustworthy that its laughable smile.png

Again, yes. His religion was the reason why HE, picked those venues. But I will seriously put my head on the block, in this case and state that no one was guiding, planning or funding anything for this idiot. Most of the people associated with this gang is not very religious, other than the "no pork" "hate jews" etc. nonsense. All of them smoke cigarettes, and hash and quite a few of them drink alcohol. Very few of them attend the mosque, which is just 300m down the road.

I described a very clear reason to his violent behavior, based on facts - not speculation. I also described very clear where he got access to the guns, and without bragging I'm pretty sure, that if i list five names, one of those will be exactly the guy that sold/lend him the assault rifle. There is absolutely no need for anyone funding or providing access to guns, he has access all ready. Brothas does not stand more than 25 pax. strong(key figures). And a good few is in jail now, most of them is now isolated in Horsens maximum security prison(they used to be isolated in Vridsløse prison, B2 block. Then moved to C block/basement(old infirmary), and the rest in Vestre Fængsel, awaiting trail on different counts. So there is not more than 10-12 of them out on the streets atm.

Omar is a violent thug, that seeks approval from others, providing the only skill he has: Extreme violence.

Last case he had was a sentence for stabbing a guy in the S-Train (metro like electric train), in the middle of rushhour! With 30 witness the idiot, stabs a guy with a giant knife, with the excuse, that he had been smoking to much hash, that made him paranoid, so he thought that some random guy, was from a rival group and wanted to "strike first".

And yes I do focus very narrow on Omar, as he is the key here -and the case is different to other attacks (facts about other attacks is according to the media) he did this alone or with help/assistance of other clowns from that gang, NOT the ghost of Osama, or some warlord in the middle east. To be honest I'm 200% sure of this. If any information should arrive in the media, that contradicts this. I would consider i false information to be honest.

Without being rude, may i ask: Why on earth is it so hard to accept, that this case is a little bit different from the other attacks? You guys know very little about the country, very very little about the city and area. You (and the media for that matter) know next to nothing about the inner issues of that gang - what facts do you base your assumptions on?

Again i'm in no way saying, that other attacks was not orchestrated by someone else than the people performing the attack, I assume, if the media was right - that the 9/11 attacks is a good example of that.

I'm just stating that it is NOT THE CASE HERE....!


Thanks for the explanation. It is interesting in an academic sense.

Ohh..Jesus. I'm not making excuses! I'm not muslim, i'm as pale as a bedsheet and I don't care about this clown. But one of the things I did work with, is analyzing exactly these things, in exactly that city! So i actually have some first hand information and a broader perspective, that non of you guys would ever get access to and that none of the media care about(not the mainstream anyhow) - as i said, its easier just to blame everything on religion. The attack yesterday is more complex, than just "christians vs. muslims"

If people think that i'm saying he picked out those targets, because of a gang war - they are not reading what I'm writing! Of cause this idiot picked out exactly those targets, becaus he felt, he had to protect Islam/the prophet/punish the west...what ever somebody idiot whispered in his ear.

Again this clown, is not a product of the middleeast, but a product of the dirty corners of our own backyard, mixed with a twisted version of a stupid fairytale(religion).

if one can not see that, you are uneducated and/or uninformed - end of story.

Without that specifik conflict inside Copenhagen, this would not be possible for that idiot. Maybe someone else...but not him. That is based on facts and knowledge on the exact people involved, conflicts in that area and the place he grew up.

I'm not making ANY speculations about the general problem with terrorism in the west, carried out by muslim extremists - i'm only stating facts about that one incident that happened yesterday in Copenhagen.


The point is that perhaps his mother didn't breastfeed him long enough and his father didn't affirm his masculinity, or he was a member of a gang. He knowingly and willingly picked up a gun and did some bad things. He is responsible for his actions.

I do agree, its very interesting what fuels and causes these idiots to behave the way they do. Thats why i worked with it. In this isolated case religion is not the only cause and without knowing, we can't stop them.

And I can assure you that the people working professionally with this in different ways - know that you won't stop them with tighter immigration laws (they are citizens and all ready live in the west) or by bombing the middle east. But they also know if they are to receive the funding, to work on these cases, you need to cry wolf. Monitoring just a single guy, can take the time of more than 50 officers! (yes...f-i-f-t-y!)

I'm a tad interested in, where you read that, i think this clown is not responsible for his actions? I'm trying to ignore you childish way of patronising my very solid intelligence on this guy. So please do elaborate...

I'm not making ANY excuse for the idiot, and people like him should be monitored, caught and prosecuted to the full extend of the law (Omar is dead though). But sometimes it rather nice to know what causes this crap, so you can prevent it.....eg. explanations, not excuses - i do believe that is two very very different things.


It does make one wonder if the Danish experiment of a "soft handed approach" to returning fighters is working.


Denmark tries a soft-handed approach to returned Islamist fighters

By Anthony Faiola and Souad Mekhennet October 19, 2014
AARHUS, Denmark — The rush of morning shoppers parted to make way for Talha, a lanky 21-year-old in desert camouflage and a long, religious beard. He strode through the local mall with a fighter’s gait picked up on the battlefields of Syria. Streams of young Muslim men greeted him like a returning king.
In other countries, Talha — one of hundreds of young jihadists from the West who has fought in Syria and Iraq — might be barred from return or thrown in jail. But in Denmark, a country that has spawned more foreign fighters per capita than almost anywhere else, the port city of Aarhus is taking a novel approach by rolling out a welcome mat.
In Denmark, not one returned fighter has been locked up. Instead, taking the view that discrimination at home is as criminal as Islamic State recruiting, officials here are providing free psychological counseling while finding returnees jobs and spots in schools and universities. Officials credit a new effort to reach out to a radical mosque with stanching the flow of recruits.

That's quite nice, they can come home for some R&R and then return to the fighting when they feel up to it.


It does make one wonder if the Danish experiment of a "soft handed approach" to returning fighters is working.


Denmark tries a soft-handed approach to returned Islamist fighters

By Anthony Faiola and Souad Mekhennet October 19, 2014
AARHUS, Denmark — The rush of morning shoppers parted to make way for Talha, a lanky 21-year-old in desert camouflage and a long, religious beard. He strode through the local mall with a fighter’s gait picked up on the battlefields of Syria. Streams of young Muslim men greeted him like a returning king.
In other countries, Talha — one of hundreds of young jihadists from the West who has fought in Syria and Iraq — might be barred from return or thrown in jail. But in Denmark, a country that has spawned more foreign fighters per capita than almost anywhere else, the port city of Aarhus is taking a novel approach by rolling out a welcome mat.
In Denmark, not one returned fighter has been locked up. Instead, taking the view that discrimination at home is as criminal as Islamic State recruiting, officials here are providing free psychological counseling while finding returnees jobs and spots in schools and universities. Officials credit a new effort to reach out to a radical mosque with stanching the flow of recruits.

Well I don't consider all information in that article true - it is a bit biased and keen on telling a specifik story.

But that being said, it's true (and totally insane) that none of the returning fighters has been convicted. But rest assured the different intelligence services know exactly who these idiots are. And as i understand it, it has not been the will to prosecute them that has been lacking, but propper legislation.

It is being worked on as we speak, and after the attack Saturday, I'm pretty sure this legislation will be rushed through. There is also a big debate, in the media, on the mosque mentioned in the article. It is by far the worst one in the country - my point of view, the second you can prove someone is recruiting anyone to join the jihad, it should be closed down. And the people responsible put on trial for treason, as danish troops and jets are fighting against ISIS/ISIL.

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You are simply making excuses for his behavior.

The problem with these radicals is not the war on drugs and it is not the invention of gun powder.

Ohh..Jesus. I'm not making excuses! I'm not muslim, i'm as pale as a bedsheet and I don't care about this clown. But one of the things I did work with, is analyzing exactly these things, in exactly that city! So i actually have some first hand information and a broader perspective, that non of you guys would ever get access to and that none of the media care about(not the mainstream anyhow) - as i said, its easier just to blame everything on religion. The attack yesterday is more complex, than just "christians vs. muslims"

If people think that i'm saying he picked out those targets, because of a gang war - they are not reading what I'm writing! Of cause this idiot picked out exactly those targets, becaus he felt, he had to protect Islam/the prophet/punish the west...what ever somebody idiot whispered in his ear.

Again this clown, is not a product of the middleeast, but a product of the dirty corners of our own backyard, mixed with a twisted version of a stupid fairytale(religion).

if one can not see that, you are uneducated and/or uninformed - end of story.

Without that specifik conflict inside Copenhagen, this would not be possible for that idiot. Maybe someone else...but not him. That is based on facts and knowledge on the exact people involved, conflicts in that area and the place he grew up.

I'm not making ANY speculations about the general problem with terrorism in the west, carried out by muslim extremists - i'm only stating facts about that one incident that happened yesterday in Copenhagen.


Thanks for the inside background

Clearly this islamist learnt his brutal trade with the gangs

However, motive was clearly islamic.

As I have said, ENOUGH NOW.

I am horrified that my beloved Denmark is now in the firing line

So many people are being brought to the edge because of these islamic b**st**ds.

Let's be civilised about this

Start with banning muslim dress outside the home and halal "food"

One way tickets only to mid east destinations. Please go and don't come back. Any of you.

No need for a Kristellnacht in Rochdale or Rotherham yet but that will come.

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I'm sorry if it sounds, like i'm trying to be a "know it all" - But i actually worked with exactly these things in the past. And trust me, 5.56 NATO is not something that "floats around" in Scandinavia(and especially NOT western produced 5.56 guns). IF it shows that the weapon is for example a Zastava M21 or similar, I'll bet almost anything, that he was firing .223 Remington and not 5.56 NATO.

Regarding 5.56 NATO in Scandinavia, you might have a very small chance to acquiring it, in small amounts, stolen from the army or national guard(primarily still using 7.62, new cadets gets a M4A1 5.56). But it would actually be the "enemy's" of this guy, that would be able to get their hands on munition in this caliber.(Hells Angels to be exact).

Latest information is, that the perpetrador was part of of an immigrant gang, called "Brothas" that is connected to a hosing project in Copenhagen, called "Møjlnerparken" (quite absurd, "Mjølner" is the name of Thors Hammer... smile.png ) Anyhow, the Brothas gang is involved in a gangwar, where they primarily are rivals to Hells Angels in Denmark. But actually for a short period acted as a strong-arm, for the bikers against other groups called "Blågards Plads" referring to the housing area where they belong and a group called VHK (now part of Satudarah-bikers) a small but very violent outside player, that fights all of them is the "Sjællør-banden" which is now called "La Reza". The other dominant biker group in Denmark, Bandidos normally stay out of this, as they focus on selling mainly amphetamines and some cocaine. So latest "alliances" is as follows: Hells Angels controls the sale of hashish from the freetown of "Christiania" (worth more than 6 billion Baht annually). Brothas, "Blågaards plads", VHK, and La Reza is selling outside of the freetown and trying to get the marked. Regular beefs arise as the bulk/whole-sellers(mainly French/Spanish-moroccan gangsters) sells to all groups. And the groups all meet in jail, once in a while = beefs.

(where is he going, with all this babble? rolleyes.gif )

Well, back to the 5.56 munitions, as the alliances do play a role in what he could get his hands on: He might have had access to very small amounts of 5.56 ammunition when Brothas for a short while, was the strong-arm of Hells Angels. But other than that, no. And a assault rifle in 5.56 - well, anything is possible - but other than the Zastavas chambered in 5.56, i really really really doubt it. Western produced 5.56 rifles is not something you will find in Danish homes, therefore, they don't surface on the black marked. In one out of 1000(or more) homes you'll find an old 12 gauge shotgun, with birdshots only, a hunting rifle in .308, a .22 for pest control on farms or .38/.22 pistols for target practice (shooting ranges ONLY).

A "funny" perspective on this terror-attack in Copenhagen, is that most likely. Without the gang wars about hashish in Copenhagen, this guy would not have this violent nature(he would have been around 15 when the wars started, so a perfect example of the "littlebrother" generation that is even more violent, than their predecessors). And he would not be able to acquire the guns for the attack. There is no doubt that religion played a role here, he most likely turned extremist in jail - but the main fault here, is not Islam. But a failed drug policy in the west and social issues of Copenhagen. This will of cause not be reported in the mainstream media, as this story is not as exciting, as linking this lone-wolf looser, to ISIS or Al Qaeda(who is actually not even operative, at this point).

If you can tell the acoustic difference between .223 and 5.56 from those sounds on the link you need to be writing textbooks, not posts- they are nearly indistinguishable, metrically; excepting saam pressure and height they are effectively the same. (Besides, they do not sound like 556. 556 sound like annoying pops like firecrackers. 762 more bass, dull, a bit more intimating.)

Only someone who has a life or privileged or relative detachment from real suffering can offer up the nonsense that without gangs in [his] past he would not have had his violent nature. This is among the most demonstrable indications of why crime is rampant in N European countries, why everyone has a relative excuse and how arm chair psychologists proffer nonsense as reason. He did this because islam teaches far more violence, hatred, misogyny and aggression than any hells angels tingtong motorbikers ever could. How absurd, to isolate this issue in a mental lab and conclude [he] fell on his head when a child, or other such nonsense as motor gangs.

If you spent less time explaining away the inner city dynamics of 2 wheel combustion engines, poverty, drugs, and the malleable nature of unfortunate immigrants and spent even a cursory amount of time explaining why Islam plays such a minute role in your theory it might be sustainable. You offer nothing.. nothing at all to support your assertion that Islam is not the "main" fault here. You muse. Why? Show me a koranic citation that's not abrogated. Where is the admonishment to aver from violence? You developed a relative bona fides with some curious knowledge of weapons and inner city life, transition to something you know nothing about, then sell your conclusion as valid- this is not about Islam.

Of course it is.

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I have never been racist ,in fact i lived in a town with loads of Muslims 30 years ago and apart from the fact that they were really ,really untrustworthy and not just a few but nearly every one i dealt with ,i didnt hate or dislike them ,i just played them at their own game ,but those days have gone ,really since the Mosques came ,now i have a deep disliking for them ,i dont pretend that they are all good" and only a few are "bad" they are mostly bad and hate the west ,they bring their filthy practices with them when they are allowed into our countrys and they do not want to integrate ,i admit some just want to get on with their lives and live in peace ,but untill the day they stand up in the streets and march on our govts decrying what is done in their name ,i will neither trust or like them two things in my life personally have affected me ,once when i was told "dont think we like you because we smile at you,to us any non muslim is like shit on our shoes ," and once when one spit at my wife when we passed ,

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I have never been racist ,in fact i lived in a town with loads of Muslims 30 years ago and apart from the fact that they were really ,really untrustworthy and not just a few but nearly every one i dealt with ,i didnt hate or dislike them ,i just played them at their own game ,but those days have gone ,really since the Mosques came ,now i have a deep disliking for them ,i dont pretend that they are all good" and only a few are "bad" they are mostly bad and hate the west ,they bring their filthy practices with them when they are allowed into our countrys and they do not want to integrate ,i admit some just want to get on with their lives and live in peace ,but untill the day they stand up in the streets and march on our govts decrying what is done in their name ,i will neither trust or like them two things in my life personally have affected me ,once when i was told "dont think we like you because we smile at you,to us any non muslim is like shit on our shoes ," and once when one spit at my wife when we passed ,

I agree with every single thing you say. I have never been in any country on earth with large, vast groups of muslims that did not steal from us, me, each other, everyone. Oddly, they all cloaked it commonly in the refrain, shoulders shrugged, smiling "ali baba." Really; (never figured OUT that common refrain). You cant make this shit up. But the point is it was everywhere- Damascus, Beirut, Amman, Baghdad, Dyalia, Al Ain, DXB, Kabul, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Islamabad, Bogor, Jakarta, Sanaa... everywhere I have been I had the same observations. So much for enlightened foundations. I have traveled from Italy to London, to Toronto, to Miami, to Japan, to Bangkok, and have never ID'd such a commonality of shady ethics as I have in this above instance. What is the glue?

I have dated multiple muslim women, one whom I loved very much. I basically left her because I would not tear her from her faith, and I of course could not join. I have known Islam, visited mosques, (In fact, the woman mentioned above was quite wealthy and we had our own mosque on the property) and actually interacted with islam at a very high state level in solution searching in preparing/implementing national responses. While briefly an officer in an arab army I knew many former Sudanese generals who spoke arabic english and were used as retired translators (not in Sudan). They broke bread with me each day, we slept under the stars at night, we worked, ate, laughed, etc., together for years. Later after I left a friend showed the generals a book I had written. One section, "Letters to God," offered answers to children on seemingly complex problems they asked of Allah, Buddha, God, Jesus, etc. They looked over the book, smiled, laughed, congratulated me in absentia, then paused and grew very serious. "These questions are addressed to god," they noted. "Who answered these questions," they asked to double check? _______ wrote this, they were told. They quickly slipped into Arabic and huddled. "This is not good" they offered in English, then returned to heated talk. Later, a contract was put on my head locally for answering such questions. They went and filed serious complaints with the Emirate commander.

This is the second contract I had put on my head by the Religion of Peace. The first one seemed an enormous sum of money 13 years ago (Afghanistan). Later when I calculated the sum it was actually only $18.00USD cheesy.gif . The Sudanese were men I lived and worked with for years, ate with, etc, in Al Ain and Abu Dhabi. This is Islam. This is the darkness that turns the heart of man into the demon that cloaks as god. Under the cover for status of "Religion" a ghastly military ideology stalks earth and the amulet that it is of god serves to caution or neutralize detractors; it is always the shar'ia. It is the nature of the ideology, not the nurture of the immigrant. Currently, the only religion that cannot be critiqued, cautioned, avoided, feared, etc., is the only force on earth consuming, destroying, raping, razing, pillaging, warring, beheading, enslaving... ad infinitum. At what point do we realize we have already begun to lose the West? I say it is already nearly lost. The West will never again be the Alexandria of modernity.

sic transit gloria mundi


I also had a price on my head and was evacuated out of Iraq. After a security briefing and in-country upgrade of security, I returned. Strangely, the price was from Iranian gov't, which I nothing to do with, but I had had some passing contact with members of the Iranian opposition that were refugees inside of Iraq.

....Back on this topic, however. Does it appear that this guy had accomplices?

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NeverSure was right, and i was wrong - Omar did manage to get his hands on a Canadian produced Colt C7A1, in Denmark they are introduced by Danish Army in 1995, and labeled GV M95. Its chambered in 5.56x45. This is quite interestering news, as i wrote before: This is not a gun that is normally on the black marked in Scandinavia, properly the only ones in circulation is stolen from the Danish Army. At the moment there is only 25 (now 24) that can not be accountable for by Danish Army, that is weapons lost on Danish soil. About twenty of them are from the armed robbery on Antvorskov army barracks about 5 years ago, two MC-related persons was arrested for the heist.(but not all guns was recovered).

@Arjunadown: Try to read it again, I dont claim to be able to disginuish between .223 and 5.56 on a recording, I did not listen to it to be honest. I was stating, that if the weapon used was chambered in 5.56. The terrorist was most likely firing .223 rounds. As its very hard to get hold of 5.56 NATO ammunition. You are by the way very very wrong, when you claim the pressure is the same. One can fire .223's from a 5.56, the other way around is dangerous, as the pressure IS different.

You are also very wrong regarding Islam as the only reason. You don't know jack shit about the case, you only get your limited information from international media. Thinking that this case is related to only one ting is simple minded. I, like you, have spend a lot of time in the army, with very close and nasty contact with crazy worshippers of the Prophet - I have no love at all for Islam, non at all. And apart form the city Beirut, I share your views on most of the middle east. But I do have the intelligence to see that, this case is not black and white. So do the Danish media(now, at last) and so do the police, which is why the two thugs adding Omar with acquiring the rifle, is NOT in holding on grounds of terrorism, but simple body harm and homicide.(Omar was a terrorist, but you can not prosecute a dead man in danish criminal law).

Omar was by no means a religious fanatic, he drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes and hash - and rarely visited the mosque. He was in prison until 14 days ago(for two years) And because he was in holding, no one really had the chance to radicalize him. He was a hardened criminal, who sought attention and acceptance through extreme violence.

People like you, who are unable to analyse data properly, so one of the reasons we are having a hard time fighting this crap. I for one would like solutions to this problem, I swore to serve and protect the crown, and i did(blod, sweat and tears!). That also means that you can look past the religious problems, as the only reason for this attack. We have major problems in Denmark, with a whole generations of second-thired, and even fourth immigrant males, that is quite simply lost on the floor - they have no education, no jobs and no future. Its a major social problem, and religion is not the only reason for this very problematic situation. Actually several studies show, that the very very religious young men(however disgusting and crazy their believes are) are less likely to get involved in terrorism.

MI5 did a good repot on this:
(I suppose many will cry, about The Guardian being the reference, but they did not write the report.)

To several of you old buggers, widen your perspective, please. I am in no way making excuses for religion, Islam in particular, the middle east or anything between. If these things are to be avoided in the future, a full on war on Islam - how ever nasty or violent that religion may be, is not going to prevent future attacks, like the one in Denmark. Closing the borders won't help as well, these clowns are born in our countries and are citizens - so they are already there.

In this case, If the terrorist was born into a Pakistani-doctors family, living in the Danish countryside. Him having money and a good job, and being crazy religious and fanatic - NO this attack, would not have been possible, he would still be an idiot and have disgusting
opinions, but thats besides the point here. Tighter gun laws in Denmark(who properly has one of the tightest gunlaws al ready) won't prevent to ethnic Danish, former soldiers raiding their old base, at gunpoint.

@Scott: Police has arrested two guys with relation to the gang, i was talking about (Brothas). They supposedly supplied the rifle, housed him between the attacks and helped him bury the rifle, after the first attack. Both of them are claiming, that they did not know, what he was using it for - which might be true, before first attack - but certainly not after first attack, when they helped him with the rifle. And they story was all over the media.


I also had a price on my head and was evacuated out of Iraq. After a security briefing and in-country upgrade of security, I returned. Strangely, the price was from Iranian gov't, which I nothing to do with, but I had had some passing contact with members of the Iranian opposition that were refugees inside of Iraq.

....Back on this topic, however. Does it appear that this guy had accomplices?

The 2 arrests are for offering him refuge and hiding a gun/guns. Also he was a radical at school, which suggests to me that lead to his violent behaviour. Schoolmates are not surprised


I also had a price on my head and was evacuated out of Iraq. After a security briefing and in-country upgrade of security, I returned. Strangely, the price was from Iranian gov't, which I nothing to do with, but I had had some passing contact with members of the Iranian opposition that were refugees inside of Iraq.

....Back on this topic, however. Does it appear that this guy had accomplices?

The 2 arrests are for offering him refuge and hiding a gun/guns. Also he was a radical at school, which suggests to me that lead to his violent behaviour. Schoolmates are not surprised

He was not radical at school?

Radical muslims, do not smoke cigarettes, hash, drinks alcohol. Also they do attend the mosque often. Another thing, there was only interviewed ONE schoolmate, from "Hvidovre VUC" - and that guy expressed that he hated jews(pretty common, among arabs), but that he was surprised about Omar, making a crazy attack like this. He was described as a quite person, that kept to him self.

Where did you get your information?


I also had a price on my head and was evacuated out of Iraq. After a security briefing and in-country upgrade of security, I returned. Strangely, the price was from Iranian gov't, which I nothing to do with, but I had had some passing contact with members of the Iranian opposition that were refugees inside of Iraq.

....Back on this topic, however. Does it appear that this guy had accomplices?

The 2 arrests are for offering him refuge and hiding a gun/guns. Also he was a radical at school, which suggests to me that lead to his violent behaviour. Schoolmates are not surprised

He was not radical at school?

Radical muslims, do not smoke cigarettes, hash, drinks alcohol. Also they do attend the mosque often. Another thing, there was only interviewed ONE schoolmate, from "Hvidovre VUC" - and that guy expressed that he hated jews(pretty common, among arabs), but that he was surprised about Omar, making a crazy attack like this. He was described as a quite person, that kept to him self.

Where did you get your information?

BBC as I was typing, they talked to a class mate, a soldier. Who was sure he was reported at school several times.


I also had a price on my head and was evacuated out of Iraq. After a security briefing and in-country upgrade of security, I returned. Strangely, the price was from Iranian gov't, which I nothing to do with, but I had had some passing contact with members of the Iranian opposition that were refugees inside of Iraq.

....Back on this topic, however. Does it appear that this guy had accomplices?

The 2 arrests are for offering him refuge and hiding a gun/guns. Also he was a radical at school, which suggests to me that lead to his violent behaviour. Schoolmates are not surprised

He was not radical at school?

Radical muslims, do not smoke cigarettes, hash, drinks alcohol. Also they do attend the mosque often. Another thing, there was only interviewed ONE schoolmate, from "Hvidovre VUC" - and that guy expressed that he hated jews(pretty common, among arabs), but that he was surprised about Omar, making a crazy attack like this. He was described as a quite person, that kept to him self.

Where did you get your information?

BBC as I was typing, they talked to a class mate, a soldier. Who was sure he was reported at school several times.


Strange, Danish media did not report anything about that guy being a soldier, or problems at school - actually quite the opposite. Oh well, I guess that shows we have to filter the media a bit smile.png



NeverSure was right, and i was wrong - Omar did manage to get his hands on a Canadian produced Colt C7A1, in Denmark they are introduced by Danish Army in 1995, and labeled GV M95. Its chambered in 5.56x45. This is quite interestering news, as i wrote before: This is not a gun that is normally on the black marked in Scandinavia, properly the only ones in circulation is stolen from the Danish Army. At the moment there is only 25 (now 24) that can not be accountable for by Danish Army, that is weapons lost on Danish soil. About twenty of them are from the armed robbery on Antvorskov army barracks about 5 years ago, two MC-related persons was arrested for the heist.(but not all guns was recovered).

Thanks for the update. As someone already said, the 5.56 NATO has a distinct sound and I heard it on the video. That gun is very similar to the M-16 also made by Colt, and its original manifestation was the Armalite AR-15. These are full-blown NATO military assault rifles.

Now the question is, what to the Danish police do when they face fully automatic weapons (which I also stated I heard on the vid?) How the heck to you post guards or send police with handguns against machine guns?

The US military has a saying. "A handgun is what you use to fight your way to your rifle."

There are some who criticize "the militarization of the police" but dang it, look what they are sometimes up against. This is like war on local soil.

Yes, the 5.56 kinda' "pops" more than it "booms".

The attack started a debate in Denmark, if the police should be armed better. They do have access to automatic rifles, but they are at the stations - not in the cars.

The first three officers(they where 6 at the event) wounded, was only carrying handguns and vest's (one regular police and two PET agents). They also stayed inside, and failed to make a perimeter, to the event.

The two wounded later, that night at the synagogue. Was armed with automatic rifles (HKMP5 or M10(C8IUR)) and vest's. The shooter, Omar. Played drunk to get close to those two and the civilian jewish security guard. And shot all three, point blank - killing the jew, and wounding the two officers in leg/arm and hitting the vest.

One stonecold killer bah.gif

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MSN is reporting an arrest in Liverpool where a man was arrested for "trying to get chemical weapons." Named as Mohammed Ammer Ali. Eternal vigilance will one day not be enough.

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