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US brigade of 4,000 soldiers headed to Kuwait

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And you are posting from where?

Any problems take it up with Uncle Sam, he created this monster, along with the Al Sauds, never mind petrol still less than $1 per gallon thats all that matters in the back of buffalo nowhere in Redneck County.

I wasn't aware that this was about me. What relevance does my location have?

I'm aware of where these organisations originated.. goes way back to Afghanistan, the CIA, and the mujahadeen whatever.

I think maybe you fail to see that if this is not stopped now, then it'll spread, more and more innocents will be beaten, raped tortured and brutally murdered. And no one will be able to control it.

Who actually cares?

Best head down to your nearest recruitment office and join up, you sound like perfect cannon fodder to me, never mind, its all done for petrol dollar.

And meanwhile the Al Sauds do exactly what?


And you are posting from where?

Any problems take it up with Uncle Sam, he created this monster, along with the Al Sauds, never mind petrol still less than $1 per gallon thats all that matters in the back of buffalo nowhere in Redneck County.

I wasn't aware that this was about me. What relevance does my location have?

I'm aware of where these organisations originated.. goes way back to Afghanistan, the CIA, and the mujahadeen whatever.

I think maybe you fail to see that if this is not stopped now, then it'll spread, more and more innocents will be beaten, raped tortured and brutally murdered. And no one will be able to control it.

Who actually cares?

Best head down to your nearest recruitment office and join up, you sound like perfect cannon fodder to me, never mind, its all done for petrol dollar.

And meanwhile the Al Sauds do exactly what?

The Al Sauds were helped to create their state by the British around 100yrs ago. Sadly for the brits they didn't even know about the oil.

The US is now self sufficient in oil. Which sort of negates your whole premise.


Perhaps instead of the US, some European nations and Australia could go in and do something about this.

Any volunteers?


Isis video shows 17 captured Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in cages being paraded through town
LIZZIE DEARDEN Saturday 14 February 2015
Isis has paraded captured Kurdish soldiers in cages through screaming crowds in what some fear is a prequel to them being burned alive.
A video of the procession has appeared on Isis-affiliated social media accounts, showing the prisoners in orange jumpsuits and flanked by black-clad militants brandishing Kalashnikovs and the group’s black flag.
People lining the streets could be heard jeering and shouting “Allahu Akbar” as they passed one by one on the back of flat bed vans.
The captured soldiers were each forced to stand alone in a cage similar to that used in the murder of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh as the convoy crawled through the town.

In a nutshell.


I wouldn't worry too much about the Aussies mate. We have always led you into battle.

And we never fall to friendly fire.

Hey Mate, those of us who've been in the trenches know that the Aussies are just about the toughest, meanest warriors on this earth, along with some Brit Paras.

And we can't forget the Checzk (sp?) Poles, Danes and other's who fight. And they are all volunteers. Why do they volunteer? They love freedom.


And you are posting from where?

Any problems take it up with Uncle Sam, he created this monster, along with the Al Sauds, never mind petrol still less than $1 per gallon thats all that matters in the back of buffalo nowhere in Redneck County.

I wasn't aware that this was about me. What relevance does my location have?

I'm aware of where these organisations originated.. goes way back to Afghanistan, the CIA, and the mujahadeen whatever.

I think maybe you fail to see that if this is not stopped now, then it'll spread, more and more innocents will be beaten, raped tortured and brutally murdered. And no one will be able to control it.

Who actually cares?

Best head down to your nearest recruitment office and join up, you sound like perfect cannon fodder to me, never mind, its all done for petrol dollar.

And meanwhile the Al Sauds do exactly what?

The Al Sauds were helped to create their state by the British around 100yrs ago. Sadly for the brits they didn't even know about the oil.

The US is now self sufficient in oil. Which sort of negates your whole premise.

Not yet, IEA forecast USA will be energy independent by 2035. However, quite a few people overlook the fact that many major US trade and security partners in the global marketplace are heavily dependent on ME energy product. Without US partners' secure access to energy it will quite possibly have a big hit on the US economy with resultant job losses and so on. Accordingly IMO US cannot just walkaway from the ME region and will require ongoing engagement driven by one of its strategic national interests i.e. secure global trade

  • Like 2

Perhaps instead of the US, some European nations and Australia could go in and do something about this.

Any volunteers?


Isis video shows 17 captured Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in cages being paraded through town
LIZZIE DEARDEN Saturday 14 February 2015
Isis has paraded captured Kurdish soldiers in cages through screaming crowds in what some fear is a prequel to them being burned alive.
A video of the procession has appeared on Isis-affiliated social media accounts, showing the prisoners in orange jumpsuits and flanked by black-clad militants brandishing Kalashnikovs and the group’s black flag.
People lining the streets could be heard jeering and shouting “Allahu Akbar” as they passed one by one on the back of flat bed vans.
The captured soldiers were each forced to stand alone in a cage similar to that used in the murder of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh as the convoy crawled through the town.

In a nutshell.


I wouldn't worry too much about the Aussies mate. We have always led you into battle.

And we never fall to friendly fire.

Hey Mate, those of us who've been in the trenches know that the Aussies are just about the toughest, meanest warriors on this earth, along with some Brit Paras.

And we can't forget the Checzk (sp?) Poles, Danes and other's who fight. And they are all volunteers. Why do they volunteer? They love freedom.

Not that simple, the Iraqi government would need to permit Western foreign ground troops to engage in combat on their territory with ISIS; to date this has not been permitted. Same applies to Syria


Perhaps instead of the US, some European nations and Australia could go in and do something about this.

Any volunteers?


Isis video shows 17 captured Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in cages being paraded through town
LIZZIE DEARDEN Saturday 14 February 2015
Isis has paraded captured Kurdish soldiers in cages through screaming crowds in what some fear is a prequel to them being burned alive.
A video of the procession has appeared on Isis-affiliated social media accounts, showing the prisoners in orange jumpsuits and flanked by black-clad militants brandishing Kalashnikovs and the group’s black flag.
People lining the streets could be heard jeering and shouting “Allahu Akbar” as they passed one by one on the back of flat bed vans.
The captured soldiers were each forced to stand alone in a cage similar to that used in the murder of Jordanian pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh as the convoy crawled through the town.

In a nutshell.


I wouldn't worry too much about the Aussies mate. We have always led you into battle.

And we never fall to friendly fire.

Hey Mate, those of us who've been in the trenches know that the Aussies are just about the toughest, meanest warriors on this earth, along with some Brit Paras.

And we can't forget the Checzk (sp?) Poles, Danes and other's who fight. And they are all volunteers. Why do they volunteer? They love freedom.

Not that simple, the Iraqi government would need to permit Western foreign ground troops to engage in combat on their territory with ISIS; to date this has not been permitted. Same applies to Syria

Right now the Iraqi's do not have a lot of options. The latest skirmish in Al-Baghdaddi on the outskirts of Baghdad will have put a rocket up the backside of the Iraqi Government.

What is said in public and what is said in private are 2 different things. The troops being deployed to Kuwait are not going on R&R.


Ah you mean a bit like the Pope who wants authortity over every catholic on the planet?

The same man who claims to have "papal dispensation"?

Great stuff, you really couldnt make it up.

What next, F-16s over the Vatican?

Western democracies have all had their tussles with Christianity and the power wielded by the church - not to mention a bloody civil war in Ireland - but its a long time since Rome had people killed simply to reassert it's authority. I'm also not sure that you understand what a papal dispensation actually is and how little influence canon law has in most modern courtrooms. No argument that previous Popes have wielded immense power - often corruptly and with little regard for their flock - but those days are long gone. Our would-be Caliph - a designation rejected by Islamic scholars and many other terrorist organisations within the Muslim world - will make those early Popes look like parish priests and the Inquisition will seem like the good old days if he gets his way. If religion is built around the concept of surrendering yourself to a higher power, surely that power doesnt share the same flesh as the rest of us ? Excommunication might scare some folk but beheadings and stonings are on a whole other level.



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one quality of ME people are that they always keep promise, and remember their friends and enemies, i am afraid if USA disturb peace in ME then ME man and women both contine to kill americans for next 500 yrars, that time they even dont know why killing they are killing americans but they will continue as per their tradition " where ever see amerian just kill him without any reason"


one quality of ME people are that they always keep promise, and remember their friends and enemies, i am afraid if USA disturb peace in ME then ME man and women both contine to kill americans for next 500 yrars, that time they even dont know why killing they are killing americans but they will continue as per their tradition " where ever see amerian just kill him without any reason"

You call that a quality ? That is one of the reasons they are a 1000 years behind the West.

Is it just Americans that they are killing ? I could name Brits, Japs and a dozen others that have been killed over the last 6 months.

Nothing to do with Americans and everything to do with Infidels.

You really need to try and educate yourself. If you are a Muslim female then I can understand your predicament.

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There are levels of naiveté, ignorance, or simple BS-ing that I won't respond to directly, why reprint such foolishness. Anyway, news to me Arabs have the oldest civilisation, I thought it was the Chinese (or Koreans, Indians or whoever's telling you their civilisation is the oldest). And this is not a live-and-let-live situation.

Suadi Arabia is where ISIS is headed. The group is the descendant of a Saudi paramilitary force from the old days (flag is even almost identical), and KSA is the ideological godfather--wahhabism. This ideology is extreme, completely intolerant, and extremely dangerous not just to non-Muslims but to all but the most extreme, reactionary Muslims.

This is a definite case where the best outcome would be the US military smashing them to bits. That's far from a given outcome though. KSA is very vulnerable and if ISIS succeeds in attacking and defeating the Saudi army (not at all unlikely) and they get control of the Saudi oil fields, we're all going to feel the effects. These guys need to be consigned to the ash heap of history where they belong.


This is a huge mistake. facepalm.gif

Doesn't anyone remember how the Taliban and Al Quada started? They were our allies against the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s. We trained them and armed them and turned them loose with the idea that 'the enemy of our enemy is our friend'. Guess what, they aren't.

When the Syrian civil war started we did the same thing. We set up training camps in Jordan and US special ops trained anti-Syrian fighters there. Of course, we somehow assumed that these anti-government fighters were pro-Democracy. Well, guess what... they are actually pro-jihad and are worse than the Taliban was. ISIS is successful because they were trained and equipped by the best soldiers the US has. Now we are like the Sorcerer's Apprentice frantically trying to stop the forces that we have helped to unleash. You'd think that after 30 years of banging our heads against the wall we would learn to keep our noses out of the middle east and leave them to sort our their own troubles.

For those of you who think that we need to contain ISIS before it spreads, ISIS has almost reached the limits of its influence already. They are Sunni Arabs and will be opposed by Kurds, Turks and Shiites. The only Sunni Arab country left in that area that is at risk of being conquered by them is Jordan. It's no surprise that they incited a fight with Jordan, as they would have no hope of defeating any other country in that region.


For the US flag wavers read your own famous marine general Smedley Butlers opinion on war being a racket for the rich as the poor fill the body bags.

Nothing has changed.


OK. Patiently waiting here for the anti-US comments.

While I wait, I'll pray for these good, brave young men and women.

Not anti US, but the US makes it's own enemies.

There was never Al Qaida in Iraq till Bush sent the troops in on a lie ( WMD ), there was no Taliban till the US abandoned Afghanistan after sending the Russians packing, the US won in Vietnam at the cost of over 50,000 poor dead boys and then abandoned Sth Vietnam to the North, the US overthrew a good man in Iran and installed a dictator that eventually caused the rise of the Ayatollahs. The list goes on and on.

And now, it starts again. There are no good sides in the ME. All of them hate the infidel. Look at what happened in Libya. Just take the oil and let them kill each other. Just give the Kurds the means to protect themselves- they seem to be the only ones worth a damn.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You have mixed up yer Sunnis and Shi Ites.

I have said on here before, the Americans backed the wrong horse, should have backed Iran.

As for The Sauds, they will back whatever horse keeps them in power long enough to milk their country dry.

One of the most odious regimes in the world, hated by their own people.

Have a look at whats happening in Yemen right now, please make sure to watch either Al Jazzera for "fair and balanced" reporting, or if you prefer to enter "the no spin zone" watch Russia Today.

That nutter you refer to, if he was American he would be up there with Davy Crockett, Paul Revere and all the other "freedom fighters" or "patriots" as our American friends call them.

Nah, he's more a Donald Trump type than any of the others. I'm not aware of Crockett, Revere or any of the other patriots looking to build an empire, even if the America they believed in is very much an empire hundreds of years later. This individual wants authority over every Muslim on the planet - surely that's the very definition of megalomania ....

Ah you mean a bit like the Pope who wants authortity over every catholic on the planet?

The same man who claims to have "papal dispensation"?

Great stuff, you really couldnt make it up.

What next, F-16s over the Vatican?

????? What is papal dispensation?

I think that this thread has run it's course.

Every nutcase has had a chance here to share their insight into the current state of geopolitics.

Let's move on. Any opinions about Putin?

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Close the thread.

The brigade going to Kuwait is a replacement brigade.

The OP makes clear the US has had a heavy infantry brigade in Kuwait continuously since 2011.

From the OP....

The U.S. Army has kept a brigade in Kuwait since the end of the Iraq war in 2011.

Brigades rotate in and out of Kuwait regularly and this one is simply one of 'em.

The only difference is that this deployment is heavier and will be used under the president's new IS fighting endorsement the prez is requesting from the Congress. No big deal as the US military anywhere is always at the ready.

Shut it down.


The Third Combat "Iron" Brigade being deployed to Kuwait has many combat experienced career soldiers of its four deployments over seven years to Iraq and one deployment to Afghanistan where in each.deployment it engaged in suppression of the enemy engagements (combat) and training of Iraqi and also Afghanistan forces.

Brigade commander Colonel Gergory F. Sierra has held command and training positions in the Infantry since graduating from the US Military Academy at West Point, New York, in 1990. He served as a battalion commander in Iraq and also as a regiment commander in Afghanistan.

Col Sierra has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Systems Engineering from the United States Military Academy, a Master of Military Arts and Science Degree from the Army Command and General Staff College at Ft Leavenworth, Kansas and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College in Newport, RI.

The Third "Iron Brigade" Heavy Combat Team commanded by Col Sierra consists of the 4th Squadron of the 10th Cavalry Regiment; the 1st Battalion of the 8th Infantry Regiment; the 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment; the 3rd Battalion of the 29th Field Artillery Regiment (Missiles); the 3rd Special Troops Battalion; and 64th Brigade Support Battalion.

During World War 2 the Third "Iron" Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division was the first US ground force unit to land at Utah Beach in Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944 to later hook up with the 82nd Airborne Division to capture Cherbourg, soon after which the Third Brigade broke through the left flank of the German Seventh Army in the successful drive to liberate Paris. The Third Brigade fought as a part of the Allied counterattack in the Battle of the Bulge to later cross the Rhine River to fight in Bavaria when the Germans surrendered to the allies May 8, 1944.

Can we close the thread now plse thx.

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If there are vicious dogs in your neighborhood causing injuries, there may come a time when you have to grab a metal pipe and go smash some dog heads.

I'm American, and can see both sides of the problem. Is the Middle East 'our neighborhood'? Debatable, depending on whether a person leans to isolation (which is the easy way out), or to dynamic police action. It's also a matter of which countries care about suffering of innocents from other countries/ethicities, and which countries (many of the same) have the military might to enforce a change for the better.

Why aren't Russia, China, Brazil or Japan sending over troops and equipment? I could venture to give my opinion, but it would take too much text.

ISIS is worse than a pack of plundering dogs, so they compel the action that's being taken against them. Americans would rather stay at home and deal with of day-to-day life (like digging their cars out of snowbanks, or going to see a daughter perform in a school play).

There are no good or final solutions in the Middle East. The best we can hope for is a tense situation which is less bad than terrible. Right now, it's terrible.


If the ISIS situation would stay in the ME that would be one thing. But it isn't and it's going to get worse. Italy is starting to make rattling noises because ISIS controls land within 500 miles (800 kms) of it.

ISIS is bigger and growing more than W. leaders will admit. Not too long ago Obama referred to it as a "junior varsity team."

"President Obama enjoys his sports analogies, so let’s just say that he fumbled when he was asked whether he made a “misjudgment” eight months ago in dismissing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria as the equivalent of “a jayvee team.”


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