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Thai prosecutors warned 'not to fall for delay tactic' for ex-PM

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No, they wouldn't want the statute of limitations run out as it did with so many of the "Bangkok elite" and their scandals from the 90s. Different side though, that was OK.

It's about time you changed your Avatar...the shirt colour is wrong


What would make matters extremely awkward for the Government would be her wandering into the American embassy .

Her motorcade wouldn't make it past the gate.


<quote> FORMER PRIME MINISTER Yingluck Shinawatra is trying to stretch out the |judicial proceedings against her over the rice-pledging scheme into next year when the political tide could turn in her favour, political activist Suriyasai Katasila alleged yesterday.

I guess she learned something from Suthep then


Maybe Suriyasai also known as the PCAD goat can explain why Suthep and Abhisit have no time to go to court. Suthep was obviously having time enough for his long walks in Bangkok were he received stacks of money which he probably put in his own pocket for a large part. Maybe the (Anti) democrat party who only gets in power after their cronies raped democracy and who win never any elections can explain why no economic terrorist responsible for the airport occupation is prosecuted yet (No time? Delay needed?) and maybe they can explain why Prayuth never showed up while his men where held responsible by his own royalist courts for murdering peaceful demonstrators in Bangkok's streets.

Never take anyone serious who is closely related to the elite. They make these comments because it is their own tactic.


What would make matters extremely awkward for the Government would be her wandering into the American embassy .

No, that would make things awkward for the US government. Having to ask her to leave politely, followed by Marines showing her the way out.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Dispite the fanatical elitist support on this site ( which by the way damages it's popularity with thinking people) that want YS blood , increasingly audacious verminous remarks like those above will only corner the Government.
Increasingly , it looks like YS won't run , and her stand and fight tactics can only end in such a kangaroo court environment obviously one way.

The international tolerance of this military Government is fast growing thin.
And already the broader overseas community see this trail as more a political Witch Hunt.
Hatred"s of the family that has long won every political battle democratically against the elitists it has waged.

A popular passive kind legitimate PM female who internationally is very much in the spotlight about to be prosecuted under very dubious circumstances and most likely jailed.

The Government must sense ( if it has any rationale into consequences) that such a move will incite harsh international outrage .Boycotts and sanctions would not be out of the question , and long term friends would seem to be quickly distancing themselves away.

Australia already bans the junta from visits there.

UN has made strong requests regarding military courts .

The domestic outrage might be useful for the military to justify a delay in elections ( which look in any case influenced already) but it also knows it would be far less tolerated and would begin to suffer further in an international hostile environment .

The only winner being China who seeks to move closer in its ties .

Thailand strangely seems at a cross road .
If it takes the elitist position to the point where she ( YS) is jailed .
Many observers will view it as a pivotal point of no return for this general.

The chance of huge social unrest also remains a real possibility .
But in any case the Americans in Particular wont stomach a military state jailing a popular democratically elected PM for nothing other than spite and power play.

It will spell the beginning of the end for the military coup and its hopes of winning international belief.

Another one who has forgotten about the "misplaced" billions.

Cuckoo land smile.png

The courts should be following the money not engaging in a political witch hunt to satisfy a egotistic general.


If she is indeed moving assets off shore then surely that raises some suspicion. especially now given the timing.

She is not innocent in this, her negligence and failings as a leader make her responsible for not making sure things were kosher on her watch.

A Pm isn't an entry level position, and her performance alone shows that she wasn't cut out for it, yet the taxpayer foots the bill for the incompetence and yet she still plays the victim & expects privilege from courts, other govts and lackeys who are expendable at best. Absolute scum

Catch up on world news the taxpayer is footing the bill for incompetence the world over.


The Bangkok elite and "Yellow Shirts" in general want to put Yingluck in jail so badly, you can almost feel their pain that she is still roaming free. And all this because she is a Shinawatra NOT because of the rice scheme. The "Yellow Shirts" are literally foaming at the mouth in anticipation of their revenge.

Goodbye reconciliation.

Yingluck on the ground being hit by a yellow...



political activist Suriyasai Katasila

it almost seems like the Nation doesn't want you to know that this person was the Sec-General for the PAD's political party...

political activist sounds so much more benign than screaming-yellow-fascist leader. thumbsup.gif

The same nutter who claimed Thaksin was supplying arms to the Tamil Tigers but in this climate even the genuine whack jobs get a voice.

......................."but in this climate even the genuine whack jobs get a voice."...........................

Which is proven beyond doubt every time I read some of the forum topics ! Especially the Shin / red topics. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

  • Like 1

If she is indeed moving assets off shore then surely that raises some suspicion. especially now given the timing.

She is not innocent in this, her negligence and failings as a leader make her responsible for not making sure things were kosher on her watch.

A Pm isn't an entry level position, and her performance alone shows that she wasn't cut out for it, yet the taxpayer foots the bill for the incompetence and yet she still plays the victim & expects privilege from courts, other govts and lackeys who are expendable at best. Absolute scum

Catch up on world news the taxpayer is footing the bill for incompetence the world over.

...and politicians the world over usually do not go to jail for bad judgement or bad management...they just get voted out at the next election or impeached to remove them from office...PERIOD!!!


Based on what has been said she won't have to delay too long with elections promised next February as there is no way any of the current parties will beat the non elites party, (red if you like).

That is of course unless the "reforms" are such that only a pre chosen party with a pre chosen pm could win.

But that would not happen here would it?

"the non elites party, (red if you like)."

Just to clarify. Thaksin Shinawatra, grandson of princess Jantip na ChiangMai, born into incredible riches, gifted a telecommunications monopoly, one of 3 family members to have been given the PM position in a decade, changer of laws to enrich himself and his clan at the expense of Thailand's poorest, is NOT elite.

There are some amusing opinions on TVF, but the notion that Thaksin is leader of the "non-elites" party takes the cake. Both political parties are comprised of "elites". One political party has spent a fortune on a PR campaign to persuade the uneducated that they are grassroots paupers fighting against the rich. It's a lie. As educated westerners we should be more savvy than to swallow such blatant lies.

I wonder what they would say if you asked the junta and the current ruling elites if Thaksin was one of them?


No, they wouldn't want the statute of limitations run out as it did with so many of the "Bangkok elite" and their scandals from the 90s. Different side though, that was OK.

Is that why Thaksin doesn't want to return to Thailand?

Sorry, he is from the "right" side. My bad.

  • Like 1

If she is indeed moving assets off shore then surely that raises some suspicion. especially now given the timing.

She is not innocent in this, her negligence and failings as a leader make her responsible for not making sure things were kosher on her watch.

A Pm isn't an entry level position, and her performance alone shows that she wasn't cut out for it, yet the taxpayer foots the bill for the incompetence and yet she still plays the victim & expects privilege from courts, other govts and lackeys who are expendable at best. Absolute scum

Catch up on world news the taxpayer is footing the bill for incompetence the world over.

...and politicians the world over usually do not go to jail for bad judgement or bad management...they just get voted out at the next election or impeached to remove them from office...PERIOD!!!

TRUE and once they are voted out of office their political friends are waiting with useless cushy well paid jobs sitting on company boards or running some redundant government agency. Sorry brother your behind the times


Maybe Suriyasai also known as the PCAD goat can explain why Suthep and Abhisit have no time to go to court. Suthep was obviously having time enough for his long walks in Bangkok were he received stacks of money which he probably put in his own pocket for a large part. Maybe the (Anti) democrat party who only gets in power after their cronies raped democracy and who win never any elections can explain why no economic terrorist responsible for the airport occupation is prosecuted yet (No time? Delay needed?) and maybe they can explain why Prayuth never showed up while his men where held responsible by his own royalist courts for murdering peaceful demonstrators in Bangkok's streets.

Never take anyone serious who is closely related to the elite. They make these comments because it is their own tactic.

Where have you been lately?

Abhisit HAS been to court.

Try a little research before you post rubbish. A starting point may be found here.


Aug. 28, 2014

The decision will infuriate Red Shirt opponents of May's military coup

Murder charges against former Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his erstwhile deputy Suthep Thaugsuban were dropped Thursday. The charges related to a bloody crackdown on peaceful protesters in central Bangkok in 2010 that claimed more than 90 lives.

Thailand’s Criminal Court ruled that it could not hear the case as the two accused held public office at the time of the deaths and were acting under emergency powers, reports the Bangkok Post.

WERE you infuriated?

  • Like 1

If a prosecutor gets warned, the case should be dismissed !

How much lower can they get..... this is a shame for justice !


Based on what has been said she won't have to delay too long with elections promised next February as there is no way any of the current parties will beat the non elites party, (red if you like).

That is of course unless the "reforms" are such that only a pre chosen party with a pre chosen pm could win.

But that would not happen here would it?

"the non elites party, (red if you like)."

Just to clarify. Thaksin Shinawatra, grandson of princess Jantip na ChiangMai, born into incredible riches, gifted a telecommunications monopoly, one of 3 family members to have been given the PM position in a decade, changer of laws to enrich himself and his clan at the expense of Thailand's poorest, is NOT elite.

There are some amusing opinions on TVF, but the notion that Thaksin is leader of the "non-elites" party takes the cake. Both political parties are comprised of "elites". One political party has spent a fortune on a PR campaign to persuade the uneducated that they are grassroots paupers fighting against the rich. It's a lie. As educated westerners we should be more savvy than to swallow such blatant lies.

I wonder what they would say if you asked the junta and the current ruling elites if Thaksin was one of them?

................"the junta and the current ruling elites"....................... Interesting ! So these "ruling elites" are not associated with the military because you said "the junta and the current ruling elites", so when the Shins were supposedly running the country were these mystery men pulling their strings as well ? Or do they just take over when the Shins are "out of town" ? whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What would make matters extremely awkward for the Government would be her wandering into the American embassy .

The US is making lots of commenst but would they really want the situation where she walked into their embaasy and put them on the spot to give her asylum?

If they did immediately bring her into the embassy and keep her in the embassy (grant her asylum) then they are basically saying her life is in danger and they are blatantly making a statement that she is innocent.

If they didn't bring her in and didn't give her asylum they they are saying she doesn't gualify for asylum, in other words she is not in danger, etc.

Either way a complex scenario and IMHO the US embassy would not really want either situation.

But will the US embassy continue to make it's holier than thou statements? Of course.

  • Like 1

Dispite the fanatical elitist support on this site ( which by the way damages it's popularity with thinking people) that want YS blood , increasingly audacious verminous remarks like those above will only corner the Government.

Increasingly , it looks like YS won't run , and her stand and fight tactics can only end in such a kangaroo court environment obviously one way.

The international tolerance of this military Government is fast growing thin.

And already the broader overseas community see this trail as more a political Witch Hunt.

Hatred"s of the family that has long won every political battle democratically against the elitists it has waged.

A popular passive kind legitimate PM female who internationally is very much in the spotlight about to be prosecuted under very dubious circumstances and most likely jailed.

The Government must sense ( if it has any rationale into consequences) that such a move will incite harsh international outrage .Boycotts and sanctions would not be out of the question , and long term friends would seem to be quickly distancing themselves away.

Australia already bans the junta from visits there.

UN has made strong requests regarding military courts .

The domestic outrage might be useful for the military to justify a delay in elections ( which look in any case influenced already) but it also knows it would be far less tolerated and would begin to suffer further in an international hostile environment .

The only winner being China who seeks to move closer in its ties .

Thailand strangely seems at a cross road .

If it takes the elitist position to the point where she ( YS) is jailed .

Many observers will view it as a pivotal point of no return for this general.

The chance of huge social unrest also remains a real possibility .

But in any case the Americans in Particular wont stomach a military state jailing a popular democratically elected PM for nothing other than spite and power play.

It will spell the beginning of the end for the military coup and its hopes of winning international belief.

Junta made a mistake,

usually Junta executes such criminals instantly after take over power !!


Dispite the fanatical elitist support on this site ( which by the way damages it's popularity with thinking people) that want YS blood , increasingly audacious verminous remarks like those above will only corner the Government.

Increasingly , it looks like YS won't run , and her stand and fight tactics can only end in such a kangaroo court environment obviously one way.

The international tolerance of this military Government is fast growing thin.

And already the broader overseas community see this trail as more a political Witch Hunt.

Hatred"s of the family that has long won every political battle democratically against the elitists it has waged.

A popular passive kind legitimate PM female who internationally is very much in the spotlight about to be prosecuted under very dubious circumstances and most likely jailed.

The Government must sense ( if it has any rationale into consequences) that such a move will incite harsh international outrage .Boycotts and sanctions would not be out of the question , and long term friends would seem to be quickly distancing themselves away.

Australia already bans the junta from visits there.

UN has made strong requests regarding military courts .

The domestic outrage might be useful for the military to justify a delay in elections ( which look in any case influenced already) but it also knows it would be far less tolerated and would begin to suffer further in an international hostile environment .

The only winner being China who seeks to move closer in its ties .

Thailand strangely seems at a cross road .

If it takes the elitist position to the point where she ( YS) is jailed .

Many observers will view it as a pivotal point of no return for this general.

The chance of huge social unrest also remains a real possibility .

But in any case the Americans in Particular wont stomach a military state jailing a popular democratically elected PM for nothing other than spite and power play.

It will spell the beginning of the end for the military coup and its hopes of winning international belief.

Another one who has forgotten about the "misplaced" billions.

Cuckoo land smile.png

Can there be a more elite and privileged family than the Shinawatras in Thailand, or a bigger bunch of thieving scum bags without morals?

If they are 'of the people' as they claim to be - then why can't they go to prison like everyone else if they have wronged (admittedly it was only several hundred billion baht) that was stolen/went missing/was wasted.

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