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Thaksin 'ready' for talk, but not Prayut

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People elected by tanks and guns have nothing to say to those elected by the hopeless, the left out, the losers, the down trodden. That's like Julius Cezar meeting David from David and Goliath.

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Prayut said that as a state official, he was not permitted by law to meet with someone wanted by the authorities for legal prosecution. And he would be unable to send anyone else to meet Thaksin on his behalf, as that also was against the law.

That's a bit rich ... Prayut effectively committed an act of treason and the only reason he hasn't been arrested for his crime is that he continues to hold the country under martial law and therefore by force.

He might want to give Obama or any other western leader for that matter a call to see if he's considered a 'State Official' - the honest answer would be NO because his position was NOT due to a democratic election but by simple force; regardless of whether that force involved violence.

"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

If there was any legal justifications forthcoming it would be the arrest of Prayut for treason; again his comments are delusional at best as he already committed the offense of dereliction of duty when he staged a coup.

Thaksin is another kettle of fish altogether and whether we like it or not he and his sister were duly elected by the people. Yes he's now living in exile by choice because he doesn't want to face jail time and certainly Thaskin is not the man anyone in power should be discussing state matters with.

This is the underlying reason why Thailand will continue to hold elections and military coups because people like Thaskin and Prayut are self-severing; this has nothing to do with the good of the people for if that were the case Yingluck would still be in power if the democratic decision of the people decided on such.

So 2016 ... General Election ... 2017 the military and ruling elite don't like the peoples choice ... late 2017 protests ... end of 2017 another military coup .... and that the cycle which will continue until the self-serving elites and military are finally removed from the equation.

Well, cover me with eggs and flour and bake me for fourteen minutes. Who'd have thought it, eh? General Prayut committed an act of treason and you want him arrested.

I assume you already informed the appropriate authorities of your opinion?

BTW 'good people' and 'Yingluck still in power' ? 'he and his sister elected'?

Oh boy, a real democracy. Amply Rich people to the front.


"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he (Khun General Prayuth) said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty.

Thankfully a person with morals and principles. As opposed to the many Pheu thai criminals and their henchmen like the Chief of Police and Attorney General who were so morally corrupt they could not even hold to any principles of office let alone morals or plain common decency as they rushed off overseas to take guidance from a people court convicted criminal or issued the fugitive criminal with thai passports.

Keep up the good work General for the benefit of Thailand and the over whelming number of thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy.

"the overwhelming number of Thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy"

Hold an election and see just how underwhelming the number of Thais who support your views truly is.

Holding an election and the fact that political theft of democracy is the name of the game have nothing to do with each other.

Have you ever considered doing stand up comedy as that is pure gold you just posted.

What's the big cat scared of when he had the supposed support of 90% of the country ?

Is he so scared if the desert rat that he's clinging on with sheer hope the event happens sooner rather than later?

Political theft of democracy indeed, were the electorate not robbed of that opportunity on Feb last year, and the possibility of another election in July by the military ?

I think you'll find that they do belong together either Thaksin and his support are so weakened that an election would confirm this , and democracy wins or he's still powerful and still had the ability to hold onto his support base by whatever means it takes, and is still a powerful man the General is doing all he can to avoid a showdown of who really had the greater support!!

Now I agree with the PM in this, he's the one who should decide a time and a place for any potential meeting and it should be his conditions laid down first, return and face your charges do the right thing for your party and supporters, prove you've got Thailand interest at heart, chose to stay in your rat hole, forget any concessions !!


2018 Thaksin is any way a free men. When Chuan Lek Pai brother stole over 10 million Dollars from Thai Farmer Bank (Kasikorn Bank ) he went for Taiwan to spend the money. 10 years later he came back as a free men.


2018 Thaksin is any way a free men. When Chuan Lek Pai brother stole over 10 million Dollars from Thai Farmer Bank (Kasikorn Bank ) he went for Taiwan to spend the money. 10 years later he came back as a free men.

Not sure about the year 2018 though. I thought it to be a bit later what with a few cases still awaiting his presence.

Anyway, just a year or so ago another fellow came back, he was of BBC fame. Does this type of justice make you happy?


"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty."Don't forget that Khun Thaksin has legal problems. Do you think I can talk to him?"

which article was that again? Maybe article 44?

Sure, General, it's legal for you to talk to him. whistling.gif

Whether it is legal or not is besides the point - he doesn't talk to criminals, full stop!!!!

And why would he want to anyway, he has much bigger fish to fry than a has-been.

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"I can't talk with anyone wanted by law. It's because I am a state official," he (Khun General Prayuth) said. He was referring to the offence of dereliction of duty.

Thankfully a person with morals and principles. As opposed to the many Pheu thai criminals and their henchmen like the Chief of Police and Attorney General who were so morally corrupt they could not even hold to any principles of office let alone morals or plain common decency as they rushed off overseas to take guidance from a people court convicted criminal or issued the fugitive criminal with thai passports.

Keep up the good work General for the benefit of Thailand and the over whelming number of thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy.

"the overwhelming number of Thais who want an end to political theft of their democracy"

Hold an election and see just how underwhelming the number of Thais who support your views truly is.

Holding an election and the fact that political theft of democracy is the name of the game have nothing to do with each other.

Have you ever considered doing stand up comedy as that is pure gold you just posted.

What's the big cat scared of when he had the supposed support of 90% of the country ?

Is he so scared if the desert rat that he's clinging on with sheer hope the event happens sooner rather than later?

Political theft of democracy indeed, were the electorate not robbed of that opportunity on Feb last year, and the possibility of another election in July by the military ?

I think you'll find that they do belong together either Thaksin and his support are so weakened that an election would confirm this , and democracy wins or he's still powerful and still had the ability to hold onto his support base by whatever means it takes, and is still a powerful man the General is doing all he can to avoid a showdown of who really had the greater support!!

Now I agree with the PM in this, he's the one who should decide a time and a place for any potential meeting and it should be his conditions laid down first, return and face your charges do the right thing for your party and supporters, prove you've got Thailand interest at heart, chose to stay in your rat hole, forget any concessions !!

Like you I also agree with the PM. There's no need to talk with a criminal fugitive has been who still tries to claw back with any means.

"Thaksin, however, has said he is ready for such talks, a Pheu Thai Party source said yesterday. The ex-PM's only condition was that he wanted to talk to someone with the power to make decisions, so that any agreement reached can be put into practice, the source said. "Thaksin has been fooled many times already. Such talks often failed in the past, so he wants people with actual power to talk with him," the source said."

Still a masterful piece of distortion while hinting at a somewhat disappointed figure who is still willing to negotiate, but wants the right people to avoid he gets duped again. One cannot but feel sorry for the chap. No wonder his sister talked about her 'much maligned brother' in her equally masterful Mongolia speech. Excellent examples of what money can buy you.


"Thaksin has been fooled many times already"

And vice versa, Thailand has been fooled by Thaksin even many more times already.

Thank you! I was just about to post exactly the same remark myself! +1 thumbsup.gif

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I am ready for talk with Prayut, too. And there are less reasons against this talk than against a talk with T.

But I am not expecting this.

Prayut doesn't need the law to refuse such a nonsense. Common sense is enough.

What right has a corrupt and convicted criminal who has even more trials to face to even think about talking with

a Prime minister?

And don't forget that it was T. who created the criminal gang that killed children and urged their followers to torch Bangkok

Yeah but - if you are a Thaksin / red lover, it's ok to forget these things - that's if they really happened.

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LOL, such silliness.

Anonymous sources say Thaksin wants to talk.

Anonymous sources say Thaksin has his bags packed and is ready to return.

Anonymous sources say Thaksin is plotting.

And yet, not a public word from the man. It has all allegedly gone through back channels to the military administration, who have made sure to disseminate that all the news about Thaksin waiting for a call. Rrrrrrrrrrrright.

Come on now. In all the years of Thaksin's political activities, when has he employed this strategy? He is more given to speeches to his former power base than sending messages by way of junior message boys.

It suits the military administration's purposes to maintain the spectre of Thaksin. Distract the people from the current ineptitude and focus on an issue that will unite the core groups who supported the coup. Instill fear that all will be lost if the bogey man returns, find an enemy who can unite the dwindling support base and hold on to power as long as possible.

I have said it before and I will say it again. Thaksin isn't coming home anytime soon unless its for his funeral rites. Even if by some magical mystery the man was pardoned tomorrow, he would not return. It is unsafe for him to be in Thailand, and he is not one to risk his life. He would not consider a permanent return unless his supporters were running things and that will not happen for some time.

There is no need to keep bringing up the subject. He's not in Thailand, he's not coming back and his support base isn't what it used to be. It's over.

Yeah right...Let's see what happens when they try to imprisonany opposition to this dictatorial rule. This is FAR from over

This is in your mindset. A red mindset. this rabble of dwindling % of Issan reds are all there is left, and without money given will not fight for him.

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A post containing unsupported allegations has been removed as well as the associated replies.

Any posts which can be construed as rumor mongering are not allowed.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


Thaksin and Yinglook are economical criminals,

and not prosecuted of political reasons !!

Seems people forget that Thaksin is in cahrge of more than 10 criminal !! and not political cases !!

In other democratic countries they would be already in Bangkok Hilton !!


"The ex-PM's only condition was that he wanted to talk to someone with the power to make decisions, so that any agreement reached can be put into practice, the source said. "Thaksin has been fooled many times already. Such talks often failed in the past, so he wants people with actual power to talk with him," the source said.

This poor delusional creature still believes he is relevant. Megalomania really is a fault without limits. Thaksin, me old mate, sit beside me and I'll try to break the news to you gently. Ssshhh, deep breaths, let the muscles relax. OK? Thaksin, you're not allowed back in the sandbox. Sorry, but the other kids don't like your selfish tantrums.

Or even your family, now do you get the picture Thaksin.


If Thaksin is a wanted fugitive in Thailand, then why don't they just cancel his passport, and issue an international arrest warrant, simple, easy,

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There is only one thing a Convicted Criminal has to talk about, When he will come home and do his Jail time! end of story!

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So talking to a fugitive is illegal.

Lock up half to three quartets of the parliament then

You may not have noticed but there is no parliament yet.

If however you are talking about the MPs from the previous PTP government I do agree with you 100%.

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Sadly, none of the self appointed experts has realized that an anonymous source said Thaksin wanted to discuss his return.

No one of any position has actually said they were contacted.

Thaksin hasn't even made any public statements for quite some time.

However, don't let me disrupt the mob's frenzy.


Sadly, none of the self appointed experts has realized that an anonymous source said Thaksin wanted to discuss his return.

No one of any position has actually said they were contacted.

Thaksin hasn't even made any public statements for quite some time.

However, don't let me disrupt the mob's frenzy.

It would seem you forgot to add that of course a Pheu Thai source making statements about Thaksin's wishes is unlikely to speak for his master himself.

"Thaksin, however, has said he is ready for such talks, a Pheu Thai Party source said yesterday. The ex-PM's only condition was that he wanted to talk to someone with the power to make decisions, so that any agreement reached can be put into practice, the source said.

"Thaksin has been fooled many times already. Such talks often failed in the past, so he wants people with actual power to talk with him," the source said."

Now waiting for a statement from Thaksin in line with his famous "who am I to do or say such?"


"The ex-PM's only condition was that he wanted to talk to someone with the power to make decisions, so that any agreement reached can be put into practice, the source said. "Thaksin has been fooled many times already. Such talks often failed in the past, so he wants people with actual power to talk with him," the source said.

This poor delusional creature still believes he is relevant. Megalomania really is a fault without limits. Thaksin, me old mate, sit beside me and I'll try to break the news to you gently. Ssshhh, deep breaths, let the muscles relax. OK? Thaksin, you're not allowed back in the sandbox. Sorry, but the other kids don't like your selfish tantrums.

So if he's not relevant, why all the opprobrium?

Because the media, ALL of it, insists on keeping him in the limelight. How many Taksin threads on this site alone over the years? Clickbait, pure and simple. He should long have been kept the irrelevancy he is. Piece of sh1t.

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I hope the slimy little slug does come back to Thailand one day, under any circumstances, either as a prisoner or a free man.

Because one thing for sure, he will spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder, and I hope he lives to be 100.

Poetic justice. thumbsup.gif


Sadly, none of the self appointed experts has realized that an anonymous source said Thaksin wanted to discuss his return.

No one of any position has actually said they were contacted.

Thaksin hasn't even made any public statements for quite some time.

However, don't let me disrupt the mob's frenzy.

From the op - "Thaksin, however, has said he is ready for such talks, a Pheu Thai Party source said yesterday."

But you are right, I would not believe a word of anything that came out of the PTP camp either.

Frenzied mob, please continue............................clap2.gif

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So talking to a fugitive is illegal.

Lock up half to three quartets of the parliament then

You may not have noticed, but the process has already begun. Consorting with criminals, aiding and abetting a fugitive, and criminal conspiracy are crimes in many countries, though there are few where a criminal businessman would be allowed access to confidential cabinet meetings.

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