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Police to probe whether Yingluck really needs an official bodyguard

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US presidents are afforded security for their lifetimes. I dont see anything wrong with a similar system in any country.

Unlike the USA, it's inconsistent.

Other former PM's like Chavalit and Banharn are not afforded the same service.


Wouldn't this be standard practice for all ex-pm's.

I think it is just standard practice world wide. Former presidents and prime ministers have security, offices and travel all sponsored by the tax payer.

Broaden your experiences as it's not standard practice here and many other places.


As a multi millionaire private citizen (she said so) she can well afford her own security if she or her "Team" think she needs it.

There is no reason why the tax payer should be burdened with the cost of providing a bodyguard for her or any other ex politician.


If the papers would stop complaining about her every day, she would not be such a public figure. Then she might not need security. All the complaining sounds like spoiled children who cannot win the game. This is causing yingluck to be more popular than ever. Since the state is causing her popularity. They must compensate her with security,to protect her from the media circus that their daily comments create.

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She is no longer the PM so she shouldn't need a bodyguard . Besides , she is still very popular and would win an election tomorrow if they had one.

No, it's Prayuth who needs the bodyguard. He's the one most people loath so it's understandable that he needs all the protection he can get.

On the other hand , Yingluk is in real danger of getting mobbed by her admirers whereas apart from the press most Thais wouldn't cross the road to extinguish Prayuth if he were on fire.


This post should be nominated for the DATY (Delusionist Post of The Year).

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She is no longer the PM so she shouldn't need a bodyguard . Besides , she is still very popular and would win an election tomorrow if they had one.

No, it's Prayuth who needs the bodyguard. He's the one most people loath so it's understandable that he needs all the protection he can get.

On the other hand , Yingluk is in real danger of getting mobbed by her admirers whereas apart from the press most Thais wouldn't cross the road to extinguish Prayuth if he were on fire.

prayuth already has 250k fully armed personal bodyguards paid for by the tax payer.
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She is not in office anymore, so why should the taxpayer pay for het, and especially because she is going to be a convicted criminal

Ex-political officials are commonly taken care-of at taxpayer expense in many countries; and how do you know " . . . she is going to be a convicted criminal"?

Because, unfortunately, under the current regime, a conviction is a foregone conclusion.

Prayuth has already stated that she "has to prove her innocence" in court, rather than the state has to prove her guilt.


Why would she need security/protection? According to many on here she is the darling of all darlings in Thailand and is so loved would be re-elected if an election was held.


In most "normal" countries former heads of governments get protection, certainly in a politically tense situation. The discussion is ridiculous and again proof of double standards. Does anybody know that all higher ranking military have personal guards/servants walking around at all times?


She is not in office anymore, so why should the taxpayer pay for het, and especially because she is going to be a convicted criminal

Ex-political officials are commonly taken care-of at taxpayer expense in many countries; and how do you know " . . . she is going to be a convicted criminal"?

Because, unfortunately, under the current regime, a conviction is a foregone conclusion.

Prayuth has already stated that she "has to prove her innocence" in court, rather than the state has to prove her guilt.

Are you able to provide a link to the article containing that statement? Has the PM changed the laws to allow the onus of proof to be reversed?


Well I suppose that not having any official security will make things simpler should it prove necessary to, ahem, deal with things in an informal manner.

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Wouldn't this be standard practice for all ex-pm's.

I think it is just standard practice world wide. Former presidents and prime ministers have security, offices and travel all sponsored by the tax payer.

Broaden your experiences as it's not standard practice here and many other places.

Sorry i have no experience in security of ex PM or ex premiers. Where you in the Secret Service?

Sent from my c64


Look, this 'bodyguard' is a ranking Thai police officer. He therefore has all the skills and competence to do things Yingluck needs. "Go fetch some noodles."


Doing well not talking about the shins in the press as asked by the junta arnt they ?

Unless of course its in the negative. whistling.gif

"Unless of course its in the negative. "

What else is ther to talk about them?


They might try assassination from the inferences in their double speak .

Lets hope nothing happens , and she isn't mysteriously a victim of a crazy killer or angry mob in black.

But nothing would surprise me , especially after reading the title of another thread saying the embattled military leader wants her in court to fight charges.

This would be as helpful to him politically as a Pattaya Jet ski operator is to tourist seeking a good trusting day out riding the waves there.

I smell a rat ....

Her demise might be too tempting to long term solutions and saving of face .

And the ""two birds with one stone narrative"" the unrest immediately following any sudden demise of her mortal coil could be used to further their claims that military rule is needed.

So many outcomes in the air at present.

One thing is certain Thailand is swiftly moving towards a China future


They might try assassination from the inferences in their double speak .

Lets hope nothing happens , and she isn't mysteriously a victim of a crazy killer or angry mob in black.

But nothing would surprise me , especially after reading the title of another thread saying the embattled military leader wants her in court to fight charges.

This would be as helpful to him politically as a Pattaya Jet ski operator is to tourist seeking a good trusting day out riding the waves there.

I smell a rat ....

Her demise might be too tempting to long term solutions and saving of face .

And the ""two birds with one stone narrative"" the unrest immediately following any sudden demise of her mortal coil could be used to further their claims that military rule is needed.

So many outcomes in the air at present.

One thing is certain Thailand is swiftly moving towards a China future

Hey, don't hog the joint, pass it around so that we can all get high. blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

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Thailand and its methods are hardly the intoxification of mind altering drugs - especially where the guessing of "what happens next "?

You have to count just it's coups on fingers and toes and still run out.

You have leaders ""high "" on power and ""dealing"" with issues in ways that might not be """straight "" down the line.

Really , whacking a powerful foe isn't so extrodinary in this climate .

Attitude adjustments and bans on free speech .

Do they really care about her?

If anything these guys are looking for a quick fix


She is no longer the PM so she shouldn't need a bodyguard . Besides , she is still very popular and would win an election tomorrow if they had one.

No, it's Prayuth who needs the bodyguard. He's the one most people loath so it's understandable that he needs all the protection he can get.

On the other hand , Yingluk is in real danger of getting mobbed by her admirers whereas apart from the press most Thais wouldn't cross the road to extinguish Prayuth if he were on fire.

Is all that "most Thais" based on some sort of fact or poll? Or just your opinion? If the latter, may I suggest you change it to "I" just to clarify who you speak for biggrin.png

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US presidents are afforded security for their lifetimes. I dont see anything wrong with a similar system in any country.

You are comparing this barbie doll third world thieving puppet pm with a first world president? I don't have time for either, but do gain some perspective. I was surprised she had a 'motorcade', and now, haha, a personal 'bodyguard' ???

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She is not in office anymore, so why should the taxpayer pay for het, and especially because she is going to be a convicted criminal

Ex-political officials are commonly taken care-of at taxpayer expense in many countries; and how do you know " . . . she is going to be a convicted criminal"?

Ex (sorry, haha) 'political officials' usually have not taken care of themselves so brazenly and in such a manner as this greedy thieving beeatch. H3ll with her, she's a nothing, a nobody, she is only making news now because the press and sites like this are elevating her to some kind of importance, same as her parasitic brother. Stop reporting about them, no one will notice.


She is not in office anymore, so why should the taxpayer pay for het, and especially because she is going to be a convicted criminal

Well i don't see why we need courts anymore then, we can just ask your opinion instead.


She is not in office anymore, so why should the taxpayer pay for het, and especially because she is going to be a convicted criminal

Well i don't see why we need courts anymore then, we can just ask your opinion instead.

Not even food courts?

How will the DPs manage to survive? biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


I stand to be put right, but i was under the opinion that all ex PM's of pretty much every country in the world had to maintain at least some element of security personnel?

I am ambivalent to her having police guards, but if they are looking at this i think there are far more questionable cases of this.

Many a time have i seen 'VIP's using police escort, and I am talking private company VIP's with no relation to Government work, and i think this without a doubt needs to be stopped.

On New Years day in Hua Hin the traffic was a nightmare, and right through the middle came a flying black tinted Maserati with two police motorbike escorts. I would of loved to of known who that was and what, why and how they needed, deserved a police escort presumably in their private holiday time, in unofficial car. I expect it was probably the child of some wealthy military, police, political or Hi-So family. That kind of thing i agree is absurd and should be cut out completely.

The ex PM? i thought it was fairly standard practice, i am sure since leaving power Abhisit is often seen with security as well, although i am not sure whether these are police. On the grand scale of issues in the country, this seems relatively minor when to me it seems to be a fairly widespread occurrence with people using it for far more stupid reasons, like beating traffic jams.


That is a good point as to her reasons she wants to still feel important....

I think maybe 1 guard is enough though since she probably only has to fear the families of the farmers who killed themselves because she didn't pay them in time.

You seem to have "accidently " forgotten to mention that there was a certain X Dem politician running around giving orders to blockade government buildings and threatening staff ordering them out of their work place and threatening financial institution's and backs that if they made loans to the government to pay farmers there would be a backlash against them, so I reckon he might just have a little feeling of unhappy farmers against him.

then you also forget to say he claims he is raising money by the bag full to pay the farmers, but where did all that cash go? wasn't there supposed to be an audit? did it just (conveniently) disappear like so many incriminating documents of evidence of corruption against the Dem's floating off with the floods?

Mark has a body guard doesn't he?

If she wants a body guard she should have one, even the military think she should have one, even though not requested but under their insistence, so what's your problem? the military saying they will provide her with a 24/7 body guard weather she wants it or not? or she has one of her own choice? or are you pissed because your tax money pays for some of this stuff but have absolutely no say what so-ever in where or what it's used for?


That is a good point as to her reasons she wants to still feel important....

I think maybe 1 guard is enough though since she probably only has to fear the families of the farmers who killed themselves because she didn't pay them in time.

You seem to have "accidently " forgotten to mention that there was a certain X Dem politician running around giving orders to blockade government buildings and threatening staff ordering them out of their work place and threatening financial institution's and backs that if they made loans to the government to pay farmers there would be a backlash against them, so I reckon he might just have a little feeling of unhappy farmers against him.

then you also forget to say he claims he is raising money by the bag full to pay the farmers, but where did all that cash go? wasn't there supposed to be an audit? did it just (conveniently) disappear like so many incriminating documents of evidence of corruption against the Dem's floating off with the floods?

Mark has a body guard doesn't he?

If she wants a body guard she should have one, even the military think she should have one, even though not requested but under their insistence, so what's your problem? the military saying they will provide her with a 24/7 body guard weather she wants it or not? or she has one of her own choice? or are you pissed because your tax money pays for some of this stuff but have absolutely no say what so-ever in where or what it's used for?

Does Abhisit have a bodyguard? He did while PM for good reasons. Even a car was damaged just because a red mob thought he was in it. Not sure he has a state provided bodyguard now.

Ms. Yingluck surely needs one though. All those pesky reporters following her wherever she tells them she goes.

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