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"Orgy-offering" Thai sisters nabbed for preying on foreigners

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39 and 40 years of age, would think they'd be a "bit over the hill" but I suppose still young enough for some Old Codgers to get sucked in.

In the nicest sort of way!!


the poster above apparently has problems reading the article

it was not their first time

And obviously you have problems understanding basic English.

From the article (Sukthat said the Chon Buri police chief ordered him to form a special team to hunt the two women down after tourist police in Pattya have received complaints from several old foreign men that they have been drugged and robbed by two women during the past few months.)

So more than one victim, the plural of attempted murder is attempted murders.

If you are going to try to act smart on the board you need to be able to understand what is being said otherwise you will look stupid.

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39 and 40 years of age, would think they'd be a "bit over the hill" but I suppose still young enough for some Old Codgers to get sucked in.

To tell you the truth, I think it's more realistic as these are "older" gentlemen. If 2 girls in their early 20's did the same the men would have probably laughed it off.


Strangest thing about this topic are the references to a 39 and 40-year-old woman being "over the hill". Says a lot about the kind of guys that come to Thailand, and sadly confirms the stereotype to some degree. When I was late twenties I found 35-40 year-old women much more exciting and appealing all round in the sack than women of 21-25. Surely a 50+ guy would be flattered to have an attractive 40 something crack on to him. But I guess that's why most come here, because impoverished hookers aren't fussy where the cash comes from. So guys get spoilt and figure sleeping with twenty somethings when you're 50+ is the norm.

Ask a Thai guy if a 40 year old Thai woman is over the hill or not?

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Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

I have to call BS on that ...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

Exactly, if these guys thought with their big head instead of their little one then they'd not get in trouble. Ironic that sex pats think it's merely a business transaction, even though it's illegal in most countries.

From your comment I will asume your from the US as prostitution is legal in more countries than not. If your one of those religious fanantics that belive sex outside of marriage is a sin don't push your views on others. As long as persons are not being forced to engage in sex , kiddnapped , or abused what 2 adults agree to do should not be a problem.

http://www.paklinks.com/gs/general/488889-countries-that-have-legal-prostitution.html --- Shows how many countires have legal prostitution

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

Exactly, if these guys thought with their big head instead of their little one then they'd not get in trouble. Ironic that sex pats think it's merely a business transaction, even though it's illegal in most countries.

From your comment I will asume your from the US as prostitution is legal in more countries than not. If your one of those religious fanantics that belive sex outside of marriage is a sin don't push your views on others. As long as persons are not being forced to engage in sex , kiddnapped , or abused what 2 adults agree to do should not be a problem.

http://www.paklinks.com/gs/general/488889-countries-that-have-legal-prostitution.html --- Shows how many countires have legal prostitution

In the US prostitution is mainly legal but restrictions do apply.

But a lot of the prudes would like to give the impression it is illegal.

As in Thailand, prostitution is not illegal but subject to restrictions.

Very few countries have prostitution as illegal.

  • Like 1

Some troll posts have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

If everyone had the same thoughts as you, Pattaya would be a small fishers town again.

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i got robbed january 12/13..all i remember is i went to katsiree bar soi bukhao...i was alone...2 ladies spoke to me and came and sat at my table...

i went for a piss..came back..thats all i remember....i got back to my room...above 7/11..opposite chaba hut...

the room had been turned over....i lost 3 gold wedding rings...2 seiko watch galaxy 5 phone...cash and bank cards..

done the police report...and thats it

i have no idea how i got from the bar where i went or how i got home....for sure i do not drink a lot as i am diabetic...so the most i would have had is 2 chang beers...

i am back in the uk now....if any one sees these girls photo on tv or any where can you pm ..me and get copies for me...

i have the poice email to contact them...if i find out any thing

many thanx

Mate sitting back and waiting for the Thai police do actually do something is a waste of time. Go to the station and check these women out and see if it is them at least.

I would be annoying the stuffing out of them, even offer a reward if you want some action....

Sorry, but the moment I read 3 wedding rings I lost interest - is that not illegal?

Not sure what you're getting at! I have three wedding rings, too! Mother's, last wife and present wife. Is that illegal?


I was approached by two women on beach road who offered me a orgy, come on they said, it will be just like winning the lottery,,,,,, so we went back to the hotel & stripped off,,,,,,,,,,,,,, They were right,,,,,,,,,,, six matching balls,,,,,',

You just won the Internet !


Thank You !!


In 1979 I was drugged in the same way, and could not see for three days ... and I mean that literally.

How this is news, when it is on average - a daily occurrence - is a mystery to me.

Gentlemen, the rule is simple.

You open it, you drink it, and never take your eyes off it. You eat NOTHING they offer.

Always make her drink whatever she is offering you, from the glass / bottle she is holding out, if you elect to drink one of her offerings. When she says "no" ... it may be legitimate ... so don't be upset ... say no thanks, have your fun ... move on.

The best advice is, once "the party" has started ... stick to those small bottles of water that you can drink from start to finish.

Let me tell you ... stumbling around 90% blind for three days sucks. Period. Full stop.

And lets not forget that fat stack of cash she trotted off with.


Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

way to blame the victims, d*ckhead...


Strangest thing about this topic are the references to a 39 and 40-year-old woman being "over the hill". Says a lot about the kind of guys that come to Thailand, and sadly confirms the stereotype to some degree. When I was late twenties I found 35-40 year-old women much more exciting and appealing all round in the sack than women of 21-25. Surely a 50+ guy would be flattered to have an attractive 40 something crack on to him. But I guess that's why most come here, because impoverished hookers aren't fussy where the cash comes from. So guys get spoilt and figure sleeping with twenty somethings when you're 50+ is the norm.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, realize that YOU are in the minority. Just as most men are not attracted to other men or children, we are also not attracted to older women. It doesn't matter how old WE are. Our taste remains the same - just as yours does. Normal men like young women 18-25. This is why airlines hire young women as flight attendants. And sales girls and models. Their SMV (sexual market value) is at it's peak. This is also why women in their mid-20s look for a beta male (nice guy, provider) to "settle down" with. Her time is past.

As for the guys who claim us "sexpats" are taking advantage of poor, underprivileged local girls when we accept THEIR offer of sex for money, give me a break. This is capitalism and charity at it's finest. We are truly HELPING SUPPORT the prostitute and her family when we agreed to engage her services. She thanks Buddha for us. We are truly a blessing to her. Your minds have been warped from too much Marxism. You are wearing Progressive-colored glasses.


To the guy who implied prostitution is legal in many parts of the US, no. It is legal only in certain counties of the state of Nevada.

To the guys peddling the "sexpats taking unfair advantage of the ladies" idea; get real. This is Pattaya we're talking about.

And what's with the idiot who got robbed that had over 100,00 baht in cash accessible in his room?

As for 40 year-old Thai ladies; in general, I would have found many of them desirable starting when I was 15 years old. Now that I am 60...biggrin.png

But I digress. Happy to see the "dynamic duo" was arrested.

I'm happily married thanks and I'm not trying to impress anyone. What these women did was illegal, what the men were willing to pay for was equally illegal. If I had 10thb for every hypocritical post I've seen on here I could buy an island next to Richard Branstons.

Is that the guy who makes the pickle?? Didn't realise he had an island.....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Heartless, souless, predatory animals.

I can only presume that you are referring to the punters who exploit the local population and consider arranging an orgy totally acceptable. They are far more heartless, soulless, predatory animals as any working girl .

But of course- in the true fashion of so many TV members who consider that sleeping with prostitutes is an almost every day occurance - you are not referring to the sexpats

I may be wrong?

Exactly, if these guys thought with their big head instead of their little one then they'd not get in trouble. Ironic that sex pats think it's merely a business transaction, even though it's illegal in most countries.
From your comment I will asume your from the US as prostitution is legal in more countries than not. If your one of those religious fanantics that belive sex outside of marriage is a sin don't push your views on others. As long as persons are not being forced to engage in sex , kiddnapped , or abused what 2 adults agree to do should not be a problem.

http://www.paklinks.com/gs/general/488889-countries-that-have-legal-prostitution.html --- Shows how many countires have legal prostitution

I'm British actually and prostitution is illegal in more nations than it's legal. If we're making assumptions though, I assume you're an over the hill sex pat than needs to pay some girl young enough to be your granddaughter to pleasure you. If someone wants to be a prostitute when they come from a good background and have a decent education you could say it's a choice, someone who has to sell their body in order to make a living is totally different.


This is the tip of an iceberg, I know of more than one case of old men dying after meeting a Black Widow.

Exactly, the Black Widow spider is all over Thailand, I know and bet that all the people who post on TV know people who have been bitten by these spiders.


This is the tip of an iceberg, I know of more than one case of old men dying after meeting a Black Widow.

Exactly, the Black Widow spider is all over Thailand, I know and bet that all the people who post on TV know people who have been bitten by these spiders.

It seems their power of attraction is very high!

Or any other reason for so many ' victims' ?


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