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Proposal for dialogue with Thaksin just a bad joke

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"At least he is an inspiration for a group of people"

A group of people?

How about he is an inspiration for a 6 time national election winning majority!!!!!

The only faction i this debacle that can be described as a group of people is the Junta and it's elitist backers, thus their hatred for democracy!!!

"How about he is an inspiration for a 6 time national election winning majority!!!!!"

7 posts.

Are they giving you the playbook page by page, start with page 1.

Perhaps you'd like to search around and get some better understand of 'majority', etc.

2011 = 265 seats out of 500

or how about

2005 = 375 seats out of 500

You tell me what majority means!

In 2011 PTP won 265 seats out of 500 after receiving a large minority vote which was less than 50% of those who voted.

How very democratic, especially as they declared "we won, were in power and can do what we want now" as soon as they new this. They then set about doing just that regardless of any inconvenient laws and rules.

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It would be better if everyone stopped talking about him,never

mind talking to him,

regards Worgeordie


You like to have a voice and speak what's on your mind, so why would you seek to deny that right to the millions and millions and Thais that want Thaksin involved in their lives and in the leadership of their country?

How indecent of you.

I bet you enjoy dressing in Khaki.



awwww...ain't that sweet....another democracy is elections only groupee.

Are you also a "nothing ever changes flat earther" that prescribes to the "all coups are bad" groupees happily overlooking the very first 1932 coup that delivered the first opportunity of democracy in Thailand?

Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?


It would be better if everyone stopped talking about him,never

mind talking to him,

regards Worgeordie


You like to have a voice and speak what's on your mind, so why would you seek to deny that right to the millions and millions and Thais that want Thaksin involved in their lives and in the leadership of their country?

How indecent of you.

I bet you enjoy dressing in Khaki.



awwww...ain't that sweet....another democracy is elections only groupee.

Are you also a "nothing ever changes flat earther" that prescribes to the "all coups are bad" groupees happily overlooking the very first 1932 coup that delivered the first opportunity of democracy in Thailand?

Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

Fabio is back, and he is angry ! clap2.gif

21 posts and already trolling and insulting people like a veteran..........................hmm facepalm.gif

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Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

Fabio is back, and he is angry ! clap2.gif

21 posts and already trolling and insulting people like a veteran..........................hmm facepalm.gif

I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?


Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

Fabio is back, and he is angry ! clap2.gif

21 posts and already trolling and insulting people like a veteran..........................hmm facepalm.gif

I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

So you regard the previous government a democracy because they were elected. It bore no resemblance to any democracy I have lived in, and more closely resembled a criminal conspiracy to defraud the people of Thailand and benefit the man paying the bribes.

  • Like 1

Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

Fabio is back, and he is angry ! clap2.gif

21 posts and already trolling and insulting people like a veteran..........................hmm facepalm.gif

I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

So you regard the previous government a democracy because they were elected. It bore no resemblance to any democracy I have lived in, and more closely resembled a criminal conspiracy to defraud the people of Thailand and benefit the man paying the bribes.

Yes, they were democratically elected. How did it not resemble democracies that you have lived in? Does what Thailand have now more closely resemble the democracy of your homeland? The only fools that believe Thailands' democracy has benefited from the coup are those that are foolish enough to have swallowed the inane and idiotic propaganda dished up by the am-mart and its military puppets - only the simpletons amongst us. There is no justification for the delay in calling elections in Thailand! What's the excuse, Thaksin buys votes? Surely the military has the personnel to police the campaign and ensure no vote buying or voter intimidation occurs - the only reason they don't is because they know the result, they know vote buying and voter intimidation claims are just fairytales used to recruit unthinking idiots to their side of this debacle. Hold an election immediately, invite the foreign media and international election scrutineers, Thailand could run the freest and fairest election in the world and the entitled minority would still not accept what the people choose because everyone knows that result would be that the am-mart would have to swiftly remove their gluttonous snouts from the troughs.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yes, they were democratically elected. How did it not resemble democracies that you have lived in? Does what Thailand have now more closely resemble the democracy of your homeland? The only fools that believe Thailands' democracy has benefited from the coup are those that are foolish enough to have swallowed the inane and idiotic propaganda dished up by the am-mart and its military puppets - only the simpletons amongst us. There is no justification for the delay in calling elections in Thailand! What's the excuse, Thaksin buys votes? Surely the military has the personnel to police the campaign and ensure no vote buying or voter intimidation occurs - the only reason they don't is because they know the result, they know vote buying and voter intimidation claims are just fairytales used to recruit unthinking idiots to their side of this debacle. Hold an election immediately, invite the foreign media and international election scrutineers, Thailand could run the freest and fairest election in the world and the entitled minority would still not accept what the people choose because everyone knows that result would be that the am-mart would have to swiftly remove their gluttonous snouts from the troughs.

Democracy starts with elections, without them one thing is certain, you don't have democracy. You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities. I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

Fabio is back, and he is angry ! alt=clap2.gif>

21 posts and already trolling and insulting people like a veteran..........................hmm alt=facepalm.gif>

I wonder if you advocate the abolition of democracy in your homeland? I bet not! The question is why not?

So you regard the previous government a democracy because they were elected. It bore no resemblance to any democracy I have lived in, and more closely resembled a criminal conspiracy to defraud the people of Thailand and benefit the man paying the bribes.

@ plowman. 25 posts. You need to do better than this. How many times you gunna rerun the same twists.

"foolish enough to have swallowed the inane and idiotic propaganda dished up by the am-mart and its military puppets..."

You speak of propaganda, no doubt you will claim that the paymaster and his red leaders never did anything that could be labelled propaganda.

"they know vote buying and voter intimidation claims are just fairytales...." Better check some facts before you write things like this. There are plenty of reports of this. Just one example: the red 'democracy' schools.

Lets' put it another way, can you claim that everything the previous government did was text book clear and clean democracy? Or the other way, can you say there is not one example / action / spoken word by the previous which could be labelled towards dictatorship?

"You overlook that every coup or attempted coup after the first one aimed to reverse the countries evolution towards democracy! In our current age of enlightenment, all good people acknowledge that all coups are bad as they deny sovereignty to the people and place it in the hands of armed minorities..." "every coup" this is simply not true.

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