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Abhisit urges govt to consider underlying causes of political unrest

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Abhisit urges junta to consider underlying causes of political unrest
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- DEMOCRAT PARTY leader Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday warned that national reconciliation was just a pipe dream without an understanding of the underlying causes of the political conflicts.

Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha is being urged to wield his absolute power under the interim charter to bring national reconciliation efforts to fruition.

The power is granted to him by Article 44 of the provisional constitution as head of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)

Abhisit said amnesty should only be promulgated at the right time and after agreeing on the root causes of conflicts.

"Today, before anyone suggests using Article 44 to have the PM or the head of the NCPO do something or use the National Legislative Assembly to pass a law, there is a need to listen and explain.

"And the process must be clear as to what will be done to solve what problems. This will make everything go smoothly," he said.

There're things that can be done right away to bring about national reconciliation such as redressing the suffering of victims of the political strife over the years, the former prime minister said.

Also, those who clearly do not deserve to be made criminals as a result of the political turmoil should be absolved.

Granting an amnesty for these people can be done but it must be carefully considered as the political situation is still in a state of flux.

And there may be questions arising from those engaged in political activities who are legally affected by martial law, which was imposed by the NCPO, as to whether they should also benefit from the amnesty.

Good timing is crucial, he added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Abhisit-urges-junta-to-consider-underlying-causes--30254391.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-19

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"Abhisit said amnesty should only be promulgated at the right time and after agreeing on the root causes of conflicts."

Root causes? Here's a few

1: corruption.

2. The perception that might is right.

3. Incompetent police and judicial systems.

4. Giving amnesties to criminals.

1. agreed

2. agreed

3. agreed

4. agreed but should be even handed and I don't include present witchhunt in this

5. ruling class treat the country like their own fiefdom

6. cool down nationalism and remove LM and encourage freedom of speech - the country is for ALL Thais not just the 1% elite

No argument from me there.

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And the military may find the root cause by a simple exercise such as looking in the mirror. But they will need to look deeper than the visible facade.

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One of the root causes of unrest in Thailand is when a rogue politician like Abhisit commands his following not to show up for a national democratic election. Naturally, this Thai windbag never mentions one "underlying" cause of unrest, the headline of the article.

there was a very clear reason for elections (organised and rammed down their throats) by the deposed PTP not taking place, most of the people of Thailand did not want them and did not take part

The people recognised that elections without serious reforms would solve nothing in the country and they were correct.

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"Abhisit said amnesty should only be promulgated at the right time and after agreeing on the root causes of conflicts."

Root causes? Here's a few

1: corruption.

2. The perception that might is right.

3. Incompetent police and judicial systems.

4. Giving amnesties to criminals.

1. agreed

2. agreed

3. agreed

4. agreed but should be even handed and I don't include present witchhunt in this

5. ruling class treat the country like their own fiefdom

6. cool down nationalism and remove LM and encourage freedom of speech - the country is for ALL Thais not just the 1% elite

No argument from me there.

Its not just Thailand its a world wide problem. In the so called Democratic societies everyone is ruled by the central banks. They manipulate us all. They keep feeding the rich at the expense of the poor. Even the Yankee dollar is marked Federal Reserve currency not US dollar. We all know what happened to the last president that took on the Federal Reserve. He wanted to audit them and print a government currency not a Federal Reserve note. Workers are under attack all over. France just passed a bill that hurts workers, Canada just ordered striking CP rail workers back to work. Then there is Greece, Spain etc. with their austerity programs. Rob the poor and pay the rich bond holders.


The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha is being urged to wield his absolute power under the interim charter to bring national reconciliation efforts to fruition.

Since when does the PM have absolute power ? I thought this was abandoned in 1938. This is one of the most dangerous statements I have heard yet. Has Abhisit been correctly quoted here ? Because the PM will never have absolute power under the current constitution. That phrase should only be used to describe the likes of the fat North Korean kid with the bad hair cut, or possibly a ISIS nut job.


The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

"So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ??"

Yes, until there was an election that voted them out.

"because they were elected ??"

Well duhhh, of course.

"They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered."

Do you have evidence for this? Evidence that ANFREL, the Democrats, the junta, and everyone else doesn't have?

"See who wins the next elections when all comes to light."

I think that by staging another coup and making a martyr of another Shinawatra the military has ensured that whatever party is supported by the Shinawatra's will do very well. That's why they are working on a new constitution that ensures that elected officials will have little real power.

"This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself."

Do not fool yourself. A July election in 2014 would have occurred when the PTP and the Democrats were both at a low points in popularity, and a new party may have come into power. For obvious reasons the military wanted a royalist government in place for the near-term, they didn't want a new government with a fresh electoral mandate. They would have accepted having the Democrats appointed to power when the courts removed Yingluck as PM on May 7,2014, but since the courts didn't remove the PTP at that time the military declared martial law on May 20 and the coup on May 22.

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Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha is being urged to wield his absolute power under the interim charter to bring national reconciliation efforts to fruition.

Since when does the PM have absolute power ? I thought this was abandoned in 1938. This is one of the most dangerous statements I have heard yet. Has Abhisit been correctly quoted here ? Because the PM will never have absolute power under the current constitution. That phrase should only be used to describe the likes of the fat North Korean kid with the bad hair cut, or possibly a ISIS nut job.

Where have you been for the last 8 months?

The appointed PM is also the self-appointed head of the NCPO. Section 44 gives the NCPO leader absolute power.

Section 44 empowers the NCPO leader to issue any order "for the sake of the reforms in any field, the promotion of love and harmony amongst the people in the nation, or the prevention, abatement or suppression of any act detrimental to national order or security, royal throne, national economy or public administration, whether the act occurs inside or outside the kingdom". The orders so issued are all deemed "lawful, constitutional and final".[14]


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The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

"So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ??"

Yes, until there was an election that voted them out.

"because they were elected ??"

Well duhhh, of course.

"They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered."

Do you have evidence for this? Evidence that ANFREL, the Democrats, the junta, and everyone else doesn't have?

"See who wins the next elections when all comes to light."

I think that by staging another coup and making a martyr of another Shinawatra the military has ensured that whatever party is supported by the Shinawatra's will do very well. That's why they are working on a new constitution that ensures that elected officials will have little real power.

"This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself."

Do not fool yourself. A July election in 2014 would have occurred when the PTP and the Democrats were both at a low points in popularity, and a new party may have come into power. For obvious reasons the military wanted a royalist government in place for the near-term, they didn't want a new government with a fresh electoral mandate. They would have accepted having the Democrats appointed to power when the courts removed Yingluck as PM on May 7,2014, but since the courts didn't remove the PTP at that time the military declared martial law on May 20 and the coup on May 22.

A new party may have come to power. ??? From that moment on it was quite clear that elections were the last thing Thailand needed. Thailand was asking questions now about the PTP were handling the coffers ---amnesty ?? it was at that point that some sort of reforms would have to take place before any election.

If you recall the red army was mobilizing --there would have been bloodshed on the streets but you dismiss this, no way was elections to be in order, until calm was restored and all was revealed as we know it now.---this is the reason elections cannot take place until we see who there is left to stand--to vote for.

So had elections taken place --Amnesty--and PTP to be given almighty power to cover up all the wrong. reason for the intervention, most could understand why.

  • Like 1

The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

"So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ??"

Yes, until there was an election that voted them out.

"because they were elected ??"

Well duhhh, of course.

"They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered."

Do you have evidence for this? Evidence that ANFREL, the Democrats, the junta, and everyone else doesn't have?

"See who wins the next elections when all comes to light."

I think that by staging another coup and making a martyr of another Shinawatra the military has ensured that whatever party is supported by the Shinawatra's will do very well. That's why they are working on a new constitution that ensures that elected officials will have little real power.

"This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself."

Do not fool yourself. A July election in 2014 would have occurred when the PTP and the Democrats were both at a low points in popularity, and a new party may have come into power. For obvious reasons the military wanted a royalist government in place for the near-term, they didn't want a new government with a fresh electoral mandate. They would have accepted having the Democrats appointed to power when the courts removed Yingluck as PM on May 7,2014, but since the courts didn't remove the PTP at that time the military declared martial law on May 20 and the coup on May 22.

A new party may have come to power. ??? From that moment on it was quite clear that elections were the last thing Thailand needed. Thailand was asking questions now about the PTP were handling the coffers ---amnesty ?? it was at that point that some sort of reforms would have to take place before any election.

If you recall the red army was mobilizing --there would have been bloodshed on the streets but you dismiss this, no way was elections to be in order, until calm was restored and all was revealed as we know it now.---this is the reason elections cannot take place until we see who there is left to stand--to vote for.

So had elections taken place --Amnesty--and PTP to be given almighty power to cover up all the wrong. reason for the intervention, most could understand why.

'most'? dream on... but nice try... but 'most' are not that stupid

  • Like 1

The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

Did you wake up out of your winter sleep ?

You don't have to fool yourself as the government is fooling you.

Get back to sleep, and wake up after the elections, Oh, maybe never....

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The underlying cause of the problems in Thailand is that one party that can't win an election won't accept the election result and spends the time between elections undermining the elected government by any means possible. Asking themselves why they lost the election and how they might make themselves more electable doesn't seem to occur to them.

So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ?? because they were elected ?? PTP HAD to be undermined, can you imagine the amnesty bill in force, the country still in the hands of these criminals. Politically motivated--- trumped up charges-----They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered. See who wins the next elections when all comes to light. This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself.

"So you accept the elected PTP should still be in power ??"

Yes, until there was an election that voted them out.

"because they were elected ??"

Well duhhh, of course.

"They are electable IF the rigged polls were fair. and Shins not got all issan VIP positions signed sealed and delivered."

Do you have evidence for this? Evidence that ANFREL, the Democrats, the junta, and everyone else doesn't have?

"See who wins the next elections when all comes to light."

I think that by staging another coup and making a martyr of another Shinawatra the military has ensured that whatever party is supported by the Shinawatra's will do very well. That's why they are working on a new constitution that ensures that elected officials will have little real power.

"This is why Yingluck wanted early elections to get back in before the scandels were in the open---do not fool yourself."

Do not fool yourself. A July election in 2014 would have occurred when the PTP and the Democrats were both at a low points in popularity, and a new party may have come into power. For obvious reasons the military wanted a royalist government in place for the near-term, they didn't want a new government with a fresh electoral mandate. They would have accepted having the Democrats appointed to power when the courts removed Yingluck as PM on May 7,2014, but since the courts didn't remove the PTP at that time the military declared martial law on May 20 and the coup on May 22.

A new party may have come to power. ??? From that moment on it was quite clear that elections were the last thing Thailand needed. Thailand was asking questions now about the PTP were handling the coffers ---amnesty ?? it was at that point that some sort of reforms would have to take place before any election.

If you recall the red army was mobilizing --there would have been bloodshed on the streets but you dismiss this, no way was elections to be in order, until calm was restored and all was revealed as we know it now.---this is the reason elections cannot take place until we see who there is left to stand--to vote for.

So had elections taken place --Amnesty--and PTP to be given almighty power to cover up all the wrong. reason for the intervention, most could understand why.

"A new party may have come to power. ??? From that moment on it was quite clear that elections were the last thing Thailand needed."

I think a new party, unencumbered with old baggage and with new ideas and perspectives would be very good for Thailand, and that July 2014 elections might have opened the door to such a party.

I won't try to make sense of the next part of your post, I'll just note that even Suthep changed his rationale for the protest from amnesty to vague, undefined reforms after the amnesty bill was dropped. Only people desperate for a reason to support their claim that a coup was better than an election cling to the amnesty bill rationale.

"If you recall the red army was mobilizing --there would have been bloodshed on the streets but you dismiss this, no way was elections to be in order..."

I don't recall a red army mobilizing, I recall that outside of areas that Suthep and his mob were actively disrupting, never a large part of Thailand, things were normal. As far as ending Suthep's disruptions, there were many effective steps short of a coup that could and should have been taken.

"...until calm was restored and all was revealed as we know it now."

Lots of people like the calm of martial law and military rule, but not everyone. The assumption that all will be revealed is wildly optimistic, Prayuth has made it clear that investigations of the military won't happen. http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/

"So had elections taken place --Amnesty--and PTP to be given almighty power to cover up all the wrong."

"almighty power to cover up all"? Seems like that is addressed in the link above.

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P!ss weak leaders of political parties repeatedly opting to boycott elections to explicitly deny the Thai people the right to select their own government. Abhisit's gutlessness sits near the top of the list of reasons why Thailand finds itself in such a sad and sorry state right now. Luckily for Thailand, Abhisiv's treason will not be forgotten and his time will come, till then, he can spout off all he wants - he is redundant and will be forever more.

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