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DOE to send 3,500 Thai workers to pick wild berries in Finland

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I thought with the EU rules those jobs should go to EU nationals first?

The Finns will be most welcome to come to the UK and press gang some of our work shy benefit claimants.whistling.gif

If they can't find Eastern Europeans to do this work then there is something wrong with it and considering the past record of wild berry picking in Finland and Sweden it is clear that the problem is the workers just can't find enough berries to cover the high living costs in the area.

Problem is then the berry pickers os brought by greedy people that charge the workers to much and put them all in the same area. I know several thai that goes to Sweden every year, picking berries and get back to Thailand with money worth several years of salary for them.


What type berries? did I hear it right as dingle berries?licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-WpuUk8n

Lingon berries, Blue berries, Cloudberry, Wild Raspberries and mushrooms. Chanterelle is usually good money in. Most of these also during different times, Blueberry get bribed and ready to be picked, and turns bad before lingon berry starts to be ready. This grant several months of berry picking for those who wants.


It's strange that Thai workers must go to Finland for work when Thailand takes in tens of thousands if immigrant workers from neighboring countries. Is there something wrong about working at unskilled jobs in Thailand that unemployed Thais would rather leave their families and country for work? It almost makes Thailand seem like a failed economy. That may be prophetic.

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So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

The people I know from Thailand picking berries in Sweden, they are not employed, and they sell the berries either to people that has signs up "Bär Köpes" (Buying berries) or the sell through ads in the local newspaper or to them that advertise in the local newspaper that they want to buy.

Each of them earn about 5-10 000 Swedish crowns each week, work from early morning to very late almost every day. 20-50 000 Baht/week depending on currency also. Usually after 3 month of work they go home with 200-400,000 Baht in the pockets after all expenses is payed.

But they not only pick the berries, they clean them, take away rubbish and leaves and package them in small plastic bags so they are ready to be put in the freezer. Steady customers comes and look them up every year.


It's strange that Thai workers must go to Finland for work when Thailand takes in tens of thousands if immigrant workers from neighboring countries. Is there something wrong about working at unskilled jobs in Thailand that unemployed Thais would rather leave their families and country for work? It almost makes Thailand seem like a failed economy. That may be prophetic.

Its all about what you earn.

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So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

2.00am until midnight according to Wiki: http://www.wikigender.org/index.php/Thai_Women_Labor_in_The_Countries_of_Scandinavia#Working_conditions:_Harvesting_the_wild_berries._.28Mid_of_July_until_the_end_of_September.29

Hardly a walk in the park and pay at between 80 cents and €1,30 per Kg seems abysmal.


So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

2.00am until midnight according to Wiki: http://www.wikigender.org/index.php/Thai_Women_Labor_in_The_Countries_of_Scandinavia#Working_conditions:_Harvesting_the_wild_berries._.28Mid_of_July_until_the_end_of_September.29

Hardly a walk in the park and pay at between 80 cents and €1,30 per Kg seems abysmal.

So they work 22 hours a day?


"Thailand has decided to authorize only 3,500 laborers, instead of the full 5,000 initially requested by the Finnish government. The decision was made on the grounds that there might not be enough wild berries"

Now the Thais have become experts in the potential production of the Finnish wild berry harvest. But, from the country that has the cure from Ebola, I guess that is plausible.


It's strange that Thai workers must go to Finland for work when Thailand takes in tens of thousands if immigrant workers from neighboring countries. Is there something wrong about working at unskilled jobs in Thailand that unemployed Thais would rather leave their families and country for work? It almost makes Thailand seem like a failed economy. That may be prophetic.

Its all about what you earn.

or what the employers are willing to pay


Migrant workers from outside the EU are being invited to become self employed on a tourist visa. The big question is why is this being allowed within the EU?

The question is valid. Why Asian people from so far who are not accustomed to cold climates? Why not 'poorer' Europeans like Bulgarians or Romanians, for example, who are familiar with the foliage of temperate climates?

-No direspect to the above mentioned Nationalities was intended- They are poorer by a sizeable margin compared to Finns therefore the payment would be lower. The terms of employment of the Thais, I suspect, are not going to be very enviable.


So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

2.00am until midnight according to Wiki: http://www.wikigender.org/index.php/Thai_Women_Labor_in_The_Countries_of_Scandinavia#Working_conditions:_Harvesting_the_wild_berries._.28Mid_of_July_until_the_end_of_September.29

Hardly a walk in the park and pay at between 80 cents and €1,30 per Kg seems abysmal.

So they work 22 hours a day?

According to the site I linked to, yes.

This site says they work 15 hours a day seven days a week which is still pretty harsh: http://humantraffickingcenter.org/posts-by-htc-associates/trapped-to-pick-berries-in-finland-the-many-forms-of-labour-trafficking/


So what will the average weekly pay be? No good saying it will be 'reasonable'.

And the working hours? Dawn till dusk?

"Dawn till dusk?" Slackers! Up here in the village I reside in people work from before dawn to after dusk.

How do I know? I get up at 5.30am every morning when the wife gets up and I see the procession of farmers heading out to the land.


No mention of working conditions or remuneration or why Finland has been unable to recruit enough wage slaves from the usual EU sources - impoverished Eastern European states like Romania and Bulgaria whose downtrodden masses are usually only too happy to do their wealthier cousins' dirty work for a pittance.

When a government is prepared to lay on on free flights and accommodation to recruit hired hands 5,000 miles away, one can't help wondering just how far the globalists will go to create a "level playing field" for labour - and what wage levels in the developed world will look like if and when their dream is realised..

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