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Israeli Ambassador discusses military cooperation with Thai Defense Minister

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Israeli Ambassador discusses military cooperation with Defense Minister

BANGKOK, 20 February 2015 (NNT) – Ambassador of Israel to Thailand H.E. Mr. Simon Roded has paid a visit to Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan to discuss military cooperation.

During their meeting at the Ministry of Defense, General Prawit and Mr. Roded talked about regional defense and agreed to foster military ties which involve the transfer of defense and military technology.

Defense Ministry Spokesman Colonel Kongcheep Tantrawanich disclosed that Israel voiced readiness to help Thailand improve its capacity for territorial defense and satellite technology, which were the strengths of Israel.

The Israeli Ambassador and the Minister of Defense were also of the opinion that both countries should strengthen trade ties as well.

The Israeli Ambassador also took the opportunity to thank the Thai government for providing convenience for foreigners, including Israelis, and ensuring safety for them during their stay in Thailand.

-- NNT 2015-02-20 footer_n.gif

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Coincidence? Be careful Thailand. Very fishy connection here.

After the big brother loosing control, the youngest wants to get into the scene.

When China and the US are courting Burma....and Muslims have a big eye in South Thailand.

Muslim are creating big social problems in Europe, also in Italy. Thailand do not need to be in that mess....but..may be..with the wrong "help".

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Coincidence? Be careful Thailand. Very fishy connection here.

After the big brother loosing control, the youngest wants to get into the scene.

When China and the US are courting Burma....and Muslims have a big eye in South Thailand.

Muslim are creating big social problems in Europe, also in Italy. Thailand do not need to be in that mess....but..may be..with the wrong "help".

If I were you I wouldn't dare to sleep.


One may or may not like Israel, but it can hardly be denied that they are very effective militarily, given in particular their small size and limited resources, and that is NOT just because of the long-distance protection from the US. A casual onlooker will observe that Thailand is 15 times the size of Israel and has a much different surface and border. I am sure they will have thought about that. On the whole, it is much better to have a small non-block country like Israel as an advisor than the big rambling US with all their political-military interest. Israel has peak technology and state-of-the-art equipment, but they work a low-key and low-cost way, much better for Thailand. The other significant difference between advisor and advised, and that worries me, comes down to mentality. An Israeli is virtually incorruptible. A Thai is not. There are many reasons for that, such as, the comfortable salary that the Israeli gets, his/her religion, the knowledge that "we must hang together or we will hang separately". These things are absent in Thailand. In short, Israeli advice will not be very effective unless you deploy israeli officials as well.

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"The Israeli Ambassador also took the opportunity to thank the Thai government for providing convenience for foreigners, including Israelis, and ensuring safety for them during their stay in Thailand."

Is he talking about toilets or 7/11?

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"The Israeli Ambassador also took the opportunity to thank the Thai government for providing convenience for foreigners, including Israelis, and ensuring safety for them during their stay in Thailand."

Is he talking about toilets or 7/11?

I reckon that's a translation glitch.

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Israel has many Thai guest workers and Thailand hosts lots of Israeli tourists.

I suggest that Israel target a different class of Thais ... those who travel abroad for leisure ... for incoming tourism to Israel the same way Japan is targeted.

Closer friendships between nations are enhanced with such direct human contact between ordinary citizens.

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Fantastic, the Israelis can teach the Junta how to set up an apartheid state.

Why would you say that? The reference to a apartheid refers to the policy that denied a majority of citizens of South Africa the right to vote and segregated residential areas and services based upon skin pigmentation. As all Israelis have the right to vote, including arabs, who have elected several members of the Israeli parliament; there is are laws enforced which prohibit discrimination based upon race, religion, sexual orientation etc ,; the state of Israel subsidizes education including several arab language technical colleges and university;. and there are many diverse neighborhoods in Israel such as Haifa where everyone mixes, I don't know why you apply such a term unless you are simply trying to cause a bit of trouble. Perhaps this was just your attempt to get in a swipe at Israel, much as is done at the USA on these threads, but it is rather silly now that we see what is going on around the world isn't it?

The fact is that Thailand has long had serious needs when it comes to tracking offshore marine vessels. The Thai navy cannot effectively track these boats and that is one of the reason why the human smuggling rings have such an easy time landing people in Thailand. In addition, the recent Malaysian and Air Asia air tragedies demonstrated that Thailand does not have much of an ability to effectively monitor its offshore airspace. Israel would love to bid on the tracking programs that the various EU, American Japanese and recently Indian companies have been trying to sell. At this time there are no sanctions in place that would prevent such a transaction. Thailand would benefit from some Israeli drone technology that could be deployed along the Burmese border in the fight against the import of yaba. The Israeli technology could also be used to help secure the Malaysian border which is porous and through which southern insurgents seem to transit with ease.

This appears to be slightly discriminatory.


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Countries don't have to agree on everything to still have close diplomatic relations that are mutually beneficial.

For example, now Thailand recognizes Palestine as a state and Israel does not.

Doesn't stop relations.

In Thailand, you can find Nazi/Hitler t-shirts being openly sold as novelty items.

Doesn't stop relations.

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Funny, the response of some people to a discussion b/w the Israeli ambassador and a Thai minister. Where is the outrage from those same people for cemented agreements b/w Thailand and the genocidal oligarchy in Beijing? Or the recently announced military ties with the Russian dictator, Putin, who is currently invading another country? Or the opening of dialogue with North Korea? Nope. Not a peep. Only when it's Israel is it a problem for these people. Now, I wonder just who is it that lives in Israel that is such a problem for these critics?

Israel certainly deserves to be on the list of countries you mention. Its treatment of the Palestinians is disgraceful - particularly when Israelis, more than any others, are aware of what its like to be persecuted and mistreated by genocidal oppressors -SHAME ON THEM!

Actually, there is disgraceful behavior happening on both sides of that conflict. If Thailand is to reject Israel based on your reasons shall they also reject "Palestine" based on their terrorism activities, oppression of women and gays, using children as expendable pawns to intentionally operate military operations among them, human sacrifice of them in tunnel building, etc.?

Thailand is acting sensibly on this keeping the self interest of Thailand foremost in their policy. They are not taking sides in a decades long conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Why should they?

If you insist on going back in history, perhaps you didn't know that the most powerful Palestinian Arab during World War 2 was living in Berlin, allied with Hitler, and openly advocating genocide of both European and Middle Eastern Jews.

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Plowman you have a brain wash. Check out and find that the most human wrights for Arabs moslims are in Israel. Look around for the Arab countries and see how they killed their brothers and then talk about apartheid. I don't think you can understand it with your brain wash of yours.

The most human rights for Arab Muslims are in Israel!!! Would you like to provide some evidence? The blockade of Paelestine which starves men, women and children and prevents Palestinians from advancing their lives in any way is obviously not a human right!!!??? The illegal war against Pelestine a few months ago where thousands of Palestinians were murdered in return for a few Israeli deaths??? Brainwashing!!! I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror because the evidence and statistics for that brief, murderous, war are stacked against your claim of human rights!! How about the right to life??? The right to equal opportunites...I could go on...I'm sure there'll be others along to help me out here....

Arabs living in Israel have greater human rights than in any Arab country. They vote, there are Arabs in the Knesset, Arab women in Israel have the rights of women in normal countries, they're allowed to vote, drive a car and voice an opinion. There are Arabs in the Israeli military... More plaestinian kids get treated in Israeli hospitals than in Palestinian (or Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian) hospitals. Israel has been treating wounded/injured displaced Syrians in their military and civilian hospitals in Gaza. Israel pays millions of dollars into Palestine for infrastructure, most of which gets taken by Hamas to build concrete tunnels etc. Equal opportunities in Israel are just that, equal. An Israeli Arab can marry an Israeli Jew, tell me how many Arab countries allow marriage to a Jews? The "illegal" war against "Palestine" - a country which does not exist by the way, I think you meant Gaza but who knows.. please tell me who started it? Who fired the first barrage of rockets? A couple of weeks ago a Hamas terrorist murdered 4 Jews praying in a Synagogue, 3 of these guys were Rabbis. Two of these guys were American. A month or so ago terrorists stopped a car with an Israeli guy taking his yourn daughter home. They torched the car and the young girl had 80% burns.. How often do you hear about Jews or Israelis doing stuff like this? Once in a few years maybe at most. Have you even been to the area? Have you been to Israel? Have you been to Gaza? All you know is nonsense you read from anti-Israel media. Do you know ANYTHING about the area? Do you know anything about the history of the area? Educate yourself properly before making these ridiculous statements and then you won't apprear to be such a helmet.

I've been to Israel - Tel Aviv. IME your description Alwyn is the reality.

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