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Drug dealers


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I was not going to bite but i will A lot of drug dealers are supplied by SOME and a I say Some, before some one jumps in and says they are not all bad. The Police. I know of some police who regularly stop drug dealers. The dealer, does a deal , not to be arrested if an amount is handed over, then the Person who i call the police gives it to another entrusted friend who then sells it again. I know because a female friend of mine got involved, when the hit the fan she was made the scape goat, she is now in prison for about 7 years, Yes she should not have got involved but.7 years while the main culprit gets away with it, As always is the case with drug dealers only the minnows get caught and do the time.

Edited by Thongkorn
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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Drugs that increase violence in society. You mean alcohol?

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anyone got a link to report a drug dealer in los . selling heroin plus ice to farangs, i do not agree with it, i never grassed anyone in my life but this idiot needs stopped and its well known what he is doing.

Edited by dirtycash
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anyone got a link to report a drug dealer in los . selling heroin plus ice to farangs, i do not agree with it, i never grassed anyone in my life but this idiot needs stopped and its well known what he is doing.

I know quite a few people who sell drugs, not by choice by chance, I to don't like druggy s, but i do Value my life. I would not get involved,

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

No he does not.. I might not like his point of view but he is no hypocrite. Have had this discussion with him before and he told me he does not drink and I believe him.

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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices. Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices.

Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Why should people who dislike drugs pay for idiots who make a conscientious derision to kill themselves, Fact Alcohol and drugs, and Tobacco kill. You choice but don't involve me

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

No. I do not drink alcohol at all. Nor do I smoke and nor do I take Viagra (questions someone else asked earlier).

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

No he does not.. I might not like his point of view but he is no hypocrite. Have had this discussion with him before and he told me he does not drink and I believe him.

Thanks Rob.

I'm actually probably one of the most anti alcohol persons on the planet, don't drink it, can't stand the smell of liquor and can't stand listening to the waffle drunks go on with. I've dealt with no shortage of alcohol fuelled violence in my professional career and without a doubt it's one of the most costly and destructive substances on the planet. my wife is a non drinker too.

Of course there are always people that consume substances without causing any problems (Robs point) BUT they're in the minority imo and the mess of the masses blocks them out.

I do drink coffee (someone else's question), I'm not sure I'm at problem levels with it as I mostly consume2 a day, sometimes 3 but I never run amuck after doing so. No other prescription medication or otherwise with the exception of a paracetamol if I get a headache or something.

Countries around the world make huge $$$$$$ from taxing alcohol and cigarettes ...... But I wonder what the true costs of these 'legal' substances are? I don't see any need to add further substances to the list.

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Drugs that increase violence in society. You mean alcohol?


Alcohol is the worst one.

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Glad you agree. I don't drink, smoke or take other drugs, but I have been a "party animal" when I was younger: alcohol, pot, coke, speed, heroin, xtc, you name it I did it. Alcohol and speed are real killers imo. Cannabis just makes you lazy and slow, legalize it I say.

Edited by Mr Somtam
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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

No he does not.. I might not like his point of view but he is no hypocrite. Have had this discussion with him before and he told me he does not drink and I believe him.

Thanks Rob.

I'm actually probably one of the most anti alcohol persons on the planet, don't drink it, can't stand the smell of liquor and can't stand listening to the waffle drunks go on with. I've dealt with no shortage of alcohol fuelled violence in my professional career and without a doubt it's one of the most costly and destructive substances on the planet. my wife is a non drinker too.

Of course there are always people that consume substances without causing any problems (Robs point) BUT they're in the minority imo and the mess of the masses blocks them out.

I do drink coffee (someone else's question), I'm not sure I'm at problem levels with it as I mostly consume2 a day, sometimes 3 but I never run amuck after doing so. No other prescription medication or otherwise with the exception of a paracetamol if I get a headache or something.

Countries around the world make huge $$$$$$ from taxing alcohol and cigarettes ...... But I wonder what the true costs of these 'legal' substances are? I don't see any need to add further substances to the list.

I don't agree actually that they are a minority.. I think its part of your views because you were a cop. You were always called when there was a problem. So you always saw people at their worst.

If you look at the huge amounts of drugs that are caught during transportation you can only imagine how much of the stuff is not caught. Then you have an idea of how much is being consumed. If the ones that consume drugs and don't cause troubles were a minority I can assure you every street would be full of junkies and every minute there would be a fight in every village or city.

I think the people causing trouble are a minority and there might be an increase (not even sure) but its the task of the police to get people for being a problem on drugs.. not for going after those that are not.

Anyway more and more countries and states (Alaska the latest) are making weed legal. They were thinking about making kratom legal here again and in the past they did not have a problem here with weed too. Anyway I always bring out my country as an example and so far nobody really goes into that discussion as its one they often loose.

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The war on drugs has been a complete failure. Maybe the police are tired of knocking their heads against a wall.

Is there anywhere in the world where the war on drugs actually works?

Even in countries with the death penalty for drug related offenses doesn't act as an effective deterrent...

Maybe it's time to come up with a better solution.

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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices.

Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Why should people who dislike drugs pay for idiots who make a conscientious derision to kill themselves, Fact Alcohol and drugs, and Tobacco kill. You choice but don't involve me

You already are, considerably more.

Every taxpayer

1 - Has funded a wholly unsuccesful international 'war' for the last 45 years

2 - Funds long term incarceration of simple users at an astronomic yearly cost

3 - Pays for vastly extravagant police numbers in order to enforce this 'war' (a number of whom, across the world, are in on the game)

4 - Pays far higher insurance premiums (and enjoys a lower quality of life) due to petty crime commited by addicts that pay 100 times the manufacturing cost for bad quality addiction-optimised substances

5 - Suffers the cost of the distribution of these substances by nefarious types that use the money to fund international terrorism among other activities.

And many more.

Official, regulated distribution and manufacture would remove each of those costs, and have a far smaller financial and social impact to the non drug user. It would also (as with the regulated tobacco and alcohol industry) create both jobs and tax revenue.

Have to agree with this...

Does anyone actually believe the War on Drugs can ever 'win the war'?

By win, I mean that's it ... We won, no more drugs... No more war...

Of course not, so the reality is that there will always be drug users and drugs in the market place...

So if we all know that there will always be drugs in the market place, who would you prefer to run and regulate the market place?

Governments and government. Agencies that can regulate what goes into drugs and who can sell and consume and where they can be consumed?

Along with collecting huge tax revenues to fund re-jab and education and anti- drug messages

Or gangsters , terrorists, mafias and cartels? Who care for nothing other than making a buck to find their elicit businesses?

And legalizing doesn't mean the flood gate open... Still illegal to drive intoxicated, jobs can still screen and test employees if they want ... After all not allowed to get drunk on the job, even though alcohol is legal

And I don't know about you, but if heroin was legal... I ain't going out and buying any heroin...

Why, because I know how addictive and bad for you it is... And how do I know? From education and seeing what is has done to others...

But anyone who wants to do heroin now, can easily find it any where in the world ...

Also remember from when I was a teenager... Alcohol was legal and drugs illegal... But was a heck of a lot easier to buy drugs than alcohol...

Liquor stores would be fined and imprisoned if they sold to minors and as they were law abiding business men... They did not want to risk selling to minors...

But the illegal drug dealers had no such compunctions and would sell crack to a 5 year old if he had the money in his hand...

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