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Drug dealers


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I have a 4 year old dual citizen Thai Aussie son. Drug dealers, shoot them.

Great parenting right there- "son, if someone does something you don't like, shoot them dead". Some may say your comment was ironic.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

I'm an ex police officer and dealt with many users so I think I can have an educated say on this.

While you are indeed correct, a large number of crimes such as theft/ fraud/ robbery can be attributed to drug addiction the arguement to legalise drugs would be that these people are addicts even though it's illegal- if drugs were legalised and controlled (just as Alcohol and Tobacco is) then the drugs would be cleaner, cheaper, those addicted would be easier to monitor than having it sold and consumed in the shadows. The taxation from such drugs could be used to help those who are hard core users, the criminal element would be greatly reduced (how many Mexicans would that save?) and the attraction to many would be decreased as it would no longer be illegal.

In my time in the police I arrested more violent drunks than people comitting crime because of "illegal" drugs.

As an ex-police officer, you may find this group interesting...

LEAP --- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


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The only good druggie is a dead druggie.

And yes other legal drugs are just as bad....if not worse, ie; take a hint.....LEGAL ONES ARE WORSE !

Adios, have a good day

Alcohol causes far more misery than drugs.

Would you also say that the only good drunk is a dead drunk?

Strange ideas. I hope you never get hooked on drugs or any of your family.

Have some compassion for those addicted to drug and realize that rehabilitation is possible. I was rehabilitated and as a by product have helped countless others to get clean and sober.

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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices.

Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Why should people who dislike drugs pay for idiots who make a conscientious derision to kill themselves, Fact Alcohol and drugs, and Tobacco kill. You choice but don't involve me

Wrong - some people have lost the power of choice. Drug addiction and alcoholsim are diseases btw

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I have a 4 year old dual citizen Thai Aussie son. Drug dealers, shoot them.

What has his dual citizenship got to do with anything on this thread?

I have 2 daughters and would rather they smoked pot than drink alcohol any day

Even heroin if pure causes less harm than alcohol. .

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It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

Do you drink? yes, I mean alcohol and do answer honestly.

No he does not.. I might not like his point of view but he is no hypocrite. Have had this discussion with him before and he told me he does not drink and I believe him.

Thanks Rob.

I'm actually probably one of the most anti alcohol persons on the planet, don't drink it, can't stand the smell of liquor and can't stand listening to the waffle drunks go on with. I've dealt with no shortage of alcohol fuelled violence in my professional career and without a doubt it's one of the most costly and destructive substances on the planet. my wife is a non drinker too.

Of course there are always people that consume substances without causing any problems (Robs point) BUT they're in the minority imo and the mess of the masses blocks them out.

I do drink coffee (someone else's question), I'm not sure I'm at problem levels with it as I mostly consume2 a day, sometimes 3 but I never run amuck after doing so. No other prescription medication or otherwise with the exception of a paracetamol if I get a headache or something.

Countries around the world make huge $$$$$$ from taxing alcohol and cigarettes ...... But I wonder what the true costs of these 'legal' substances are? I don't see any need to add further substances to the list.

I don't agree actually that they are a minority.. I think its part of your views because you were a cop. You were always called when there was a problem. So you always saw people at their worst.

If you look at the huge amounts of drugs that are caught during transportation you can only imagine how much of the stuff is not caught. Then you have an idea of how much is being consumed. If the ones that consume drugs and don't cause troubles were a minority I can assure you every street would be full of junkies and every minute there would be a fight in every village or city.

I think the people causing trouble are a minority and there might be an increase (not even sure) but its the task of the police to get people for being a problem on drugs.. not for going after those that are not.

Anyway more and more countries and states (Alaska the latest) are making weed legal. They were thinking about making kratom legal here again and in the past they did not have a problem here with weed too. Anyway I always bring out my country as an example and so far nobody really goes into that discussion as its one they often loose.


Two things.

1. I always enjoy communicating with you. Your not bad and possibly one of the nicest ppl on TVF, behind me of course ;):P

2. You are probably right about me and my distorted view of the situation because it's true I worked in a bad part of the country where there were hundred, thousands of scum sucking druggies everywhere. The streets were filled with needles and there was death and mayhem daily. The filth and violence and wasted lives.

Of course ordinary folk arnt exposed to this filth, so I accept your analogy about me and my views.

These days and well past my time we see things like shooting galleries and magistrates that walk the softly softly with these filthy individuals who just keep pumping crap into their veins and wedging their dirty little peckers up the bumhole of clean society who pay for their habits in multiple ways.

I can function without this evil filthy substance and so can you old friend.

Drugs are like a decay I society. It would be difficult to convince me otherwise. I see alcohol in the same light, only it's the worst of them all and legal. A bad precedent imho.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's interesting to see all the knowitalls on the thread that seem to think that all the drug related crime will disappear when drugs are legalised.

When will it sink in with the drug brigade that there's a lot more to drug related crime than just the current crimes of the substances being illegally made, grown and sold etc.

Do you really think that people will suddenly stop being addicted to these substances just because they are no longer illegal.

Of course then there's some on these pages that will support some drugs but not others.....they're the same people putting crapp on me because I stand solid in the face of these evil substances.

Do you crackpots really want your children and grandchildren being able to buy hard drugs at the corner store for use behind the playground toilets. Seriously.

What about the drugs that increase violence in society, like the ones UG stated above, live and let live you say?

Get real. Get a brain.

The world is slowly filling with idiots and they are starting to out number the decent folk.

I'm an ex police officer and dealt with many users so I think I can have an educated say on this.

While you are indeed correct, a large number of crimes such as theft/ fraud/ robbery can be attributed to drug addiction the arguement to legalise drugs would be that these people are addicts even though it's illegal- if drugs were legalised and controlled (just as Alcohol and Tobacco is) then the drugs would be cleaner, cheaper, those addicted would be easier to monitor than having it sold and consumed in the shadows. The taxation from such drugs could be used to help those who are hard core users, the criminal element would be greatly reduced (how many Mexicans would that save?) and the attraction to many would be decreased as it would no longer be illegal.

In my time in the police I arrested more violent drunks than people comitting crime because of "illegal" drugs.

I agree with your last statement wholeheartedly .

A bad precedent alcohol. DEFINATELY not a good example of why other harder drugs should be legalised imho.

The rest remains unseen. I only hope it comes in another 50 years after in gone although before would be good too because then I could say I told you so ;)

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Two things.

1. I always enjoy communicating with you. Your not bad and possibly one of the nicest ppl on TVF, behind me of course wink.pngtongue.png

2. You are probably right about me and my distorted view of the situation because it's true I worked in a bad part of the country where there were hundred, thousands of scum sucking druggies everywhere. The streets were filled with needles and there was death and mayhem daily. The filth and violence and wasted lives.

Of course ordinary folk arnt exposed to this filth, so I accept your analogy about me and my views.

These days and well past my time we see things like shooting galleries and magistrates that walk the softly softly with these filthy individuals who just keep pumping crap into their veins and wedging their dirty little peckers up the bumhole of clean society who pay for their habits in multiple ways.

I can function without this evil filthy substance and so can you old friend.

Drugs are like a decay I society. It would be difficult to convince me otherwise. I see alcohol in the same light, only it's the worst of them all and legal. A bad precedent imho.

The reason I made the point about your distorted view is because a friend of my who is a cop too explained it to me and I looked into this topic. My views come from personal use of drugs and of course having lived in a country where they would collect needles and exchange them so they were not on the streets. Where you could test your drugs at parties to make sure you were not getting (more) damage as needed. We pretty much had a lower drug problem as the more repressive countries.

Of course growing up I saw a lot of recreational drug use and that almost never was a problem. Of course there were always stupid people but I have always felt that you should not take away liberties to protect the most stupid people. When working in Amsterdam I did see some real junkies, the type you described filthy stoned out of their heads living on the street. However this was a real small portion of all the people who used drugs and to use them as the example of what always will happen is just not true. If you look at how much drugs is consumed and how many people end up on the streets.. its just a fraction.

There are also people living on the streets that are not drug users so its not only the drugs. But there will always be a group at risk that can't handle it. A way of preventing that would be with a license system where one would be allowed to use drugs as long as one had that license. Also a lot of violence and crime would be gone if the drugs were cheaper safer and out of the hands of criminals.

I can function without and I can function with the stuff, thing is why is it a problem for others what I do with my body if I don't harm others. Its a moralist thing forced upon others by uptight people.

The drugs wars are failing.. more and more countries are legalizing.. the dark ages are slowly gone.

I feel that the use should never be a crime.. but that if people commit crimes while under the influence they should be punished.. harshly. That leaves the responsible users without problems and addresses the possible crime problems. I am curious to see how this will develop over my lifetime.

But ND i respect your difference in views, yesterday I went out and did some beers (rare for me) but it seems many can handle it quite well. Why spoil all the fun for everyone because some can't handle it.. better go after those irresponsible people and leave the normal ones in peace.

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i sometimes thing stays in mind about 10yrs ago i was at that time on a visa run to border from cm police wanted me to stop on back road to border

i moved through as i wanted to do run and get home i saw there were 3 burma boys running through rice fields police shooting that was taksin time

quick end save money no court costs did they have drugs on them?

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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices.

Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Why should people who dislike drugs pay for idiots who make a conscientious derision to kill themselves, Fact Alcohol and drugs, and Tobacco kill. You choice but don't involve me

Wrong - some people have lost the power of choice. Drug addiction and alcoholsim are diseases btw

I disagree, they took the first step its not a disease, Its self inflicted, then every body else has to deal with the afters,

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Some drugs relax you

some drugs energize you

and some drugs at some times for some people have been known to 'open doors' and break down 'walls'

maybe that's why they are so restrcited

Are you trying to Return Hippyness To The People?

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I have a 2 year old dual citizen Thai British son. Drug dealers, remove the need for them.

Legalise all drugs for adults, regulate distribution, and redirect the money saved on a pointless and unwinnable 'war', and the tax income gained, toward education regarding moderation and choices.

Also fund detox and care for those that don't learn it where necessary - as with alcohol and tobacco.

Why should people who dislike drugs pay for idiots who make a conscientious derision to kill themselves, Fact Alcohol and drugs, and Tobacco kill. You choice but don't involve me

Wrong - some people have lost the power of choice. Drug addiction and alcoholsim are diseases btw

wrong-- i was born with asthma,

i wasnt born with a fag in one hand and a beer in the other,

they made there choice

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Referring to the OP:

It's the same in any big city in the west. The dealers deal out in the open. Everybody knows who and where they are and what they are doing.

Edited by 96tehtarp
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Some drugs relax you

some drugs energize you

and some drugs at some times for some people have been known to 'open doors' and break down 'walls'

maybe that's why they are so restrcited

Are you trying to Return Hippyness To The People?

The trick is to get to or be in that state or better without any aids at all.

What goes up MUST come down?

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we have a new neighbour that moved in 6 weeks ago renting a very large, stylish modern house so it wouldnt be cheap. He has a policeman next door as well as several others living very close by and to all intents and purposes he is acting very much like dealers did in Australia. You never see him, there are always youngish people riding/driving there at all times of day and night, he is continually leaving in his very noisy truck and returning within short periods of time at all times of day and night as well. It was actually his truck that made me wonder as you hear it whenever he starts it but if he isnt dealing I have to wonder why he comes and goes so often day & night and why so many people go there(usually noisy cars and bikes too) for very short visits. Being Thailand I dont put anything past him but at the same time can think of no other reason for what happens.

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we have a new neighbour that moved in 6 weeks ago renting a very large, stylish modern house so it wouldnt be cheap. He has a policeman next door as well as several others living very close by and to all intents and purposes he is acting very much like dealers did in Australia. You never see him, there are always youngish people riding/driving there at all times of day and night, he is continually leaving in his very noisy truck and returning within short periods of time at all times of day and night as well. It was actually his truck that made me wonder as you hear it whenever he starts it but if he isnt dealing I have to wonder why he comes and goes so often day & night and why so many people go there(usually noisy cars and bikes too) for very short visits. Being Thailand I dont put anything past him but at the same time can think of no other reason for what happens.

So you "never see him" but you

know he's continually leaving

in his very noisy truck at all

times of the day & night? So

how do you know it's him? I

guess the youngish visitors on

noisy bikes/cars makes it a

no-brainer?? Nosey, curtain-

twitching, armchair detectives

are the worst neighbours one

can be blighted with

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I just finished reading a book upon the history of prohibition, "Chasing the Scream" Reading the few chapters will suffice for most people to get the perspective on prohibition, I was actually quite surprised. Book contains footnotes and references. It is written in an easily accessible first person perspective so not heavy at all, I knocked it over in a few days.


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we have a new neighbour that moved in 6 weeks ago renting a very large, stylish modern house so it wouldnt be cheap. He has a policeman next door as well as several others living very close by and to all intents and purposes he is acting very much like dealers did in Australia. You never see him, there are always youngish people riding/driving there at all times of day and night, he is continually leaving in his very noisy truck and returning within short periods of time at all times of day and night as well. It was actually his truck that made me wonder as you hear it whenever he starts it but if he isnt dealing I have to wonder why he comes and goes so often day & night and why so many people go there(usually noisy cars and bikes too) for very short visits. Being Thailand I dont put anything past him but at the same time can think of no other reason for what happens.

So you "never see him" but you

know he's continually leaving

in his very noisy truck at all

times of the day & night? So

how do you know it's him? I

guess the youngish visitors on

noisy bikes/cars makes it a

no-brainer?? Nosey, curtain-

twitching, armchair detectives

are the worst neighbours one

can be blighted with

hint, "noisy", I hear the truck starting, reversing out then taking off then returning from anywhere in the house due to the level of noise it makes, same with all his visitors, apart from leaving in his truck you do not see him anywhere outside the house(across the road from ours) when we are outside doing anything. It is a no brainer but then you would need a brain to realize that, maybe you should try to understand english better and to read the full comment before making pathetic responses.

Edited by seajae
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we have a new neighbour that moved in 6 weeks ago renting a very large, stylish modern house so it wouldnt be cheap. He has a policeman next door as well as several others living very close by and to all intents and purposes he is acting very much like dealers did in Australia. You never see him, there are always youngish people riding/driving there at all times of day and night, he is continually leaving in his very noisy truck and returning within short periods of time at all times of day and night as well. It was actually his truck that made me wonder as you hear it whenever he starts it but if he isnt dealing I have to wonder why he comes and goes so often day &amp; night and why so many people go there(usually noisy cars and bikes too) for very short visits. Being Thailand I dont put anything past him but at the same time can think of no other reason for what happens.

So you "never see him" but you

know he's continually leaving

in his very noisy truck at all

times of the day & night? So

how do you know it's him? I

guess the youngish visitors on

noisy bikes/cars makes it a

no-brainer?? Nosey, curtain-

twitching, armchair detectives

are the worst neighbours one

can be blighted with

hint, "noisy", I hear the truck starting, reversing out then taking off then returning from anywhere in the house due to the level of noise it makes, same with all his visitors, apart from leaving in his truck you do not see him anywhere outside the house(across the road from ours) when we are outside doing anything. It is a no brainer but then you would need a brain to realize that, maybe you should try to understand english better and to read the full comment before making pathetic responses.

Idiot alert! Idiot alert!

It could be his wife, his kid,

his FIL, his brother....you

don't know, do you?

The point I made was the fact

that you equate never seeing

him as part of the reason why

he must be up to no good. A

noisy truck would seem at odds

with remaining inconspicuous

given his alleged occupation.

Perhaps you'd feel better if

he gave you a ring before he

walked to the truck;...just to

assuage your fears?

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we have a new neighbour that moved in 6 weeks ago renting a very large, stylish modern house so it wouldnt be cheap. He has a policeman next door as well as several others living very close by and to all intents and purposes he is acting very much like dealers did in Australia. You never see him, there are always youngish people riding/driving there at all times of day and night, he is continually leaving in his very noisy truck and returning within short periods of time at all times of day and night as well. It was actually his truck that made me wonder as you hear it whenever he starts it but if he isnt dealing I have to wonder why he comes and goes so often day &amp; night and why so many people go there(usually noisy cars and bikes too) for very short visits. Being Thailand I dont put anything past him but at the same time can think of no other reason for what happens.

So you "never see him" but you

know he's continually leaving

in his very noisy truck at all

times of the day & night? So

how do you know it's him? I

guess the youngish visitors on

noisy bikes/cars makes it a

no-brainer?? Nosey, curtain-

twitching, armchair detectives

are the worst neighbours one

can be blighted with

hint, "noisy", I hear the truck starting, reversing out then taking off then returning from anywhere in the house due to the level of noise it makes, same with all his visitors, apart from leaving in his truck you do not see him anywhere outside the house(across the road from ours) when we are outside doing anything. It is a no brainer but then you would need a brain to realize that, maybe you should try to understand english better and to read the full comment before making pathetic responses.

Idiot alert! Idiot alert!

It could be his wife, his kid,

his FIL, his brother....you

don't know, do you?

The point I made was the fact

that you equate never seeing

him as part of the reason why

he must be up to no good. A

noisy truck would seem at odds

with remaining inconspicuous

given his alleged occupation.

Perhaps you'd feel better if

he gave you a ring before he

walked to the truck;...just to

assuage your fears?

again you are right, definitely an idiot alert, you really do need to try to understand what is being said. You may walk around with your head up your ar*e and not realize a lot of thais have noisy trucks as they think it means they are "rugged" or are manly but anyone that has been here for any length of time knows what they are like. No kids, no ones oldies etc, a few young guys and the occasional female. I think maybe you play with your you know what too much and have nothing better to do that try to be smart ar*e but fail miserably. I havent been bitching about it, just curious as to what it could be after seeing similar in Australia a few times before moving to Thailand, the idiot seems to be the one that is trying to make out my query more than it is by adding innuendo but I suppose your used to doing that, something to do with having a very juvenile or even senile mind, idiot alert idiot alert, what a moron

Edited by seajae
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again you are right, definitely an idiot alert, you really do need to try to understand what is being said. You may walk around with your head up your ar*e and not realize a lot of thais have noisy trucks as they think it means they are "rugged" or are manly but anyone that has been here for any length of time knows what they are like. No kids, no ones oldies etc, a few young guys and the occasional female. I think maybe you play with your you know what too much and have nothing better to do that try to be smart ar*e but fail miserably. I havent been bitching about it, just curious as to what it could be after seeing similar in Australia a few times before moving to Thailand, the idiot seems to be the one that is trying to make out my query more than it is by adding innuendo but I suppose your used to doing that, something to do with having a very juvenile or even senile mind, idiot alert idiot alert, what a moron

Oh look, another "I've been here for

centuries so I know more than you" post.

My understanding of the noisy trucks is

a little more esoteric than yours; they

bolt on free-flow exhausts (or remove

baffles in stock item if they can't

afford a purpose-built unit) so that

exhaust gases are expelled more completely

thereby liberating a few extra horsepower

from the engine but any clod who'd

bothered to find out instead of just

regurgitating stereotypes he'd adopted

from TV would know that....rolleyes.gif

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again you are right, definitely an idiot alert, you really do need to try to understand what is being said. You may walk around with your head up your ar*e and not realize a lot of thais have noisy trucks as they think it means they are "rugged" or are manly but anyone that has been here for any length of time knows what they are like. No kids, no ones oldies etc, a few young guys and the occasional female. I think maybe you play with your you know what too much and have nothing better to do that try to be smart ar*e but fail miserably. I havent been bitching about it, just curious as to what it could be after seeing similar in Australia a few times before moving to Thailand, the idiot seems to be the one that is trying to make out my query more than it is by adding innuendo but I suppose your used to doing that, something to do with having a very juvenile or even senile mind, idiot alert idiot alert, what a moron

Oh look, another "I've been here for

centuries so I know more than you" post.

My understanding of the noisy trucks is

a little more esoteric than yours; they

bolt on free-flow exhausts (or remove

baffles in stock item if they can't

afford a purpose-built unit) so that

exhaust gases are expelled more completely

thereby liberating a few extra horsepower

from the engine but any clod who'd

bothered to find out instead of just

regurgitating stereotypes he'd adopted

from TV would know that....rolleyes.gif

Great YS is back though someone rattled the cage....

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again you are right, definitely an idiot alert, you really do need to try to understand what is being said. You may walk around with your head up your ar*e and not realize a lot of thais have noisy trucks as they think it means they are "rugged" or are manly but anyone that has been here for any length of time knows what they are like. No kids, no ones oldies etc, a few young guys and the occasional female. I think maybe you play with your you know what too much and have nothing better to do that try to be smart ar*e but fail miserably. I havent been bitching about it, just curious as to what it could be after seeing similar in Australia a few times before moving to Thailand, the idiot seems to be the one that is trying to make out my query more than it is by adding innuendo but I suppose your used to doing that, something to do with having a very juvenile or even senile mind, idiot alert idiot alert, what a moron

Oh look, another "I've been here for

centuries so I know more than you" post.

My understanding of the noisy trucks is

a little more esoteric than yours; they

bolt on free-flow exhausts (or remove

baffles in stock item if they can't

afford a purpose-built unit) so that

exhaust gases are expelled more completely

thereby liberating a few extra horsepower

from the engine but any clod who'd

bothered to find out instead of just

regurgitating stereotypes he'd adopted

from TV would know that....rolleyes.gif

actually where did I say I have been here for centuries, again you are making things up but we are used to that. As for the exhaust systems it is rather easy to do as I did it with several my cars in the past in Australia, headers, resinators, 2" exhaust right through, was a bit of a rev head but most of the thais I know have simply drilled holes in their mufflers etc rather than pay anyone to do it properly as again most have no idea about the technical side of cars or anything else, they dont realize that by doing so they cause problems with the engine, again because they are not mechanically minded they simply think louder means faster/tougher but I am sure you will find something in this to whinge about as well, you really need to think before you type or at least understand what you are reading, dont worry I wrote that last bit real slow as I know you cant read that well.

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I just finished reading a book upon the history of prohibition, "Chasing the Scream" Reading the few chapters will suffice for most people to get the perspective on prohibition, I was actually quite surprised. Book contains footnotes and references. It is written in an easily accessible first person perspective so not heavy at all, I knocked it over in a few days.


From my understanding and research most of laws prohibiting substances were for racist reasons.

But there are quite a few reasons now that keep some things illegal.

Anyone been to Portugal since they decriminalized stuff?

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Some drugs relax you

some drugs energize you

and some drugs at some times for some people have been known to 'open doors' and break down 'walls'

maybe that's why they are so restrcited

Are you trying to Return Hippyness To The People?

Hippies and Hippyness and hipness?

Not sure, maybe but more like something since the dawn of time, man, and history itself, ancient, historical, traditional and ritual.

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