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Is your partner faithful?


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What are the advantages / disadvantages of marrying a Thai? For those of you on your second marriage, what made you decide to try it again?

My wife is farang and I would put 90% of my chips on her staying faithful with a 10% buffer in case some stud sweeps her off her feet while I'm out of the country for work. If it ended I don't think I could take the plunge again. But I have always lacked foresight.

P.S.: If you are a stud, stay the hell away from my wife.

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I must admit,when her brother Somchai,got sick,and she had to move him into our bedroom,to care for him,i was scetptical,but his loud moaning several times a night convinced me [sleeping in the adjacent room],that he must really be sick,however once he started to consume my beers from the fridge,i told my wife as he was now better he should be on his way,and i must say the chap left with a smile on his face fully restored to health,funny enough i had not known she had said brother before,and have seen scant sign of him since.

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Mine is. I could even trust her with my money but she won't take it. Has to make her own.

Can't say much about me but then it was agreed upon before she went off to some foreign land to make her money. She'll still have me when she returns.

Interestingly enough, I called her for Valentine's day on Thai time. No connection. I called her again on Valentine's, her time. She said, 'Nevermind. Everyday is Valentine's Day for Us'.

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What are the advantages / disadvantages of marrying a Thai? For those of you on your second marriage, what made you decide to try it again?

My wife is farang and I would put 90% of my chips on her staying faithful with a 10% buffer in case some stud sweeps her off her feet while I'm out of the country for work. If it ended I don't think I could take the plunge again. But I have always lacked foresight.

P.S.: If you are a stud, stay the hell away from my wife.

I have been married once and had at least 9 de factos.

Your falang is a star fish.

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What are the advantages / disadvantages of marrying a Thai? For those of you on your second marriage, what made you decide to try it again?

My wife is farang and I would put 90% of my chips on her staying faithful with a 10% buffer in case some stud sweeps her off her feet while I'm out of the country for work. If it ended I don't think I could take the plunge again. But I have always lacked foresight.

P.S.: If you are a stud, stay the hell away from my wife.

I have been married once and had at least 9 de factos.

Your falang is a star fish.

Why are you trying to insult this guys wife?

obvious troll is obvious ..

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so what is the purpose of your question? does it make you feel better to hear from others about cheating partners?

grow up and get a life... coffee1.gif

perhaps the fellow is just asking for his own edification...there's really no need to be so negative...these kind of snarky remaks charterize far too many posts on this forum

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Why do you care? If I remember right, at least according to Durex, approximately 56% of the population is having a fling. Well, that's out the the total number of the survey that admitted to having a fling. Personally, it's just a lot of friction.

Edited by connda
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What are the advantages / disadvantages of marrying a Thai? For those of you on your second marriage, what made you decide to try it again?

My wife is farang and I would put 90% of my chips on her staying faithful with a 10% buffer in case some stud sweeps her off her feet while I'm out of the country for work. If it ended I don't think I could take the plunge again. But I have always lacked foresight.

P.S.: If you are a stud, stay the hell away from my wife.

I have been married once and had at least 9 de factos.

Your falang is a star fish.

Is she? I don't even know what that means.

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What are the advantages / disadvantages of marrying a Thai? For those of you on your second marriage, what made you decide to try it again?

My wife is farang and I would put 90% of my chips on her staying faithful with a 10% buffer in case some stud sweeps her off her feet while I'm out of the country for work. If it ended I don't think I could take the plunge again. But I have always lacked foresight.

P.S.: If you are a stud, stay the hell away from my wife.

Mate,my ex mrs in Oz,divorced me and became a bitch from hell,because "i did not allow her to express herself as much as she would like" and i was to tired to cook dinner after a often 10 hr day,to bath the kids and cook dinner was doing a very physical job[pest managment],yet all she did day in day out was lunch with the girls,or take coffee,my current Thai wife respects me,know's were her bread is buttered,and there are never any "i am to tired for sex" excuses,so 100% better,okay,do i give her money every month,yes,just as i did to my ex back in Australia,i live with her every day,before the likes of cypress hill and suradit get onto it,their favourite,word,Stipend,name me one woman that unless she is richer than you,you do not have to support in some way,of course there will always be the posters like the one"s i have mentioned,who are so cool,they probably get free lodging and meals at the best bangkok hotels,but for the rest of us,who live in the real world,if you have a wife,you are expected to support her,Skyboogie,sorry i am drifting here.main advantage i have a wife who,loves me, respects me,and will never refuse sex,and for all those that say you are an atm,well,maybe,but western women are no different,except they generally demand larger sums.

I was with you 1000%

until you stated "will never refuse sex"

what about "initiating" it?

sounds like a service agreement when they "never" refuse

I have yet to see that, except for my always ready former brazilian wife, who went batshit with her menopause

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There is 3 things that I won't share with anyone in my life.

1) My Car

2) My Dog

3) My Wife

In that order.

Hmmm, not sure how one would share a dog. How about a toothbrush? Or underwear? Oh nevermind...

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