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NYC, Orthodox Jews in talks over ritual after herpes cases

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This thread is specifically about oral suction during circumcisions a practice (unfortunately) still done by very Orthodox Jews.

This thread seems more apt for more general issues about the cut:


Jingthing, you are really getting onto my nerves.

Circumcision is a useless practice, thus the oral suction etc together with circumcision should be banned. All religions are based on bad fairy tales and should be wiped out, but that will never happen because humans are a dysfunctional lot. There are no worse entities on the universe and don't use the word "creation", the universe was not "created"

Sorry to go off topic witz m'y comment, 55555

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I did live in New York I let me tell you New York London Bangkok and the rest of the large cities have much more to worry about but Orthodox Jew during so cutting and kisses in full view of the group .

This is not important to us let them do what they want

Or is this the way you think they become bankers and diamond merchants?


This thread is specifically about oral suction during circumcisions a practice (unfortunately) still done by very Orthodox Jews.

This thread seems more apt for more general issues about the cut:


Jingthing, you are really getting onto my nerves.

Circumcision is a useless practice, thus the oral suction etc together with circumcision should be banned. All religions are based on bad fairy tales and should be wiped out, but that will never happen because humans are a dysfunctional lot. There are no worse entities on the universe and don't use the word "creation", the universe was not "created"

Sorry to go off topic witz m'y comment, 55555

Are you married or your daughter married to Orthodox Jew

You just should worry about the Orthodox Drunks you know


Vampire paedophile Rabbis. Sick.

when you boil it down, probably not too far from the mark.

If it was a news story of some voodo witch doctor in Issan doing this the TV penut gallery would be going wild.

If it was someone from one of the other Abrahamic faiths, then the TV keyboard warriors would be out in force.

But I guess issues about double standards may be deemed off topic, so that lets simply count that as an aside.

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Nobody hates Jews (well, maybe apart from the Palestinians who are bombed daily), it's all in your head.

It's all in my head?

Dude, anyone actually so clueless as to actually believe that nobody hates Jews probably has a multitude of mental health issues and might benefit from seeing a very good Jewish psychiatrist! rolleyes.gif

BTW, I'm AGAINST the practice referred to in the OP! Imagine if someone came on here as a Jew actually DEFENDING it. Oy!


The ignorance and antisemitism on display here is disheartening to see, and makes me ashamed to know that I share this forum with such misinformed individuals. Associating Judaism with satan might be the most ignorant statement I have seen within this forum and reminds me of the propaganda that the Nazi’s pushed into the minds of the uneducated and lower classes, who bought in and gave power to the Nazi party.

Like all religions there are various sects, ranging from extreme to barely practicing. With even the most basic education one should understand that it’s ignorant and racist to lump everyone together, or blame the group as a whole for the actions of some.
I’m not going to make a list of life changing contributions that Jews have made, because there are also lists of contributions by Muslims, Christians, Bhuddist, etc. It is also a waste of time to try to open your mind to how wrong you are in your beliefs.
I can only hope that in the future, there are less people like you. So if you prescribe to the racism in this thread, make sure you make good use of a Jewish invention, The Pill.
On the topic, it’s an extreme practice done by less than 1% of Jews and the people doing it should know better. It’s very sad to see ancient traditions become twisted into something wrong.
On the subject of circumcision, there are 1000s of medical studies and it is clear that the benefits outweigh the risks based on medical research, which I am going to subscribe to over your baseless opinions.
In regards to the ignorant comments about who performs the circumcision on the 8th day, its the Mohel who is usually a doctor or has had medical training and performs 100s of circumcisions a week and they use medical tools to do the process.
I am not going to push my agenda, you can read the benefits from the Mayo clinic here: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/basics/why-its-done/PRC-20013585
And you can read about the Bris here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#Mohel

Circumcision is nothing more than Child mutilation and abuse UNLESS they are suffering from a medical issue to do it as part of a religion and using the excuse that it is more healthy is complete and utter BS as someone who thankfully did not get mutilated as a child I have NEVER EVER had any medical issue and everything works just fine as GOD INTENDED IT TO DO all you religious jews dont you think if god wanted that skin gone he would of created you that way not instruct you to cut it off

As for the practice of sucking off a baby after it has had its foreskin cut off well that just make me want to vomit


I just threw up a lil in my mouth, Disgusting, Almost Sounds Criminal...

And chopping healthy little penis ...crime!

Do I detect a pro foreskin sympathiser?

No way would I want that filthy bit of skin flapping about, not to mention those that have phimosis- YUCH.

By that logic, lambs would not be docked, with all the complications of tails ensuing.


The ignorance and antisemitism on display here is disheartening to see, and makes me ashamed to know that I share this forum with such misinformed individuals. Associating Judaism with satan might be the most ignorant statement I have seen within this forum and reminds me of the propaganda that the Nazi’s pushed into the minds of the uneducated and lower classes, who bought in and gave power to the Nazi party.

Like all religions there are various sects, ranging from extreme to barely practicing. With even the most basic education one should understand that it’s ignorant and racist to lump everyone together, or blame the group as a whole for the actions of some.
I’m not going to make a list of life changing contributions that Jews have made, because there are also lists of contributions by Muslims, Christians, Bhuddist, etc. It is also a waste of time to try to open your mind to how wrong you are in your beliefs.
I can only hope that in the future, there are less people like you. So if you prescribe to the racism in this thread, make sure you make good use of a Jewish invention, The Pill.
On the topic, it’s an extreme practice done by less than 1% of Jews and the people doing it should know better. It’s very sad to see ancient traditions become twisted into something wrong.
On the subject of circumcision, there are 1000s of medical studies and it is clear that the benefits outweigh the risks based on medical research, which I am going to subscribe to over your baseless opinions.
In regards to the ignorant comments about who performs the circumcision on the 8th day, its the Mohel who is usually a doctor or has had medical training and performs 100s of circumcisions a week and they use medical tools to do the process.
I am not going to push my agenda, you can read the benefits from the Mayo clinic here: http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/circumcision/basics/why-its-done/PRC-20013585
And you can read about the Bris here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brit_milah#Mohel

Circumcision is nothing more than Child mutilation and abuse UNLESS they are suffering from a medical issue to do it as part of a religion and using the excuse that it is more healthy is complete and utter BS as someone who thankfully did not get mutilated as a child I have NEVER EVER had any medical issue and everything works just fine as GOD INTENDED IT TO DO all you religious jews dont you think if god wanted that skin gone he would of created you that way not instruct you to cut it off

As for the practice of sucking off a baby after it has had its foreskin cut off well that just make me want to vomit

Circumcision is nothing more than Child mutilation and abuse

Absolute BS.


So does anyone have anything new to say about the actual topic which is oral suction in New York? If not why is this thread even still open?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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As for the practice of sucking off a baby after it has had its foreskin cut off well that just make me want to vomit

It is a vile and disgusting criminal act, and the perpetrators should be brought up on charges of sexual crimes against children.

Here's a newsflash: New York is in America and Americans don't support this type of deviant behavior. Maybe they do in Israel, but not America. Get out and take this disgusting filth with you.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I just threw up a lil in my mouth, Disgusting, Almost Sounds Criminal...

And chopping healthy little penis ...crime!

Do I detect a pro foreskin sympathiser?

No way would I want that filthy bit of skin flapping about, not to mention those that have phimosis- YUCH.

By that logic, lambs would not be docked, with all the complications of tails ensuing.

I have to laugh out loud at those people who have obviously been circumcised (and are therefore denied the incredible sensitivity during sex that disappears when their foreskins are thrown in the bin), and seem to think that if they have a foreskin they assume one ends up with a kilo of smegma festering away underneath the foreskin. I am not circumcised, my penis has never been filthy. It may come as a surprise to you that I wash it as often as I would behind my ears, maybe moreso.

Perhaps wandering through the desert for 40 years during the exodus, a stinking penis was a more common problem, as if you found a liter of water you were more likely to drink it than wash your private parts in it. HOWEVER, we live in modern times with modern sanitation and there is absolutely no need these days for circumcision. Full stop. It was a practice carried out by people thousands of years ago where water was a bit of a rarity, i.e. the desert locations. There is zero practical purpose for doing it, and to say 'God told us to do it" is stretching it a bit. If it were God why didn't he just make us without foreskins? Why give us one and then tell us to chop it off? The whole thing is ridiculous. And as for someone sucking the blood to prevent infection, when some cream and a sterile dressing would do a thousand times better is just the practice of nut jobs. Sucking a snake bite has no effect on reducing the effect of venom, why would sucking a child's bleeding penis prevent infection at cellular level? It is perpetuating the most ignorant practices of people who were only just out of the stone age.

Why would anyone miss what they never had? If circumcision made men insensitive there, they wouldn't want sex, but they do ( definitely ). BTW it probably makes one last longer, giving the GF a better ride than the premature ejaculators with the super sensitive members.

You don't address phimosis.

As a nurse, I'd prefer a circumcised man to have to wash.

. If it were God why didn't he just make us without foreskins?

Why do sheep have tails? Same same. Millions and millions have to be docked every year.


Modern flavour of anti semitism? Please spare me the hyperbole.

It's not hyperbole. It's a real thing.

But back to the topic, anything new to add to the question of oral suction practice done during ritual circumcision by some Orthodox rabbis in New York? Again, this is a topic relating to news from New York.

To refresh, everyone seems to be against it (me too).

Some think it should be illegal in New York.

Some think that would just drive it underground and create even more health risks.

Nobody actually believes it makes sense medically, regardless of what people probably sensibly may have thought long ago.

Some people accuse the rabbis of committing pederast sex crimes.

Others (me) think that is ridiculous as the intention obviously isn't based on seeking sex pleasure.

So again, anything new?

It's certainly hyperbole and also tiresome....and tied in with the OP for the following;-

Your summing up missed the underlying scandal; that even though there is a health issue that can cause and has caused death, authorities don't do anything more than "negotiate".

Whatsmore, the negotiations ended up with less regulation than before! Scandalous!

I can't imagine any religious or cultural group that performs an archaic ritual that causes disease and death of babies would be allowed to continue the practice. But this particular religious group IS allowed.

Why is that? I reasonably suspect that it has to do with what you, JT, are protesting about in Bobby's comment regarding people around the world being afraid to criticise Jews for fear of being labeled "antisemite".

The word has a stigma more powerful than other negative labels such as "racist", "bigot", or "xenophobe".

The fear of the stigma is, in effect, resulting in Jewish baby boys dying.

Some would see an irony in that situation.

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So does anyone have anything new to say about the actual topic which is oral suction in New York? If not why is this thread even still open?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Because you never give up with your idiotic paranoiac crap replies???

You want the last word here?

Go ahead, make my day. Today is 08/03/2015.

you're at 58171 posts?


So does anyone have anything new to say about the actual topic which is oral suction in New York? If not why is this thread even still open?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Because you never give up with your idiotic paranoiac crap replies???

You want the last word here?

Go ahead, make my day. Today is 08/03/2015.

you're at 58171 posts?

As I suspected. As is obvious. Nothing new. Nothing on topic. Just wanting to make this personal.


Off-topic posts and replies removed, including one with an aberrant spelling of a politician's name.


Who cares what a small group of Jews do to their own?

This nothing but Anti Jewish

It will be like this group of Jews worrying about English Football fans Drinking and Fighting


If I wasn't so much against frivolous use of the "antisemite" label, I'd call that antisemitic, Harry. Of course we should care if a group of adults are killing babies because of their insistence on following an ancient redundant ritual.

It matters not what their religion is.


Who cares what a small group of Jews do to their own?

This nothing but Anti Jewish

It will be like this group of Jews worrying about English Football fans Drinking and Fighting


If I wasn't so much against frivolous use of the "antisemite" label, I'd call that antisemitic, Harry. Of course we should care if a group of adults are killing babies because of their insistence on following an ancient redundant ritual.

It matters not what their religion is.

I admit it I an anti whites that are keep are denying they are anti Semitics

That fact you hate your own religion that you were born into doesn't make it right

I now have to pray for your evil soul


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Do I detect a pro foreskin sympathiser?

No way would I want that filthy bit of skin flapping about, not to mention those that have phimosis- YUCH.

By that logic, lambs would not be docked, with all the complications of tails ensuing.

I have to laugh out loud at those people who have obviously been circumcised (and are therefore denied the incredible sensitivity during sex that disappears when their foreskins are thrown in the bin), and seem to think that if they have a foreskin they assume one ends up with a kilo of smegma festering away underneath the foreskin. I am not circumcised, my penis has never been filthy. It may come as a surprise to you that I wash it as often as I would behind my ears, maybe moreso.

Perhaps wandering through the desert for 40 years during the exodus, a stinking penis was a more common problem, as if you found a liter of water you were more likely to drink it than wash your private parts in it. HOWEVER, we live in modern times with modern sanitation and there is absolutely no need these days for circumcision. Full stop. It was a practice carried out by people thousands of years ago where water was a bit of a rarity, i.e. the desert locations. There is zero practical purpose for doing it, and to say 'God told us to do it" is stretching it a bit. If it were God why didn't he just make us without foreskins? Why give us one and then tell us to chop it off? The whole thing is ridiculous. And as for someone sucking the blood to prevent infection, when some cream and a sterile dressing would do a thousand times better is just the practice of nut jobs. Sucking a snake bite has no effect on reducing the effect of venom, why would sucking a child's bleeding penis prevent infection at cellular level? It is perpetuating the most ignorant practices of people who were only just out of the stone age.

Why would anyone miss what they never had? If circumcision made men insensitive there, they wouldn't want sex, but they do ( definitely ). BTW it probably makes one last longer, giving the GF a better ride than the premature ejaculators with the super sensitive members.

You don't address phimosis.

As a nurse, I'd prefer a circumcised man to have to wash.

. If it were God why didn't he just make us without foreskins?

Why do sheep have tails? Same same. Millions and millions have to be docked every year.

So now we compare babies penises with sheeps tails!

Why do I need to address the issue of Phimosis? Phimosis is a medical condition that 'may' require circumcision to alleviate the problem. The reasons for being circumcised if you have acute Phimosis are far far different than some 2000 year old ritual baloney when little more than stone age nomads used to do it because it was probably 6 months in-between when they could get a decent wash. If you are proud of your cut job that is cool, i am very happy for you, but allow babies the dignity of deciding when they are 18 years old if they want to be cut. I won't allow my daughters ears to be pierced, she can decide when she is 18. What grounds are there for cutting off a newborns foreskin? .....and then having an old man suck on it!

  • Like 1

Who cares what a small group of Jews do to their own?

This nothing but Anti Jewish

It will be like this group of Jews worrying about English Football fans Drinking and Fighting


If I wasn't so much against frivolous use of the "antisemite" label, I'd call that antisemitic, Harry. Of course we should care if a group of adults are killing babies because of their insistence on following an ancient redundant ritual.

It matters not what their religion is.

I admit it I an anti whites that are keep are denying they are anti Semitics

That fact you hate your own religion that you were born into doesn't make it right

I now have to pray for your evil soul

Harry, you should be on a red card for your last two posts. This is not 'anti-jewish', it is anti-killing babies or infecting them with genital herpes!

As for you praying for another TV members evil soul, I suggest you lay off the pop so early on a Sunday. I wonder if the MODS will allow such blatant rubbish to remain on forum. I do hope not, it is obscene and is the very type of dialogue that encourages true anti-semitism.

  • Like 1

Who cares what a small group of Jews do to their own?

This nothing but Anti Jewish

It will be like this group of Jews worrying about English Football fans Drinking and Fighting


If I wasn't so much against frivolous use of the "antisemite" label, I'd call that antisemitic, Harry. Of course we should care if a group of adults are killing babies because of their insistence on following an ancient redundant ritual.

It matters not what their religion is.

I admit it I an anti whites that are keep are denying they are anti Semitics

That fact you hate your own religion that you were born into doesn't make it right

I now have to pray for your evil soul

Harry, you should be on a red card for your last two posts. This is not 'anti-jewish', it is anti-killing babies or infecting them with genital herpes!

As for you praying for another TV members evil soul, I suggest you lay off the pop so early on a Sunday. I wonder if the MODS will allow such blatant rubbish to remain on forum. I do hope not, it is obscene and is the very type of dialogue that encourages true anti-semitism.

Worry about the Hundreds of Thousand that are killed in Africa and the Mideast by the Group that plant bombs in Thailand and will like to kill you

You afraid of the group

But you worry about may be 2 little Jewish babies who are kidding that is Anti Semitic

And you should be give a Red Card by God not Thai Visa


Yep. This exaggerated concern about the health of Jewish babies in NYC by the same people who have posted hundreds of Israel demonizing posts is simply not believable as sincere. Another way to exploit a negative news story about Jews and blow it up way out of proportion. Again, not sure why this thread is still open. The practice of oral suction in circumcision is bad, everyone posting here seems to agree, it is not done by most Jews only fanatically fundamentalist, it shouldn't be done at all but compared to other problems in the world, it is a very minor thing.

The city of New York made a balanced decision. Making it illegal would have been another option. I understand why some people would argue for that but there are reasons for the stance they did take as well.


Yep. This exaggerated concern about the health of Jewish babies in NYC by the same people who have posted hundreds of Israel demonizing posts is simply not believable as sincere. Another way to exploit a negative news story about Jews and blow it up way out of proportion. Again, not sure why this thread is still open. The practice of oral suction in circumcision is bad, everyone posting here seems to agree, it is not done by most Jews only fanatically fundamentalist, it shouldn't be done at all but compared to other problems in the world, it is a very minor thing.

The city of New York made a balanced decision. Making it illegal would have been another option. I understand why some people would argue for that but there are reasons for the stance they did take as well.

Jingthing, the reason why this thread is still open or not is absolutely nothing to do with you. It is still serving it's purpose to up your post count with dozens of banal posts, so why worry. Are you vying for a position on the MOD team now? Hoping to come over as all sensible at last? As for your pitiful line about the exaggerated concern of jewish babies, how many need to die or be infected before it is not an exaggeration Jingthing? Isn't one enough when it is such a barbaric practice? Who knows what the life long effects are of having your penis sucked by an old man when you are 7 days old eh Jingthing.

The decision by NYC was not balanced, far from it and the only reason they made that decision was ...........votes! nothing more nothing less.

  • Like 2

Yep. This exaggerated concern about the health of Jewish babies in NYC by the same people who have posted hundreds of Israel demonizing posts is simply not believable as sincere. Another way to exploit a negative news story about Jews and blow it up way out of proportion. Again, not sure why this thread is still open. The practice of oral suction in circumcision is bad, everyone posting here seems to agree, it is not done by most Jews only fanatically fundamentalist, it shouldn't be done at all but compared to other problems in the world, it is a very minor thing.

The city of New York made a balanced decision. Making it illegal would have been another option. I understand why some people would argue for that but there are reasons for the stance they did take as well.

Jingthing, the reason why this thread is still open or not is absolutely nothing to do with you. It is still serving it's purpose to up your post count with dozens of banal posts, so why worry. Are you vying for a position on the MOD team now? Hoping to come over as all sensible at last? As for your pitiful line about the exaggerated concern of jewish babies, how many need to die or be infected before it is not an exaggeration Jingthing? Isn't one enough when it is such a barbaric practice? Who knows what the life long effects are of having your penis sucked by an old man when you are 7 days old eh Jingthing.

The decision by NYC was not balanced, far from it and the only reason they made that decision was ...........votes! nothing more nothing less.

Again, nothing new but the same old inflammatory, personalized garbage.

We all agree it is a health risk and totally unnecessary.

The city of New York decided that monitoring a legal practice was a better health situation overall than totally driving it underground.

I think their decision is defensible and so would making it illegal because that would show a principle even if not the wisest for health risks.

As far as your idiotic implication that there would be any long term sexual effects on an infant to this ritual, that is clearly done to inflame ... and has no rationality to it, the ritual is not a sex act and the infant doesn't have a clue ... getting the foreskin chopped off is the more traumatic event and I doubt that is something anyone would remember.

If the snarky implication was that the oral suction ritual at infancy would make a child gay, super idiotic of course but perhaps worth commenting upon.

Like any group of people some Orthodox Jews grow up to be gay.

It is not a good situation for gays among these ultra Orthodox Jews.

One common response is that the family "sits shiva" for the gay child as if the child was dead.

They don't actually murder the child as is done in Muslim honor killings, but you can see what is sometimes done, shunning their own child, is very very horrible.

Happily, the majority of Jews are not like this. I detest irrational fundamentalism that hurts people from any faith.


Yep. This exaggerated concern about the health of Jewish babies in NYC by the same people who have posted hundreds of Israel demonizing posts is simply not believable as sincere. Another way to exploit a negative news story about Jews and blow it up way out of proportion. Again, not sure why this thread is still open. The practice of oral suction in circumcision is bad, everyone posting here seems to agree, it is not done by most Jews only fanatically fundamentalist, it shouldn't be done at all but compared to other problems in the world, it is a very minor thing.

The city of New York made a balanced decision. Making it illegal would have been another option. I understand why some people would argue for that but there are reasons for the stance they did take as well.

Jingthing, the reason why this thread is still open or not is absolutely nothing to do with you. It is still serving it's purpose to up your post count with dozens of banal posts, so why worry. Are you vying for a position on the MOD team now? Hoping to come over as all sensible at last? As for your pitiful line about the exaggerated concern of jewish babies, how many need to die or be infected before it is not an exaggeration Jingthing? Isn't one enough when it is such a barbaric practice? Who knows what the life long effects are of having your penis sucked by an old man when you are 7 days old eh Jingthing.

The decision by NYC was not balanced, far from it and the only reason they made that decision was ...........votes! nothing more nothing less.

Again, nothing new but the same old inflammatory garbage.

We all agree it is a health risk and totally unneccessary.

The city of New York decided that monitoring a legal practice was a better health situation overall than totally driving it underground.

I think their decision is defensible and so would making it illegal because that would show a principle even if not the wisest for health risks.

As far as your idiotic implication that there would be any long term sexual effects on an infant to this ritual, that is clearly done to inflame ... and has no rationality to it, the ritual is not a sex act and the infant doesn't have a clue ... getting the foreskin chopped off is the more traumatic event and I doubt that is something anyone would remember.

What double talk!

You are defending the indefensible.

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