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US jury finds Palestinian groups liable for terror attacks


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The jury have decided, the judge has delivered, justice has been served in a democratically run USA.

Final total will be about $655 million, that's a lot of Musakhan.

sorry not in a million years can I see this being a fair trial in the USA

Trial with Judge and jury.....it's the system get over it.

Question authority, my friend.

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NeverSure post # 60.

Since you hate corporations so much, I suggest you go through everything you own and if it's made by a corporation, throw it out. Don't be a hypocrite and support them by owning their output.

Start with your computer. I've read enough of your drivel.

Start with your computer. I've read enough of your drivel.

Splendid comment sir you've described your content succinctly.
Indeed we salute an honest man who can and does acknowledge his own foibles.
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NeverSure post # 60.

Since you hate corporations so much, I suggest you go through everything you own and if it's made by a corporation, throw it out. Don't be a hypocrite and support them by owning their output.

Start with your computer. I've read enough of your drivel.

Start with your computer. I've read enough of your drivel.

Splendid comment sir you've described your content succinctly.

Indeed we salute an honest man who can and does acknowledge his own foibles.

Now he who knows everything will descend on you & set you straight. Brace yourself. :D

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As for the American courts, this is the same idiotic center of American jurisprudence that declared corporations are people. Pay the US court system and the vast majority of the members of the US Bar who remain silent after multiple such travesties no heed.

Since you hate corporations so much, I suggest you go through everything you own and if it's made by a corporation, throw it out. Don't be a hypocrite and support them by owning their output.

Start with your computer. I've read enough of your drivel.

Let me make it clear that neither I nor anyone else is forcing you to read my "drivel". The remainder of your criticism is simply nonsensical and not pertinent to what I wrote.

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So you support boycott of Israel indicated in your link. Is that support for boycotting all of Israel, including when Israeli musicians tour abroad, Israeli academic boycott, or only west bank products? As you don't like "terrorists", would you also support boycotting any Palestinian products if they had any for export? You still didn't really answer the question in a practical way about support or opposition for the existence of Israel. In my reading, its clear to me a significant percentage of those supporting the BDS movement oppose the very existence of Israel. The code for your "stop the apartheid" provocative rhetoric is support that Israel include all of the population of Gaza and West Bank into their citizenship and I'm sure it is well known that means the end of Israel. BTW, Israel is not a racist apartheid state. 20 percent of her citizens are Arabs and they enjoy civil rights of citizenship. Also Palestinian leaders have made it clear many times if they ever achieve full statehood whether in reasonable borders (which I happen to support) or the more radical goals of overturning all of Israel NO JEWS will be allowed. So which side is less tolerant / more racist, do you reckon? People can play fairy tales about Palestinian innocence but surveys have shown that the rate of Jew hatred among Palestinians is the highest on the planet. There are no pie in the sky easy solutions to this ... period.

Edited by Jingthing
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So you support boycott of Israel indicated in your link. Is that support for boycotting all of Israel, including when Israeli musicians tour abroad, Israeli academic boycott, or only west bank products? As you don't like "terrorists", would you also support boycotting any Palestinian products if they had any for export? You still didn't really answer the question in a practical way about support or opposition for the existence of Israel. In my reading, its clear to me a significant percentage of those supporting the BDS movement oppose the very existence of Israel. The code for your "stop the apartheid" provocative rhetoric is support that Israel include all of the population of Gaza and West Bank into their citizenship and I'm sure it is well known that means the end of Israel. BTW, Israel is not a racist apartheid state. 20 percent of her citizens are Arabs and they enjoy civil rights of citizenship. Also Palestinian leaders have made it clear many times if they ever achieve full statehood whether in reasonable borders (which I happen to support) or the more radical goals of overturning all of Israel NO JEWS will be allowed. So which side is less tolerant / more racist, do you reckon? People can play fairy tales about Palestinian innocence but surveys have shown that the rate of Jew hatred among Palestinians is the highest on the planet. There are no pie in the sky easy solutions to this ... period.

Stop perpetuating the lie. Israel DOES have different rules for Arab Israelis, and government sponsored benefits available for Israeli Jews only. That is apartheid.

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Let him speak for himself. I would like people spouting rabid anti-Israelism to reveal how radical they are. After all, get real a large percentage of Palestinians really do want to push the Jews into the sea.

And here we have it again, as predictable as summer follows spring: any criticism of the Israeli government is countered by accusations of antisemitism, anti-Judaism, anti-Israel etc.

Anyone who reads this forum knows there is plenty of truth to those accusations. Substituting the word "Zionists" for "Jews" does not fool anyone who knows their history. rolleyes.gif

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Stop perpetuating the lie. Israel DOES have different rules for Arab Israelis, and government sponsored benefits available for Israeli Jews only. That is apartheid.

Please drop the stupid, hateful rhetoric. Not one single apartheid practice applies to Israel.

Israel is by far the most racially mixed and tolerant nation in the entire Muslim Middle East. Arabs, who are about 20% of Israels population, enjoy, without any exception, the same rights and opportunities in all fields as their Jewish fellow citizens. The total equality of all Israelis is assured in Israels founding document. All non-Jews (which means primarily Muslim Arabs) have full voting rights. At present, eleven Arabs sit in Israels Knesset (parliament): Three Arabs are deputy speakers. Arabs are represented in Israels diplomatic service all over the world. Arab students may and do study in all Israeli universities. All children in Israel are entitled to subsidized education until graduation, without any restrictions based on color or religions. In short, Muslim Arabs and other non-Jews are allowed everything that Jews are allowed, everything that non-Whites were not allowed in apartheid South Africa.


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I wouldn't claim "perfect equality" for Israeli citizen Arabs and Jews. For example the law of return applies only to Jews. But it's a far cry from being short of perfect equality and apartheid. In my view, black people in the U.S. do not enjoy "perfect equality" either ... (for example the systematic discrimination in the application of prison sentences, discouraging voters, etc.) but the situation can't be described as "apartheid" either.

Edited by Jingthing
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