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This would close a lot of bars in central Pattaya ....


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Are you guys from another planet. This rule have been in effect for years in Thailand. Big C and 7/11 haven't sold alcohol incl beer during this time for years. Small family stores are another story, they have sold it during this hours. As in a lot of countries incl US you can buy item during off hours or in packages that don't have the real description. Poppers for example is illegal to sell in us but are sold in all kind of facilities incl corner stores in Queens NY as nail polish remover or cd-rom cleaners.

Yes it will always be places to buy your beer etc.

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Jesus there is so much bad information on this topic.

The law has been on the books for many years but only got enforced from last year. At that point there were a number of exceptions, but earlier this month these exceptions were removed. So be very aware ANYBODY selling alcohol outside of 11-2 and 5-12 is breaking the law and is liable for a hefty fine and time inside.

The problem is we don't know about drinking beer that was sold before the deadline, or drinking beer that will be paid for after the 5 deadline etc etc.

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I have been in Thailand since mid January 2014 and the 2 to 5 rule has been in effect since the day I stepped off the plane ... so I am bit confused by the posts here... I have noticed that side Soi Thai 'Mom and Pop' shops have ignored the law for the most part -- but for 15 months going now the big players Big C., Tesco, 7-11 and the like have been enforcing this rule for - again - 15 months already.... So - What are you guys talking about? ... Has the entire area of Pattaya and other resort areas been ignoring the law and now it has been reinforced by the Government?

I am talking about retail stores and big wholesale outfits such as Makro... not sure what Bars have been doing...

Quite frankly - reading these post makes me feel like I am in a time warp as 15 months of experience tells me this is not news for retail stores.

I will help to clear it up. It is where you are located, and that is certainly not Pattaya. I am always stumped if I go to Bangkok and find that the 7-11's there enforce the 2-5pm "no buy" period. I have lived in Pattaya sine 2012, and you can always buy alcohol for any 7-11 or Family Mart, 24/7. No restrictions at all. Yes, the signs stating no sales between 2-5pm are on the doors, and at the registers, but they will always sell it to you. Not the Tesco', Big C's, Makro, grocery stores, but always at 7-11 or Family Mart. Certainly the small family stores as well.

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OK - i'm not an authority on the convenience stores but I'm sure I've seen people buying alcohol from the Big C on Klang in the afternoons.

Don't know the exact words of the law, but I think only retail sell is forbidden in these afternoon hours.

It is still possible to buy alcohol (even in 7/11 or BigC) if in quantity enough (in bulk).

Thanks - that was the blogger's assumption too and as he indicated he was very surprised that the bar owner was nailed for something which anyone walking down Suk Soi 4 (the main focus of his lens over the last two decades) in the afternoon would assume doesnt apply to bars and restaurants. I didnt know about the bulk ruling in supermarkets, but for me its not something I'm willing to lug back from Big C. If I do become that keen on alcohol I'll just move to Cambo and be done with it biggrin.png

If ever you decide to go to Cambodia, can you leave your avatar here, please?

She's the best thing on this forum...

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Three hours, who cares? Unless you are an alcoholic.

Aren't we a little short sighted. Many people on holiday, walking around enjoying themselves and need a rest after the hot sun.

Waiter: Good afternoon, what can I get you?

Tourist: I would like a nice cold beer after a long pleasant walk.

Waiter: Sorry Madam/Sir, by Thai law we can not serve you any alcohol/beer before 5pm

Guess for "bender92" all these tourists are alcoholics, including me, an expat, and others, whom occasionally goes for a cold one sometimes before 5 pm and maybe only drink 1-2 times a week anyway.

Guess bender92 has been on a bender himself to many times.cheesy.gif

Edited by ronthai
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Looks like the general is just continuing to make friends for everyone's concerns.

Yes he is making everyone happy and he will have confirmation during the next election, if there is one ever...

Mom and pop shops are being left to do as they please nationwide -- there are not enough personnel to cover the whole country, much less Pattaya.

Of course everyone is happy and supports the PM and will vote for him and all things will be well!

When pigs fly and psychics consistently win the lottery.....

Edited by FangFerang
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The new Cromwell harps about "rule of law", but being a law doesn't make it right or proper. Argument about students buying alcohol: hey, how about enforcing legal drinking age (is there one?)? I don't drink, but if someone wants a beer in middle of a hot day, let them. Just seems another example of silly, economically damaging laws enforced while real crime is ignored. Much easier for BIB than catching teen gangs, illegal guns, traffic laws, ad nauseum...

A real police force enforces the law, without bias, favor, for all.

If the laws is requires reviewing or amending then it's a matter for the law makers and the appropriate process to change the law.

Enforcement of licensing laws in the UK wasn't always strict and varied from force to force and even areas within one force. Country pubs were often given more latitude than city and town establishments. However, one complaint and the police acted. The opening, and more importantly closing, times were introduced during WW1.

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Sadly M Club was raided again today and 20 foreigners were hauled to soi 9 for photographing and visa checks.

From the owner of M-Club this night on Secrets' forum:

Yes raided 2 weeks ago the 7th... but have opened again, all good... no raid today... back in action

So...? rolleyes.gif

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Personally never had a problem at Villa.

I believe you, but I am stunned. They do not sell to anyone else from 2-5pm.

Villa Market has long had a relationship with police that have allowed them to sell anytime.

The Army, still cracking down on their political enemies, has just shut down another police revenue source.

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thaivisa contradiction:

One set of rants complaining about drunken drivers.

Another set of rants complaining about locked alcohol drinks for certain hours.

Conclusion... thaivisa lives on its core ranters, otherwise could never sell an ad due to no participants.

And, another rant that is ranting about rants.

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Three hours, who cares? Unless you are an alcoholic.

That was my 1st thought too, but it could be annoying if your at the supermarket and want to buy some for that evening, but then have to come back in peak hour traffic just to get a bottle or 2.

And its not like that law is going to help alcoholism, and if its a school-kid thing whats wrong with ID tags.

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Just a thought from a recovering alcoholic.

If one of your major dilemmas in life is that you cannot score alcohol between the hours of two and five in the afternoon ... then you have a serious problem which needs addressing, and you need to look in the mirror and re-evaluate your life.

Peace and love.

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Glad I live in Isan. There are no rules outside of Tesco or 7. If I want alcohol, I just go buy it. Never had to worry about what time it was or what day it is.

In a truly free country, That is the way it is supposed to be.

Sorry old chap but my local bar in Isaan was visited by the police yesterday and the no booze from 2 'til 5 was stressed to the bar owner and customers, effective starting today. Bit of a bummer as that tends to be one of the busiest times for farang customers.

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i am assure you this is happening in pattaya . i was speaking with a canadian bar owner in pattaya city police station two weeks ago that had just been arrested for selling alcohol

in his bar between 2pm and 5pm . he was wearing handcuffs at the time so it was being taken seriously . he was trying to get released on bail.

Yep , prioratise , arrest a bloke for selling beer at the wrong time of day , cuff him and make him pay some tea money to the BIB. Meanwhile gang wars , drunks, drowning , raping , pillaging ( must be the Swedes ) goes on unabated. Still not found out why non tourists want to live there.

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Just a thought from a recovering alcoholic.

If one of your major dilemmas in life is that you cannot score alcohol between the hours of two and five in the afternoon ... then you have a serious problem which needs addressing, and you need to look in the mirror and re-evaluate your life.

Peace and love.

Fine with me. If you go back to my OP, the only place convenience stores are mentioned in the quote was to underline that the blogger in question - a Bangkok commentator for some 20 years and occasional Pattaya visitor - has *never* heard of this law being enforced outside the convenience stores/supermarkets. I tried to make the focus of this thread the bars and restaurants which do sell alcohol between 2 and 5pm in Pattaya, particularly those which seem more crowded during the day than they are at night. Like many threads here, this one took a slight detour, as more folk seem concerned about the availability of alcohol from retail stores than the issue I originally tried to raise - such is life. Personally, I dont begrudge anyone the right to buy a beer at 3pm - most of us are able to do so in our home countries - and those who are going to overdo it seem to find a way regardless of the rules.

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the interesting part is the assertion re 'No alcohol between 2pm and 5pm' // but all I've seen in Pattaya convenience stores is a few signs which seem to be ignored. I'm guessing that too much tea money changes hands for this to be enforced in Pattaya

What are you talking about?? Delirium? wink.png

Most of these places, like 7/11 or Family Mart, have this hour range register in their system and the machine just refuses an alcohol drink in the wrong period. I already saw the staff saying to some customer that he would have to wait X minutes to buy his beers... wink.png . Same things happen in bigger shops (Tops, Lotus, BigC ...) . This law certainly is *not* ignored.

It was my understanding that the law prohibiting the sale of alcohol between 2 PM and 5 PM only applied to retail outlets like supermarkets and convenience stores.

Here you are right. Bars are not concerned, but the problem for many of them is that their license authorises alcohol sell from 6pm only and that they open earlier in the afternoon...

OK - i'm not an authority on the convenience stores but I'm sure I've seen people buying alcohol from the Big C on Klang in the afternoons. Personally, they could ban it from 10am till 8pm in convenience stores and it wouldnt bother me - I rarely drink at home - but I just dont see how anyone could be expected to run a restaurant in this town with that crazy restriction in place. Do they have to renew their licenses every year ?

At least for the one on a Pattaya Tai I can say: forget it.

You can fill up your shopping cart with alcohol as you like - however, the cashier will refuse to sell it to you . Happened to me in November 2014.

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when they limited the beer buying hours, I didn't complain, because I don't drink

when they arrested the hookers, I didn't complain because I am faithful

when the busted motorcycle drivers for no license, I didn't complain because I don't drive

when they came for me for posting on TV, there was no one left to stand beside me

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Before anyone gets too agitated about all this, I would point out that the famous bloggers being quoted is probably one of the biggest doom-and-gloom merchants in the business. His latest column is an absolute classic. The main feature plus at least five subsequent items are 'apocalypse now' stuff.

I'm not saying that his facts are incorrect but I would certainly question the dire spin he puts on events. For example, his suggestion that the ban on Pattaya's Soi LK Metro go-gos opening before six is having a detrimental effect on daytime bars in Soi LK and Soi Buakhow is surely nonsense. The drinkers of 60 baht large Changs at 4.00 pm don't give a hoot when the go-go round the corner opens. Similarly, regarding his extensive comments on the crack-down on upstairs rooms in Soi 6 etc - this is nothing new, they were blocking up internal doorways to the upstairs room 15 years ago when Purachai was Interior Minister, and re-routing the stair wells to the street, to make the bars and the rooms look like separate premises. Also Club 4 was closed for 30 days because of licensing irregularities and not because of drinking in the bar or anything happening in upstairs rooms.

By his own admission the blogger is usually in bed by 11.30 each night and more than one Pattaya bar manager has commented that he gets his Pattaya info via a third party who is also rarely out on the town. Basically he just retails tittle-tattle. My advice is take what you read in his blog with a very large pinch of salt and remember that these crack downs come round as regularly as the phases of the moon. The regulations regarding retail alchohol sales have been in place for at least 10 years and were amended slightly about a month ago when it was stressed that the change was not significant for the entertainment industry,

Keep calm and carry on.

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I was in Tesco in Lamai last year. I bought some beer just after 2pm along with my shopping, when I got to the check out they started counting the number bottles. I was then informed I could only buy it if there were more than 5 litres, I did and there was no problem.

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the interesting part is the assertion re 'No alcohol between 2pm and 5pm' // but all I've seen in Pattaya convenience stores is a few signs which seem to be ignored. I'm guessing that too much tea money changes hands for this to be enforced in Pattaya

What are you talking about?? Delirium? wink.png

Most of these places, like 7/11 or Family Mart, have this hour range register in their system and the machine just refuses an alcohol drink in the wrong period. I already saw the staff saying to some customer that he would have to wait X minutes to buy his beers... wink.png . Same things happen in bigger shops (Tops, Lotus, BigC ...) . This law certainly is *not* ignored.

It was my understanding that the law prohibiting the sale of alcohol between 2 PM and 5 PM only applied to retail outlets like supermarkets and convenience stores.

Here you are right. Bars are not concerned, but the problem for many of them is that their license authorises alcohol sell from 6pm only and that they open earlier in the afternoon...

OK - i'm not an authority on the convenience stores but I'm sure I've seen people buying alcohol from the Big C on Klang in the afternoons. Personally, they could ban it from 10am till 8pm in convenience stores and it wouldnt bother me - I rarely drink at home - but I just dont see how anyone could be expected to run a restaurant in this town with that crazy restriction in place. Do they have to renew their licenses every year ?

Bars have never been exempted from the alcohol law, there has been a time that bars in soi 6 have been ordered to close before 6 pm, and I read recently that something similar was going on in Chiang Mai now. Bars in major Hotels and international airports were exempted.

In convenience stores it was allowed under the previous law to sell wholesale ( minimum 10 liters) during the restricted hours, but under the amended law that is also not allowed anymore.

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