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How does the devaluation of the US$ effect Thailand and the exchange rate?

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America is producing oil only for one reason. To bring trouble to Asian and Russian economy, and to be ready to have own reserves for it and its allies in case of a big war. Nothing more. The US oil corporations prefer to keep getting Arab oil to make huge profits, and will stop any US oil extraction at soon its "win" the "right" to get it again...ASAP. Any product "MADE IN USA" is too expensive for most of the US population. It is easy and more profitable to the corporations to put that label to foreign products, and more important to the politicians for keeping the US people living in the illusion that the US is an economic and industrial power. The US is a BIG printing money machine, and a BIG military power, ready to show strength to keep its world "status", and the purchase value of the dollar at any cost.

There's a bigger motive for America to be producing so much oil. It's part of a larger plan to dumb down the population by poisening the water with fracking and the air with chemtrails.


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The US Federal Reserve has been trying like hell, for several years now, to engineer an inflation rate of better than 2%, which they haven't yet succeeded at. How do you propose they simply engineer an inflation rate of 7%. QE didn't seem to do it. Abenomics isn't having much luck. Please do tell.

That's what they want you to believe Inflation has been in ecess of 7% throughout the Obama years but if they told you that they would have to confess to negative real GDP growth and they would have to pay out a lot more from the current budget to Social Security recipients and TIPS bond holders.

Do show us one of these loopy 'ecess' charts.

Great, a typo cop. Thank's for that contribution to the discussion.

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

How amazing that the whole world is misinformed about the American economy but you are not and you know the "real" truth. Where do you get such accurate and reliable information?
Im glad you leaned something from my analysis. Most people don't know the truth because the illuminati and other groups, such as the rothschilds and other jews are manipulating things to create a new world order. Also the chinese are taking over. Apple is now chinese, but most people don't know that. The rothschilds previously owned the bank of england which is where the manipulation is organized. The rothschilds sold the bank of england to hide their influence but still pull the strings. Recently chinese officials have also been observed visiting and are part of it. You do the math. Ever since Greenspan ended the Gold standard these groups have forced the US into debt slavery but this cant continue and the final collapse of the USD is imminent. As the US has no Gold, because the reserves they want us to believe they have in fact no longer exist, they were stolen by the above groups that I mentioned, there will no way to stop the collapse of their currency.
In addition to what i said in my above post, which has received likes, i should also mention that Greenspan has personally admitted that he ended the Gold standard so that he and his cronies could drive down the price. Thats PROOF of MANIPULATION by the BANKSTERS! They would then start printing money, but before doing so, would amass a vast quantity of Gold. Greenspan is still pulling the strings in world monetary policy, and had connections right into the heart of the illuminati and is friends with the rothschilds. They will do more printing very soon and finally cause the dollar to collapse. Edited by paddyjenkins
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You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

How amazing that the whole world is misinformed about the American economy but you are not and you know the "real" truth. Where do you get such accurate and reliable information?
Im glad you leaned something from my analysis. Most people don't know the truth because the illuminati and other groups, such as the rothschilds and other jews are manipulating things to create a new world order. Also the chinese are taking over. Apple is now chinese, but most people don't know that. The rothschilds previously owned the bank of england which is where the manipulation is organized. The rothschilds sold the bank of england to hide their influence but still pull the strings. Recently chinese officials have also been observed visiting and are part of it. You do the math. Ever since Greenspan ended the Gold standard these groups have forced the US into debt slavery but this cant continue and the final collapse of the USD is imminent. As the US has no Gold, because the reserves they want us to believe they have in fact no longer exist, they were stolen by the above groups that I mentioned, there will no way to stop the collapse of their currency.
In addition to what i said in my above post, which has received likes, i should also mention that Greenspan has personally admitted that he ended the Gold standard so that he and his cronies could drive down the price. Thats PROOF of MANIPULATION by the BANKSTERS! They would then start printing money, but before doing so, would amass a vast quantity of Gold. Greenspan is still pulling the strings in world monetary policy, and had connections right into the heart of the illuminati and is friends with the rothschilds. They will do more printing very soon and finally cause the dollar to collapse.

Nonsense, it was the Trilateral Commision who ended the gold standard. Now that Greenspan is no longer working for the Rothschilds he is actively advocating for a return to the gold standard.

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You're coveniently forgetting to mention the FEMA camps and the government's cover-up of the ongoing ebola epidemic.

Oh did I? Im sure your FOX news has reported everything you need to know, so no use in me saying anything for you. I assume you miss the good ol' days of Bush jr? I recall he also had issues with FEMA involving Katrina. Don't worry though in less than a couple years Jeb Bush will be your saving grace now that the right wing nut jobs have been busy brainwashing.

Bush Jr and Jeb were/are lackeys for the NWO too. The only remaing hope for America is that Rand Paul will be elected president and restore liberty and the gold standard.

LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

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LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

Edited by suzannegoh
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LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

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LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

This thread has turned into the tin hat brigade....

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You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

How amazing that the whole world is misinformed about the American economy but you are not and you know the "real" truth. Where do you get such accurate and reliable information?
Im glad you leaned something from my analysis. Most people don't know the truth because the illuminati and other groups, such as the rothschilds and other jews are manipulating things to create a new world order. Also the chinese are taking over. Apple is now chinese, but most people don't know that. The rothschilds previously owned the bank of england which is where the manipulation is organized. The rothschilds sold the bank of england to hide their influence but still pull the strings. Recently chinese officials have also been observed visiting and are part of it. You do the math. Ever since Greenspan ended the Gold standard these groups have forced the US into debt slavery but this cant continue and the final collapse of the USD is imminent. As the US has no Gold, because the reserves they want us to believe they have in fact no longer exist, they were stolen by the above groups that I mentioned, there will no way to stop the collapse of their currency.
In addition to what i said in my above post, which has received likes, i should also mention that Greenspan has personally admitted that he ended the Gold standard so that he and his cronies could drive down the price. Thats PROOF of MANIPULATION by the BANKSTERS! They would then start printing money, but before doing so, would amass a vast quantity of Gold. Greenspan is still pulling the strings in world monetary policy, and had connections right into the heart of the illuminati and is friends with the rothschilds. They will do more printing very soon and finally cause the dollar to collapse.

Nonsense, it was the Trilateral Commision who ended the gold standard. Now that Greenspan is no longer working for the Rothschilds he is actively advocating for a return to the gold standard.

Nope, its not widely known but the whole thing was engineered by Greenspan, he organized the commission and he continues to pull the strings. Even now he controls all the banksters like Yellen and Bernanke and Goldman Sachs, they are puppets in a bigger game. His intention is to create a new world order and he and his cronies have amassed a vast hoarde of gold. Even Greenspan is not the highest up, he is doing the bidding of higher groups. I wont even go into that now.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

Your basic conspiracy theorist spouting drivel and you bombs like this ? Get a life.

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LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

You just named 2 of the "sick freaks"
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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

Edited by suzannegoh
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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

the thing i think your missing is the question of how an economy thats in debt for massive billions and keeps printing money willy nilly to avoid the debt ceiling can be the major currency.

No possible chance of ever balancing debt now especially since world pressure on Obama means those who are really in charge behind the curtain cannot orchestrate another world war.

US is down the can and all other currencies should be trading 1.30 against the dollar.

Aus $ has devalued and economy nowhere near as bad as US

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

the thing i think your missing is the question of how an economy thats in debt for massive billions and keeps printing money willy nilly to avoid the debt ceiling can be the major currency.

No possible chance of ever balancing debt now especially since world pressure on Obama means those who are really in charge behind the curtain cannot orchestrate another world war.

US is down the can and all other currencies should be trading 1.30 against the dollar.

Aus $ has devalued and economy nowhere near as bad as US

The debt in the US is a spectacular problem but an even bigger one is the ongoing expense of entitlements. It's a nation of deadbeats, with more than 50% of the population getting back more money from the government than what they pay in. And Europe...that comunist backwater hasn't had competent governance since Genghis Kahn was there. You can't get away from the police state there even by moving into a cave.

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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

Totally agree. And i will add that if it wasn't for these guys we would still believe in the moon landing.

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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

Totally agree. And i will add that if it wasn't for these guys we would still believe in the moon landing.

That one was a little before their time but I agree with the sentiment. Beck & Jones don’t have the stature of patriots of days gone by such as Robert Welch and George Lincoln Rockwell, but they are about all that we have.

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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

says WHO ? huh.png

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

I deduce that you're being sarcastic, but you really should include smiley icons -- many Americans do have thinking this foolish. (Your excellent grammar, etc. gave it away -- you'll have to feign stupidity if you want to be believed.)

I came here Googling "devaluation" becuase a friend told me Thailand is on verge of devaluing baht. Anyone know anything about that rumor?

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What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.
in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

says WHO ? huh.png

If it's not self-evident to you then you 'd be best off to continue getting your "news" from Der Spiegel.

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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

Totally agree. And i will add that if it wasn't for these guys we would still believe in the moon landing.

That one was a little before their time but I agree with the sentiment. Beck & Jones don’t have the stature of patriots of days gone by such as Robert Welch and George Lincoln Rockwell, but they are about all that we have.

Yes, without the work of these brave journalists we would not know the truth that the moon landing was faked but as you say, that HAARP, instead of merely being a tool to focus radio waves on the ionosphere for scientific purposes is in fact a weapon used for weather modification, creating earthquakes and tidal waves. In fact, they have revealed HAARP could be used to cause the destruction of the planet we live on by hitting its resonance frequency and causing it to explode. And they exposed the fact that the measles vaccine does in fact cause autism and doesn't even vaccinate measles. It just causes autism. Thank God for Glen Becks and Alex Jones, that what I say. God bless them.

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While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.


You must be joking. Medical tyranny? Banks engineering a crash of the $?

What type of sick freak would joke about such serious matters? Glen Beck and Alex Jones have documented these things extensively, please try to keep up.

in my [not so] humble opinion Glen Beck and Alex Jones, both producing nothing but conspiracy nonsense, are the sick freaks.

Only the two most important journalists of the past 15 years. Without them we would not know the truth about 911, the Aurora & Sandy Hook shootings, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, HAARP, and Fukushima, to name a few.

Totally agree. And i will add that if it wasn't for these guys we would still believe in the moon landing.

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That one was a little before their time but I agree with the sentiment. Beck & Jones don’t have the stature of patriots of days gone by such as Robert Welch and George Lincoln Rockwell, but they are about all that we have.

That presumably would be George Lincoln Rockwell founder of the American Nazi Party.


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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

Imports become cheaper exports more expensive. All the companies in the USA that derive a lot of profit from abroad especially Europe Russia Canada Japan are crying foul.
Actually, it's totally the opposite.

The import become more expensive and the export cheaper.

When a country devaluates its currency, its products and goods become cheaper and the country become more competitive to export its products.

The goods and products imported become more expensive.

Edited by Petchou
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That one was a little before their time but I agree with the sentiment. Beck & Jones don’t have the stature of patriots of days gone by such as Robert Welch and George Lincoln Rockwell, but they are about all that we have.

That presumably would be George Lincoln Rockwell founder of the American Nazi Party.


That's what Wiki says about him. Dylan sang about him on his self titled first album in 1962, but of course the illuminati prevailed upon the record company to have it deleted it off after the first pressing and to replace it with a more sheeple-friendly song. You should be able to find torrents of the original version of that LP though.

Edited by suzannegoh
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That one was a little before their time but I agree with the sentiment. Beck & Jones don’t have the stature of patriots of days gone by such as Robert Welch and George Lincoln Rockwell, but they are about all that we have.

That presumably would be George Lincoln Rockwell founder of the American Nazi Party.


That's what Wiki says about him. Dylan sang about him on his self titled first album in 1962, but of course the illuminati prevailed upon the record company to have it deleted it off after the first pressing and to replace it with a more sheeple-friendly song. You should be able to find torrents of the original version of that LP though.

correcton, it was the 1st pressing of "Freewheeling" that that song appeared on, not the first album.

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