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US-Israel quarrel intensifies over Netanyahu speech


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It is the Obama administration who made this into a partisan issue. They did this in order to deflect from their planned capitulation to Iran over its nuclear weapons program. The dishonesty and incompetence of the President and his lackeys makes an unpleasant spectacle.

That is an interesting spin on events. Obama is to blame for Boehner and the Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer secretly scheming behind Obama's back to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress. Perhaps if the Republicans and Israelis had been a bit more honest and open this embarrassment would not have occurred.

Boehner admits he kept White House in dark over Netanyahu's Congress speech
'There is no secret about the animosity this White House has for Netanyahu and I didn't want them getting in the way,' House Speaker tells Fox News.
House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he had asked Israeli Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer not to inform the Obama administration about their contact over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congress speech so as to avoid "interference."
Boehner: We gave White House heads up on Netanyahu Defending the invitation that angered Obama, House speaker says prime minister is top authority on Iranian threat

Boehner and Netanyahu were said to have agreed that the Israeli prime minister would speak in Washington on March 3 without consulting the administration — the customary policy on such things. This gave rise to anger in Washington and to criticism in the media.

Asked about the White House’s statements that it had been blindsided by the plan, Boehner told CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “We gave them a heads up that morning.”

“We gave them a heads up that morning.”

..after issuing the invitation to Netanyahu and it being accepted....a fait accompli..not very good manners ..and clearly a sign of mischief making by the Republicans inviting a foreign head of government to rebut US policy. Why didnt Boehner give Obama a heads up before issuing the invitation
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If you were half as smart as you think you are, you would know that they HAVE NOT, so they are still beholden to it.
They don't have nuclear weapons yet! Why is this so hard to understand? They only need to withdraw 6 months before having the weapons! It's like I am talking to a child.......

The would still be responsible for violating the treaty NOW. People in glass houses... passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc

From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

How do you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? even the IAEA don't know the answer to that question yet, because the Iranians won't tell them!

If Iran an oil producing country needs nuclear energy,that in itself would not be a problem. But they refuse to send spent fuel rods abroad for disposal prefering to keep them to enrich enough material for other purposes.

Other purposes being Nukes. Or they would be more willing to co-operate and sanctions would have been lifted long ago.

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From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

How do you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? even the IAEA don't know the answer to that question yet, because the Iranians won't tell them!

If Iran an oil producing country needs nuclear energy,that in itself would not be a problem. But they refuse to send spent fuel rods abroad for disposal prefering to keep them to enrich enough material for other purposes.

Other purposes being Nukes. Or they would be more willing to co-operate and sanctions would have been lifted long ago.

Oh please. Are you actually implying that they already have them, yet no one knows. Seriously.....lol.

Do you know anything about International Relations? The USA and Iran have no diplomatic relationship. This in turn makes the act of "co-operate" as you put it very, very difficult. Only recently have Obama and Irans leader begun "not so secretly" communicating.

Not to mentions, this alone would not have been enough to lift sanctions.

Edited by inbangkok
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They don't have nuclear weapons yet! Why is this so hard to understand? They only need to withdraw 6 months before having the weapons! It's like I am talking to a child.......

The would still be responsible for violating the treaty NOW. People in glass houses... passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc

From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

Based on your post, you are correct, but in real practice it is more complicated. Like it or not the world is designed with governing powers assigning themselves the role of protector, and who enters their club. We could debate agreeably how wrong this probably is, but it is fact. Iran seeking the same access that Germany and Japan sought is not a valid analogy. Japan and Germany had both forsaken long ago the paths of their predecessor governments. Both had joined the community of adult nations over time and offered gross transparency and do not sponsor terrorism (that i know of). Neither of them inculcate hate into the vox populi. Neither are determined to wipe another neighbor off the face of the world. Iran is actually a palpable threat to its neighbors and the larger world.

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It is the Obama administration who made this into a partisan issue. They did this in order to deflect from their planned capitulation to Iran over its nuclear weapons program. The dishonesty and incompetence of the President and his lackeys makes an unpleasant spectacle.

That is an interesting spin on events. Obama is to blame for Boehner and the Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer secretly scheming behind Obama's back to invite Netanyahu to speak before Congress. Perhaps if the Republicans and Israelis had been a bit more honest and open this embarrassment would not have occurred.

Boehner admits he kept White House in dark over Netanyahu's Congress speech
'There is no secret about the animosity this White House has for Netanyahu and I didn't want them getting in the way,' House Speaker tells Fox News.
House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday that he had asked Israeli Ambassador to Washington Ron Dermer not to inform the Obama administration about their contact over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Congress speech so as to avoid "interference."
Boehner: We gave White House heads up on Netanyahu Defending the invitation that angered Obama, House speaker says prime minister is top authority on Iranian threat

Boehner and Netanyahu were said to have agreed that the Israeli prime minister would speak in Washington on March 3 without consulting the administration — the customary policy on such things. This gave rise to anger in Washington and to criticism in the media.

Asked about the White House’s statements that it had been blindsided by the plan, Boehner told CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “We gave them a heads up that morning.”

“We gave them a heads up that morning.”

..after issuing the invitation to Netanyahu and it being accepted....a fait accompli..not very good manners ..and clearly a sign of mischief making by the Republicans inviting a foreign head of government to rebut US policy. Why didnt Boehner give Obama a heads up before issuing the invitation

That is an issue for American politicians to resolve. Rather than being bad mannered and turning on the guest who accepted an invitiation. But it suits your agenda to blame Netanyahu for the debacle.

This is more about Obama being a lame duck president who is totaly out if his depth with foreign policy issues. the Iranians think his is a joke. He has upset most if not all US allies of dacades.

The only way he will get his agreement with Iran is by veto, Because he knows it would be voted down if he brought it to congress. No dounbt if it fails he will blame Netanyahu rather than admit his policy was wrong and goes against the grain of American foreign policy of any other admin over the years.

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Netanyahu has cried wolf once lying that Iran was within 12 months of producing a nuclear weapon, when his own intelligence service Mossad advised him that was untrue. So why should we believe him this time?

This is like deja vu all over again...US misled into a war searching for non existent WMD. And there was only one country in the Middle East that benefited from that fiasco.

Netanyahu is trying to soften up US public opinion for another folly on Israel's behalf.

Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

Just because you are Jewish does not automatically make you a "dual citizen" of Israel.

Netanyahu thinks otherwise...

"We say to the Jews, to our brothers and sisters, Israel is your home and that of every Jew. Israel is waiting for you with open arms.”


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From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

How do you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? even the IAEA don't know the answer to that question yet, because the Iranians won't tell them!

If Iran an oil producing country needs nuclear energy,that in itself would not be a problem. But they refuse to send spent fuel rods abroad for disposal prefering to keep them to enrich enough material for other purposes.

Other purposes being Nukes. Or they would be more willing to co-operate and sanctions would have been lifted long ago.

Oh please. Are you actually implying that they already have them, yet no one knows. Seriously.....lol.

Do you know anything about International Relations? The USA and Iran have no diplomatic relationship. This in turn makes the act of "co-operate" as you put it very, very difficult. Only recently have Obama and Irans leader begun "not so secretly" communicating.

Not to mentions, this alone would not have been enough to lift sanctions.

Oh please yourself! I'm not implying anything. You can read english, yes?

You obviously don't know anything about the subject matter of the OP. It is not just the USA who are invloved with the Iran negotiations. Besides what is your point, you make a claim that Iran doesn't have Nukes, How do you know they don't?

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It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

You have been caught posting blatant lies over and over again on this forum. Please provide evidence from a CREDIBLE source that these men have dual Israeli/American nationalities.

I wrote "and allegiances".




Edited by dexterm
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They don't have nuclear weapons yet! Why is this so hard to understand? They only need to withdraw 6 months before having the weapons! It's like I am talking to a child.......

The would still be responsible for violating the treaty NOW. People in glass houses... passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc

From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

Based on your post, you are correct, but in real practice it is more complicated. Like it or not the world is designed with governing powers assigning themselves the role of protector, and who enters their club. We could debate agreeably how wrong this probably is, but it is fact. Iran seeking the same access that Germany and Japan sought is not a valid analogy. Japan and Germany had both forsaken long ago the paths of their predecessor governments. Both had joined the community of adult nations over time and offered gross transparency and do not sponsor terrorism (that i know of). Neither of them inculcate hate into the vox populi. Neither are determined to wipe another neighbor off the face of the world. Iran is actually a palpable threat to its neighbors and the larger world.

Let me be clear when I say that I am no defender of Iran. Iran has far greater access and reach in regards to terror organizations than Iraq or Afghanistan ever did. There is also reason to believe that both Egypt and Saudi will develop nuclear weapons if Iran does.....this would obviously be disastrous for the region.

As for Japan and Germany, those were just the first that came to mind since they are in the news all the time. Replace those with any other nation that has nuclear power.

However, back to the issue of Iran.....you are correct that governmental powers HAVE assigned themselves in a role of protector. This is changing. In regards to Iran, the point is mute. There will be no war with Iran. I am skeptical that Israel or the USA would even make the decision to use air power against the nation. After the devastating financial and international effects of both Iraq and Afghanistan on the United States, believing the US will attack Iran is a bit naive. Thus the reason their is a concerted focus on some type of "deal" or "negotiation".

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Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

Just because you are Jewish does not automatically make you a "dual citizen" of Israel.

Netanyahu thinks otherwise...

"We say to the Jews, to our brothers and sisters, Israel is your home and that of every Jew. Israel is waiting for you with open arms.”


that is really pathetic. It must annoy you that Jews think of the country they were born in as their homeland rather than run to Israel the minute there is anti semetic attacks on jews. Still you have Jewish American conspiring against their won government.

So I shouldn't be suprised!

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" "It appears that they have given up on that commitment and are accepting that Iran will gradually, within a few years, will develop capabilities to produce material for many nuclear weapons," he said in Israel.".

Is that diplomatic speak for "A while back, I lied bald-facedly with my cartoon picture of a bomb and a red line"?

Who can trust him?

You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

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Absolutely brilliant, the US mislead into a war with Iraq looking for WMDcheesy.gif The US (Bush) were doing the leading were they not?

or are you really trying to stretch reality by suggesting WMD and Iraq was at Israels behest?

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.clap2.gif

That kind of makes America look like someones puppy to be toyed with. Or very weak minded.

It may be worth your while investigating the dual Israeli American nationalities and allegiances of some of Bush's top neocon advisers: Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith

Just because you are Jewish does not automatically make you a "dual citizen" of Israel.

Netanyahu thinks otherwise...

"We say to the Jews, to our brothers and sisters, Israel is your home and that of every Jew. Israel is waiting for you with open arms.”


Any Jew can immigrate and become a citizen of Israel. However, it is not automatic. There are plenty of Jews around the world who do not hold Israel passports.

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From a international legal standpoint.... You are 100 percent wrong. Plain and simple. You are just making things up because you don't want to admit how wrong you are.

Is Japan violating the treaty? Germany? What about all the other countries that use nuclear energy?

So only Iran is violating the treaty? And I am the one in the glass house? Your ignorance is appalling.

How do you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? even the IAEA don't know the answer to that question yet, because the Iranians won't tell them!

If Iran an oil producing country needs nuclear energy,that in itself would not be a problem. But they refuse to send spent fuel rods abroad for disposal prefering to keep them to enrich enough material for other purposes.

Other purposes being Nukes. Or they would be more willing to co-operate and sanctions would have been lifted long ago.

Oh please. Are you actually implying that they already have them, yet no one knows. Seriously.....lol.

Do you know anything about International Relations? The USA and Iran have no diplomatic relationship. This in turn makes the act of "co-operate" as you put it very, very difficult. Only recently have Obama and Irans leader begun "not so secretly" communicating.

Not to mentions, this alone would not have been enough to lift sanctions.

Oh please yourself! I'm not implying anything. You can read english, yes?

You obviously don't know anything about the subject matter of the OP. It is not just the USA who are invloved with the Iran negotiations. Besides what is your point, you make a claim that Iran doesn't have Nukes, How do you know they don't?

I know they don't because I can read English and every intelligence organization says they don't have them. How foolish are you? I CLEARLY know far more about this issue than you do. Very few other countries besides the US, Israel, Saudi, and a few powers in Western Europe are concerned over the potential of a nuclear Iran. This is not some worldwide movement against a potential nuclear Iran.

If all you have to continue responding with is ridiculous nonsense like "how do you know"....."how do you know they don't have nukes"..........all I can say is go read the reports.

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It's time for the US to start treating Israel as the vassal state that it is. Netanyahu and the coterie of idiots before him have done untold damage to their own state. It takes, for example. a serious amount of delusion to not see the "defence," wall for what it really is. A surrender, a prison wall for Israelis.

The US president, whether he be Democrat or Republican - should call these guys idiotic bluff.

"Do as we say, and when we want your opinion, we'll ask for it."

Should be the US mantra.

Some of you guys on this forum seem to think I'm anti-American. I'm not - far from it. I am anti- the innate and unbelievably blinkered, self-deluding stupidity displayed by far too many Americans on this forum. Some of you are the Western equivalent of Jihadists.

I trust the White House far more than I trust the Israeli government - and I genuinely believe that the White House should shock the Israeli political class into compliance. In the end, it will be better for both countries, and the world.

unbelievably blinkered, self-deluding stupidity. so so true!clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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How do you know Iran doesn't have Nukes? even the IAEA don't know the answer to that question yet, because the Iranians won't tell them!

If Iran an oil producing country needs nuclear energy,that in itself would not be a problem. But they refuse to send spent fuel rods abroad for disposal prefering to keep them to enrich enough material for other purposes.

Other purposes being Nukes. Or they would be more willing to co-operate and sanctions would have been lifted long ago.

Oh please. Are you actually implying that they already have them, yet no one knows. Seriously.....lol.

Do you know anything about International Relations? The USA and Iran have no diplomatic relationship. This in turn makes the act of "co-operate" as you put it very, very difficult. Only recently have Obama and Irans leader begun "not so secretly" communicating.

Not to mentions, this alone would not have been enough to lift sanctions.

Oh please yourself! I'm not implying anything. You can read english, yes?

You obviously don't know anything about the subject matter of the OP. It is not just the USA who are invloved with the Iran negotiations. Besides what is your point, you make a claim that Iran doesn't have Nukes, How do you know they don't?

I know they don't because I can read English and every intelligence organization says they don't have them. How foolish are you? I CLEARLY know far more about this issue than you do. Very few other countries besides the US, Israel, Saudi, and a few powers in Western Europe are concerned over the potential of a nuclear Iran. This is not some worldwide movement against a potential nuclear Iran.

If all you have to continue responding with is ridiculous nonsense like "how do you know"....."how do you know they don't have nukes"..........all I can say is go read the reports.

Surely the whole piont is that no one knows for sure if Iran has or has not got Nukes. Do you really expect the west to know this when even the IAEA can't gain access to places they concider to have bomb making potential?

I don't think I am being ridiculous. Just pointing out that you can't possibly know something that isn't reported. At least admit there is a possiblity they do have them, rather than being dogmatic in claiming they don't.

After all Just because Vanunu spilled the beans on Israeli Nukes, doesn't mean they have them. It could just be a red herring! Not saying it is, just giving an example.

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Several flame posts and subsequent replies have been removed from this thread.

From the Forum Rules:

Posting Content & General Conduct

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

8) You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages, vulgarities, obscenities or profanities.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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You really are scraping the barrel to make that kind of analagy! twisted ignorance showing through as usual!whistling.gif

3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

in fairness removed for being wrong thread.

Edited by ggold
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3 years ago Netanyahu asserted that Iran was a year away from reaching their nuclear ambitions.....and he asserted that knowing full well that his country's intelligence agency did not agree. He was lying.

He now blithely says, (2 years after his lie was supposed to have come true), that it will be a few more years yet.

I would say the barrel-scraping is in trying to find "twisted ignorance" where there is informed opinion. I won't make such a personal comment as "twisted ignorance" towards you (and your "liker"), however there is something unflattering showing through, as usual.

Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

Thats OK I know an Anti semite when I see one.

Regardless of how many antisemitic incidents have occured, That you should try to refute some as not being racist in nature, for what ever agenda, is racist. The Racist denying racism is a favourite ruse, which allows more racism to occur under the guise of not being racist.

To complain about antisemitism being overly used as a justification for the existance of Israel or Jews, is racist. Surely it is not how many of these racist attacks are or are not racist, the fact is They happen even if the number are exagerated a little. It is still happening.

When you have barbed wire fences around synagogues to protect them from vandalism or racist attacks something is wrong. But its those jews always complaining of antisemitism. I wonder why?

?? w00t.gifblink.png ??

What are you on about? What are you on? Are you sure you're in the right thread?


And just for your information, (and others), I find the term "antisemite" when leveled at me to be false and offensive. That's 2 breaches of forum rules. Please refrain from using it in relation to me or my posts.

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Imagined scenarios are not inform opinion. They are just ignorant rants.

As for Netayahu lying that is also twisted, if you really read through all the info the only thing that Mossad and Netanyahu were at odds with, was the time it would take for Iran to develope the Nuke. Not if Iran was going to develope them.

To try and suggest anything else is a lie and rediculous.

With respects, when you make outlandish comments or supposed informed opinions, they do not warrant justification of a counter argument, but ridicule.

Plainly the imagined scenarios are all in your head.

Comprehension is a useful thing when reading. My comments were about Netanyahu's lie of the timing! Read again w00t.gif . Who said anything about "if" they develop them???

I can see only one ignorant rant in this thread.

Please....if you want to make comments, especially comments loaded with personal insults, make sure you comprehend understand what you are replying too. I don't really want to simplify my wording just for you...there are plenty of readers that have normal comprehension understanding.

Thats OK I know an Anti semite when I see one.

Regardless of how many antisemitic incidents have occured, That you should try to refute some as not being racist in nature, for what ever agenda, is racist. The Racist denying racism is a favourite ruse, which allows more racism to occur under the guise of not being racist.

To complain about antisemitism being overly used as a justification for the existance of Israel or Jews, is racist. Surely it is not how many of these racist attacks are or are not racist, the fact is They happen even if the number are exagerated a little. It is still happening.

When you have barbed wire fences around synagogues to protect them from vandalism or racist attacks something is wrong. But its those jews always complaining of antisemitism. I wonder why?

?? w00t.gifblink.png ??

What are you on about? What are you on? Are you sure you're in the right thread?


And just for your information, (and others), I find the term "antisemite" when leveled at me to be false and offensive. That's 2 breaches of forum rules. Please refrain from using it in relation to me or my posts.

My sincere apology You are right it is the wrong thread.

Edited by ggold
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The issue is that Boehner and Netanyahu knowingly did not consult with the president before the two agreed on the speech and then to notify the prez only at the last minute.

There was no consultation with the president, there was only the last minute notification, which means Netanyahu had always all along meant to accept Boehner's secret invitation.

CNN/ORC poll: Most Americans oppose Netanyahu invite

A large majority of Americans believe that Republican congressional leaders should not have invited Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress without consulting the White House, according to a new CNN/ORC survey.

The nationwide poll, released Tuesday, shows 63% of Americans say it was a bad move for congressional leadership to extend the invitation without giving President Barack Obama a heads up that it was coming. Only 33% say it was the right thing to do.

And as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to simmer in the Middle East, the survey found that a similar majority thinks the U.S. should stay out of that fight altogether.

Though the speech has become a partisan issue on Capitol Hill, even Republicans are split on whether it was a good idea for leadership to invite Netanyahu without alerting the White House, with a slight majority — 52% — backing the move. Just 14% of Democrats say it was the right thing to do, and just over a third of independents support the move.


As of two days ago only 51 US Senators had signed on to the resolution to welcome Netanytahu to the USA and to the Congress, all of 51 being Republicans. Two R's have not signed to cosponsor the resolution and all Democrats with two Independents have not signed and will not sign.

Meanwhile in the House, the objection is due to the Republican leadership not consulting with the president before hand....

Democrats are dissatisfied about the speech since it came at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress. Boehner and Netanyahu made the arrangements for the address without consulting with the White House, the State Department, and Democrats, fueling criticism that the speech is a partisan gambit meant to undercut President Barack Obama’s foreign policy.


Edited by Publicus
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Suppose Iran develops a nuclear weapon : what can they do with it?

- send a bomb to Israel ? They will get at least 20 bombs in return and as Israel is not a large country so that the holy sites in Jerusalem including Al Aqsa mosque could be hit...

- send a bomb to the USA ? They will get at least 200 in return

So who make all the fuss ....could it be the Saudi lobby in Washington D.C which is now on the same page as Netanyahu?

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You're only proving my point.

The best line I've seen re this spat is from the White House "don't reduce the US/Israeli relationship down one between the Republicans and Likud."

We are witnessing stupidity of the first order here.

It's time for the US to start treating Israel as the vassal state that it is. Netanyahu and the coterie of idiots before him have done untold damage to their own state. It takes, for example. a serious amount of delusion to not see the "defence," wall for what it really is. A surrender, a prison wall for Israelis.

The US president, whether he be Democrat or Republican - should call these guys idiotic bluff.

"Do as we say, and when we want your opinion, we'll ask for it."

Should be the US mantra.

Some of you guys on this forum seem to think I'm anti-American. I'm not - far from it. I am anti- the innate and unbelievably blinkered, self-deluding stupidity displayed by far too many Americans on this forum. Some of you are the Western equivalent of Jihadists.

I trust the White House far more than I trust the Israeli government - and I genuinely believe that the White House should shock the Israeli political class into compliance. In the end, it will be better for both countries, and the world.

unbelievably blinkered, self-deluding stupidity. so so true!clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Far from being weak, the world would have seen the US as expressing a desire not to be Israel's bitch.

Then along come the GOP......

""He may have a judgment that just may not be correct here," Kerry said."

Yes the Democrats have demonstrated their clear position on the issue......

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