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Buying a bar in Hua Hin


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think of the problems running a bar with a girlfriend.

temptation all over and your getting wasted every night hanging around with mongers and nothing to do. its almost guaranteed you will tap the help sooner or later, if you manage not to it will be soon be suspected.

bar owner uses the most obvious weapon and carrot as a tool of reward and torture controlling everything you do.

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Takes all kinds.

A friend of mine on his very first trip to Thailand, was dropped off at the Chao Phraya Massage by a scamming taxi driver, just hours after his arrival.

Ended up marrying that girl.

Yep. Met his future Thai bride at a Bangkok massage parlour 6 hours after touchdown.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

i''m not sure what's funny here? I think the majority of people meet their future spouse within a short time of going somewhere. I know this one kid met his future wife 20 mins after entering high school.

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Have you seen the bars in Hua Hin they are all empty and have been for years. Walk away now before the amount mounts up.

How many of her friends are on the pay roll that he now has to fund ?

I take it he hasn't registered his bar as a company yet or will ?

Walk away now. Sorry run away now.

If I'm right what has he actually bought ?

From the brief call we had I know hes put down a 200k baht deposit and got some contract to say she cant sell the bar. He did say it was in her name so I have no idea what paperwork has been signed etc. I have no clue about how the process works

If they have "bought" the bar the usual way, neither Lek nor Bob owns the bar. The bar belongs to the owner of the land it sits on.

Lek and Bob has most likely paid the old tenant for some furniture/inventory and the right to the lease, but will be paying rent each month to the landowner.

In other words, there is not much for anyone to sell, but if Lek was to sell the furniture/inventory and lease to someone else, and Bob does indeed have a contract saying she can't sell, all he can do is sue her in court after the sale has taken place, he cannot prevent the actual sale. Suing her will be a waste of time for everyone as the tenant she sold to will get to keep whatever he bought no matter who wins in court. The contract is between Lek and Bob, and has nothing to do with whoever she sold it to.

The potential court case will take 5-10 years, and no matter who wins, Bob will never see any money.

So in short. Bob has given Lek 200k as a gift, and thats the end of it. Any other money he spends on this will also be a gift to Lek. Nothing wrong with that btw as long as Bob is happy with that.

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I think this man is living out a lifetime dream. It appears his contract can show that he is aware of the risks of ownership and relationship matters. Certainly, caution is appropriate, but blanket condemnation of him and his girl is way out of line and embarrassing to the typists taking this attitude.

No one here can know the real situation. Kneejerk condemnations and negative comments should be banned from this adult venue.wai.gif

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Takes all kinds.

A friend of mine on his very first trip to Thailand, was dropped off at the Chao Phraya Massage by a scamming taxi driver, just hours after his arrival.

Ended up marrying that girl.

Yep. Met his future Thai bride at a Bangkok massage parlour 6 hours after touchdown.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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A little bit more info on the situation. At the moment Bob has only put a deposit down on the bar. Im not sure what contracts have been signed but hes due to take over the bar end of March.

Claffey nailed it - Costas is correct too. At this point there is nothing you can do except smile sweetly and wait for the axe to fall. Oh - and point him the direction of this forum.

The best thing he can do is get on a plane home immediately.

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its uncommon but just maybe a happy outcome best of luck BOB enjoy the moment while it lasts thumbsup.gif

Assuming Bob is an adult not under court-supervision of his affairs then the O/P's concern for him (and the expected responses on Thai Visa) seem to suggest he's feeble-minded.

£15,000. isn't a great deal of money. He apparently made the commitment without seeking advice first from friends or asking that it become a debating point on a public forum so, aside from a friendly warning not to get drawn into underwriting the running of the business, there's a thin line between offering unsolicited advice and meddling in someone's affairs.

If the business is 100% in her name and he doesn't take on any more legal liability, if it all goes south he can walk away from it and from her. If the business and his new companion have some fun for awhile, he may consider it money well spent. It doesn't sound like he regards this as a (financial) investment for his own benefit and anyway he needs to distance himself from the running of it assuming his immigrations status doesn't allow him to be employed.

On the face of it, as described by the O/P, it doesn't sound like a business or personal arrangement many of us would want to rush into, but if Bob has been able to manage his affairs during his life time without the advice of care-givers or Thai Visa experts, many of whom would find it a struggle to come up with Baht 15,000, let alone £15,000. maybe Bob should be allowed to use the money he's accumulated without all the little old ladies in the expat "community" sticking their noses in.

1. Good luck to Bob [boy is he going to need it] if you think this milking show is just going to stop at 700,000 odd baht. That's just the cost of the bar, much much more to come.

2. If,if,if.. so many if's.. well if my aunty had balls she'd be my uncle!!!

This case of milking the dumb farang cow dry stands out like a sore thumb, even blind Freddy can see it.

And to think there are some here that think this fool has a chance of making a profit out of this deal. cheesy.gif

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It's too late already.Warn him not to put anymore money into the business and not to give any money to Lek.( even if its for 'dying' relatives, funerals etc)..If it's just in her name she owns 100% of that bar.He has no rights!! What a tool! If I were you i would consider giving him some advice and then staying away from this whole situation...

What a wonderful idea. Move to a country on the other side of the world.Pick up a hooker and a few days later give her 15,000 pounds to open a bar. The amount of people who lack common sense is really startling.Perhaps they should teach it in school as a separate subject...( No offence intended! but this sort of story makes me a little angry, not at the opportunism of the girl but at the lack of sense from the man!)....

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It's too late already.Warn him not to put anymore money into the business and not to give any money to Lek.( even if its for 'dying' relatives, funerals etc)..If it's just in her name she owns 100% of that bar.He has no rights!! What a tool! If I were you i would consider giving him some advice and then staying away from this whole situation...

What a wonderful idea. Move to a country on the other side of the world.Pick up a hooker and a few days later give her 15,000 pounds to open a bar. The amount of people who lack common sense is really startling.Perhaps they should teach it in school as a separate subject...( No offence intended! but this sort of story makes me a little angry, not at the opportunism of the girl but at the lack of sense from the man!)....

Right, I agree. Next he will be wondering why she is sleeping with other guys.

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Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

Edited by Jungle Jim
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Have you seen the bars in Hua Hin they are all empty and have been for years. Walk away now before the amount mounts up.

How many of her friends are on the pay roll that he now has to fund ?

I take it he hasn't registered his bar as a company yet or will ?

Walk away now. Sorry run away now.

If I'm right what has he actually bought ?

From the brief call we had I know hes put down a 200k baht deposit and got some contract to say she cant sell the bar. He did say it was in her name so I have no idea what paperwork has been signed etc. I have no clue about how the process works

A contract is only worth the paper it is written on. In Thailand going to court to enforce a contract would cost more that he will pay for the bar. So, they know if they screw him out of his 600,000 plus baht, there is nothing he can do. Very poor judgment on Bobs part. What can one say? A hooker business partner does not usually end well.

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Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

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A little bit more info on the situation. At the moment Bob has only put a deposit down on the bar. Im not sure what contracts have been signed but hes due to take over the bar end of March.

bob has absolutely no RIGHTS! he does not own anything, she is the sole owner, I don't know when the foreigners will wake up and realize that thai law prevents them from owning anything of real value, (home, bar, land) he can own a car. but that is all. there are people like bob the tuna that keep copming over here expecting to be treated equally. never will happen!

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Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

wanna bet? he will have to pay for his drinks just like any other foreigner. she will use the old term, "I have to make a profit" and he will go along with it.

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Thousands of other alcoholic Bob's arrive here daily with mush for brains building their hookers homes, buying them gold, cars, while every Thai within miles can notice the huge sucker sign glued on the foreigners head. Sorry i have no sympathy for these complete LOSERS. Love the wife beater beer Lao shirt , dirty shorts and flip flops style that goes with it. Hua Hin losers heaven.

trying very hard to come up with a negative comment about the above, but no luck! it is well said!

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Well he soon will be joining other foreigners on the streets of Bangkok begging for money. Besides what is wrong with 30 baht Thai food ? Guess you don,t get out much and eat at Burger King every day.

Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

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She needs to keep in shape. Besides another Bob will enter the bar at any moment.

It's too late already.Warn him not to put anymore money into the business and not to give any money to Lek.( even if its for 'dying' relatives, funerals etc)..If it's just in her name she owns 100% of that bar.He has no rights!! What a tool! If I were you i would consider giving him some advice and then staying away from this whole situation...

What a wonderful idea. Move to a country on the other side of the world.Pick up a hooker and a few days later give her 15,000 pounds to open a bar. The amount of people who lack common sense is really startling.Perhaps they should teach it in school as a separate subject...( No offence intended! but this sort of story makes me a little angry, not at the opportunism of the girl but at the lack of sense from the man!)....

Right, I agree. Next he will be wondering why she is sleeping with other guys.
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Jealous of Bob ? And the thousands of other alcoholics sitting in foreigner bars throughout Thailand day after day in a non stop stupid daze. What are you drinking ? Must be rocket fuel.

Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

If people weren't jealous of Bob having the $$ to piss away they wouldn't be posting so viciously, at least ole Bob isn't trying to scratch enough money together for his next order of 30 baht street food.

Some guys come to Thailand not because they can't afford their home country but because they want to try something different. Some guys have serious money backing them up.

Jealous?? Yeah me thinks many are...........

Viciously? I call it a matter of opinion. It's a forum in case you have forgotten. No one here is calling Bob up and getting personal, although his OP friend should copy and paste this thread to him.

As for your "some guys come to Thailand", oh sure, we all want to eat 30 baht meals and live in small 3,000 baht a month room, and live in searing heat year round. Sounds like paradise.

Who wouldn't leave the west for a lifestyle like this??

Edited by Straight8
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In addition, I would like to say that someone who drags my private affairs into the dubious public of TV, will no longer be my friend, regardless how "concerned" he might be.

Says the poster who clicked on and read the OPs story.....ironic.
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Lot of jealous people on this thread. Lucky Bob. He can drink himself to death for free, others have to pay for the privilege.

Erm, drink for free? What part of the 750000thb didn't you understand. I could drink for 3-4 years on that without the worry of rent/bills/ police.
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