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Prayut willing to testify on 2010 crackdown


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Prayuth Willing to Testify on 2010 Crackdown
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK — Junta chairman and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said he is willing to provide testimony to Thailand’s national anti-graft agency about his role as a top army commander in the 2010 military crackdown on Redshirt protesters.

The inquiry over the crackdown, which left more than 90 people dead, is being conducted by the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC).

On 24 February, the NACC moved forward with “abuse of power” charges against former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban for authorizing the crackdown. If found guilty, the pair could be retroactively impeached and banned from political office for five years.

Yesterday, Abhisit suggested that the NACC turn to military commanders such as Gen. Prayuth for additional testimony, as they will be able to provide more details about the military operation.

Speaking to reporters today, Gen. Prayuth said he has not received any requests to appear before the commission, but is ready to testify if he is summoned.

"I am ready to give information, but I may not need to be there personally. I can submit the information through documents. Don't make it such a big news," said Gen. Prayuth, who served as commander of the First Region Army during the crackdown.

Asked whether the NACC inquiry will affect the reputation of the military, Gen. Prayuth shot back, "How will that affect the military? The officers were performing their work."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1424936726

-- Khaosod English 2015-02-26

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Live fire zones set up in the middle of the city, over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured - nothing to hide?

How is it that the Yellows (PAD, PITAK SIAM, PDRC) have spent far more time protesting in the streets (and airport) yet the military has never felt the need to go out and slaughter them?

Anarchy is not acceptable? <deleted> was it that Suthep and his merry mob of Southern thugs were doing? Your double standards defy logic.

People in the streets fighting for their freedom get massacred by their own military and you side with the killers - despicable.

Amazing number of shots fired by trained army and trained snipers, and so few people injured or killed.???

Over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured.

Dad's Army would have a better success rate than that or is a Red Shirt supporter telling porkies again

Here is a fact

On 17 May, Thai military helicopters dropped leaflets on the Red Shirt's main encampment, urging them to leave. The Red Shirts responded by firing homemade rockets at the helicopters.

As much as you guys might think you are able to, you cannot just make up facts.

Army under fire over bullets

The army has ordered all units to return unused bullets from last year's protests after it was revealed in parliament that 100,000 were fired, including about 2,500 sniper rounds.

Pol Lt Col Somchai Phetprasoet, a Puea Thai MP for Nakhon Ratchasima and chairman of the House committee on military affairs, told the House that army units withdrew about 600,000 bullets from arsenals for the crackdown, including 3,000 7.62-mm bullets for SG-3000 sniper rifles.

They used more than 100,000 of them in their operations against red-shirt protesters.

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Costas you have to quit reading the Koran

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Thai junta chief may testify to agency probing 2010 crackdown


BANGKOK: -- Thailand's junta chief Thursday said he is willing to provide testimony about his involvement in a deadly 2010 military crackdown on anti-government protesters in Bangkok that left more than 90 dead.

Prayut Chan-O-Cha, a former army chief who seized power last May, is often described as the architect of the crackdown which ended months of street protests by "Red Shirt" supporters loyal to ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, one of the bloodiest chapters in Thailand's recent turbulent history.

Earlier this week the kingdom's anti-graft agency recommended that the two civilian leaders in charge at the time -- former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his deputy Suthep Thaugsuban -- should face an abuse of power investigation for ordering the crackdown.

Speaking to reporters Thursday, Prime Minister Prayut said he was willing to submit evidence to the body investigating Abhisit and Suthep.

But he played down the prospect of appearing at an NACC hearing in person.

"I am ready to give information, although some information can be given in the form of documents without me attending," Prayut said.

"Please don't see this as a big issue," he added.

The junta chief then batted away a question over whether the probe against Abhisit and Suthep, both staunch supporters of Thailand's military establishment, might cause "trouble" for the army, gruffly replying: "What trouble?"

Prayut has always denied any wrongdoing over the 2010 violence, saying troops were forced to confront armed protesters, many of whom were dressed in black, after months of demonstrations that had paralysed downtown Bangkok.

But the prospect of the current prime minister -- as well as the former top army officer -- appearing in court is likely to revive awkward questions over the role of the military in the bloody episode, which also left parts of commercial Bangkok ablaze.

While some among the Red Shirt demonstrators carried weapons, opponents, academics and human rights investigators say scores of unarmed protesters and bystanders were cut down by soldiers' bullets, including medics and two foreign journalists.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission this week concluded that innocent people were among those killed.

Campaigners accuse rifle-toting soldiers of opening fire from the elevated train tracks that run through downtown Bangkok.

No soldier or military official has been convicted or punished over the crackdown.

Thailand's army has staged 19 successful or attempted coups since 1932.

The kingdom has been battered by a decade-long political crisis that broadly pits Bangkok's middle class and royalist elites, backed by parts of the military, against rural and working-class voters loyal to Thaksin and his sister Yingluck, who was toppled as premier by Prayut in May.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2015-02-26

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PM says he is ready to testify to the NACC regarding the crackdown in 2010


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said Thursday that he is willing to testify as a witness to the National Anti-Corruption Commission regarding the crackdown on red-shirt protesters during protests in 2010 by then government of prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

However, he said that he is now the prime minister and that sometimes it is not necessary for a witness to testify in person as he/she can give testimony in writing. He added that he didn’t know whether he would be available to testify or not or whether it was necessary for him to testify.

General Prayut made the above remarks in response to a reporter’s question referring to Mr Abhisit’s statement that he was not sure whether any of the army’s top brass who were involved in the crackdown would testify as his witnesses or not.

Abhisit and his former deputy prime minister, Suthep Thaugsuban, were charged with malfeasance in office by the NACC for their role in ordering the dispersal of the protesters.

Prime Minister Prayut said he wondered why the attention was now shifted to the military’s role during the protests but not on some of the protesters who were armed and resorted to violence.

He yelled to the media asking “May I ask you one question. Were there armed men among the protesters – the men in black who fired at the troops? If there were, the issue was over.”

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-says-he-is-ready-to-testify-to-the-nacc-regarding-the-crackdown-in-2010

-- Thai PBS 2015-02-26

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Live fire zones set up in the middle of the city, over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured - nothing to hide?

How is it that the Yellows (PAD, PITAK SIAM, PDRC) have spent far more time protesting in the streets (and airport) yet the military has never felt the need to go out and slaughter them?

Anarchy is not acceptable? <deleted> was it that Suthep and his merry mob of Southern thugs were doing? Your double standards defy logic.

People in the streets fighting for their freedom get massacred by their own military and you side with the killers - despicable.

so you would rather the red terrorists just have open slather on killing, blowing up, burning down Bangkok and everyone just sit around and watch them. What sort of drop kick calls for terrorism to be allowed to flourish so one man(thaksin) can get his wa, everyone knows the reds(and black shirts) were using the same weapons, without ballistic results no one knows who killed who. Trying to put the yellows into this is pathetic too, as they werent involved plus they did not open fire on people, try to burn down the city or blow it up, it was purely the reds/ptp scum, as usual the red apologists are trying to blame those that had nothing to do with this crap. Really should try to use facts and not your red propaganda

You don't seem to understand who the Yellows are, in fact you don't seem to understand much at all. I shall not waste my time.

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Quite correct. Prayuth and his men showed true fortitude and patience in the face of those brutal terrorists even when they were questioned as to why they were being too tolerant of them. Ahbisit was even being questioned over his control of the army as they were a force with no teeth in the outset when they used rubber bullets and water cannons against military grade weapons...

In Brisbane, Australia a man with a knife enters the Queen Street Mall while everyone is trying to go about there business and THAT IS WHEN the police come in and used live fire.

In Bangkok, Thailand brutal terrorists threaten to blow up LPG truck, perform grenade attacks at Thai banks, attacked Thai charity with grenades, stormed parliament, attacked NPP and TPI buildings with M16 and grenades, (this was around the time tear gas and rubber bullets were fired by the soldiers), stormed police hospital, stormed TV station (people started questioning Ahbisits control of the soldiers after the lack of resistance they offered the terrorists on this occasion), bomb attacks on electricity pylons, 2 police taken hostage, destroyed CCTV cameras and dumped tyres on sky train tracks and THAT IS WHEN the army came in and used live fire.

Of coarse the UDD want you to believe that people with flowers in their hair were signing kombaya around a camp fire while a guitarist wearing a peace symbol necklace with long braided hair was being slaughtered by a weapon firing 300 bullets a second in the merciless grip of a huge demonizing muscle bound soldier that has fire in his eyes and a vendetta to kill as many innocent people as he can.

Prayuth testifying will only make the brutal UDD terrorists look worse than they already look.

Edited by djjamie
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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

Live fire zones set up in the middle of the city, over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured - nothing to hide?

How is it that the Yellows (PAD, PITAK SIAM, PDRC) have spent far more time protesting in the streets (and airport) yet the military has never felt the need to go out and slaughter them?

Anarchy is not acceptable? <deleted> was it that Suthep and his merry mob of Southern thugs were doing? Your double standards defy logic.

People in the streets fighting for their freedom get massacred by their own military and you side with the killers - despicable.

And how many rounds fired by Red Shirts???

I just wonder if Prayut is going to blame Abhisit & Suthet or is this to finally clear the Abhisit and Suthet, and firmly put the blame on the red shirts?

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, "How will that affect the military? The officers were performing their work."

Perfectly sums up the attitude of the officer class towards the UDD protesters. It was their work to order that they be shot without discrimination. Prayuth has no regrets, no shame and no remorse.

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Regarding the events of 2009-2010, does anyone have any insight into who was behind the assassination attempt on Sondhi Limthongkul? Would be interesting to see who was involved in that. It seems that would merit some testimony as well.

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Amazing number of shots fired by trained army and trained snipers, and so few people injured or killed.???

Over 100,00 live rounds fired by the army and over 2,500 high velocity sniper rounds fired, over 90 people murdered (including those cowering in the temple) and several thousands injured.

Dad's Army would have a better success rate than that or is a Red Shirt supporter telling porkies again

Here is a fact

On 17 May, Thai military helicopters dropped leaflets on the Red Shirt's main encampment, urging them to leave. The Red Shirts responded by firing homemade rockets at the helicopters.

As much as you guys might think you are able to, you cannot just make up facts.

Army under fire over bullets

The army has ordered all units to return unused bullets from last year's protests after it was revealed in parliament that 100,000 were fired, including about 2,500 sniper rounds.

Pol Lt Col Somchai Phetprasoet, a Puea Thai MP for Nakhon Ratchasima and chairman of the House committee on military affairs, told the House that army units withdrew about 600,000 bullets from arsenals for the crackdown, including 3,000 7.62-mm bullets for SG-3000 sniper rifles.

They used more than 100,000 of them in their operations against red-shirt protesters.

Deliberately obtuse? The point raised was that if 100,000 bullets were fired and only 90 people killed (less actually) then the impact rate is around once per 1100 rounds. The US Army sniper school claim a success rate of 3 kills per 4 shots for their graduates. For 2500 sniper rounds fired, expect more than 1800 dead.

An army of blind chimps armed with assault rifles could have had more success, assuming the intent was to actually kill the poor innocent protesters.

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And this is crystal clear.

The man has nothing to hide or being afraid to testify.

We all know the reasons of that crackdown and we also know that the reds were responsible for what happened.

Anarchy is not acceptable and will be tolerated the same way if happens again.

All other excuses and crying by certain members should be ignored.

I think I finally understand you now! I think you're taking the mickey with your comment, sarcasm to the highest degree! You're just saying this stuff to get a rise from people while in the real World you are appalled by the atrocities committed by Red/Yellow/Thaksin or Prayuth. Nobody could make the comments you make in seriousness could they!

I think the more accurate description is that he's just trolling. He's always one of the first responses, always taking it to the extreme to try to get a rise out of someone.

Edited by jcsmith
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