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Network of top Buddhists warns of uprising against NRC panel


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I respectifuly disagree with the last sentence, As a Christian I have a free will to acept their tenets or not and voice my opinion. After all the final authority is our Creator !!

Lot of money and power at stake in this issue.

Ah, the delights of religious and non religious sects is indeed a comfort in our earthly world.

Hey look I have a religious cult , you go to work, give me part of your income I don't have to work but I will save your soul and ensure you have a rosy afterlife future.



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Lot of money and power at stake in this issue.

Ah, the delights of religious and non religious sects is indeed a comfort in our earthly world.

Hey look I have a religious cult , you go to work, give me part of your income I don't have to work but I will save your soul and ensure you have a rosy afterlife future.



Thank youuuuuu! Nothing to add :-)

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By German law, everyone is forced to pay taxes to a "Christian" church, 10pct of your income tax.

If you are a foreigner (eg from Rome) and don't know that, German tax office might even take your house or any usufruct away.

Absolute BS!

You can leave "the church" anytime you like and you will not pay taxes anymore.

You just have to be pro-active and actually "leave"- that's all!

That old German law is no longer applicable :-)

Sorry to spoil your individual 'i-know-it-better' attidude, but the original poster is right: its comon law in Germany, as well as in Austria, to pay a certain % of your yearly salary to the rom-cath church! However, there's also the possibilty to 'leave the church' when you are pissed with this tax; as i did :-)

By the way: this law/tax was introduced by Adi Hitler (which was an Austrian) to get the kiddy f%^*^ into his boat! Until now (2015!) none of each govs abolished the law/tax!?

Here you can see how influenced the rom-cath church is still in these countries!

Pps: fyi: in Austria even theological studies on the university are free of student fees fir students, although ANY other science department is collecting fees from their stuents! - hiw weird is this?

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By German law, everyone is forced to pay taxes to a "Christian" church, 10pct of your income tax.

If you are a foreigner (eg from Rome) and don't know that, German tax office might even take your house or any usufruct away.

Absolute BS!

You can leave "the church" anytime you like and you will not pay taxes anymore.

You just have to be pro-active and actually "leave"- that's all!

That old German law is no longer applicable :-)

Sorry to spoil your individual 'i-know-it-better' attidude, but the original poster is right: its comon law in Germany, as well as in Austria, to pay a certain % of your yearly salary to the rom-cath church! However, there's also the possibilty to 'leave the church' when you are pissed with this tax; as i did :-)

By the way: this law/tax was introduced by Adi Hitler (which was an Austrian) to get the kiddy f%^*^ into his boat! Until now (2015!) none of each govs abolished the law/tax!?

Here you can see how influenced the rom-cath church is still in these countries!

Pps: fyi: in Austria even theological studies on the university are free of student fees fir students, although ANY other science department is collecting fees from their stuents! - hiw weird is this?

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I can See heavily armed soldiers and tanks in all temples to crush the monks

Not all temples or Monks oppose investigations and possibly some reform of Buddhist Organisations and any monk found to have amassed personal wealth. The reality is that Phra Buddha Isara is not the only or first Monk calling for investigations just as those calling on the government to back-off are not the only Monks. Then there are many ordinary householders that are sick of what they see in the conduct of various Monks, temples and organisations.

No one should doubt that Dhammakaya has powerful friends but it will be interesting to see what the outcomes of the DSI investigations that relate to the financial affairs of Wat Dhammakaya, the 2 financial institutions already associated with these dealings and even the DSI investigation into its own handling of the issues.

"all temples" , that is a political wish not a reality.

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I see in the BKK Post that Weng has put both feet in his mouth and openly admitted the long standing rumors of the connections between Thaksin, the reds and Wat Dhammakaya saying that the temple organization is a 'key power base'.

This is why Buddha Isara is questioning why the OAG dropped the case against the monk during The Thaksin Govt.

It must also raise farther questions of money laundering particularly with all the overseas branches where Thai billions could easily be shifted off shore under the guise of setting up temples in other countries.

Those who say there should be no political interference in religion should note these ties.

Perhaps we should just wait for Weng's denial, " I was misunderstood, misquoted" or something.

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So these peaceful, non political Buddhist are now getting up tight if the protection that allows them to extort lie and deceive people is taken away from them, hhmm

such sad pathetic people, who try to convince others that religion counts more, hate it when things don't go their way

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By German law, everyone is forced to pay taxes to a "Christian" church, 10pct of your income tax.

If you are a foreigner (eg from Rome) and don't know that, German tax office might even take your house or any usufruct away.

Absolute BS!

You can leave "the church" anytime you like and you will not pay taxes anymore.

You just have to be pro-active and actually "leave"- that's all!

That old German law is no longer applicable :-)
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I see in the BKK Post that Weng has put both feet in his mouth and openly admitted the long standing rumors of the connections between Thaksin, the reds and Wat Dhammakaya saying that the temple organization is a 'key power base'.

This is why Buddha Isara is questioning why the OAG dropped the case against the monk during The Thaksin Govt.

It must also raise farther questions of money laundering particularly with all the overseas branches where Thai billions could easily be shifted off shore under the guise of setting up temples in other countries.

Those who say there should be no political interference in religion should note these ties.

Perhaps we should just wait for Weng's denial, " I was misunderstood, misquoted" or something.

You missed out that part where he also said the

Democratic movement to ?

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Good to hear.

So, no "church tax" (Kirchensteuer) in Germany anymore?

And all "church tax payers" get back taxes?

Who said that?

I said: you can leave the church and then, you would not pay that tax anymore.

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Considering the significant role he played during the disruption of the previous government's business, and now evidently possessing the power to get the ombudsman to do his bidding, this monk would appear to have the backing of some powerful figure(s). I wonder who they are....

Perhaps not backing. I suggest that he is being used. His bloated ego certainly makes it easy.

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Wat Thammakai and the SSC and both worried now. No longer protected by Shinawats, all the dodgy dealings of millions of baht between the co-operative and the temple, the land purchases and private accounts are at risk of being exposed, along with the extremely suspicious rulings of the SSC.

Well done Khun Paiboon and Phra Buddha Isara.

Forward with reform of the temples and all their crooked dealings!

It sounds from the OP article like there's some kind of potential disciplinary case against the Thammakai guy back before the SSC? But the article doesn't exactly say that, or what's pending in regards to this guy?

If they didn't get it right the first time, hopefully, they'll get it right the second time. But I wouldn't be holding out a lot of hope.

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"He said he had heard that the first team of prosecutors handling this case in fact went ahead with the arraignment but the attorney-general at that time intervened, removed the first group and established a new team to handle the case."

If I remember correctly, the prosecutor going after the temple conveniently died and the Thaksin appointed new one dropped the case immediately.

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there still seems to be a perception on this thread that the Buddhist religion in Thailand operates as one unified organ - this is TOTALLY incorrect - there are many factions that compete - some pro government others not so - and high-ranking monks are particularly susceptible to the vagaries of the government in power at the time.

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there still seems to be a perception on this thread that the Buddhist religion in Thailand operates as one unified organ - this is TOTALLY incorrect - there are many factions that compete - some pro government others not so - and high-ranking monks are particularly susceptible to the vagaries of the government in power at the time.

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