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Top Immigration official denies grounding planes at Suvarnabhumi in 'revenge'


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Whether or not this is true, it seems to have a certain credibility, given the current image of high-ranking Thai officials.

if they don't want this kind of story to "take off" then perhaps they should abandon employment policies that are permeated with graft nepotism and corruption and employ people through merit?

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So has there EVER been any positive news reports about Thai Immigration Officers.

I never heard, read, or was told about one.


Aren't the brown shirts supposed to be responsible for all Non-Thais, or whatever is not born, made, or "assimilated" in the LOS???

There is a TV show called Bangkok airport, they have immigration police on it. They are often prone to exercise power poorly on the show. For example. On one episode, a guy went to the toilet whilst his wife queued for the passport check. When he arrived he was ordered to the back of the queue, not allowed to join his wife.

Its very petty

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a man of great education - unless he studied abroad where would he get it from? His behavior looks more like he is suffering from local education.

"If you are so powerful, don't only bully Thai people. Try to show off your power at other airlines like Korean Airlines, Japan Airlines, IY [Yemen Airlines]. I want to know if you have the balls to do that."

However, this stupid post tops it all showing the way of thinking in accordance with "Thainess": If you have a personal problem, go kick some farrang butt before bothering any of your own people.

Wouldn't the guy qualify for an arrest for interference / disturbance of air traffic?

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Dumb questions. How can such a senior officer not have security clearance? How can an immigration police delay departing flights selectively ?

Something strange here.

yes something in the story missing or wrong.

Maybe without boarding pass he could not enter the waiting area,

or they would not let him in the VIP lounge.

Guess that pissed him off

because he has no security clearance for it? Unlikely. Possible he want in the VIP lounge and full service there and they refused to serve him black label without being customer. But that would be a complete different story.

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I'm not exactly a fan of " Da Man" in Thailand but this story has something fishy about it.

Irrespective of his rank I doubt he's got he clout to make such an order. He might be able to browbeat some lower or mid-level functionary but ordering the flag carrier to delay their flights by 30 mins given all the permutations involved? He'd be up for a prison sentence interfering with international flight movements and i doubt who he is or who he knows no matter who they were would have any effect.

But of course with things in LOS with things frequently entering the Twilight Zone nowadays anything's possible I suppose.

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I went to Trendy Towers in Bangkok yesterday to renew my passport, we were joined in the lift to the UK visa place by some Hiso woman with 2 high ranking Police acting as her 'bodyguards' and general brown nosers. I really hope she had to queue up with everyone else as I reckon it would be something she isnt too used to here as part of priveliged few so if the visa section is shut next week you know why....ps it wasn't Yingluck unless she been eating all the pies

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Note how the Thai whistle-blower has to make this a Thais vs foreigners issue ... It's sad to see so many weird forms of racism creep up everywhere in this country nowadays.

Edited by Yann55
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This could only happen in Thailand.

Me Me Me. I am important you are a nobody. If i want i can do and f... the rest of you.

You didn't see the story about the incident in Korea when some little high so daddies girl (owner of the airline) threw an absolute fit because of the way her peanuts were served and started attacking the stewards and demanding they kneel to her?

Spoiled behavior is endemic to the rich and powerful anywhere really. Although Asian societies still very much have there hierarchical systems. But thanks to this brilliant technology age they are being named and shamed so publicly.

The downside to this is though that some info is obscured. Some of the things reported in this case don't add up as of yet.

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if these allegations are true, and full and complete investigation must be performed, and if found to have committed this act, he must be fired effective immediately, all his benefits must be withdrawn, and he must never be allowed to work in Thai government again.

I say all this a bit tongue in cheek, of course. Taking responsibility is not something the administration is keen on.

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I went to Trendy Towers in Bangkok yesterday to renew my passport, we were joined in the lift to the UK visa place by some Hiso woman with 2 high ranking Police acting as her 'bodyguards' and general brown nosers. I really hope she had to queue up with everyone else as I reckon it would be something she isnt too used to here as part of priveliged few so if the visa section is shut next week you know why....ps it wasn't Yingluck unless she been eating all the pies

HiSo never need to queue up, neither in Thailand nor in any other country.

Because it was a UK thing she had do come herself instead of simply sending someone, or even someone hand-deliver to her.

Shopping placa are sometimes complete closed for public if one hi-so comes and if there are photos made, the other customer are actors.

On airports they leave airplane first and get out thru some side door and special immigration service.

Off topic, but read about Bush and Obama vs. the new Pope and Putin security....we don't need to make jokes about Thailand.....

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The Korean lady got a year inside for het peanuts rage - what would this be worth on the same tarrif :-)

Well one year jail is also over the top. A nice fee to cover the expenses...airplane, airport, airport staff, every passenger (some money for the lost time, an amount that every passenger will agree), court costs and than the same amount as punishment. And maybe a week cleaning the street.

But one year jail is over the top.

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A top immigration officer lacks the security clearance?

Something wrong in this story.

Why top Immicration officer should have clearance to move around the airport?

I doubt his office is in Swampy.

OK, I thought it is a top immigration officer at Swampy, not an outsider....Because how could an outsider delay airplanes?

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Forget punishment; he'll get another medal for that and a pay rise for showing the 'underclasses' exactly the type of people who run this country....a bunch of numpties with their heads firmly stuck up their superior rectums !

As for 'Educated'; well, who needs education in a system where any position of power can be bought ?

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Would anyone expect anything less, and least of all the truth ex post facto from ANY senior Thai government official?

These people have a sense of entitlement that stifles people's rights and makes a mockery of the legal system.

Par for the course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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