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Need to inform what UK authorities when emigrating to Thai?


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Absolutely agree with above comments - say nothing.

I made the big mistake of being open and honest ten years ago and I'm still paying for it!

NO entitlement to ANY benefits whatsoever - no free NHS health care, nothing in return for all the tax I still pay, and my state pension frozen.

I even had to battle with my bank to get my credit card renewed, in spite of being a solid and reliable customer for 50 years!

Thankfully, I can use my brother's address in UK and just updated my UK driving licence which I am not supposed to have either!

Hindsight has 20/20 vision as they say!

OK lets put some old wife's tale to bed (UK only):-

1/ It's almost impossible to emigrate to Thailand as it's very difficult to obtain permanent residence or citizenship.

2/ Should you choose to permanently live abroad you no longer receive the annual increase in state pension - true if you inform them that you decided to do so but if you're not sure yet then you are not obliged to tell anybody. I used to work for the government and I can assure you the separate departments do not talk to each other unless its an investigation. Not having a UK address need not be a problem as long as you can provide an address within the EEA - this basically is the EU plus Switzerland and Gibraltar. Anybody living within the EEA gets annual pension increases.

3/ You are a British citizen but if you choose to live abroad you lose access to the NHS - true but the powers to be are discussing changing this for people who have contributed more than 35 years NI contributions. Also, if you return to live in the UK you automatically gain access to all benefits including the NHS. So just turn up and say "I used to live in Thailand but I live here now".

4/ As a British citizen you are free to travel where ever you like and stay as long as you wish. You are not obliged to inform anybody or make any decisions about how long you will be there. However, if you decide to permanently live abroad then you are obliged to inform the International Pension Office. That decision does not stop you from choosing to return to the UK or any where within the EU.

5/ The border agency does not record you leaving the UK. The information you give the airline is for security services only (API). This fact was raised on Question Time TV last week as the Border Agency do not know if people who arrive on a visa do actually leave. No check is made. So the UK government does not know when you travel abroad.

6/ Every piece of information you give the embassy is kept on file so they know everything about you (including the Thai phone numbers you give them) but as previously stated this information is only disclosed when subject to an investigation. You could try using the data protection act to see what they know about you.

7/ You can usually vote in UK elections if you move or retire abroad.

8/ For people who have to send in a tax return this can all be done online.

9/ Your UK citizenship will not be affected if you move or retire abroad.

regarding # 6 I have lived a long time in Germany before coming here,every time i applied for a new passport at the British embassy in Duesseldorf after a few days i got phone calls to my office phone in Munich from firms in England wanting to sell me investment policies,insurance,houses etc. so i don't think any info that you give an embassy is secure.


your not emigrating, unless your getting PR in Thailand, and don't believe that would be the case based on what you have written

Mmmmmmmm. I'm looking for constructive comments on moving to Thailand immaterial of PR. Kap

Err that is constructive and factual, your not legally emigrating to Thailand and the fact is when someone legally migrates they typically have to seek tax clearance from the country they are emigrating from, ergo, the government knows exactly what they are doing.

BTW the silly phonetic "kap" is not needed, I am not Thai and neither are you...thumbsup.gif


Absolutely agree with above comments - say nothing.

I made the big mistake of being open and honest ten years ago and I'm still paying for it!

NO entitlement to ANY benefits whatsoever - no free NHS health care, nothing in return for all the tax I still pay, and my state pension frozen.

I even had to battle with my bank to get my credit card renewed, in spite of being a solid and reliable customer for 50 years!

Thankfully, I can use my brother's address in UK and just updated my UK driving licence which I am not supposed to have either!

Hindsight has 20/20 vision as they say!

My views agree with the above but for a slightly different reason in as much as why cut all ties with your home Country.......it makes no sense to me


Cannot find the post concerning returning ex pats seeking medical care in the UK...anyway here is what a few friends have done in the past.

A private doctor ,BUPA,scheme or something like in the UK, few hundred pounds and then fast tracked through the NHS system.

That is if you still retain your NHS number and NI

Take your pj s along too its that quick


Cannot find the post concerning returning ex pats seeking medical care in the UK...anyway here is what a few friends have done in the past.

A private doctor ,BUPA,scheme or something like in the UK, few hundred pounds and then fast tracked through the NHS system.

That is if you still retain your NHS number and NI

Take your pj s along too its that quick

I just cant fathom some people..........Maintain your listing on your GP register its not rocket science. Use a son/daughters address if you must burn your bridges.

Its like ED departments at Hospitals. You get asked your GP surgery but if you have got a quality sun tan they dont ask how you got it !!

You just get dealt with. Eastern Europeans may get questioned Brits dont

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There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up


There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up

I guess we really shouldnt discuss ways of circumventing Pension Provisions etc but the Health issue of "technically" not being able to use the NHS even if you're out of the UK for a few months really irks me when every lowlife gobshight from Europe claiming christ knows what gets to use the Service.

FWIW I would never become that misused term "expat" ever....

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you will have to claim your pension when your 65 ,pay your NI or there cut your pension ,tell the tax people ,your accountant should do that for you

I am in a similar position and have told the authorities nothing. I am coming up to 65 though and want an estimate of my state pension. I guess then i will be honest and tell them i live abroad, and get no inflation uplifts. On the form however there is a question "when did you leave the UK". Not sure how to answer that. Do i say in 2009 when i started to live here, or say nothing until i am 65. If i say 2009 will the pension be frozen at the rates in 2009 or those in force when i reach 65?


If i say 2009 will the pension be frozen at the rates in 2009 or those in force when i reach 65?

Your pension will be frozen at the rate you first receive it. For instance I reached 65 in late March and deferred receiving my pension until the new rate kicked in a couple of weeks later, my pension was frozen at that rate.



There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up

I guess we really shouldnt discuss ways of circumventing Pension Provisions etc but the Health issue of "technically" not being able to use the NHS even if you're out of the UK for a few months really irks me when every lowlife gobshight from Europe claiming christ knows what gets to use the Service.

FWIW I would never become that misused term "expat" ever....

You are right..but..a few years down the line(if available) you have to realise just where the UK Govt. will dump you,destitute ,worthless.. total a complete bum. Least you could get a simple headstone engraved "here lies an honest man" funds naturally will not strech to a flight back 'ome,never ,mind eh!

Personally I'm sick of the sight of a few frozen pensioned farangs here 10 or more years ,just got enough in the bank to guarantee the stay in LOS,that's it,wander around all day bumming off past friends,what a way to go,on the last furlong and depressed as hell.

Yes say no more. The honest folk have the sway


"What are the UK's requirements with regards to emigrating?"

You're not emigrating, you're visiting Thailand for as long as they allow you to!

  • Like 1

Cannot find the post concerning returning ex pats seeking medical care in the UK...anyway here is what a few friends have done in the past.

A private doctor ,BUPA,scheme or something like in the UK, few hundred pounds and then fast tracked through the NHS system.

That is if you still retain your NHS number and NI

Take your pj s along too its that quick

I just cant fathom some people..........Maintain your listing on your GP register its not rocket science. Use a son/daughters address if you must burn your bridges.

Its like ED departments at Hospitals. You get asked your GP surgery but if you have got a quality sun tan they dont ask how you got it !!

You just get dealt with. Eastern Europeans may get questioned Brits dont

I agree with all that.

Just oneword of caution - my ex-wife has just been told that her Child Tax Credits are in jeopardy because they believe another adult is living in the house.

This is based on the fact that the credit cards I have linked to that adress show far greater activity than 'they' would expect from someone living overseas.

'They' are HMRC out of Preston who appear to be looking at credit register entries with a view to identifying fraudulent claims.


There are ways and means of getting the OAP unfrozen even without setting foot out of Thailand,various sites abound. The one I think is OK would be to buy online a single ticket from any nearby airport to the UK Spain France even euro-star,print it off,then send it to the pension people via an address (paid for or otherwise) in the UK or anywhere that has treaty or EU,just not directly from Thailand duh

Can get a UK phone number that rings phone anywhere in the world. US mailboxes are cheaper than UK and unfrozen there. Can also provide Spanish address,French anywhere too,that would muddy the water somewhat if trying to check up

I guess we really shouldnt discuss ways of circumventing Pension Provisions etc but the Health issue of "technically" not being able to use the NHS even if you're out of the UK for a few months really irks me when every lowlife gobshight from Europe claiming christ knows what gets to use the Service.

FWIW I would never become that misused term "expat" ever....

You are right..but..a few years down the line(if available) you have to realise just where the UK Govt. will dump you,destitute ,worthless.. total a complete bum. Least you could get a simple headstone engraved "here lies an honest man" funds naturally will not strech to a flight back 'ome,never ,mind eh!

Personally I'm sick of the sight of a few frozen pensioned farangs here 10 or more years ,just got enough in the bank to guarantee the stay in LOS,that's it,wander around all day bumming off past friends,what a way to go,on the last furlong and depressed as hell.

Yes say no more. The honest folk have the sway

The vast majority if not all have occupational pensions inc govt ones that arent affected by the freeze, or have savings/ income from elsewhere. The fact remains that freezing of state pensions for a sizable portion of the workforce is immoral, illegal & will eventually be overturned/corrected if enough of us refuse to roll over & accept it.

As pensioners we have a ''use by date'' so they don't give a sh*t


Absolutely agree with above comments - say nothing.

I made the big mistake of being open and honest ten years ago and I'm still paying for it!

NO entitlement to ANY benefits whatsoever - no free NHS health care, nothing in return for all the tax I still pay, and my state pension frozen.

I even had to battle with my bank to get my credit card renewed, in spite of being a solid and reliable customer for 50 years!

Thankfully, I can use my brother's address in UK and just updated my UK driving licence which I am not supposed to have either!

Hindsight has 20/20 vision as they say!

OK lets put some old wife's tale to bed (UK only):-

1/ It's almost impossible to emigrate to Thailand as it's very difficult to obtain permanent residence or citizenship.

2/ Should you choose to permanently live abroad you no longer receive the annual increase in state pension - true if you inform them that you decided to do so but if you're not sure yet then you are not obliged to tell anybody. I used to work for the government and I can assure you the separate departments do not talk to each other unless its an investigation. Not having a UK address need not be a problem as long as you can provide an address within the EEA - this basically is the EU plus Switzerland and Gibraltar. Anybody living within the EEA gets annual pension increases.

3/ You are a British citizen but if you choose to live abroad you lose access to the NHS - true but the powers to be are discussing changing this for people who have contributed more than 35 years NI contributions. Also, if you return to live in the UK you automatically gain access to all benefits including the NHS. So just turn up and say "I used to live in Thailand but I live here now".

4/ As a British citizen you are free to travel where ever you like and stay as long as you wish. You are not obliged to inform anybody or make any decisions about how long you will be there. However, if you decide to permanently live abroad then you are obliged to inform the International Pension Office. That decision does not stop you from choosing to return to the UK or any where within the EU.

5/ The border agency does not record you leaving the UK. The information you give the airline is for security services only (API). This fact was raised on Question Time TV last week as the Border Agency do not know if people who arrive on a visa do actually leave. No check is made. So the UK government does not know when you travel abroad.

6/ Every piece of information you give the embassy is kept on file so they know everything about you (including the Thai phone numbers you give them) but as previously stated this information is only disclosed when subject to an investigation. You could try using the data protection act to see what they know about you.

7/ You can usually vote in UK elections if you move or retire abroad.

8/ For people who have to send in a tax return this can all be done online.

9/ Your UK citizenship will not be affected if you move or retire abroad.

To add to point #2, pensions are not frozen if you live in a country that has reciprocal benefit agreements with the UK (e.g. UK Pensioners living in the Philippines continue to receive the annual increase).

Somebody mentioned using a U.S. Address, I believe pensions are frozen for UK expats living in the U.S., but not for ones living in Canada.


Somebody mentioned using a U.S. Address, I believe pensions are frozen for UK expats living in the U.S., but not for ones living in Canada.

No, you've got that the wrong way round, pensions are frozen if they live in Canada but not if they live in the US.

Thanks for correcting my misunderstanding [emoji106]


Which is why those in their 40s & 50s should be targetted by the consortum. I'm in my mid 50s and have been active since Carson.

So you are saying for those already past the starting post all is lost?,suppose it is really,far toooo late for those victims.

Carson was the worst example of a ex pat seeking redress,she was on hardly anything and paid no tax in the UK,what should have been targeted were the ones already paying hefty taxes in the UK and subjected to some crack pot idea dreamed up in the 50s by a stuffed idiot that told everyone they never had it so good.

I am not joining the kowtowing submissives,the "serious trouble gang" the ones that spout "met at the airport "guff,the "honest" ones that want everybody else to join them in their own misery,they circle the like button like flies around turds of shit,extremely comfortable in their comfortable decision making,cold comfort ,or something like.

Passive responses will never change crackpot govt.policies,you want to highlight subjects that are now living in abject poverty because of the UK govt. policy,but face it "im OK Jack "right down to the weasel boot licking power hungry lackeys there in govt,Grove included inc

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