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what is it about pattaya and jumpers


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Think of Pattaya as a place to come have one last drink for the road. They want to have one last hurrah before it all goes down. Perhaps they chose this way or it was chosen for them if you believe the skeptics.

It has not been reported in the news yet but this recent photo is of a German woman.


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Suicide popularity methods by country are based on availability of said method as well as likelihood of success.

For example, in the US approximately 50% are committed with a firearm and is the most popular method. In the UK, the most popular method at around 52% is hanging/suffocation. Firearms in the UK are a bit sparse compared to the US.

I guess in Thailand (particularly Pattaya), the most easily available method combined with a high success rate is death by tall building.

Of course, we'll never know how many reported "suicides" are actually suicides.

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is it just pattaya or all over thailand.

It is probably most civilized countries (those with buildings wink.png)

Only difference is that Western countries don't publish suicides in media...

It has not been reported in the news yet but this recent photo is of a German woman.

It was reported already, by example here: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/173715/elderly-german-woman-jumps-off-jomtien-condominium/

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Of course, we'll never know how many reported "suicides" are actually suicides.

l have often wondered on this line of thought.

My balcony is quite low, as are many here, but could an average-sized Thai woman get me out on that balcony and push me over it ? Sober, I sincerely doubt it, but if my choice of drinking buddies ever gets that bad it wont be long before I'm getting into a bathtub with a bottle of Mehkong anyway. I've only had one Thai woman come after me with a knife, and that was largely thanks to loss of face rather than a desire to inherit my belongings. She lost interest as soon as we were out of sight of the Thais in the street below. Even with a broken shoulder I was able to fend off a Thai ex who tried to get on top of me in a drunken wrestling match - they're stronger than they look, but that has its limits. Might be different with an older man - hopefully I'll never find out.

Not saying it doesnt happen - just saying that attributing every suicide to a vindictive and larcenous Thai woman seems a bit of a stretch for mine particularly when leaping from tall buildings is so popular elsewhere. A bigger question might be whether the lady in question actively contributed to the state of mind that lead the victim to that balcony, but I dont see the BiB spending too much time investigating such things. My sister is convinced that this country will kill me, and she's probably right, but I think I can do better than the Pattaya bungee jump.

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Happens in many places, especially where high buildings are mixed with alcohol


British government advice for Spain:

Balcony Falls (Balconing)

There have been a number of very serious accidents (some fatal) as a result of falls from balconies. Many of these incidents have been caused by British nationals being under the influence of drink or drugs and most should have been avoidable. Your travel insurance probably won’t cover you for incidents that take place while you’re under the influence of drink or drugs.

Some local councils have introduced laws banning the misuse of balconies with fines for those who are caught.

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Suicide or assisted suicide, who knows? Many times a farang comes to Thailand meets the love of his life gets screwed(not physicaly)

has lost everything, oh shit what do i do?

High rise easy jump, because they see no way out of the situation.

Some have a girlfriend who wants wants wants, he says no now his is on the balcony getting some air had a few drinks PUSH he is over.

Personaly i find it hard to believe all the stories of suicides.

I had a serious accident, am now paraplegic, but have never thought about ending my life.

For some one to do this they must be seriously depressed see no way out. As i already have said i think many are not suicides, but only a farang nobody will

check or do anything.

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When wife & I moved here in about 2004 from Bangkok, we rented a condo while our house was being build.

2 expats took the jump there when we lived there, one ran out of money (40ish year old) and the other ones GF got busted big time for selling drugs.

In both cases I don't understand why they did it.

It's also one of the most inconvenient way of doing it, splatted all over the pavement down in the front of the building and risking hitting others and what about maybe kids see them there, not good man.

I am not joking, it's not funny but very sad.

Okay if you are dying from a bad disease and in great pain, I can understand that people choose to take their life's but sleeping pills with a bottle of whiskey sounds like a better solution to me.

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Suicide popularity methods by country are based on availability of said method as well as likelihood of success.

For example, in the US approximately 50% are committed with a firearm and is the most popular method. In the UK, the most popular method at around 52% is hanging/suffocation. Firearms in the UK are a bit sparse compared to the US.

I guess in Thailand (particularly Pattaya), the most easily available method combined with a high success rate is death by tall building.

Of course, we'll never know how many reported "suicides" are actually suicides.

The irony of the thing is as you say, in the USA firearms are used.

A dear friend of mine decided he was tired of being him and asked me to help him with his quest. I, of course, had to refuse as I didn't want him to die and then find myself in prison for helping him achieve his last request.

I urged him to use a sufficient dose/quantity of heroin to end his existence but he had a not atypical concern about his image after his death from using a hardcore drug such as heroin.

He ended up putting a 38 cal. in his mouth and certainly didn't go out nicely.

At one time when he lived an underworld life he could have gotten whatever med he wanted to go out calmly but he let too much time go past to do that. Governments worldwide put serious clamps on availability. Sedatives are of course the method of choice among doctors in the USA.

I favor fully euthanasia for anyone who wants it for whatever reason they feel they want it. There should be no restrictions whatsoever. Maybe they should complete a 6 hour course to insure they know it's an irrevocable decision. After that, let it begin...


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Pattaya does have above the norm of suicides for a small city. The fact that there are many men on their last "rebound" in Thailand so can easily fall in love and later discover their bank account is wiped out or the Thai girl friend has an international collection of boyfriends could be an emotional challenge for many. Then there are many retired men that do not have the family or close friends in Pattaya to give them support when the world is up side down for them. I suppose if there was some kind of nonprofit charitable foundation whose community service was to advertise a 24 hour toll free number for those in need of professional guidance/advice (the "expert" would have to be living in another country since finding a long term counselor here in Pattaya would be next to possible. Maybe a couple of the churches need to advertise if they have a pastor that has credentials in counseling. But suicide in Pattaya is a problem and if this city was in England, Germany, Australia, or USA there would be great concern over the number deaths from suicide. People here seem to laugh about it but I have lived here 9 years and I do not find it a laughing matter any more.

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Most suicides are from western people.

often drug and alcohol based used.

people run out of money.

therefore it is important to have money hidden away to be used in distress so they can afford to get home to their homeland, time people stop being so naive and let bargirls f*** you up..

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What is done with the body? I know your embassy gets involved but what if theres no money and realatives cant/wont pay? I bet shipping a body back is expensive and what is done with the ashes if your family says burn it.

I think I read on the forums that, like poor Thais, the deceased are cremated in a makeshift wooden crate. The ashes go in the bin. The End.

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Suicide or assisted suicide, who knows? Many times a farang comes to Thailand meets the love of his life gets screwed(not physicaly)

has lost everything, oh shit what do i do?

High rise easy jump, because they see no way out of the situation.

Some have a girlfriend who wants wants wants, he says no now his is on the balcony getting some air had a few drinks PUSH he is over.

Personaly i find it hard to believe all the stories of suicides.

I had a serious accident, am now paraplegic, but have never thought about ending my life.

For some one to do this they must be seriously depressed see no way out. As i already have said i think many are not suicides, but only a farang nobody will

check or do anything.

Sorry to hear of the accident but glad you are being strong about it and i e joy your contributions here.

May I ask did you have the accident here in Pattaya?

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What is done with the body? I know your embassy gets involved but what if theres no money and realatives cant/wont pay? I bet shipping a body back is expensive and what is done with the ashes if your family says burn it.

My friend from Australia died of Cancer in Sattahip Govt Hospital...he hadnt seen his brothers or sisters in years....so no money ...the Thai Govt i ptesumrd paid for him to be buried...yes buried not cremated in a Cemetery in Sattahip.

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I think because Pattaya is so hedonistic, and many ,em want the party to go on forever. When they run out of money and are faced with going back to reality, many choose to just check out. It happens, but not as often in other places, where life is more realistic.

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Depression; desperation; betrayal; being swindled; ill health; murder.

The many reasons and more why i think it is wise to have an 'escape' plan.

The preferred method of choice of doctors is a huge quantity of Seconal or related drug after taking something to prevent vomiting.

As gruesome as this sounds: what would be the best, non messy way to go, in thailand?

These kind of drugs can be obtained how?

I think 'sleeping pills' are NOT fatal and can do lots of damage.

Then there is the question of karma or what happens IF you kill yourself.

Few or none really know but that is what scares me more than death, paying in the hereafter if there is such a thing.

Though if i was suffering greatly, i am pretty sure i wouldn't care.

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Most balcony barriers, railings or wall, are quite low for average sized Westerners so probably some of the "jumpers" just had an accident, especially if they were drunk.

As for being assisted over, again due to their relatively low height, it would be much easier.

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Depression; desperation; betrayal; being swindled; ill health; murder.

The many reasons and more why i think it is wise to have an 'escape' plan.

The preferred method of choice of doctors is a huge quantity of Seconal or related drug after taking something to prevent vomiting.

As gruesome as this sounds: what would be the best, non messy way to go, in thailand?

These kind of drugs can be obtained how?

I think 'sleeping pills' are NOT fatal and can do lots of damage.

They are indeed very fatal (and not messy at all) if you take enough of them after drinking a few glasses of strong alcohol first. You can easily get them (benzodiazepenes) at very cheap prices online (Indian pharmacies selling generic drugs made in India). Good luck!

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I have to say I have always been intrigued by what at least seem to be a disproportionate number of farang jumpers.

Now I live in Isaan, and according to popular TVF legend we're all milked dry, so why don't we see a similar suicide rate up here. Granted few would be jumping from high buildings, but how about a spike in throwing themselves under a buffalo stampede maybe.....

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