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Famous Thai Temple to Build Separate Toilets for Non-Chinese

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I think there should be a scale inside the toilet bowls and users, upon leaving, should be charged in proportion to the weight of their deposits. The exit door only opens upon insertion of correct amount! All major credit cards and Apple Pay should be accepted.

That would be fair.



Instead of building new toilets, which will certainly get trashed just like the existing toilets, why not build a new room for orientation, which is required of every visitor who arrives by bus?

The orientation could consist of a slide show, with narration, giving the history of the White Temple and providing some guidance for the visit.

Comfortable porcelain seating in the orientation "theater" would encourage attendance and learning.

A small orientation brochure made of biodegradable paper would be provided. In keeping with the theme of the temple, the brochure would be all white.

At the end of the orientation, each visitor would be asked politely to make an optional donation.

Welcome to the White Temple! Please follow me to the orientation theater!


Yes but this measure is saying all Chinese are the same. That is judging all by the alleged actions of one. That is bigotry.

Seems you cannot separate the wheat from the chaff.

Your solution?

Solution? A solution to curing the selfish and ignorant of their behaviour? If I had that I'd market it the world over.

However I do know the solution is not to be found in bigoted measures such as this.

The individual who made the mess is responsible for it. To blame the whole of China for something it is alleged a Chinese tourist did is just stupid.

Unless you provide a practical solution, your whinging is worse than bigotry.

A} Having an opinion you don't like isn't whining, it's called having an opinion.

B} Whining is worse than bigotry! Dear Lord, the worst atrocities ever committed by the human race have come about because of bigotry. I won't say nothing is worse than bigotry, but very few things are worse than it's consequences.

C} To not argue against bigotry in any of it's forms is to be complicit in it.

D}A bigoted solution is no solution at all. It is just bigotry.

Complaining about something repeatedly without offering a solution is whinging and is worse than bigotry because it shows cowardice in decision making.

Put up an idea or shut up.

At least the bigots are not afraid to say SOMETHING.

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I stayed at a bed and breakfast place in England that had Chinese students staying there. They had to put up a sign in the dining room "spitting and smoking is not permitted in the house"and all you heard from their rooms in the morning was hawking up huge spits it made us feel quite sick


Will that mean us farang will have to use the Chinese toilets as well, or are we ok to use the Thai toilets

The article reads like they are going to use the existing toilets for the Chinese and build two more sets of toilets for Thai's and Non-Chinese. I don't believe that they will go to that trouble. I think they will build one more and use that for all tourists, using the existing beautifully built golden building for the Thai people.

Just have a poo before you arrive. Problem solved.


It's not "racism" and it's not just Thailand. Here is a story from 2011 about mainland tourists in Taiwan.

A quote:

"You know the Chinese, they always break into queues but here in Taiwan people stay in the queue and they are quiet," says Mabel Huang. "This really surprises the Chinese people because in China it's a different story."

At the Gala Hotel in Taipei's city centre, manager Elvin Su says they're having to adapt to keep everyone satisfied.

"We cannot ignore the Japanese nor the Chinese. When they come to the hotel together we want them to be happy so we have different places for them - because some Chinese will speak very loudly when they're dining but the Japanese do not. We want them to be satisfied with the hotel service so we always separate the dining room for them.

Just what I was looking for at a restaurant in Chiang Mai!


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Apartheid is alive and well. At a temple.

Sometimes you can't believe these people.

To you, male and female toilets are sexist, yes?

Huh? Very odd assertion.

Do you believe that your nation has the exclusivity on clean toilet habits? No me neither. They have little proof that all the problems are caused exclusively by Chinese tourists.

Maybe they should make tourists produce their passports before going to the loo and then run a report to be sure.

This is typical Thai ethnic superiority complex.

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The temple is OTT and tacky and so is the 'artist' behind it. A pity it didn't collapse completely in the erathquake . A vulgar monstrosity.

I thought it was rather "pretty", but then again I did not visit the toilet. biggrin.png


Some people are just trying to complicate things, to make out this whole sordid affair has got something to do with "Thai ethnic superiority complex"...............


It is all about shit being in the wrong place at the wrong time. thumbsup.gif

As another poster said a few weeks ago, on another Chinese/toilet related topic................"This shit has to stop" !

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Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi


Hmmmmm...Whenever and wherever this a lot of human traffic there has to be considerations made for all the human waste that will inevitably occur and have to be addressed.

They should rent or lease or purchase the excellent portable toilet facilities made here in Thailand by a number of companies that provide such products needed to address such issues




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Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi

......................."Tibet is not really part of PRC"......................???????????????

Try telling the Chinese that !

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So a separate toilet no doubt suitably signposted will solve the problem ?

Thais are not very good at obeying signs and with the reputation Chinese tourists have do they honesty think they will be any better ?


So a separate toilet no doubt suitably signposted will solve the problem ?

Thais are not very good at obeying signs and with the reputation Chinese tourists have do they honesty think they will be any better ?

I don't think the Chinese will have any problems with Thais gatecrashing their hong nam !

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passport control booth?

Just charge to use the resroom and pay somebody to clean. It is done all over the world.

Why waste time and money over this?

Moreover it is offensive for Chinese visitors.

who cares if it's offensive to Chinese? They don't seem to care that their actions (kicking Temple bells, defecating on the floor, spitting while you're eating - well, spitting in general I guess) offend everybody else.

It is commonly accepted behavior to not offend people, counts as well for the Chinese.

Would you like to start me on the English?


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Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi

Tibet is very much part of the PRC, what planet are you from? Whether you like it or not, the international community recognizes Tibet as being an integral part of China and so do I. Taiwan may be a different story, but Tibet is most definitely part of the People's Republic of China, even if they administer it slightly outside of the conventions that the rest of the country is administered under.

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If I was stereotyped by the Thais because of my race as having certain undesirable habits and then imposed to use separate facilities in tourist attractions and temples, then that would be the day I would seriously consider calling time in Thailand.

Imagine going to the bog with signs that display; women, men and farangs. Come on everyone, get real, this is insane.

If a bar made a toilet with my name on the door next to the toilets for everyone else, I would never go anywhere else. What a privilege.

Or even better, a table with my name on it :-)

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take a dump in a thai temple

thai : free

chinese : 50 baht

farang : 100 baht


I know this was intended as a joke, but why would "farang" pay more than Chinese? Chinese are quite well off these days, it would have to be the opposite, especially if they are purported to be so messy. Logically, if your "proposal" were to take place, the prices would be more like:

Thai: free

Westerners (I hate that word farang being thrown around too loosely) and other foreigners: 20 Baht or perhaps free (because after all, we're talking about a toilet for Chinese here, nothing in this article talks about the toilet habits of other foreigners).

Chinese: 200 Baht


It's going to be interesting to see how they enforce this.

this is truth....in xian china they have special "fly" police. they count the flys in a toliet area to rate the restroom, they do not care about it being clean or not, only a "fly count" is important. the local goverment has not yet made the connection of shxt & piss everywhere with flys. 3 or more flys in a stall rates a fine to the operator/cleaner. toilet training is not taught to their babys. mom & pop will wipe & clean babies ass untill they are 5 or six. i have personaly seen a friend of mine brush the teeth of his 7 year old son, (note:nuttin but the best service for boy baby) .most of the private restrooms (home restroom) are the pits.pee stains everywhere old very old brown stained toilets & always a bucket for flush water, if the handel is loose it will not be fixed, a bucket is used to flush, same bucket is also the shower if water knob loose. these are the rest rooms of the upper middle class $55,000-$100,000 income households. it is no wonder the thais are fed up. do not blame them.
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So a separate toilet no doubt suitably signposted will solve the problem ?

Thais are not very good at obeying signs and with the reputation Chinese tourists have do they honesty think they will be any better ?

Reminds me of the idiots who erase the words 'Rat Poison' prior to baiting an area so that the rats won't cotton on :)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Will Cantonese and Tibetans be classed as Chinese. That could cause real political tensions for sure!

Cantonese yes , Tibet is not really part of PRC so they can use the Thai Khazi

Tibet is very much part of the PRC, what planet are you from? Whether you like it or not, the international community recognizes Tibet as being an integral part of China and so do I. Taiwan may be a different story, but Tibet is most definitely part of the People's Republic of China, even if they administer it slightly outside of the conventions that the rest of the country is administered under.

Fair enough they can all use the Chinese Kharzi then.

We are having a bit of a laugh about Toilets mate , that doesn't mean you have to be Anal

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It's going to be interesting to see how they enforce this.

this is truth....in xian china they have special "fly" police. they count the flys in a toliet area to rate the restroom, they do not care about it being clean or not, only a "fly count" is important. the local goverment has not yet made the connection of shxt & piss everywhere with flys. 3 or more flys in a stall rates a fine to the operator/cleaner. toilet training is not taught to their babys. mom & pop will wipe & clean babies ass untill they are 5 or six. i have personaly seen a friend of mine brush the teeth of his 7 year old son, (note:nuttin but the best service for boy baby) .most of the private restrooms (home restroom) are the pits.pee stains everywhere old very old brown stained toilets & always a bucket for flush water, if the handel is loose it will not be fixed, a bucket is used to flush, same bucket is also the shower if water knob loose. these are the rest rooms of the upper middle class $55,000-$100,000 income households. it is no wonder the thais are fed up. do not blame them.

I have seen all of this, too. Pretty nasty.

I have noticed that Asians in general have a real thing for their baby boys. They wait on them hand and foot. It gets so out of hand I can hardly believe it sometimes. My wife's son is now twenty, going to college in another province, and his uncle lives with him there. Takes care of his every need. Does not let him out of his sight. And when uncle has to do business elsewhere, auntie goes to take his place, even if it is just for half a day. The kid has never worked a day in his life, pays for nothing. Pays just enough attention to his studies, plays video games for most of his free time, hangs with his friends sometimes. That's his whole life since kindergarten.

When he started college, the family fully expected me to ante up to help pay his expenses. I laughed. "Where were all of you when my daughter was going to college back in the States? Where were you on her birthdays all these years? I doubt any of you even recall her name. No. There will be no college money or any other monies coming from me to help you and your boy, who, by the way, is not a boy any more, but a twenty year old man who is perfectly capable of fending for himself. I left home at eighteen, right after high school was over, so too, did my daughter; insofar as I am concerned, yours can do the same. Good luck."

Needless to say, they didn't like that much.

Oh, well. So long as it costs me nothing, I really don't care.

The boy is clean however. As far as I know, he does in fact wipe his own arse.

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Anyone who says that this solution is not acceptable and reasonable in the given circumstances is obviously a FNG and has never been around Chinese manners and cleanliness and clearly has no point of reference other than their western media programmed judgements , so I believe I will keep my own counsel. We are with the Thais on this. I also concur with the gentleman regards building instead a latrine for the Chinese only, replete with parasol. Hopefully this shall be enforced on the Chinese with very big stick by a very big Thai.

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This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

And is the filthy, anti social, disgusting, unhygienic (etc etc) behaviour of the Chinese acceptable in this day and age?


While I agree to build new toilets, why not another idea first. Provide ass gaskets in the toilets and have Chinese signage as to their use? Then see what happens. Chinese do not want to touch their asses where other asses have been. This is the basis for their squatting habits.

Pissing is another problem. Chinese cannot aim for s%#t! That part I have no clue. They piss everywhere but in the toilet all over China. This is one of the great mysteries of China.

A rifle is more accurate than a pistol!

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Yes, racism is in fact quite natural here. There is racism even among the same races in Asia.

After 13 years of marriage, my sister in law still refers to me as "farang" and does not consider me a part of the family. I don't think she even knows my name. I live within a few feet of her, and we have not spoken a single word to each other in well over a year. This sort of thing is normal in Asia. So much for Buddhism and the enlightened state here in Thailand. Just because it's a Buddhist country doesn't mean that everybody in the country has reaching the enlightened state, of course. Very few ever do. Like most religion, Buddhism isn't practiced as it should be, as spiritual awakening and enlightenment, but is instead reduced to Dogma, useless prayer and worshipping idols, and sheer nonsense.

This rest room fiasco at the White Temple does not surprise me in the least.

I'm Thai. I think most educated people in Thai are not racism. You might misunderstood for the word "farang". It is not racism. "farang" is the same to the word "foreigner" but specific to white people. As you can say Asian is mean Asia people(yellow skin) or European is mean people who living in Europe, etc. Nothing to rude in the word "farang". Why don't you ask your wife?

My older sister married to Aussie. So, I'm brother in law of my sister husband. I'm not living with my sister or her husband, but I know his name, his parent name, his brother name, their job, their origin, and lot of things. It is common, isn't it? I'm so wonder why you've got that experience.

I'm atheist. So, generally I don't mind what Temple do, but in this case(news). I agree with them. We are(Thai) not anti Chinese people(and also all people around the world). We can talk, walk, sit or having meal witht Chinese, but some Chinese hygiene are terrible, especially using toilet. So, instead of reject Chinese prople, just build toilet for them. why it so bad?

Imagine if you were company owner and your partner(who've never listened to you) always mess up office toilet everyday. what would you do? You can't retire them. You can't just tell them. Build new toilet just for them is alternate way to solve the problem, isn't it?

Total crapola.

Do not stereotype people of a certain race as all having the same traits. Segregating people on the basis that it is believed a nationality and race of people all have some inferior cultural habits based on the unrefined behaviours of a few Chinese tourists in Chiang Rai is morally and ethically wrong.

I have known and still know of many Thais who have extreme anti social habits, such as burning waste in residential areas without a thought or concern for anyone else, letting their dogs roam about so it is not safe to walk about at certain times and playing loud music on a regular basis, believing their choice of music is so good that everyone in the area should hear it. But this does not mean I consider that all Thais are the same and should be treated as such.

Another point, how do they know it is all Chinese people that are making the mess in the said toilets? Are their turds blue or have a different smell or something?

Certainly agree with all 3 of your points about certain Thais' anti social behaviour. And your opening statement - not quite comic genius, but it has a certain touch of sidelong humour to it. ("Crapola - yay!)

Possibly they know that it is the Chinese that are making the mess in the said toilets by observing the faces or listening to the comments of those that go in after them?


This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

no, its not. nice try though.

this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene.

So you're suggesting it's about bigotry rather than hygiene? Well the last time I checked the former refers to intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself, whilst the latter, hygiene, is conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.

So you're you saying that by building separate toilets they are practicing bigotry and hygiene is not in the equation? Before you post such nonsense learn what the words you use mean.

I do. Unfortunately for you the same is not true.

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