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Where will they go next year? Cambodia? The Phillipines? Vietnam? Who cares? Screw em!

Beach loungers are not allowed in the West.

What nonsense.. You can take your own (or a rented one) beach chair to any beach in the UK..

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what's wrong with a towel ?


Sand flies

Table for a drink


Sunbeds are not a deal breaker for me but I can see why they could be..

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He said there were several farang who earned their living from tourism businesses on Phuket beaches and several of them have Thai girlfriends.
“The protest did not make sense. There was something behind it. You think about it,” the governor told Thairath Online

The governor thought about. And thought about it. For 10 days he thought about. His staff thought about and his family too, in fact the whole Phuket think tank and brain trust thought about it...and then they came up with this...

Show me one Thai official and I show you 3 conspiracy theories


The tried and trusted diversionary ploy of "blame the foreigner" is once again in evidence.............

The tried and trusted ThaiVisa poster ploy of, either, not being able to understand a report, or deliberately choosing to misunderstand it in order to have a Thai bash once again is evident.

If you bothered to read the OP properly you'd see that this is not a blame-the-foreigner exercise The protest was made by foreigners, that cannot be denied, but it was suggested that what was behind the protest was the Thai business element simply using the foreigners.


Phurit Maswongsa, vice chairman of the Puket Tourism Business Association, told Thairath Online that the number of foreign tourists did not drop at all after the rule against beach beds took effect.

Of course it hasn't had an effect yet. But how many regular tourists won't be returning next season?

Where will they go next year? Cambodia? The Phillipines? Vietnam? Who cares? Screw em!

Beach loungers are not allowed in the West.

Have you ever been to Spain or Greece ... ?

I bet the 10% af the thai population depending on tourism also say "screw em"! NOT ...


I am sure that there are many like me who are well past their 'Best before' date and if they laid down on a towel would need some assistance to get up again. Why ban the beach beds? Just control the numbers.coffee1.gif

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There are beaches in my home country were you drive your car on there and park it at the spot you want to use

This man needs to do some research and get out more - stupidity knows no bounds in Thailand it seems

beach with car attachicon.gifbeach.jpg

You obviously come from Australia. It has 26,000 Kms of coastline and if you count the islands you can almost double that and many of the beaches you can drive on.


The tried and trusted diversionary ploy of "blame the foreigner" is once again in evidence.............

The tried and trusted ThaiVisa poster ploy of, either, not being able to understand a report, or deliberately choosing to misunderstand it in order to have a Thai bash once again is evident.

If you bothered to read the OP properly you'd see that this is not a blame-the-foreigner exercise The protest was made by foreigners, that cannot be denied, but it was suggested that what was behind the protest was the Thai business element simply using the foreigners.

The case in point has nothing to do with beach chairs loungers or whatever, it is also of little significance who is actually making complaints or protesting - tourists - expats - Thais - Turtles - they all want to use the beach without being harassed over petty stupid rules that make absolutely no sense and achieve nothing

Someone needs to call this governor and tell him how ridiculous all this is and put an end to it

I am all for taking the traders and scammers off the beaches and keeping them free to use for everyone - how is that so difficult


Thai officials have no back-bone.

The name of the game is compromise, compromise, compromise.

They try to please all Thai parties involved (including themselves) and end up angering the people that actually support ALL the Thai factions.

It's been like that for years......


The best crowded beaches I have seen (and used) have the following system:

1. The beach is 100% public; no private businesses can encroach on the beach; a very limited number of small beach areas might be leased by the municipality to private businesses that secure the lease via an open tender (bids); in return for that privilge, the business is highly regulated.

2. Private businesses can adjoin the beach; this includes businesses that rent umbrellas, chairs, and loungers (beds)

3. When an item is rented, the business places it on the beach; when the rental is finished the business retrieves the item

4. A daily beach fee is charged; there is a discount for weekly or monthly access; a color coded beach tag is issued

5. All users of the beach must display the tag; daily tags only may be bought on the beach from a municipal employee who wanders around checking tags

6. The beach tag fees go to a municipal beach fund (only) to finance beach services

7. The municipality provides lifeguards at designated beaches; and a rescue service

8. The municipality cleans the beach each night using a machine that sifts the crap out of the sand

Now back to our regularly scheduled program: The Beaches of Thailand smile.png


local people could still make their living by renting beach umbrellas to tourists at the rate of Bt200 each,

200 baht for an umbrella? The last time I went to Phuket you could rent a beach bed that already had an umbrella for 20 baht!

Have beach umbrellas been reclassified as national parks?

that would explain it> 20 Baht for Thais 200 for Farangs.... well until the amount of tourist drops than of course 500 Baht.


how did this man get this job, he now thinks that tourists on holiday are joining some sort of movement in support of local falangs in business - what is he smoking, and all of this over a sun lounger

Let tourists bring whatever they want onto the beach - it doesn't matter if they hire them or buy them - why is this so complicated

This man needs to be removed from office if this nonsense continues one more day

He paid for it, as usual.


How about getting rid of the sand flies (if thats possible). They are my main reason for using sunbeds. The sunbeds should be more competitive - how come they all cost 80 baht from Pattaya through to Jomtien. Seems like they all got together and decided how much they can get away with. A couple on holiday for 2 weeks can spend 2240 baht just on sunbeds! Last time I was in Turkey the sunbeds were free as long as you purchased drinks or food from a nearby restaurant.

Not only Turkey, this does also happen on certain beaches in Thailand, i have a beach i always uses, it does have free big mats with table pillows and shade....... as long as i buy stuff from the vendor providing it....

being far away from the tourist area is only the bonus......

Plenty of tourist areas in Thailand, such as Koh Samui, have free sunbeds, umbrellas etc. as long as you purchase food or drinks.


There seems to be two camps--those who like the beach chairs/umbrellas being available, as well as the social atmosphere, and those who want an open beach to spread a beach towel or whatever. It seems so simple to have clearly defined, designated, permanent open areas and the same for designated beach chair rental areas--and have it every day of the week. That way both camps are satisfied. I think Pattaya has Wednesdays with no beach chair rentals allowed at all--a really dumb policy in my opinion. Pity the powers that be don't turn their attention to the more important matters of the atrocious, broken sidewalks on both sides of the road at Jomtien Beach, the terrible, ancient, unsightly trash cans at Jomtien and Pattaya Beaches, dangling electrical wires sometimes waist high, lack of trash cans where you need them, and sidewalk vendors illegally taking up what little usable sidewalks there are so you have to walk in the street most of the time. I could go on but...

Beach chair vendors, and most other vendors, do n9t understand nor care about boundaries. Give them a designated area of say 100 m2 today, and tomorrow they will occupy 200 m2, within a week the entire beach.

And don't forget that they feel they own it too, so in case you manage to find a spot they have not already occupied, they will kick you away - literally (videos on youtube).

Thai beachchair vendors are scum who deserve no sympathy whatsoever.


'dozens of western tourists stormed into the Kamala immigration office to demand free business visa' cheesy.gif

Finally we dare to fight for our rights!


There seems to be two camps--those who like the beach chairs/umbrellas being available, as well as the social atmosphere, and those who want an open beach to spread a beach towel or whatever. It seems so simple to have clearly defined, designated, permanent open areas and the same for designated beach chair rental areas--and have it every day of the week. That way both camps are satisfied. I think Pattaya has Wednesdays with no beach chair rentals allowed at all--a really dumb policy in my opinion. Pity the powers that be don't turn their attention to the more important matters of the atrocious, broken sidewalks on both sides of the road at Jomtien Beach, the terrible, ancient, unsightly trash cans at Jomtien and Pattaya Beaches, dangling electrical wires sometimes waist high, lack of trash cans where you need them, and sidewalk vendors illegally taking up what little usable sidewalks there are so you have to walk in the street most of the time. I could go on but...

Beach chair vendors, and most other vendors, do n9t understand nor care about boundaries. Give them a designated area of say 100 m2 today, and tomorrow they will occupy 200 m2, within a week the entire beach.

And don't forget that they feel they own it too, so in case you manage to find a spot they have not already occupied, they will kick you away - literally (videos on youtube).

Thai beachchair vendors are scum who deserve no sympathy whatsoever.

You personally know some of the beach chair vendors then as you say they are 'Scum' Mmm.., you sure on that 100%?

I personally know some of the vendors who operated on Patong beach and I can tell you in my experiance of knowing them over a period of 8 years they are not scum, but good people making a living and providing a great service for most beach users, also the area of beach was always Tip Top clean and a good atmosphere, prices of drinks etc were good and not a rip off.

When in Patong I walk the beach every morning from North end near circle past Loma park and up to long tail boats anchored in front of Patong Tower area of beach then back. Only my opinion but beach was way better before all this smoke & mirror excercise clown show; now the beach looks more like a dump in places, not maintained. This has nothing to do with illegal businesses on beaches, is all to do with realigning where payments, oops' the Tea money flows... in time things will revert back when the new channels are in place. Tourists/Farangs/Expats and Law do not come into any of it.

I like the beach, cant stand lying on beach towls, don't really use sunbeds/loungers as I walk for excercise then take a dip, back on my bike and off home, The 'Scum Vendors' look after my gear while I walk/take a dip, never charged or had anything go 'West' maybe I'm lucky Hansum man...?

I know a lot will flame me and pick holes in above but is my experiance based on facts, not opinion or hearsay. If I was in charge all Jet Ski's would be made to use one spot at one end of beach and have to take punters to pontoon floats tethered 1000 meters out for transfer to ski's (so no skis are on/near the beach) better still ban them period but am trying to provide for tourists who wish to ride them. Obviously all to be insured and no Scams in operation. Paragliding would be banned as is outright dangerous above heads of beach goers and is boring anyway (waste of bhat)

Beds controlled and licenced same as food/beverage, aint never going to happen correctly which is a shame, as said is just about who gets the cut from re-arrngements in current progress, obviously people would be free to use thier own equipment (chairs/mats etc) or lay on towels up to them.

Every one needs to have a Coke and a Smile :)

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Phurit Maswongsa, vice chairman of the Puket Tourism Business Association, told Thairath Online that the number of foreign tourists did not drop at all after the rule against beach beds took effect.

Of course it hasn't had an effect yet. But how many regular tourists won't be returning next season?

the regular tourist will be returning no matter what! you can slap them upside the head with a shovel and they will still come back. they just don't know any better!

I have not talked to every "regular tourist".

I don't know them personally.

I don't know their habits since I am not intimate with them.

I don't know what their reaction would be if they were hit with a shovel.

I know I don't have any clue about any of this.

I am not in charge.

Live and Let Live.


I "can use" just a towel on the beaches. but will spend my money to go to where I don't need the grief. I have 2 bulged disks in my spine and more arthritis than hairs on my head. I come to Thailand for warm weather affordable winter season. massages to help the achy bones and muscles and being harassed for wanting to have a light meal on the beach or wanting to be in a beach bed/chair isn't something I want to argue about when I spend ALOT of money to have some relaxation time on my holliday. Want us quality tourists who spend big money , aren't whore mongers ect. just want to get some sun. massages. spend our money. then don't make it so frustrating of a place to come spend our money. Na trang. Mue'ne and many other beach areas have just as nice of a beach and now so many "previously wealthy" russians have left Vietnam that its like it was 15 years ago. but their money from last 8 years build up resorts that are now $30+a night vs $100+a night last year at this time.

I LOVE Thailand. but its becoming a better place to have a layover or catch up on some jet lag between flights.....


I "can use" just a towel on the beaches. but will spend my money to go to where I don't need the grief. I have 2 bulged disks in my spine and more arthritis than hairs on my head. I come to Thailand for warm weather affordable winter season. massages to help the achy bones and muscles and being harassed for wanting to have a light meal on the beach or wanting to be in a beach bed/chair isn't something I want to argue about when I spend ALOT of money to have some relaxation time on my holliday. Want us quality tourists who spend big money , aren't whore mongers ect. just want to get some sun. massages. spend our money. then don't make it so frustrating of a place to come spend our money. Na trang. Mue'ne and many other beach areas have just as nice of a beach and now so many "previously wealthy" russians have left Vietnam that its like it was 15 years ago. but their money from last 8 years build up resorts that are now $30+a night vs $100+a night last year at this time.

I LOVE Thailand. but its becoming a better place to have a layover or catch up on some jet lag between flights.....

I think you'll find that the sex-tourists spend far more money than you do.

How much can you spend on a beach? Light meals, a few massages etc.

Even if you chuck in a nice hotel, the sex-tourist will spend as much on one night out as you will in three days.


There seems to be two camps--those who like the beach chairs/umbrellas being available, as well as the social atmosphere, and those who want an open beach to spread a beach towel or whatever. It seems so simple to have clearly defined, designated, permanent open areas and the same for designated beach chair rental areas--and have it every day of the week. That way both camps are satisfied. I think Pattaya has Wednesdays with no beach chair rentals allowed at all--a really dumb policy in my opinion. Pity the powers that be don't turn their attention to the more important matters of the atrocious, broken sidewalks on both sides of the road at Jomtien Beach, the terrible, ancient, unsightly trash cans at Jomtien and Pattaya Beaches, dangling electrical wires sometimes waist high, lack of trash cans where you need them, and sidewalk vendors illegally taking up what little usable sidewalks there are so you have to walk in the street most of the time. I could go on but...

Beach chair vendors, and most other vendors, do n9t understand nor care about boundaries. Give them a designated area of say 100 m2 today, and tomorrow they will occupy 200 m2, within a week the entire beach.

And don't forget that they feel they own it too, so in case you manage to find a spot they have not already occupied, they will kick you away - literally (videos on youtube).

Thai beachchair vendors are scum who deserve no sympathy whatsoever.

You personally know some of the beach chair vendors then as you say they are 'Scum' Mmm.., you sure on that 100%?

I personally know some of the vendors who operated on Patong beach and I can tell you in my experiance of knowing them over a period of 8 years they are not scum, but good people making a living and providing a great service for most beach users, also the area of beach was always Tip Top clean and a good atmosphere, prices of drinks etc were good and not a rip off.

When in Patong I walk the beach every morning from North end near circle past Loma park and up to long tail boats anchored in front of Patong Tower area of beach then back. Only my opinion but beach was way better before all this smoke & mirror excercise clown show; now the beach looks more like a dump in places, not maintained. This has nothing to do with illegal businesses on beaches, is all to do with realigning where payments, oops' the Tea money flows... in time things will revert back when the new channels are in place. Tourists/Farangs/Expats and Law do not come into any of it.

I like the beach, cant stand lying on beach towls, don't really use sunbeds/loungers as I walk for excercise then take a dip, back on my bike and off home, The 'Scum Vendors' look after my gear while I walk/take a dip, never charged or had anything go 'West' maybe I'm lucky Hansum man...?

I know a lot will flame me and pick holes in above but is my experiance based on facts, not opinion or hearsay. If I was in charge all Jet Ski's would be made to use one spot at one end of beach and have to take punters to pontoon floats tethered 1000 meters out for transfer to ski's (so no skis are on/near the beach) better still ban them period but am trying to provide for tourists who wish to ride them. Obviously all to be insured and no Scams in operation. Paragliding would be banned as is outright dangerous above heads of beach goers and is boring anyway (waste of bhat)

Beds controlled and licenced same as food/beverage, aint never going to happen correctly which is a shame, as said is just about who gets the cut from re-arrngements in current progress, obviously people would be free to use thier own equipment (chairs/mats etc) or lay on towels up to them.

Every one needs to have a Coke and a Smile :)

I also don't personally know any tuktuk drivers or jetski mafia guys, yet as far as I am concerned they are scum too, and I hope they will eventually be banned/jailed too (along with the beach chair vendor ban). Thailand would be a better place if these groups of people simply vanished.



I "can use" just a towel on the beaches. but will spend my money to go to where I don't need the grief. I have 2 bulged disks in my spine and more arthritis than hairs on my head. I come to Thailand for warm weather affordable winter season. massages to help the achy bones and muscles and being harassed for wanting to have a light meal on the beach or wanting to be in a beach bed/chair isn't something I want to argue about when I spend ALOT of money to have some relaxation time on my holliday. Want us quality tourists who spend big money , aren't whore mongers ect. just want to get some sun. massages. spend our money. then don't make it so frustrating of a place to come spend our money. Na trang. Mue'ne and many other beach areas have just as nice of a beach and now so many "previously wealthy" russians have left Vietnam that its like it was 15 years ago. but their money from last 8 years build up resorts that are now $30+a night vs $100+a night last year at this time.

I LOVE Thailand. but its becoming a better place to have a layover or catch up on some jet lag between flights.....

I think you'll find that the sex-tourists spend far more money than you do.

How much can you spend on a beach? Light meals, a few massages etc.

Even if you chuck in a nice hotel, the sex-tourist will spend as much on one night out as you will in three days.

Well you certainly have me there. I have no idea what sex-tourists spend on their trips. I spent just over 10k last year on my trip. I tend to stay in nice places. and did a fair amount of fishing, charters, fishing resorts , some new equipment ect. always the best 3 months of my year.


A Towel is okay to lie down on at the beach when you are 20 years old, but try that for a few hours 40 years later.

Personally, I for one would not go to a beach if I had nothing to sit or lie down on, other then some sandy towel. I would rather sit on a stone.

Inflatable beds are also a pain in the A-Hole. By the time you fill the damned thing with air, it is time to go home.

This new rule lost my business for sure!.And whether they want to believe that or not.


local people could still make their living by renting beach umbrellas to tourists at the rate of Bt200 each,

200 baht for an umbrella?

The last time I went to Phuket you could rent a beach bed that already had an umbrella for 20 baht!

But that was than long before the turn of the millennium, decades, lol,

that you have been on the expensive island of Phuket, the Monaco of South East Asia. tongue.png


There are beaches in my home country were you drive your car on there and park it at the spot you want to use

This man needs to do some research and get out more - stupidity knows no bounds in Thailand it seems

beach with car attachicon.gifbeach.jpg

OMG, do not tell these ideas to the Thais, the next Government could allow that

and you have the real "hell" on Thailands beaches. Enough crazy driving on the road! rolleyes.giftongue.png


This was an ironic style posting.

Have to write that, before you come with the English Grammar

and mode of expresion police and .....blink.png


Harryfrompattaya. You do a very good job of giving yourself a bad name. You don't need any help from any other foreigners in doing so.

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