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Netanyahu assails Iran deal, touts US-Israel ties


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Obama and Bibi -- they're just not into each other, coffee1.gif


Netanyahu has written off the Obama White House as a failure; blinkered by its pompous self-assurance, it cannot be trusted to competently manage the security of the world. Obama has written off Netanyahu as an obstacle, a hypocritical partisan whose narrow vision of politics stand in the way of meaningful progress on any issue in which he is involved.

For both men, the gap runs deeper than the Democrat-Republican divide, deeper than the Palestinian issue, deeper even than the battle over Iran. Obama sought to introduce a new consciousness into global affairs, a consciousness that defined his political identity. Netanyahu defiantly champions the old ways of doing business — on which, he believes, his nation’s safety depends.

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Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. MAD would not deter them It would encourage them. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsIjGnz8w

To say that the "Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for the End of Days" is absolute nonsense.

The concept is more applicable to Christian Zionists and their belief in the Apocalyptic End Times.

Iran can be an effective ally in the fight against the Islamic State if the Israelis and their amen corner in Washington can be kept on a short leash.

Iranian mullahs worship a death cult that longs for End of Days. ???

Now THAT is definitely such a wild-sounding claim that it needs some backing evidence.

Thats the stuff you hear on FOX or Rush Limbaugh.

They have Ulysses frothing

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"Bibi" Netanyahu is on one of his "official" we need more US Aid trips and is playing the

Iran nukes card in hopes to trump any nay sayers. And if Obama has been caught in a lie

about Iran's future nukes...so what. Is the catch gonna change anything? No.

Truth is...is that the state if Israel doesn't need one iota of US Aid anymore and hasn't

needed any for ages. Israel has very lucrative technology industries both for civilian

and miitary manufacture. And they export globally and receive huge monetary gains

for said exports.

May I suggest that posters read up on the State of Israel and how it was created and

whose initial treaty on the territory came to an end....


Seems to me there's another nation out there that is to blame for the fracas in the Middle

East and not just the US.

Then after reading up on the creation of the State of Israel there's a good book about

the US one should also read...especially the parts concerning US aid to Israel in the book.

The name of the book is Rogue State and the author is William Blum.

Here's a link to peruse....


There has never been a statement from the Israeli's concerning the state having a nuclear

weapon, however....there was a test,or two, which also involved the South Africans that is

well documented that does implicate Israel. Google is your friend...please use it.

And so is a site named Nuclear Weapons Archive...Google for that also.

Just seems to me that every time Israel gets a runny nose the US is called to wipe it

and I reckon it's high time the US stops babysitting Israel. To include turning off the

massive aid pipeline (conduit more like it) and if the State of Israel needs more US

aid then they can apply just like every other nation on the planet has to do and must

meet conditions set forth in the application process.

The State of Israel seems very capable of defending itself from foreign bad guys;

just look back a few recent years and see what they've done to the Palestinians

which has made headline news globally. What has the US done about flagrant

violations? Not even a gente slap on Israel's hands that's what.

A good post. At stake is the issue of whether or not the Israeli past time is "getting" money they do not need. It is a game they love to play. The Symington Amendment prohibits the US from giving aid to any country that does not sign the NPT and Israel doesn't care as they know they will get the money any way.I am pretty sure the reason for the amendment was Israel.

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A successful conclusion would be preventing Iran from enriching uranium, which is all Netanyahu is asking for. There are many countries that have nuclear power that do not have the capability to enrich their own fuel. They buy it from abroad and thats what Iran could do. None of these countries do. Why should a rogue nation that sponsors terrorism, more that any other nation on earth, be allowed to?

Czech Republic
South Korea
South Africa
You say that Iran sponsor terrorism more than any other nation.

When they do sponsor they might not sponsor the "freedom fighters" you prefer to sponsor.

Elaborate your claim. You can attach a link if you want.

Please refrain from cherry picking parts of my post. Ive noticed that you are creative when it comes to cutting and pasting.

You seem rather naive about Iran ,,,



I know about Hezbollah.

They are made and supported by Iran.

They do sponsor. They dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" others might prefer to sponsor. Thats the difference.

Saudi Arabia and the US dont engage in proxy wars.They doint sponsor terrorism by equipping and funding terrorists. They only sponsor freedom fighting by equipping and funding freedom fighters. wink.png Edited by Scott
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@ BKKBobby #66

JDGRUEN --You seem rather naive about Iran ,,,

BKKBobby Elaborate.

JDGRUEN Hezbollah

BKKBobby I know about Hezbollah.

They are made and supported by Iran.

They do sponsor. They dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" others might prefer to sponsor. Thats the difference.

Saudi Arabia and the US dont engage in proxy wars.They doint sponsor terrorism by equipping and funding terrorists. They only sponsor freedom fighting by equipping and funding freedom fighters. wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck


And that is your answer? I have to say that your answer will go down in the annals of TVF as spot on to nothing.

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@ BKKBobby #66

JDGRUEN --You seem rather naive about Iran ,,,

BKKBobby Elaborate.

JDGRUEN Hezbollah

BKKBobby I know about Hezbollah.

They are made and supported by Iran.

They do sponsor. They dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" others might prefer to sponsor. Thats the difference.

Saudi Arabia and the US dont engage in proxy wars.They doint sponsor terrorism by equipping and funding terrorists. They only sponsor freedom fighting by equipping and funding freedom fighters. wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA8eASoOck


And that is your answer? I have to say that your answer will go down in the annals of TVF as spot on to nothing.

Why will it go to the annals of TVF as spot on nothing.


Yes, I repeat it. Iran made and continues to support Hezbollah.

Saudi Arabia and the US has only been sponsoring different groups of "freedom fighters" (no terrorists?) in different countries during the 35 years Iran has been a Islamic dictatorship?

I want to acquire the knowledge that proves the claim that Iran is the worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism.

A claim made by Ulysses G.

Please share your information.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Here is another link describing Iran's state sponsored terrorism


Make that two ...


Of course you could use Google or Bing and find dozens of major links about Iran and their state sponsored terrorism...

But it seems you would rather post 8th Grade level question as might be ask in a modern history class.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Here is another link describing Iran's state sponsored terrorism


I stated that Iran do sponsor, they just dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" (no terrorists?) that Saudi Arabia and the US sponsor.

Can you back up the claim that Iran is the worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism.

Please share your information.

Some people seem a bit slow sometimes

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Very good speech. .

Excellent. Yesterday AND today.

Obama's childish antics guaranteed a much bigger audience ended up watching and now they know what a stupid deal the Obama administration is willing to accept. President Barack Obama has accepted the Iranian demand that any restrictions on its program be temporary. After that, the mad mullahs can produce as much enriched uranium as they want to - the sunset clause - and turn it into nuclear weapons. I am guessing that the public will not stand for that.



Edited by Ulysses G.
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Here is another link describing Iran's state sponsored terrorism


I stated that Iran do sponsor, they just dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" (no terrorists?) that Saudi Arabia and the US sponsor.

Can you back up the claim that Iran is the worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism.

Please share your information.

Some people seem a bit slow sometimes

Your circuitous logic is tiresome. Your questions have been answered by links to examples and listings ... If you want to pretend, invent your own concepts and terminology which only you can answer - then go engage in fantasy - argue with yourself. The word 'tiresome' will soon become entwined with the name BKKBobby.

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Here is another link describing Iran's state sponsored terrorism


I stated that Iran do sponsor, they just dont sponsor the "freedom fighters" (no terrorists?) that Saudi Arabia and the US sponsor.

Can you back up the claim that Iran is the worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism.

Please share your information.

Some people seem a bit slow sometimes

Your circuitous logic is tiresome. Your questions have been answered by links to examples and listings ... If you want to pretend, invent your own concepts and terminology which only you can answer - then go engage in fantasy - argue with yourself. The word 'tiresome' will soon become entwined with the name BKKBobby.

Your links dont prove anything.

You pick links that support your claim.

You dont understand my logic or sarcasm.

Saudi Arabia, USA, "freedom fighters" (terrorists), no bell ringing?

Now go and get som likes from your likers. smile.png

I consider this post an end to our interchange.

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He didn't exactly say a better deal was possible ... more like no deal is better than a bad deal


No, that's exactly what he said:

“The alternative to this bad deal is a much better deal.”

And by the way, that's just nonsense. This is the best deal possible for the P5+1, and the world will be a better place if they can somehow get it done.

Sorry Netanyahu, but you haven't affected the negotiations in any meaningful way whatsoever, and now it's time to go home and face the voters. But that's what this about all along, wasn't it? coffee1.gif

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Do some reading on the Sunset Clause, before making ignorant claims.

I have already answered your question numerous times. Please stop the constant baiting. rolleyes.gif

Critics say that after the expiration of any deal’s natural life, Iran would be free to use the reactors it was allowed to keep operational for peaceful purposes like producing electricity and instead use them to produce as much fuel for nuclear weapons as it likes. Once it had a large stockpile of highly enriched uranium or plutonium, Iran could fashion nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks, perhaps faster than the international community would be able to react.

It’s not just the Israelis who are upset. Citing reports of a 10- to 15-year sunset period at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Tuesday, the panel’s top Democrat, Robert Menendez, called that “a matter of time that is far less than anyone envisioned.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/iran-nuclear-deal-israel-115510.html#ixzz3TNyvD1o8

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Good lord, Bill O'Reilly just said that negotiations are the best approach. I feel faint.

Keep filling us in. Many of us don't receive Fox News.

Judging by the rest of his comments, he's read the Stratfor piece I posted earlier. Edited by Chicog
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I agree, the people who are giving ovations and are cheering are insulting their own flag.

I dont understand how he can insult the holocaust survivors by calling them weak.

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Do some reading on the Sunset Clause, before making ignorant claims.

I have already answered your question numerous times. Please stop the constant baiting. rolleyes.gif

Critics say that after the expiration of any deal’s natural life, Iran would be free to use the reactors it was allowed to keep operational for peaceful purposes like producing electricity and instead use them to produce as much fuel for nuclear weapons as it likes. Once it had a large stockpile of highly enriched uranium or plutonium, Iran could fashion nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks, perhaps faster than the international community would be able to react.

It’s not just the Israelis who are upset. Citing reports of a 10- to 15-year sunset period at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Tuesday, the panel’s top Democrat, Robert Menendez, called that “a matter of time that is far less than anyone envisioned.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/iran-nuclear-deal-israel-115510.html#ixzz3TNyvD1o8

Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), in a CNN interview after the speech, said she was uncomfortable with the 10 year "sunset clause" and would much prefer 15-20 years.

The P5+1 negotiations with Iran are still ongoing as no deal has been reached. The view of Sen Menendez and Sen Feinstein is not a lone view and it is still on the table with other views as the negotiations continue.

The P5+1 have given Iran to March 30th to state its acceptance of the Basic Framework Agreement, by which Iran confirms it is not manufacturing nuclear weapons.

June 30th is the P5+1 date for a final deal and agreement. Iran is definitely feeling the heat of the major global powers so we will see.

Between now and these two historic landmarks the hardliners everywhere, to include in Tehran, Moscow, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Washington, TVF, will be bearing down with their greatest intensity. Advocates of an agreement will have to be standing ready to knock together some hardliner heads between now and then.

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Thank goodness P5+1 does not just rely upon American "diplomacy".

At least there are some grown ups at the table!

As for Benny Yahoo, what a dangerous man. A pity we gave them the country.

A pity, huh?

Typical "anti Zionist" blather.

Iran leaders many times express their goal to crush Israel.

"anti Zionists" regret Israel existed in the first place. Rather similar positions.coffee1.gif

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Thank goodness P5+1 does not just rely upon American "diplomacy".

At least there are some grown ups at the table!

As for Benny Yahoo, what a dangerous man. A pity we gave them the country.

Yes, indeed.

I dont agree on the last sentence in your post though.

We will see if there will be a deal or not.

My intuition tells me that Obama dont give a...

And there will be a deal.

Yahoo, public opinion polls and the rightwing hardliners aint going to make a difference.

Its P5+1 who decide. The different partners in the negotiations really want to produce a deal (compromise).

But thats only my intuition, no facts and no claims.

Lets see.

Edited by BKKBobby
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