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Five Frenchmen arrested for Phuket ATM skimming fraud 'in the millions'


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"Police clarified that they had photographic evidence of the sixth suspect, but could not obtain a name from any of the other suspects." Dittclap2.gif Take the bust, and then keep your mouth shut.

bring them to Koh Tao und you will have the complete whereabouts of this 6th men in latest 1 hr !

Just bring them there to the Village Head man or RTP !!

100% sucess,

but take care when they are on a boat !!

They are non swimmers !!

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look at tha passports on the table !

They are french !!

if they from a colonie, they would have pasports from their origin;

French is very proud of their Colonies,

and such good french man !!

They will send some replacement, dont worrie;

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Maybe it is old, but when a Country allows all sorts in its worth a comment

Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

Yea right ..... Thailand let you in !!!

Edited by Fireyfish
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Enough of the racial comments. Obviously they are from one of the old French African colonies.

Try to concentrate on the crime of card skimming/fraud. I hope these guys get locked up in Thailand for a very long time. .

I know a dude who got caught skimming I believe less than a mill, he was sentence to around 3 years in jail, the judge for his case changed and they some how changed the sentence to 20 years! Crazy sentence especially when people are walking away with murder sentences that lasts 5-10 years only, heck even less with good behavior.

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French ?

Really ?

Yes they are French.

Haven't you heard that with the global warming the sun is very strong in France so the people started going black?

In the UK the sun is not so severe so people started going less dark.......let's say they look like Indians or Pakistanis.

A big problem it is this global warming........

According to the PR machines of Big Oil, and Big Biz, it isn't gloabl warming. It's a weather attitude adjustment, global menopause, normal weather, a temporary weather glitch, faulty thermometers, or anything else these money grabbers can think of. This in spite of the fact that more than 99% of the worlds scientists say it's global warming, and it's man made.

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I could say that about many of the foreigners being allowed to enter Thailand. They should never be allowed in . I would be willing to pay thousands more for my visa if the Thai government made a serious attempt to get rid of the numerous scum entering. And i am talking about every country.

The French Africans and French Arabs we are seeing around Phuket are a constant menace. All riding around on there big scooters (that they have no skill in riding), beeping their horns, driving erratically nearly cause accidents. Now to add to the list we have card skimming. It was only on Monday that I had 3 people at 3 different times complain about these groups, their reckless behaviour and lack of respect for anyone else. Not sure how they are staying here because none seem to work, but they need to be turned around at the border or at the airport, nobody wants them here.

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Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito doesn't sound typically French to me.

This is getting so old. Not all French are called Charles Henri Duval, just like not all Brits are called Jim Smith and just like not all Germans are called Fritz Mueller. If they have French passports, then that is what they are; regardless of names or skin color.

Agreed - maybe if they called him "Monsieur Kevin Tahiango Theodore Okito" it would sound more French?

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They got French nationality like the UK Pakistanis got their UK passports: Unethically, illegally and without the support of the mass of the people. These mu***m immigrants were forced on us. Unable to integrate and permanently hostile to their host nations they turn to crime and terrorism....as represented by Jihadi John and his parasitic family. These guys are not French except on a technicality.

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" a group of dark skinned men used skimming cards on multiple occasions"

What, now it's not pc to say black?

They probably did say black originally , but tried to tone it down a bit, and that would take some doing

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They got French nationality like the UK Pakistanis got their UK passports: Unethically, illegally and without the support of the mass of the people. These mu***m immigrants were forced on us. Unable to integrate and permanently hostile to their host nations they turn to crime and terrorism....as represented by Jihadi John and his parasitic family. These guys are not French except on a technicality.

So very true

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They got French nationality like the UK Pakistanis got their UK passports: Unethically, illegally and without the support of the mass of the people. These mu***m immigrants were forced on us. Unable to integrate and permanently hostile to their host nations they turn to crime and terrorism....as represented by Jihadi John and his parasitic family. These guys are not French except on a technicality.

So very idiotic.

They most probably got the french nationality the easiest way, by being born there and having lived in France since their birth. In fact, as Immigration from africa started a long time ago, all those guys could easily be 3rd generation immigrants.

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I could say that about many of the foreigners being allowed to enter Thailand. They should never be allowed in . I would be willing to pay thousands more for my visa if the Thai government made a serious attempt to get rid of the numerous scum entering. And i am talking about every country.

The French Africans and French Arabs we are seeing around Phuket are a constant menace. All riding around on there big scooters (that they have no skill in riding), beeping their horns, driving erratically nearly cause accidents. Now to add to the list we have card skimming. It was only on Monday that I had 3 people at 3 different times complain about these groups, their reckless behaviour and lack of respect for anyone else. Not sure how they are staying here because none seem to work, but they need to be turned around at the border or at the airport, nobody wants them here.

And how do you suggest filtering those foreigners?

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Five man who happened to be lucky enough to have gained French citizenship decide to blacken the name, no pun intended of that said country by engaging in criminal activity in Thailand.

They should be stripped of their citizenship and not be allowed a transfer back to France to serve their time in a cushy western prison.

My understanding is Frech prisons are no picnic, seriously.

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Who is the white guy in the photo? Translator, consular official, spy, who and what? And where is the money…..you'd expect to see a swag bag in respect of such activity.

Some of the comments here about race are really absurd and truly beggar belief. LOL

Probably some poor official from the French Embassy who has to represent the French nationals, sorry passport holders.

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They got French nationality like the UK Pakistanis got their UK passports: Unethically, illegally and without the support of the mass of the people. These mu***m immigrants were forced on us. Unable to integrate and permanently hostile to their host nations they turn to crime and terrorism....as represented by Jihadi John and his parasitic family. These guys are not French except on a technicality.

So very idiotic.

They most probably got the french nationality the easiest way, by being born there and having lived in France since their birth. In fact, as Immigration from africa started a long time ago, all those guys could easily be 3rd generation immigrants.

This. Like in England, a lot has to do with the colonial history when these colonial powers exploited countless countries and got rich off their sweat. And now the usual racists and bigots around here are kicking up a fuss.Plus ca change.....

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Sorry, I can't see colour of skin or immigration from colonies to France are part of the topic.

What I observed quite often is that ATM users read a piece of paper before they type in their PIN. They get a warning that they should not let anyone see what they are typing, and then they look over their shoulder.

Not very safe if you have your PIN written on a piece of paper which you carry along with your ATM card. PINs are only safe if you know them by memory (stash them in your brain)

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I hope so too. Is it racist to question how these people can be considered french when the are as french as Big Ben

Enough of the racial comments. Obviously they are from one of the old French African colonies.

Try to concentrate on the crime of card skimming/fraud. I hope these guys get locked up in Thailand for a very long time. .

Of course it is racist when you are basing it on skin colour.

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