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What is the truth about Thai workers' deaths in Israel?


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All foreigners in Israel are "goj" why do You demand from them to waste so much money for investigate the death of "gojs" ?

I do not understand why these workers from Thailand will go Israel to work?

How come out of 30 odd Mid East countries the pick Israel?

I even heard stranger stories that Palestinians want to take the Thai place on the famrers

Are the Palestinians Gojs?

Probably go there because Israel is the ONLY democratic country in the middle east

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All foreigners in Israel are "goj" why do You demand from them to waste so much money for investigate the death of "gojs" ?

Really? You shouldn't make comments on things you know nothing about, it could make you look silly. The word 'goy' in biblical Hebrew means 'nation', goyim for nations and that includes Israel. Some books of the Hebrew bible refer to Israelites as goyim. Modern day usage has shifted the term from nation to people, again including Israel;ite and Jews as well as all others. The term 'Goyim' is not seen as offensive in the same way 'Gentile' is not seen as offensive. Later a further shift would see the meaning of 'Goy' to be the same as 'gentle', meaning a person who belong to non-Jewish nations people.

Modern Hebrew (and Yiddish) sees the use of Goy in the same vein as 'gentile. It is not an offensive word or term. The word 'farang' is not an offensive word. Just like the term 'Goy' the only people who seem to take offence at the word' farang' are English speakers.

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Thai workers have reeked havoc on the Israeli wild life by trapping and sneering small

and medium wild life for their own consumptions, Thai workers have been smuggling Ya Ba

and other drugs in to Israel for years as they were never searched or even looked at,

the laundry list is long, do not presume that this is ALL ISRAEL FAULTS.. learn the

subject well before irresponsibly commenting......

The Israelis do not need the Thai workers to bring in the drugs for them as drugs such as Yaa Baa have long been easily available in the larger cities, especially the larger coastal cities. Israeli involvement in the international drug trade has been going on for decades, most notoriously the episode where many members from that disbanded/ disgraced nut brigade (Egoz) went on to provide security to the Medellin Cartel. Back in the 1990s the drug trade on the beaches of Samui was delegated to an Israeli group of characters.

Wildlife throughout the Middle East has long disappeared from environmental stress. Like Thai forests, the "Ceders of Lebanon", which once would have stretched down the Ladders of Tsur to Haifa, are long, long, gone due to environmental degradation begun millennia ago. There is little wildlife remaining although I can imagine that Thai workers who are not kosher would go after the few remaining wild boars and other non-kosher animals found in the hills up north just as did certain foreign European and American volunteers a generation ago. And those were the workers replaced by the Thais, and rest assured, those volunteers also indulged in drugs of various sorts.

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Contributors here are commenting about something they know nothing off and on the merit

of one article, Thai workers in Israel are being respected, treated and provided with full worker's benefits

and entitlement as any other Israeli or Palestinian workers,

Thai workers have reeked havoc on the Israeli wild life by trapping and sneering small

and medium wild life for their own consumptions, Thai workers have been smuggling Ya Ba

and other drugs in to Israel for years as they were never searched or even looked at,

the laundry list is long, do not presume that this is ALL ISRAEL FAULTS.. learn the

subject well before irresponsibly commenting......

You wouldn't just happen to be from Israel yourself by any chance?

Oh, of course, I forgot all Israelis are Saints.

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There is not only issues related to Thai workers, the case of falashas ( black Ethiopian Jews) is pathetic. A quick search on Google give an idea of how Israel is saint country.

Edited by Petchou
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