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Australian mum appeals for funds to bring 'trapped' father home from Thailand hospital


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80.000$ in bills, what do they do ?

Dunno. However, I had a friend with a poisoned leg and he was being charged 40,000 baht a night in BPH Pattaya. He asked me to check his bill and what stood out for me was that a single injection was priced at 10,000 baht. I assume some sort of anti-biotic.

Pretty expensive injection and he was having one a day. When his bill reached 200,000 he discharged himself, hobbled out and caught a plane back to the UK.

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...no...not his fault...

...someone wanted to 'take him for all they could'.....

...why didn't they transfer him out....therefore he was held hostage....

...and why not check what he might have tripped or fallen over.....the city might be held liable....


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What's a 71 year old man doing travelling alone here to Thailand? Rhetorical question. Particularly when you consider the silly old fool 'fell when exiting a bar'. Som nom na, as they say hereabouts.

Life stops when we die.

Up to then, everybody has the right to enjoy his life.

Yes, he should have insurance but it's very wrong of you criticizing him just because he wanted to enjoy the last years of his life.

Probably you are still young, but when you come to our age you will be looking at life from a different angle.

1. No, it doesn't.

2. If that's the way he found to 'enjoy' himself, again, som nom na.

3. No, I most certainly don't.

Is there a special pill you take to have such a lack of empathy?

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Travel insurance apparently doesn't cover you if you have an accident while drunk.

Exactly right - all the arm chair experts making comments should read their own insurance policies - if they have one.

I have fallen over entering a bar when sober due to the poor design with a hidden step and no warning strip or lighting

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surely the good Australian Embassy in Satorn Road Bangkok can provide help to this poor man. Is there a center or account for donations yet or an Internet find site to help this poor family?

Very few Embassies around the world pay for flights home for their citizens, let alone medical bills.

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What's a 71 year old man doing travelling alone here to Thailand? Rhetorical question. Particularly when you consider the silly old fool 'fell when exiting a bar'. Som nom na, as they say hereabouts.

You must know something I do not. I am 70 and travel alone all over the world, often times by motorcycle. What is it I should be so worried about next year? And, I doubt stumbling out of bars and falling on their faces is limited to old men.

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He is 71 and he travels without insurance! Now that is what I call foolish!

I am from America, where I could not pay $3,000 a month for insurance 3 years ago. I am retired. The insurance companies in the states do not want to insure individuals, only groups like the U.S. Government, which has employees of what, 30,000,000 employees? Yes, Obamacare guarantees you insurance, but not the cost.. Since I had a triple-bypass in Bangkok 4 years ago, no Thai company wants to insure me either. Don't fault people for not having what they can't get. Get your facts first.

Why would a 71 year old come to Bangkok for? If going to bars, I would bet my bottom dollar it was the Pink Pussy bar or equivalent. If he wanted a drink, he'd go down the local pub in Oz. It's not for any of us to judge if it is right or wrong for someone that age to go after young bargirls but I certainly hope I'll not be doing the Bangkok bar thing when I'm in my twilight years. Apologies if he came to Bangkok to play in a bar's dominoes league.

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I informed my insurance about the treatment they give me at the Bangkok hospital Pattaya. They told me to look into that very seriously because they had more complains about them. They als check the prices they charge because in their experience their charge is sometimes outraches.

Can imagine that it is the same in this case.

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Living in Thailand, with health insurance and with accident insurance.

Thai health insurance do NOT cover injuries occured by accidents, practising sports, traffic and many other occasions.

Thai accident insurance do NOT cover sicknesses / medical injuries.

When hit with brass knuckles in a bar because some farang didn't like my face and I woke up in the hospital with a cerebral haemorrhage and had been in a coma for some time. There is NO insurrance covering this. All Thai insurances do NOT cover injuries / medical expenses when drunk or due to fights. They would have been bankrupt already !!!

I also got a Bangkok Hospital bill over 800,000 THB. Had to pay every Baht myself..

PS. I was not drunk, I just came in and ordered my first beer. I also didn't see it coming as the guy stood behind me and hit me KO at the first punch.

Edited by FredNL
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Yep some very harsh postings here..

I have travel insurance but it is quite clear that incidents etc occurring whilst intoxicated are void from cover. Furthermore it would be hard for anyone his age to get insurance. Feel sorry for him and his family.. I've fallen over after one to many a few times and I'm sure I'm not a lone soldier there.. Can happen to anyone!!

Fair play to the hospital for agreeing to waive the bill.. Hope this one works out for the best..

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He is 71 and he travels without insurance! Now that is what I call foolish!

I am from America, where I could not pay $3,000 a month for insurance 3 years ago. I am retired. The insurance companies in the states do not want to insure individuals, only groups like the U.S. Government, which has employees of what, 30,000,000 employees? Yes, Obamacare guarantees you insurance, but not the cost.. Since I had a triple-bypass in Bangkok 4 years ago, no Thai company wants to insure me either. Don't fault people for not having what they can't get. Get your facts first.

Why would a 71 year old come to Bangkok for? If going to bars, I would bet my bottom dollar it was the Pink Pussy bar or equivalent. If he wanted a drink, he'd go down the local pub in Oz. It's not for any of us to judge if it is right or wrong for someone that age to go after young bargirls but I certainly hope I'll not be doing the Bangkok bar thing when I'm in my twilight years. Apologies if he came to Bangkok to play in a bar's dominoes league.

Having no money at 71 is foolish. As stoli said, sometimes, especially in older years, insurance is not an option. Why would a 71 year old come to Thailand? For the same reasons anyone would come to Thailand. If you ever get to 71, you may know. You see, the mind does not acknowledge age, unless you are infirm. I tend to do most of what I did forty, even fifty years ago--oh, I know longer work; that is the good part, but I no longer do the heavy physical stuff; that is the sad part--the old body just doesn't respond as it did. Howerever, I am pleased I can still do most other things I enjoy. I certainly won't stop until I have to. In fact, I doubt some of you younger boys could keep up. Coming to Thailand is something I have done since 1967. I have family and friends here and in the surrounding countries in SEA. Why should I go back to where I was born, I have spent 67% of my life away from my place of birth, I am home.

No doubt I'll feel young when I am 70. My father actually seems to be getting more juvenile as he nears 80. Last year he said if he outlives my mother he's coming over here to find a new model. I think he was serious.facepalm.gif Doe guys in their 70s really have a strong sex drive?

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What's a 71 year old man doing travelling alone here to Thailand? Rhetorical question. Particularly when you consider the silly old fool 'fell when exiting a bar'. Som nom na, as they say hereabouts.

Life stops when we die.

Up to then, everybody has the right to enjoy his life.

Yes, he should have insurance but it's very wrong of you criticizing him just because he wanted to enjoy the last years of his life.

Probably you are still young, but when you come to our age you will be looking at life from a different angle.

wow I'm impressed, I agree and I'm a youngish dude
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This is where the Australian government should step in and not leave him to die in a foreign country. They are spending huge amounts of money trying to save the lives of two criminal drug dealers. A pensioner who paid taxes and contributed to society or two low life pieces of excrement who have contributed nothing to society.

Edited by chooka
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he come over without insurance his age is not young.who is going give no one I think.he should have had insurance

I believe travel insurance is invalid in Thailand during the coup/martial law, so why waste money buying it?
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surely the good Australian Embassy in Satorn Road Bangkok can provide help to this poor man. Is there a center or account for donations yet or an Internet find site to help this poor family?

there are hundreds of scams like this flying around the internet, how do we know this isn't just another scam? An official statement from the hospital/Embassy might help. Millions of people are being hooked by these tear jerking scams. Commonly known as the family distress scams, daughter gets raped and mugged, son needs urgent operation, grandfather in hospital overseas etc.
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She should just bloody leave him there. And why should those who have presumably worked for their 'good bank balance' feel they have to shell out for the consequences of this silly old man's actions. I could think of a thousand ways my 'charity' would be far better spent.

Bit harsh isn't it? don't think he intended to fall and end up in hospital? sure he should have had insurance but hey its an easy mistake to make... his age means nothing really, just because he is getting on a bit does not mean he cannot have some fun, in fact all the more reason to enjoy his days. I am sure he is already kicking himself for being a bit of a wally already, bit of compassion goes along way when your down in sh1t street without a paddle, we all get bad luck some times.

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the retired teacher was very foolish, no insurance and drunk so no cover anyway, so the daughter should sell her assetts property etc and or get a bank loan or from friends get the old man back to australia and then chase him up for the money when he is better. or go to a prominant foreigner web site that sources their news from news sites( do they pay) obviously makes a lot of money from advertising ( who owns the website?) and ask them to assist. just curious do the moderaters get paid or are they volunteers?

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What's a 71 year old man doing travelling alone here to Thailand? Rhetorical question. Particularly when you consider the silly old fool 'fell when exiting a bar'. Som nom na, as they say hereabouts.

Life stops when we die.

Up to then, everybody has the right to enjoy his life.

Yes, he should have insurance but it's very wrong of you criticizing him just because he wanted to enjoy the last years of his life.

Probably you are still young, but when you come to our age you will be looking at life from a different angle.

I am 62....so yes I am young at heart.....never met the guy and I think he is a d1CK head!. What's wrong with you?

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Travel insurance a must, I wont travel without it.

Now have a think you guy's that love to kick a man when he's down, DISGUSTING AND SHAMEFUL ARE NOT HARD ENOUGH FOR YOUR SHOTS AT THIS MAN................... GUTTLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travel insurance, or as another poster accurately put it "legal extortion" for a 71 year old man for X days too Thailand, how much??? you do the math,

The air fair would be almost as expensive, and this on a pensioners income.

He's paid his taxes all his life now it's time for the Gov to give a little back, or there is a case of emergency access to his super anuation, or pension,

Privet hospitals are notorious for ridicules prices, I know from experience... Although to their credit thy have offered to waive the fee's WELL DONE...

How dose a medical evac come out at $57K??? a nurse, a bottle of glucose,

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