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My dog just ran in my neighbors yard..


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Are your neighbors' Thai or farang?

Yes, come on. Unless the other posters know if one of the parties is Thai or not, how can they decide who to excuse and who to bash?

Had the dog owner been Thai and the person shouting at the dog been a farang, the thread would have been all about irresponsible pet owners, no consideration for others, putting children at risk, taking dumps on the lawn, etc.

But since we know the dog owner was farang and the neighbor is Thai, it's a completely different situation.

Ok, but if the story went that the dog ran in the yard, sniffed some flowers, for approximately 2.5 seconds, the owner was walking behind him to catch him, and walked back out with the dog.. What would an appropriate response be?

A.) Keep your f'in dog off of my lawn while trying to shoo the dog away.

B.) No problem, man. Keep reading your newspaper.

C.) Have a heart attack.

Sorry, I just don't get it. I live in a neighborhood with houses cramped in together. Minor annoyances happen now and again. For the sake of getting along, we just smile and move on, right? To reiterate the point, the man NEVER felt threatened as the dog ignored him and went to smell his flowers...

I understand legally the dog isn't supposed to be there, but legally i'm not supposed to park my car in the wrong direction, sometimes I do that!!! omg!!! Get out the guns!!

keep your dog off your neighbours property.

tree branch over your property, cut them off if you do not like the leaves,

?what is the problem?

sounds like your , YOUR DOG is the problem

and please, don't bring your dog on my property to introduce to me.

?what part of private property do you not understand ??

your dog, your problem,

please admit responsibility for your dog.

You sound like fun, can we hang out?

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Ya, I don't care cause the dude's a stooge and I don't care about his opinion, and freaking out over a dog running in your yard is just bizarre.

Does he keep chickens or fighting cocks?

A friendly dog can kill them all in a couple of minutes.

If your dog shits in his garden, or in the road near his property, do you clear it up?

Lots of irresponsible dog owners around.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Ya, I don't care cause the dude's a stooge and I don't care about his opinion, and freaking out over a dog running in your yard is just bizarre.

Does he keep chickens or fighting cocks?

A friendly dog can kill them all in a couple of minutes.

What a nice thought,

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Oh, here's a good one for you. I have a Shihpoo (Poodle / Shih-Tzu mix, with poodle face/head) who is MAYBE 11 inches (28cm) at the shoulders. Loves everyone. Even if he did bite someone, it would have to be their fingers or maybe their ankle.

Ah yes, it's a well known fact you can't get rabies from small dog bites.

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Years ago before my property was fenced off, I would throw stones at those mongrels to get rid of them, then a few weeks ago I saw a dog on my property, it had a collar on and was well fed looking, and my dogs were not bothering with it, I just left it, and later I discovered it belonged to a neighbour up the road.

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This will be unpopular, but too bad. I hate dogs. I loathe dogs. I can't stand them, big or small. I had a '70 Dodge Charger, freshly painted, and a neighbor's dog ran into my yard, friendly as all get out, and scratched the driver side door trying to climb in. I was FURIOUS, but was never compensated. "It's just a few scratches," the owner whined. It's your responsibility to keep your dog controlled. Perhaps this neighbor had an experience similar to mine. My bet is you won't let your dog do a repeat.

Too bad about your car! You must feel very hurt, do you want the dog put down for that? A car is just a material object a dog is a living feeling being!

Well yes a dog is a living feeling being. But I would think that is no excuse to love dogs or allow them to do any thing.

I would look at the whole manner as owners not controlling their animals. I myself am not a dog lover and greatly resent people who think that because they love dogs every one should and do not look after their dogs when out in public with them.

I don't give a darn if it is a mean pit bull as long as it is kept under control. Lab's I know to be among the friendliest dog's but I still don't care for them. When we owned a dog he was never allowed to run wild. In fact being a some what small mid sized dog we would bring him in at night.

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I have a large Golden Retriever who would not hurt a fly, etc.,etc.. I have however trained him to go to the toilet in a special area at the back of the house which makes it unobtrusive and easy to clean up. My friend and neighbour wandered into my house with his little poodle who was very friendly and harmless. After a short while the little poodle urinates in the middle of my garden lawn. Totally harmless but my big dog has to leave his scent there as well, as it is, after all, his garden. So next thing I know is that he is having a pee in the middle of the lawn and this will develop into a nice large brown patch and all his training is now out of the window.

Does my neighbour appreciate my grief? Not at all.

There are many possible reasons the Thai neighbour went beserk with the broom. Was he perhaps just in his own way trying the train your dog not the enter his property. It could have just been an act to get the message across to the dog.

On many occasions my dog stops to smell the flowers, however I suspect he is really sniffing for other dogs scents and a good place to leave his mark which will probably kill the flowers.


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You allowed dog to potentially attack your neighbors on there property and find them being upset to be abnormal? In the US even a human would have been shot. That they only yelled seems to be rather restrained to me.biggrin.pngwai2.gif


Well, Some nations are known for their high level of nervousness, shoot first and ask questions after.coffee1.gif

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Oh, here's a good one for you. I have a Shihpoo (Poodle / Shih-Tzu mix, with poodle face/head) who is MAYBE 11 inches (28cm) at the shoulders. Loves everyone. Even if he did bite someone, it would have to be their fingers or maybe their ankle.

Ah yes, it's a well known fact you can't get rabies from small dog bites.

Ahhh, Mr. SourPuss, did anyone mention rabies? I was stressing a point that due to his size, IF he were to bite anyone, it could only be their fingers, or maybe their ankles. And just for your edification, since the day we brought him home as a puppy, he has regular appointments with a very good vet for all his shots, regular check-ups, and everything else. But I realize there usually has to be one "doom & gloom" one in any crowd. Please try to have a nice day. wai2.gif

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Oh, here's a good one for you. I have a Shihpoo (Poodle / Shih-Tzu mix, with poodle face/head) who is MAYBE 11 inches (28cm) at the shoulders. Loves everyone. Even if he did bite someone, it would have to be their fingers or maybe their ankle.

Ah yes, it's a well known fact you can't get rabies from small dog bites.

Ahhh, Mr. SourPuss, did anyone mention rabies? I was stressing a point that due to his size, IF he were to bite anyone, it could only be their fingers, or maybe their ankles. And just for your edification, since the day we brought him home as a puppy, he has regular appointments with a very good vet for all his shots, regular check-ups, and everything else. But I realize there usually has to be one "doom & gloom" one in any crowd. Please try to have a nice day. wai2.gif

Dog owners often lie.

It's very friendly.

It's never done anything like that before.

It would never bite anyone.

It can't have rabies.

Those are often the first words out of a dog owners mouth, when it has just bitten a neighbours child.

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You are responsible for the behavior of your dog...your dog is an extension of you as part of your family...the Thai disdain for your dog was actually an attempt to show you how he feels about you being in the neighborhood...it was a common display of "Thainess"...

Enjoy your stay here...try not to get too excited...take the higher ground...let the Thais show their butts at every opportunity...

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Any dog running at someone who is afraid of dogs or has been bitten is terrifying… and most people here do not know one breed from the next...

I lived in a major city in USA and had the best lab mix you could ever imagine. She never needed a leash. Was smart and obedient. Waited for me on the corner before crossing the street - one day, a young mentally impaired lady turned the corner, was terrifed at seeing a loose dog and without looking, the lady ran into the street…

My lucky day, there was not a car coming. If she got hit, it would have been my fault and my responsibility. My dog never again walked the streets w/o a leash.

Buy the man a box of chocolates… and apologize.

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The thing is, dog owners never see their own dogs as a problem, as they are always the nicest dogs etc. The same goes for parents and their kids etc.

I agree, but the breed of the dog is at least an indication of its temperament, though. (Please don't cite the one lab out of 1,000,000 that you know that's aggressive.) If the dog was aggressive, I wouldn't have kept him as we have young children. I grew up around aggressive dogs, have some in the neighborhood, and I despise them. And I can remember as a kid, people holding back their doberman's or german shepherds that were foaming at the bit while they said 'oh, don't worry, he doesn't bite. The thing is, the neighbor was never threatened, nor did he feel threatened, he just didn't like the dog running in his yard, which is why he went after him with a flimsy broom. Had he been scared or something like that, I could understand. While he is an average size dog, he's fairly strong looking.

We have lived in the neighborhood for close to 9 years, and the dog escapes once or twice a year. Although, he has been making more of an effort recently. I am not sure what the point of me coming on here and misrepresenting the facts would be. It's hard to imagine someone owning dogs and the dogs not escaping from a leash, running out of the yard, at least occasionally.

This is very unusual.

Our dogs are always kept within the boundaries of our property. There are good strong brick walls and a metal gate, plus all our three dogs are medium size non aggressive. We keep them in because are afraid of them being set upon by some of our neighbors dogs that are bigger and more powerful.

My family and I take short cuts to the main road over neighbors lands, our neighbors often come on to our property to chat with my wife, often just turn up, we only ask them to be careful not to let our dogs run out, My dogs bark, my neighbors dogs bark, their cats often come into our garden, our cats often go into their gardens ans so on. I never complain, my neighbors never complain, we are always on good terms and I especially go out of my way to be on friendly turns with the community.

It appears to be that the said neighbor in the OP`s case for reasons unknown actually does not like the OP and the dog incident was the neighbors way of displaying that.

Perhaps the OP is not friendly, non-sociable, has attitude, tries to lay down his own rules or has been in disputes with the locals before? This is more likely the case and the reason for the neighbor`s hostility over the dog.

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I have had no interaction with the neighbor. He doesn't even own the house he's staying at, he's bottom feeding off of the owner.

It's funny how a dog running into a neighbors yard turns into a full out psycho-analysis. WOOT!

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This will be unpopular, but too bad. I hate dogs. I loathe dogs. I can't stand them, big or small. I had a '70 Dodge Charger, freshly painted, and a neighbor's dog ran into my yard, friendly as all get out, and scratched the driver side door trying to climb in. I was FURIOUS, but was never compensated. "It's just a few scratches," the owner whined. It's your responsibility to keep your dog controlled. Perhaps this neighbor had an experience similar to mine. My bet is you won't let your dog do a repeat.

Too bad about your car! You must feel very hurt, do you want the dog put down for that? A car is just a material object a dog is a living feeling being!

Not everybody likes dogs, people are entitled their opinions without folk getting all arsey.

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The thing is, dog owners never see their own dogs as a problem, as they are always the nicest dogs etc. The same goes for parents and their kids etc.

I agree, but the breed of the dog is at least an indication of its temperament, though. (Please don't cite the one lab out of 1,000,000 that you know that's aggressive.) If the dog was aggressive, I wouldn't have kept him as we have young children. I grew up around aggressive dogs, have some in the neighborhood, and I despise them. And I can remember as a kid, people holding back their doberman's or german shepherds that were foaming at the bit while they said 'oh, don't worry, he doesn't bite. The thing is, the neighbor was never threatened, nor did he feel threatened, he just didn't like the dog running in his yard, which is why he went after him with a flimsy broom. Had he been scared or something like that, I could understand. While he is an average size dog, he's fairly strong looking.

We have lived in the neighborhood for close to 9 years, and the dog escapes once or twice a year. Although, he has been making more of an effort recently. I am not sure what the point of me coming on here and misrepresenting the facts would be. It's hard to imagine someone owning dogs and the dogs not escaping from a leash, running out of the yard, at least occasionally.

even a doberman would be sweet to you and your kids, if it would be yours !!

Would you like your kids play with the Doberman from your neighbour??

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Years ago before my property was fenced off, I would throw stones at those mongrels to get rid of them, then a few weeks ago I saw a dog on my property, it had a collar on and was well fed looking, and my dogs were not bothering with it, I just left it, and later I discovered it belonged to a neighbour up the road.


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You allowed dog to potentially attack your neighbors on there property and find them being upset to be abnormal? In the US even a human would have been shot. That they only yelled seems to be rather restrained to me.biggrin.pngwai2.gif


its his neighbour do you think hes never seen the dog before..just to remind you dont judge everyone on the actions of your (shoot first) policy in that country of yours ok...

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If we leave the parking gate open we often get a variety of dogs coming in. What my wife (Thai) does to these intruders, feeds them. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Would she feed me if I came in?giggle.gif

not when she finds out your a northerner.......hahahahahahaha.....i cant imagine anything worse...

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You do not like soi dogs but when YOURS acts like one, you get upset if others treat it like a soi dog.

My 4 junkyard dogs stay inside the fence and no new dog can come in without being chewed badly or worse. Intruders deserve anything they get.

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If we leave the parking gate open we often get a variety of dogs coming in. What my wife (Thai) does to these intruders, feeds them. biggrin.png

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Would she feed me if I came in?giggle.gif

not when she finds out your a northerner.......hahahahahahaha.....i cant imagine anything worse...

Could be a southerner.tongue.png

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It is maybe unlikely in this situation but suppose your neighbour's yard was full of his rare orchids , or he has ponds full of koi carp ,or it was just his private sanctuary from the stresses of his job and it gets invaded by any dog or man, or any other creature, or the dog enters his house or patio then has not your neighbour some right to protect his property and his personal space. Personally i think he has , but in saying that, not with a machette or other extreme methods but with appropriate measure according to the type of dog (he must know the dog after 8 years ). Labradors , i agree, are pretty tame but it is still an invasion of his space.

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Labs are bred to be killers. Of birds. My neighbor has a lab that is absolutely a sweetheart with people. I really like the dog. But one day it got in with another neighbor's chickens and killed almost all of them in a matter of moments. The owner of the chickens said the dog ran around just quickly biting each chicken and releasing to bite another. It was doing what it was bred to do.

Fortunately the chickens weren't pets and the dog owner was able to quickly pay for them and offer to bury them.

I would trust no bird dog such as a lab or golden retriever or any other around birds of any kind even if I trusted it with my kids which I doubt unless it was my dog and I knew the dog well.

Maybe the Thai neighbor overreacted but hey, it's his home, not the dog's.

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