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PM Prayut rejects proposal to bar coup leaders from office


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Almost exactly a year ago he was declaring he would never attempt to be PM and had no interest in doing so laugh.png

He also spoke to the international audience that an election will be held end of the year or latest early next year. I think lying is a habit quickly acquired when you have absolute power.

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"He seized power after months of street protests led to the ousting of Yingluck Shinawatra's democratically elected administration."

Really? I thought at the time of the coup there was only a caretaker govt due to the failure of the elections held to elect a govt. I also thought yingluck had been removed as caretaker PM by then as well.

I really should pay more attention. Thank goodness AFP is there to put me right.

Indeed you should. There was a caretaker government in situ (not "only" - this is , or should be, the normal state of affairs for a government that has dissolved parliament and awaiting elections to be organised and held, which were due to be scheduled for July 20th, I remember). So the caretaker government that were the representatives of the Thai Nation were prevented from holding that election by the Army Generals seizing power, hence

"He seized power after months of street protests led to the ousting of Yingluck Shinawatra's democratically elected administration".

Is that clear enough for you?

actually he seized power after the reds started killing/blowing up innocent kids and women and threatened to start a war as well as declare their own state and the ptp were letting/encouraging them to do it

, I suppose that would have been your preferred outcomeblink.png

All the wasteful lives lost from both sides just to accomplish a plan hatched just after PT won the election. The PDRC and the judiciary have already done the heavy lifting; the courts have a laundry list of charges against PT politicians; the people have risen strongly against the amnesty bill and an election would have ousted PT without a necessity of a coup. The PDRC rode roughshod and called out the Reds and got what they wanted to creat the condition for a coup. If not for the same modus operandi of past PAD, we would not realized that it's again the establishment engineering their resistant to relinquish power.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Could you please elaborate a wee bit? What makes you describe the words of PM Prayut as 'shameless'

When the coup took place he said he was not a politician and only launched the coup to save the country. He said that he will only stablise the country and then return it to democracy. It now seems as if he has mutated into a politician with longterm abitions. If you followed the new draft constitution you will know that the PM will be appointed and guess who that will be? This whole coup and reform soap opera was written way back (what did Suthep say again 2010) and are now playing out infront of us.

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Thai junta chief rejects proposal to bar coup leaders from office

of course he rejects it. How in heavens name will he follow in Prem's footsteps if he did reject it?

Besides, what else is he going to do after he returns from vacation? coffee1.gif

To reject the proposal to bar coup leaders from political office has nothing to do at all with the Privy Council.

The Privy Council is a body advising H.M. the King of Thailand. K. Prem is appointed as president of the Privy Council by H.M. the King.

you really know nothing of Thai history, do you?

Do you? Furthermore does it explain why you link a possible ban from political office to the Privy Council?

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Perhaps I have been wrong - up to now I thought Prayuth was a Despot and another D word which is banned (you can look it up in a DICTionary).

Now, I can see that, in truth, he is plainly a megalomaniac.

You mean he starts to look like Thaksin?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's become increasingly obvious the PM wants to be the shining star of Thai politics for a considerable time. Let him stand in the next election and see if the people of Thailand feel the same.

According to The Nation, Thai people love him, love the coup and hope he stays longer.

Amazing, the garbage they put in their headlines every day.

Even more amazing, some farangs buy it!

All the news they want you to hear.....

Mai pen rai, it's entertainment during boring days.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

He ought to recuse himself, as he did not earn the position he is in now. He took it.

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I like it the way it is now. No demonstrations, no killings, no roadblocks. Corruption is being stopped, Thailand is being improved and cleaned from streetvendors....

There's still much more work to do, Bangkok has to become a real Metropole with good public transport, civilised people and also rules which have to be maintained.


Good one!

You had me at "Corrupition is being stopped"!

Too damn funny!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's become increasingly obvious the PM wants to be the shining star of Thai politics for a considerable time. Let him stand in the next election and see if the people of Thailand feel the same.

According to The Nation, Thai people love him, love the coup and hope he stays longer.

Amazing, the garbage they put in their headlines every day.

Even more amazing, some farangs buy it!

All the news they want you to hear.....

Mai pen rai, it's entertainment during boring days.

The nonsense they print is certainly an insight of what they are really up too. (Brainwashing)

How can The Nation print "THAI PEOPLE HAPPY WITH THE COUP" when they know for a fact, this General would get crushed in a fair election?

This is sinister, immoral and unethical. So North Korean....

Fairly effective too from reading the naive posts here.

Some have been 'groomed' into supporting a SE Asian coup! A corrupt banana republic with a kangaroo court.

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Hope the man can hold on in office for some time more, just enough to root out all the red minds in the country, and here on TV, which might be harder to do so

Rooting out the red minds in the country? Whoa! You mean the majority right?

You think all those country people are stupid, right?

Those people know the true history of Thailand and from reading your comment, you have some homework to do.

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Hope the man can hold on in office for some time more, just enough to root out all the red minds in the country, and here on TV, which might be harder to do so

Rooting out the red minds in the country? Whoa! You mean the majority right?

You think all those country people are stupid, right?

Those people know the true history of Thailand and from reading your comment, you have some homework to do.

There will be a whole lot of increasing liberal minded yellow shirts to root out too especially those disgusted and frustrated that the lessons learned from the past have been ignored and we are moving backwards to military dominated government.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

Totally shameless.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

Totally shameless.

Seem what you described fit nicely with the present PM. Shameless comes in mind.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

Totally shameless.

You dont know the army in 2006 tore up the constitution, appointed the senate that stacked the court with Thaksins enemies?

Same court that thru out a PM for appearing on a Sunday TV cooking show.

This government is a sham.

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Absolutely shameless, isn't it? The temerity of the guy is something else entirely!


Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

Totally shameless.

Let's see, if we can spot the difference, shall we?!

Exhibit A: bad person makes sister top- partycandidate for following election, which she wins handsomely (I know...she didn't get the majority blah blah) and becomes PM. Foreseeable? Yep! Illegal? Nope! Shameless? Kind of...

Exhibit B: bad person comes to power in an illegal coup and gives attractive and well paid posts to family members and friends.

Foreseeable? Yep! Illegal? From the start! Shameless? Absolutely!

...hmmmmmm....that will make some brains hurt!

At least YS had to go through an electoral process (yeeeees...I also know: bought votes blah blah blah...).

The current guys just hand out jobs, totally unopposed!


There is a difference!

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"PM sees no reason to distrust junta appointees; general election"

Of course he doesn't.

But consider this Uncle Too;

"to prevent them from "inheriting power" gained from the coup."

"Prayut argued that if all of them are required to stay away from political office for two years, "there will be nobody to work". blink.png

Spoken like a child.

"The prime minister,... said that if the junta really wanted to remain in power after the new charter takes effect, "I will just not return the power."

This guy is a real piece of work.


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Return to democracy, oppose banning of politicians, but of course ban the NLA members from seeking political office in elections?

Yes, shameless.

Almost as shameless as installing your sister as PM. then instructing an amnesty bill to whitewash your criminal conviction, outstanding criminal charges and all those charges, past present and future, against your family and mates.

Totally shameless.

You dont know the army in 2006 tore up the constitution, appointed the senate that stacked the court with Thaksins enemies?

Same court that thru out a PM for appearing on a Sunday TV cooking show.

This government is a sham.

Indeed, I don't know the army tore up the 1997 constitution. I do know the 2007 constitution is about 90% identical to the 1997 version (with different numbering). Also a few other changes in strengthening independent organisations, more irritating to some seems the 74 out of 150 senators appointment part. The 'amnesty' bit seems to attract less attention nowadays. Maybe because the 2006 coup leader Gen Sondhi turned politician, got elected and joining the Pheu Thai coalition voted for the 'blanket amnesty bill'.

It may also be that the court which convicted Thaksin was not stacked by the Senate which was only elected December 2007. This apart from the fact that the 'conflicft of interest' case clearly showed that Thaksin might have been too rich to need to be corrupt, but he simply couldn't help himself. He simply couldn't stay away from business while running the country. One may wonder why he wanted to be PM in the first place rolleyes.gif

BTW I also remember the former PM the late Samak was thrown out because he lied about payments for the cookingshow. He could have been elected PM again the next day, but it would seem Thaksin considered him too independent and choose his brother-in-law Somchai.

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"He seized power after months of street protests led to the ousting of Yingluck Shinawatra's democratically elected administration."

Really? I thought at the time of the coup there was only a caretaker govt due to the failure of the elections held to elect a govt. I also thought yingluck had been removed as caretaker PM by then as well.

I really should pay more attention. Thank goodness AFP is there to put me right.

Indeed you should. There was a caretaker government in situ (not "only" - this is , or should be, the normal state of affairs for a government that has dissolved parliament and awaiting elections to be organised and held, which were due to be scheduled for July 20th, I remember). So the caretaker government that were the representatives of the Thai Nation were prevented from holding that election by the Army Generals seizing power, hence

"He seized power after months of street protests led to the ousting of Yingluck Shinawatra's democratically elected administration".

Is that clear enough for you?

What a strange interpretation you yellow lensed folk have, or should I say "camo" lens people? The caretaker government was there because of Thai law. YL and her cronies stepped down to stop bloodshed (more bloodshed) which is what Suthep had been calling for. They arranged an elecetion so the Thai people could elect who they saw fit - which again, is what Suthep the great wanted. The elections were prevented by Suthep for the purpose of a military coup so Ptayuth (even though he denied he ever wanted a coup and never had any intention or desire to be PM) could elect himself as PM. Prayuth will never give up his position as PM, he cherishes the power he seems to think belongs to the job - despite the fact he is clearly not a politician.

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Indeed, I don't know the army tore up the 1997 constitution. I do know the 2007 constitution is about 90% identical to the 1997 version (with different numbering). Also a few other changes in strengthening independent organisations, more irritating to some seems the 74 out of 150 senators appointment part. The 'amnesty' bit seems to attract less attention nowadays. Maybe because the 2006 coup leader Gen Sondhi turned politician, got elected and joining the Pheu Thai coalition voted for the 'blanket amnesty bill'.

It may also be that the court which convicted Thaksin was not stacked by the Senate which was only elected December 2007. This apart from the fact that the 'conflicft of interest' case clearly showed that Thaksin might have been too rich to need to be corrupt, but he simply couldn't help himself. He simply couldn't stay away from business while running the country. One may wonder why he wanted to be PM in the first place rolleyes.gif

BTW I also remember the former PM the late Samak was thrown out because he lied about payments for the cookingshow. He could have been elected PM again the next day, but it would seem Thaksin considered him too independent and choose his brother-in-law Somchai.

The crooked court evicted the PM from office for appearing on a cooking show.

It was a Sunday cooking show called 'cooking and complaining'. He had been doing that program for years.

But democrat Suthep "shuts down Bangkok" for months and threatens to "kidnap the PM." Funny, he still enjoys all that stolen land on Samui.

We know the yellow appointed senate stacked court is crooked because of the hidden cameras verifying them colluding with Democrats. You didn't see that video? Maybe The Nation didn't cover it....

The double standards and inequality is the root of Thailand problems. Agreed?

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Indeed, I don't know the army tore up the 1997 constitution. I do know the 2007 constitution is about 90% identical to the 1997 version (with different numbering). Also a few other changes in strengthening independent organisations, more irritating to some seems the 74 out of 150 senators appointment part. The 'amnesty' bit seems to attract less attention nowadays. Maybe because the 2006 coup leader Gen Sondhi turned politician, got elected and joining the Pheu Thai coalition voted for the 'blanket amnesty bill'.

It may also be that the court which convicted Thaksin was not stacked by the Senate which was only elected December 2007. This apart from the fact that the 'conflicft of interest' case clearly showed that Thaksin might have been too rich to need to be corrupt, but he simply couldn't help himself. He simply couldn't stay away from business while running the country. One may wonder why he wanted to be PM in the first place rolleyes.gif

BTW I also remember the former PM the late Samak was thrown out because he lied about payments for the cookingshow. He could have been elected PM again the next day, but it would seem Thaksin considered him too independent and choose his brother-in-law Somchai.

The crooked court evicted the PM from office for appearing on a cooking show.

It was a Sunday cooking show called 'cooking and complaining'. He had been doing that program for years.

But democrat Suthep "shuts down Bangkok" for months and threatens to "kidnap the PM." Funny, he still enjoys all that stolen land on Samui.

We know the yellow appointed senate stacked court is crooked because of the hidden cameras verifying them colluding with Democrats. You didn't see that video? Maybe The Nation didn't cover it....

The double standards and inequality is the root of Thailand problems. Agreed?

A crooked court? I guess you should read the forum rules again.

Also the court convicted the late Samak for lying about financial compensation for his activities on the cooking show. He may have been cooking and complaining for years, but he was PM only since begin of January 2008.

As for the usual 'but, but Suthep", what with court cases of 2008 and 2009 barely moving, he may have to wait a while. I fail to see the link with "enjoying stolen land". Probably only another diversion.

BTW hidden cameras? Maybe they didn't exist?

Anyway, it would seem no legal bar to have Gen. Prayut or members of his cabinet and the NLA join political parties BEFORE new elections. Mind you, didn't the new constitution increased requirements on how long possible candidates for political positions needed to be member of a political party? Surely no one in cabinet or NLA will be able to become a member of a political party at this moment? All more-or-less automatically excluded from the next general electionswink.png

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Indeed, I don't know the army tore up the 1997 constitution. I do know the 2007 constitution is about 90% identical to the 1997 version (with different numbering). Also a few other changes in strengthening independent organisations, more irritating to some seems the 74 out of 150 senators appointment part. The 'amnesty' bit seems to attract less attention nowadays. Maybe because the 2006 coup leader Gen Sondhi turned politician, got elected and joining the Pheu Thai coalition voted for the 'blanket amnesty bill'.

It may also be that the court which convicted Thaksin was not stacked by the Senate which was only elected December 2007. This apart from the fact that the 'conflicft of interest' case clearly showed that Thaksin might have been too rich to need to be corrupt, but he simply couldn't help himself. He simply couldn't stay away from business while running the country. One may wonder why he wanted to be PM in the first place rolleyes.gif

BTW I also remember the former PM the late Samak was thrown out because he lied about payments for the cookingshow. He could have been elected PM again the next day, but it would seem Thaksin considered him too independent and choose his brother-in-law Somchai.

The crooked court evicted the PM from office for appearing on a cooking show.

It was a Sunday cooking show called 'cooking and complaining'. He had been doing that program for years.

But democrat Suthep "shuts down Bangkok" for months and threatens to "kidnap the PM." Funny, he still enjoys all that stolen land on Samui.

We know the yellow appointed senate stacked court is crooked because of the hidden cameras verifying them colluding with Democrats. You didn't see that video? Maybe The Nation didn't cover it....

The double standards and inequality is the root of Thailand problems. Agreed?

A crooked court? I guess you should read the forum rules again.

Also the court convicted the late Samak for lying about financial compensation for his activities on the cooking show. He may have been cooking and complaining for years, but he was PM only since begin of January 2008.

As for the usual 'but, but Suthep", what with court cases of 2008 and 2009 barely moving, he may have to wait a while. I fail to see the link with "enjoying stolen land". Probably only another diversion.

BTW hidden cameras? Maybe they didn't exist?

Anyway, it would seem no legal bar to have Gen. Prayut or members of his cabinet and the NLA join political parties BEFORE new elections. Mind you, didn't the new constitution increased requirements on how long possible candidates for political positions needed to be member of a political party? Surely no one in cabinet or NLA will be able to become a member of a political party at this moment? All more-or-less automatically excluded from the next general electionswink.png

Why would any of this lot bother to run in the next election? Under the new "flawless" constitution, all of the power will be in the appointed positions. Appointed PM, appointed senate, and a new council just announced that will be a continuation of the NRC. (a nice loophole so this group can continue on even though they are barred from politics for two years ). Actually winning an elected position would result in a reduction of power and influence.

The only thing that I will give this junta credit for is that they have done an excellent job of rigging the game.

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A crooked court? I guess you should read the forum rules again.

Also the court convicted the late Samak for lying about financial compensation for his activities on the cooking show. He may have been cooking and complaining for years, but he was PM only since begin of January 2008.

As for the usual 'but, but Suthep", what with court cases of 2008 and 2009 barely moving, he may have to wait a while. I fail to see the link with "enjoying stolen land". Probably only another diversion.

BTW hidden cameras? Maybe they didn't exist?

Anyway, it would seem no legal bar to have Gen. Prayut or members of his cabinet and the NLA join political parties BEFORE new elections. Mind you, didn't the new constitution increased requirements on how long possible candidates for political positions needed to be member of a political party? Surely no one in cabinet or NLA will be able to become a member of a political party at this moment? All more-or-less automatically excluded from the next general electionswink.png

Why would any of this lot bother to run in the next election? Under the new "flawless" constitution, all of the power will be in the appointed positions. Appointed PM, appointed senate, and a new council just announced that will be a continuation of the NRC. (a nice loophole so this group can continue on even though they are barred from politics for two years ). Actually winning an elected position would result in a reduction of power and influence.

The only thing that I will give this junta credit for is that they have done an excellent job of rigging the game.

Did you see anything but discussion papers, statements from various people and organisations? Any conditions on appointed PM for example?

Anyway, it would seem unlikely that even if PM Prayut, cabinet members, NLA members and NRC members may stand for a political position, in practise that will have no effect for the coming general election.

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