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Police chief transfers Suvarnabhumi airport immigration chief


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But it was just all a big misunderstanding.

Yeah, he should have berated officials with verbal abuse and slapped them around a bit like the politico a few years back and nothing would have come of this.

He was the senior customs official at the airport who thought he could go anywhere in the airport without abiding by regulations. He didn't take to kindly to be stopped so assaulted security. I believe he is in the department of inactive posts also
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So in the end, did his actions cause his wife to gain back her lost face, or compound her shame further?

This story reminds me of late 80's U2 when rumors were going round that one of the was going to get the boot because he wasn't religious enough. Turns out it was because he was boning Naomi Campbell and the others were jealous.

In this case Somyot the billionaire police chief wants somebody else to be the Swampy chief for reasons presumably related to Baht, and the plane delay is an easily swallow-able load for the public.

Or more likely, the Immigration guy was boning Naomi Campbell and police chief Somyot was jealous.

Sometimes the obvious answer is the answer.

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...........let me get this right.....20 planes left on average 10 minutes late? So someone complained? Gee, in one of the largest operating airports in the world, would love to get most of their planes off flying in one hours time. I believe by now all is forgotten. Mrs. Shmuckenbutt still made it on time to have tea in Hamburg with the Tip Toe Teenyweene Ballarinee Show Case. Rodger Rumface was on time for gathering of who will be

the Pole Barrens for the late Sumo a 1180 pound Wrestler of the Oreo tribe.......does anyone really give a rats ass over a ten minute delay?

Yes, when it's caused by a petty power trip.

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I thought last week it was something to do with he had threw his dummy out of his pram because he wanted to see off or meet one of his family, Why do Thai police like to move people to inactive posts, rather than fire their <deleted>, are they scared, or is it the saving FACE shit. Don't they realize that trying to save face, they are loosing face

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  • 2 weeks later...

And after 90 days in his inactive post, we'll get a report on how happy he is.

I thought they could do wonders in 7 days.... are uniformed people harder to make happier?

attitude adjustment a fickle task

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He paid a lot of money for that post. He has now been transferred to the standard

bizarre inactive post due to some bad news. Would still like to know what an inactive

post is, as it has become such a classic running joke in Thailand. .....In any event

the sun will rise tomorrow, this story will fade away, and he will be back at

the exact same immigration post at the airport.. As far as I can tell, no government

official faces real punishment for anything. Some sort of gentleman's agreement

among the pigs who change places at the feeding trough.....

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It seems the higher ranking folks get transferred to inactive posts in central BKK administration of their departments, and rarely if ever do we ever hear what has become of them after that.

The lower ranking folks get transferred from jobs in appealing/lucrative locations to ones in outlying / less appealing / less lucrative locations.

Only rarely, rarely do any of them actually end up getting booted.

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Oh leave him alone.

On the grand scale of things it wasnt that bad. A couple of weeks suspension without pay should be enough.

This inactive post malarkey; does it mean he still gets paid but doesn't have to work?

If so, bit of a result eh?

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...........let me get this right.....20 planes left on average 10 minutes late? So someone complained? Gee, in one of the largest operating airports in the world, would love to get most of their planes off flying in one hours time. I believe by now all is forgotten. Mrs. Shmuckenbutt still made it on time to have tea in Hamburg with the Tip Toe Teenyweene Ballarinee Show Case. Rodger Rumface was on time for gathering of who will be

the Pole Barrens for the late Sumo a 1180 pound Wrestler of the Oreo tribe.......does anyone really give a rats ass over a ten minute delay?

I guess you're not a commercial pilot.

Normally there is a flight plan with starting slots,

Transfer time periods, floor service times, cargo planning, crew change times, connecting flights, etc.

Any delay costs money and is also an additional stress factor for the crews, not only for the passengers.

Dont worry mate many of the expats here have absolutely no knowledge at all their only credit getting old. Thinking they are wise they comment on things they know nothing about.

Of course people complain about someone on a power trip.. and it costs money too.

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