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Large Police presence at Bophut traffic lights

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Just been through the traffic lights by Fishermans Village and there is a large police presence with at least one policeman carrying an automatic gun. Seem to be mainly stopping Thai drivers and searching the vehicles. Saw I was not Thai and waved me through.

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How do you know it was an "automatic?"

Well I am no expert but it was not a hand gun as it was slung over his shoulder the same as you see with the armed police at UK airports which I believe are automatic. But if you were there and know better please let us know.
Having been stopped in the same place last night the only firearm I was able to ID was one of the armalite range. I suspect it was the AR15 but cannot be sure after such a fleeting glimpse. The group that stopped me inc normal BIB plus what appeared to be full time military or police from the mainland. They weren't interested in ferangs...

While I'm here I may as well highlight the current accident rate encountered at night during routine journeys, and the fact that the organised cyclists using the ring road earlier in the evening should add high vis vests to their clobber if they wish to say alive. The gucci clothing they wear by day is no use whatsoever by night and IMO it's only a matter of time before 5 or 6 of them are taken out as a result of not being seen. Not all of their lights work and those that do aren't sufficient to prevent the above.

Just my 2p

Well said.

I bought my highvis jacket from Homepro - 89 baht.

I too was in the traffic jam for the BIB's last night. They were looking for drugs/weapons, Getting Thais out of trucks - lifting their shirts and then searching the trucks. A few young Thais on bikes being searched as well.

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University car park was full of white police minibuses this morning.

Something big happening today.

Apparently, so far, they investigated 18 homes in Maenam and 12 in Bophut in relation to the mafia. To be confirmed

Confirmed here.


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Seems the RTA are raiding Samui after the assination in Fishermans village. Me thinks they should be asking the RTP., who specialise in 'cover ups' similiar to the Koh Tao incident. Only last week i was shown a police photo of a falang who they say died from a heart attack so was promptly cremated. The body was draped back down over his toilet seat arms out stretched blood dripping from a badly damaged face plus a large body wound.........Heart attack my ass ! more like murder.

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