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It's really a shame. Cambodia is a beautiful country full of amazingly warm and friendly people. I'd go more often if the immigration officials weren't so horrible.


you could try the border just north of chantaburi about an hour north of chantaburi. never heard any bad stories from there. bad stories from koh kong are a dime a dozen. last visa run from trat i did to aran. just couldnt face the bad news that starts even at the bus/songtaew station in trat.

Agreed! I went through that crossing once on the way to a wedding in Battambang and had no troubles! Just a little more expensive to get anywhere from there.


An unseen pers webcam as worn by police etc at home might be necessary to protect ourselves from institutionalised extortionists in future. The effect would be immediate but i suspect the computer crimes act would probably catapult victims into the nearest holding cells! :)


Sandyfeet ... I don't think you will last long in these parts.

Lone crusader against a trillion feudal-minded, corruption-loving Asians

Good luck

Btw...those 'friendly' Cambodians you mentioned would turn into monsters themselves if they were in a position of power.

By "last long" do you mean turn into a racist? Not sure what's more shocking, the raw prejudice in your comment, or your sheer numerical illiteracy. Knuckle-dragger

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i agree; you should just pay an move on, is it really worth the hassle?

Its a scam, we know it , they know it... its your choice to pay or cause a hassle or not go there.

also ur lucky they didn't charge yo $3 more as the e-visa is really $40 ( $3 cc charge)

reminds me of the guy in the movie "Chinatown" when the lady was shot at the end and jake wants to starts something

"Come on Jake, its chinatown"

I have never heard the $35 charge at the airport an flew in last dec

$30 for tourist

$35 for "ordinary" business visa


Although they're out of line i wouldn't ever get confrontational like that over 7usd. You must not value your safety.

Principles come at a price.

The scum at the borders who seek to extort money in this way are not going to physically harm you. They can make you wait, they can p!ss you about - but, at the end of the day, they know they are scamming you and are still in the wrong.

Right. And at the end of the day, they have to let you in anyway. Coming up with excuses like: "you'll have to wait for an hour" or whatever don't have much effect. Besides, since there's no cross border transport at that border you could just tell them, "I don't care because nobody is waiting for me anyway".


i agree; you should just pay an move on, is it really worth the hassle?

Its a scam, we know it , they know it... its your choice to pay or cause a hassle or not go there.

also ur lucky they didn't charge yo $3 more as the e-visa is really $40 ( $3 cc charge)

reminds me of the guy in the movie "Chinatown" when the lady was shot at the end and jake wants to starts something

"Come on Jake, its chinatown"

I have never heard the $35 charge at the airport an flew in last dec

$30 for tourist

$35 for "ordinary" business visa

If anything, you can bargain the price. Although I think the OP did the right thing, as I would have. But if I did decide to cave in, it would be for $1 or $2 extra, not $7 extra. Just like with everything else in Cambodia and other countries in the region, you can always bargain. No prices are ever fixed. You can bargain for almost everything.

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Not a pleasant experience and - before people come on here and say "it was only $7, you should have just paid it and got your visa quickly" - it is quite simply WRONG! Itleaves a bad taste in the mouth and a poor opinion of Cambodia.

Whereas this kind of confrontation leaves you in a happy, care-free mood? I'd have just paid and got on with my life.

Agree totally 8000 Miles from home and risking serious problems over $7 just bizarre

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The surrender merchants littering this thread should write to the authorities in their homeland suggesting anyone in govt service/uniform follow suit, particularly when dealing with asians or anyone that doesnt look right...

Tounge in cheek perhaps but the west has come a long way since Nelsons Portsmouth & its about time the remainder (counter signatories to appropriate conventions) caught on.

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I guess I should clarify. I was risking nothing. They weren't going to do anything to me. They were trying to look intimidating and failing at it. I know this because 1: I was there, and 2: I went on my merry way without any problems. Not paying the $7 meant an extra 9 or 10 minutes. And yeah, I do feel much better walking away knowing they can't pull one over on me. It's not a matter of me not wanting to part with that money, it's about not wanting it feeding the kleptocracy. If you would rather pay that money, that's totally fine. Not sure though why people are confused about why someone would want to stand on principle. Oh, and if you would have paid because you're afraid of what they might do to you, I suggest you grow a pair.

You're right. But as I said, you can always try the compromise solution of bargaining. Give them an extra buck or two, instead of the seven extra they originally wanted and then they would have processed you immediately. But 9 or 10 minutes as you say is nothing anyway, not a big deal.


A few years ago I wrote to the Khmer Foreign affairs department also their tourist office about the scams going on at this border crossing.

The reply's I got went like this.

" This is the way it is in Cambodia"

I tried to get an official document translated at the Khmer embassy in BKK about 3 years ago, they told me I had to go to Phnom Penh to have it done.

Its a shame these things go on because I love Cambodia and the people.

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Agree totally 8000 Miles from home and risking serious problems over $7 just bizarre

Not risking anything. You can be fearful, but at least be informed.


Not a pleasant experience and - before people come on here and say "it was only $7, you should have just paid it and got your visa quickly" - it is quite simply WRONG! Itleaves a bad taste in the mouth and a poor opinion of Cambodia.

Always said Cambodia puts Thailand to sham on scams.whistling.gif

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Hmm, sounds like Cambodia would be best avoided for border/visa runs then. Laos sounds like a better destination since I can't recall from reports on here of similar scams going on there.


Yea. Spend 48 hours, 1500 baht (average) for Lao visa and 2000 baht for transportation when the Cambodia scam may of cost you another 150 baht. Make all the sense in the world to me. NOT.whistling.gif

Lao visa is $35 - 42 depending on nationality. Bt 1,500 only when paid in Baht to be scammed exploited.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yea. Spend 48 hours, 1500 baht (average) for Lao visa and 2000 baht for transportation when the Cambodia scam may of cost you another 150 baht. Make all the sense in the world to me. NOT. alt=whistling.gif>

Lao visa is $35 - 42 depending on nationality. Bt 1,500 only when paid in Baht to be scammed exploited.

Ever checked the "exchange" rate used in your Embassy ? whistling.gif


Not a pleasant experience and - before people come on here and say "it was only $7, you should have just paid it and got your visa quickly" - it is quite simply WRONG! Itleaves a bad taste in the mouth and a poor opinion of Cambodia.

I'm coming straight on and saying just that: "it was only $7".

$7 would have been a bargain to avoid the wait, abuse and frustration. I'll go a step further and say that I can't believe what people will do to save $7.

How much are they asking in baht?

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