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Funny this popped up, I was talking to a Thai colleague today who was bemoaning the new colour blindness / peripheral vision test.

He failed, but apparently can go to the hospital to get a certificate of some sort and they will issue a licence, "This guy is blind, please issue a driving licence".

Correct me if I am wrong but isn't being color blind a fail anywhere in the world.????



I really hope they never give a license to a color blind person. Just imagine when it is red you see green and drive, it will dangerous both for yourself and others.

Colour blind people are given licences in many, many countries because being colour bind isn't considered a detriment to driving, poor eyesight is.


color blindness abnd other vision impairments mean you see less...THIS IS DANGEROUS! - I have a colleague who is color blind, I noticed this as a result of his driving - unable to tell types of road sign and failure to anticipate a traffic light.

After he made these mistakes, i asked if he was "OK" - he casually told me he was color blind so "drove differently" from some people .

i won't go in a vehicle drive by him any more.

40 years ago I was tested at university and found I had both types of colour blindness. I have had a gold drivers licence with a couple of accidents, none my fault and had a taxi and racing licence at times. I duly failed the colour blind test given at the hospital here (I don't know what they put on the certificate but I think money speaks he correct language - they know you can go elsewhere) I had no trouble passing the colour test at the motor traffic office. Its not a colour blind test.

I think your friend has other sight issues

I think you are making assumptions to justify an untenable position....

the problem here is that most/many people who have color blindness have had it for their entire driving lives. They learned to drive like this, which means they have no idea how their driving skills fall short of those with full color vision - they think they are driving "normally".

Why do you think so many civilised countries don't have colour blindness as a test to obtain a licence if it was the handicap and so inherently dangerous as you so ignorantly suggest it is?


I am alright with the color vision test. What I don't get is why it needs to be repeated. Color blindness is a genetic trait. If you pass the test once, you should be good forever, unfortunately, the Thais don't understand that. Perhaps they believe you can "catch" color blindness from others.

Unfortunately color vision can change over time due to certain illnesses or old age, hence the retesting.

Please provide some evidence to support this.


Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.


Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I could also have quoted the UK, no colour test, road deaths per 1000, 3.8. Give me some facts that colour blindness causes accidents or deaths or is dangerous. All I'm hearing here is a lot of biased opinion with absolutely nothing to back it up, as per usual. I've been driving here in Thailand for 6 years as has my brother, who is also colour blind, without any problems, and have driven in many other countries as well, for over 55 years with one accident that wasn't my fault. So what do you put that down to, good luck?


Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I'm sure having a colour blindness test in Thailand really helps keep the road deaths down. Goodness me, if it wasn't for that Thailand would probably be #1 in the world instead of #2.


color blindness abnd other vision impairments mean you see less...THIS IS DANGEROUS! - I have a colleague who is color blind, I noticed this as a result of his driving - unable to tell types of road sign and failure to anticipate a traffic light.

After he made these mistakes, i asked if he was "OK" - he casually told me he was color blind so "drove differently" from some people .

i won't go in a vehicle drive by him any more.

Absolute <deleted>. I suppose you think left-handed people drive differently as well? There isn't a colour blindness test in most countries, only an eyesight test, so there's your theory shot down in flames.

yup that is true, colorblindness (nobody is actually colorblind, it's mostly just a weakness) has nothing to do with driving skills and knowing and obeying to traffic rules - I have a German, a Hong Kong and a Philippinie driving licence but still use my international license here - that's Thailand, they have their own rules here..... colorblind or not just watch out for the stupid folks on the road here


color blindness abnd other vision impairments mean you see less...THIS IS DANGEROUS! - I have a colleague who is color blind, I noticed this as a result of his driving - unable to tell types of road sign and failure to anticipate a traffic light.

After he made these mistakes, i asked if he was "OK" - he casually told me he was color blind so "drove differently" from some people .

i won't go in a vehicle drive by him any more.

Absolute <deleted>. I suppose you think left-handed people drive differently as well? There isn't a colour blindness test in most countries, only an eyesight test, so there's your theory shot down in flames.

yup that is true, colorblindness (nobody is actually colorblind, it's mostly just a weakness) has nothing to do with driving skills and knowing and obeying to traffic rules - I have a German, a Hong Kong and a Philippinie driving licence but still use my international license here - that's Thailand, they have their own rules here..... colorblind or not just watch out for the stupid folks on the road here

To listen to the ill-informed comments here you would imagine that colour blind drivers are an absolute menace on the road. I can't pass a colour test (legally) in Thailand, yet I can drive here for 6 years without an accident, even with non-uniform traffic lights. I do hold a current 5 year Thai licence BTW.

  • Like 1

Well, i went to the office that covers Pattaya on Monday the 9 march, as you can imagine not the best day, it was banged out. i went prepared with my international driving permit and passport etc. plus the duplicates and doctors certicate, this was my first application for a Thai license,we all stood in a row in front of the eyesight booth, and as we entered one at a time the tester stood in front of of a board with various different size circles of red green and yellow, he was about 10 feet away he pointed to different circles and you shouted out the colour in Thai or English probably 4 or 5 times, the circles were quite easy to see even with my 76 year old eyes, after that we all entered the booth, until the rows were three deep one side and one deep the other side, after that with everyone crammed in we sat in a chair for the brake test again pretty easy, one women failed and was sent to the back of the queue for another attempt.

And that folks, was all we did, there was no reading letters on the sight board, peripheral test, or lining up two sticks etc.

We then sat down again (if you could find a vacant chair) got photos took when called, and about five minutes later picked up the license.

All in all it 1 3/4 hours, and 100.10 bht,

As others have pointed out if you cannot differentiate between red green and yellow it might be problem,plus i think being so many people there, maybe they skirted round the other tests, to fit everyone in, i don't know, i did'nt bother with the m/c license although my UK license covers both


you UK licence is only valid for a few months in Thailand - after that you need a Thai licence.

"Although International Driving Licences are valid for up to one year after arrival in Thailand, after three months many comprehensive insurance policies are made void if still driving on a foreign licence." http://thailand.angloinfo.com/transport/driving-licences/

Yes i am aware of the limitations of a UK and IDP licences, the license i picked up was a Thai driving license maybe i should have made that clearer, the point i was trying to make, was on the strength of two simple tests ie. colour and reaction i was able to get a Thai driving license

On the point of red light always at the top, i read an article yesterday about some district in Syracuse NY where the green light is at the top, something to do with a lot of Irish emigrants in the region who saw red on top as an implication of of British rule over Ireland, so they got the two colours reversed, how widespread or true this is, i have no idea, but it would confuse some colour blind person relying on the red being at the top!



There are already some pretty good scientific references as why c/b can be a risk with regards to road safety.

However you seem to be approaching your argument in “black & White” terms - if you’ll forgive the incorrect trope.

Road safety is a complex science and combing stats for single issues relating to accidents is both counterproductive and possibly misleading.

However you will find plenty just o Google to suggest why driving with some c/b conditions would be unadvisable or dangerous.

The research for this was established some time ago and has not been rebuffed.

Road engineering. You probably are ot aware that in UK road engineering takes in account colour-blindness when designing signs and junctions (including traffic lights) - this includes location and graphic designs that don’t rely solely on colour. Unfortunately Thailand is in the stone-ages wen it comes to road/traffic engineering so not only are you at an increased disadvantage in Thailand but this is also increased by the appalling state of the roads and signage.

I also find it disturbing that on a site where every time road safety comes up as a topic, people bemoan the Thai lack of respect for he laws, and yet when the law doesn’t suit them, it seems that some are quite prepared to break the law if it conflicts with their own personal interests.


Any Troll / Flaming in this topic will result in immediate suspension.

Please post in a polite, respectful manner.

Thank you.


The Window Tints that heavy on most rides here,its pointless to argue .sad.png

I agree with you for once AOP, pointless.


The Window Tints that heavy on most rides here,its pointless to argue .sad.png

At a tangent to the topic, but of course tinted windows pose many safety problems of their own, I doubt if colourblindness is a significant factor though.

Another serious problem with driving i Thailand when color blind is the amount of OTHER lights around - both day and night. there is virtually no enforced legislation to restrict where or how businesses advertise themselves on roads.

At night when approaching traffic lights or tail-lights of other vehicles the overall image is far more complex than just 3 lights in a "known" order. the driver is confronted with a plethora of lights, changing color, flashing, positioned in line of vision with the traffic light etc etc.

As I said before - the way we react to this is for them most part subliminal - unfortunately if one is color blind it will inevitably TAKE LONGER to decipher these lights - this means the car has travelled several meters along the road before the driver has taken appropriate action. This of course is one of the main reasons that drunk driving is so dangerous as well.

I can't see a color tinted film helping this process in any way either....


Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I'm sure having a colour blindness test in Thailand really helps keep the road deaths down. Goodness me, if it wasn't for that Thailand would probably be #1 in the world instead of #2.

Just telling you there is no logic in your arguments, did not go against colorblind but you seem to be a bit sensitive to anything that is not your opinion. There are better reasons to explain the difference in death toll far more logical as yours.

- Better roads and better training for one, and better enforcement of rules. To use this as an argument against colorblindness tests is just a total fail.

But as I stated I am not against colorblind people driving and they would probably be ok most of the time unless (and that can happen in Thailand) lights are moved in strange configurations.

  • Like 1

Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I'm sure having a colour blindness test in Thailand really helps keep the road deaths down. Goodness me, if it wasn't for that Thailand would probably be #1 in the world instead of #2.

Just telling you there is no logic in your arguments, did not go against colorblind but you seem to be a bit sensitive to anything that is not your opinion. There are better reasons to explain the difference in death toll far more logical as yours.

- Better roads and better training for one, and better enforcement of rules. To use this as an argument against colorblindness tests is just a total fail.

But as I stated I am not against colorblind people driving and they would probably be ok most of the time unless (and that can happen in Thailand) lights are moved in strange configurations.

It is of course, not just traffic lights - there are ma y other waring lights both inside and outside the vehicles themselves that the c/b driver may not register quickly enough or even notice at all.


Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I could also have quoted the UK, no colour test, road deaths per 1000, 3.8. Give me some facts that colour blindness causes accidents or deaths or is dangerous. All I'm hearing here is a lot of biased opinion with absolutely nothing to back it up, as per usual. I've been driving here in Thailand for 6 years as has my brother, who is also colour blind, without any problems, and have driven in many other countries as well, for over 55 years with one accident that wasn't my fault. So what do you put that down to, good luck?

"Give me some facts that colour blindness causes accidents or deaths or is dangerous"

As I already stated in an earlier post. I do not drive at night in areas that I do not know. Because of my particular colour blindness, where there are a lot of sodium lights, the red and amber of a traffic light are just another light. I can see if the light is green, but if the light is amber or red, I often do nor even realise that there is a traffic light ahead. Do you not agree that it would be dangerous for me to drive at night unless I know where the traffic lights are?


Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

  • Sad 1

Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

well it would seem that you too have no idea what you are talking about.

The problems of color blindness are not limited to traffic lights; if you think that, then I really think you need to get up to speed on the accepted theories about driving, perception and road safety - The test is to assess the degree/type of your color blindness and reflects the WAY WE SEE whilst driving, which as I explained before is subliminal. This isn't a quirky Thai thing, these are scientific observations that are accepted worldwide.

There is a common perception amongst ALL drivers that they are better than average and it is others who are to blame for poor driving conditions.unfortunately this is seldom the case and whilst errors in driving that are noticed by others, the driver him/herself is frequently completely unaware of the problems they have caused.

It's hard for anyone in modern society to admit firstly to themselves and even harder, to others that they perhaps shouldn't be amongst the vast majority of people who do have the convenience of driving themselves. it's like alcoholism - you can't get the cure until you admit you have a problem.

It is however a matter for concern that there are several people on this thread alone that admit to driving whilst breaking thew law in this country....yet at the same time are quite happy to berate those who are driving perfectly legally.

Call me myopic if you like but all i'm seeing now one this thread is the reasoned arguments as to why there are problems and dangers for color blind drivers and then a load of color blind people saying that they should drive without anything to back up their assertions.

  • Haha 1

Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

well it would seem that you too have no idea what you are talking about.

The problems of color blindness are not limited to traffic lights; if you think that, then I really think you need to get up to speed on the accepted theories about driving, perception and road safety - The test is to assess the degree/type of your color blindness and reflects the WAY WE SEE whilst driving, which as I explained before is subliminal. This isn't a quirky Thai thing, these are scientific observations that are accepted worldwide.

There is a common perception amongst ALL drivers that they are better than average and it is others who are to blame for poor driving conditions.unfortunately this is seldom the case and whilst errors in driving that are noticed by others, the driver him/herself is frequently completely unaware of the problems they have caused.

It's hard for anyone in modern society to admit firstly to themselves and even harder, to others that they perhaps shouldn't be amongst the vast majority of people who do have the convenience of driving themselves. it's like alcoholism - you can't get the cure until you admit you have a problem.

It is however a matter for concern that there are several people on this thread alone that admit to driving whilst breaking thew law in this country....yet at the same time are quite happy to berate those who are driving perfectly legally.

Call me myopic if you like but all i'm seeing now one this thread is the reasoned arguments as to why there are problems and dangers for color blind drivers and then a load of color blind people saying that they should drive without anything to back up their assertions.

I bet you never (DELETED) when driving eh...?...........coffee1.gif


Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

well it would seem that you too have no idea what you are talking about.

The problems of color blindness are not limited to traffic lights; if you think that, then I really think you need to get up to speed on the accepted theories about driving, perception and road safety - The test is to assess the degree/type of your color blindness and reflects the WAY WE SEE whilst driving, which as I explained before is subliminal. This isn't a quirky Thai thing, these are scientific observations that are accepted worldwide.

There is a common perception amongst ALL drivers that they are better than average and it is others who are to blame for poor driving conditions.unfortunately this is seldom the case and whilst errors in driving that are noticed by others, the driver him/herself is frequently completely unaware of the problems they have caused.

It's hard for anyone in modern society to admit firstly to themselves and even harder, to others that they perhaps shouldn't be amongst the vast majority of people who do have the convenience of driving themselves. it's like alcoholism - you can't get the cure until you admit you have a problem.

It is however a matter for concern that there are several people on this thread alone that admit to driving whilst breaking thew law in this country....yet at the same time are quite happy to berate those who are driving perfectly legally.

Call me myopic if you like but all i'm seeing now one this thread is the reasoned arguments as to why there are problems and dangers for color blind drivers and then a load of color blind people saying that they should drive without anything to back up their assertions.

I bet you never (DELETED) when driving eh...?...........coffee1.gif

If he does they don't stinkclap2.gif


Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

You're wasting your time trying to convince some people. You know and I know that being colour blind has not caused you any problems in your driving life. If it was the serious disability that some here suggest, it would be a mandatory part of every countries driving test, whereas it's not. Some even stupidly suggest that whilst you may have driven for decades without being involved in an accident, all around you is chaos as you blindly drive through red lights and stop signs leaving a wake of destruction behind you.

  • Thanks 1

Agree with you completely Giddyup. People commenting here who are not color blind have no idea what they are talking about. Like you, I am color blind. There is a big difference between traffic lights and a board full of colored dots like the board used for license exams in Pattaya. I've driven in Thailand for 30 years, most of these years on motorcycles, with no problems with traffic lights or signs. The main problem of course is the complete lack of driver education and courtesy here.

well it would seem that you too have no idea what you are talking about.

The problems of color blindness are not limited to traffic lights; if you think that, then I really think you need to get up to speed on the accepted theories about driving, perception and road safety - The test is to assess the degree/type of your color blindness and reflects the WAY WE SEE whilst driving, which as I explained before is subliminal. This isn't a quirky Thai thing, these are scientific observations that are accepted worldwide.

There is a common perception amongst ALL drivers that they are better than average and it is others who are to blame for poor driving conditions.unfortunately this is seldom the case and whilst errors in driving that are noticed by others, the driver him/herself is frequently completely unaware of the problems they have caused.

It's hard for anyone in modern society to admit firstly to themselves and even harder, to others that they perhaps shouldn't be amongst the vast majority of people who do have the convenience of driving themselves. it's like alcoholism - you can't get the cure until you admit you have a problem.

It is however a matter for concern that there are several people on this thread alone that admit to driving whilst breaking thew law in this country....yet at the same time are quite happy to berate those who are driving perfectly legally.

Call me myopic if you like but all i'm seeing now one this thread is the reasoned arguments as to why there are problems and dangers for color blind drivers and then a load of color blind people saying that they should drive without anything to back up their assertions.

Can't say that I follow all the rules on my bike I refuse to stay in the left lane its dangerous. Other countries this is not needed. So in my own way I break the rules too just like the colorblind people. I don't see mayor problems here. If one of them were to admit to drinking and driving.. that would be an other discussion.. Also people with poor vision should not drive (or get glasses).

  • Like 1

Road Statistics Deaths per 1000

Thailand (colour blindness test) 38.1

Australia (No colour blindness test) 5.6

Sorry but that is just a total bull argument.

Netherlands is 3.9 and they look at color blindness there. So using your own argument its dangerous to drive when colorblind.

Not picking sides here as I have no real opinion.. though I can see situations where colorblindness can be a problem especially here in Thailand with traffic lights not being uniform.

I could also have quoted the UK, no colour test, road deaths per 1000, 3.8. Give me some facts that colour blindness causes accidents or deaths or is dangerous. All I'm hearing here is a lot of biased opinion with absolutely nothing to back it up, as per usual. I've been driving here in Thailand for 6 years as has my brother, who is also colour blind, without any problems, and have driven in many other countries as well, for over 55 years with one accident that wasn't my fault. So what do you put that down to, good luck?

"Give me some facts that colour blindness causes accidents or deaths or is dangerous"

As I already stated in an earlier post. I do not drive at night in areas that I do not know. Because of my particular colour blindness, where there are a lot of sodium lights, the red and amber of a traffic light are just another light. I can see if the light is green, but if the light is amber or red, I often do nor even realise that there is a traffic light ahead. Do you not agree that it would be dangerous for me to drive at night unless I know where the traffic lights are?

Seems your post gets ignored.. and it does seem that some people with color blindness should not drive. But seems you got it covered and you know your weakness. Its great when one knows its own limitations and is not afraid to admit it.


Ho do you colorblind people work out traffic lights like these?




Oops, possibly a trick question I guess :P

  • Like 1

Why people such as road workers, cyclists, policemen, garbage collectors are using bright yellow or red colors. If for a color blind person the contrast is less does this not pose a problem/danger? All these people are ON the road, maybe ask them how they feel about colorblind people driving around.

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