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Thaksin's Cousin Denies Links to Bangkok Grenade Attack

Lite Beer

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In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

Physical abuse ??

Scapegoat indeed he and his mate were seen tossing the grenade.

The pair of them fell of their motorbike, shot at those trying to arrest them, this one ran and tried to climb a fence to escape before being apprehended. He is very lucky he isn't in hospital with his mate recovering from bullet holes.

The authorities knew about the attack & perpetrators before the crime, but let them do it. Why?

Because the whole thing was a set-up to justify the coup, the persecution of the opposition & the unlimited extension of martial law & no elections, likely in a deal for the plebs to get off a more serious crime that they'd recently been apprehended for.

Doesn't take a genius now does it Robby?

I must have missed something, where do you get that the "authorities knew about the attack & perpetrators before the crime "?

"The spokesman of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) said intelligence authorities have been closely tracked the two bomb suspects for a certain period and therefore could apprehend them immediately shortly after they hurled grenade at the Criminal Court last night.

Col Winthai Suwari said these perpetrators had been kept under close surveillance and tracked by security personnel until they rode on a motorcycle to lob the grenade at the court."



Clearly they knew the suspects but there's no indication that they knew what the target would be nor when the attack would occur. When you have suspects it is fairly common to try and catch them in the act. Had they been arrested first people would be crying it was a set-up... Oh wait; some still are crying that.

Military intelligence has done a decent job since the coup, particularly in dealing with armed redshirts in Khon Kaen and in parts of the North.

Or they have incriminated their direct opposition with the use of scapegoats, intimidation, duress & plea bargaining.

I can see how redshirt apologists might think that, but.... That conspiracy theory doesn't explain the number in the phone or the admission by Gen Shinawat.

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I can see how redshirt apologists might think that, but.... That conspiracy theory doesn't explain the number in the phone or the admission by Gen Shinawat.

Well for coup apologists it's fairly simple. Just lap up the force fed BS spewed out daily by the propaganda machine.

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I can see how redshirt apologists might think that, but.... That conspiracy theory doesn't explain the number in the phone or the admission by Gen Shinawat.

Well for coup apologists it's fairly simple. Just lap up the force fed BS spewed out daily by the propaganda machine.

What about for the people that think things like grenades, grenade launchers, and machine guns don't belong in private hands ; particularly hands that use them for terrorism?

BTW you skipped right over General Shinawat 's statement...

Edited by jdinasia
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So the TV members have this guy guilty mostly because of his name. He was working his way up the army ranks long before Thaksin came to power. He was already a general when Thaksin became Prime Minister. He may or may not have benefited from his relationship to Thaksin in becoming army chief but they the powerful like having people they can trust around them particularly in a country like Thailand. It stinks no worse the John Kennedy appointing his brother as Attorney General. His claim to fame prior to him becoming Attorney General was being council for the Senate Rackets Committee and going up against Jimmy Hoffa. Why hang the guy before there is any evidence of involvement? If there is a connection the investigators will pull out all stops to find it so why not wait until some information comes to light?

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Hilarious. If your being on this site for 9 years leads to that gem, all I can assume is the amount of time on the site/number of posts is indirectly proportional to the amount of logic and sense someone shows. I should leave immediately.

Well to prove your point, perhaps you could post something with actual structured discussion points.

However, your going to leave immediately. Good bye.

Do I really need to repeat what has been said in all the threads about this attack and the one about the Siam Paragon bombing? It's pretty obvious who has the most to gain from these attacks.

And to the other poster, yes victims are key to terror. Why would a grenade at an empty parking lot instill fear? There are many places with many people that have piss poor security.

Get a new topic to play with. Your dead in the water with this one. But it keeps your post count up.

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Hopefully they will find some links and jail the guy. The more Shinawatras that are put away for good the better for a free and democratic, safe country.

Tell that to the voters.

That won't take long. There aren't any.

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Hilarious. If your being on this site for 9 years leads to that gem, all I can assume is the amount of time on the site/number of posts is indirectly proportional to the amount of logic and sense someone shows. I should leave immediately.

Sorry Lorn, but you ask a stupid question, you get a stupid answer.

The fact that it was an empty parking lot has absolutely nothing to do with it, the keyword is "location", and whose parking lot it is.

As far as what the despot has to gain from it, read up on the antics of 2010 in Bangkok, let's say just after his assets were seized, join the dots and work it out for yourself. biggrin.png

So according to you, Thaksin (the mastermind of the 2010 events that led to anticipated elections), instead of hiring qualified people, has chosen to pay suckers like the ones caught. And also had them told it was for the red shirts and that 100 more bombings will occur, including in a temple, (instead of, for example, it was for the PDRC, PAD, etc....) and for such a ridiculous objective as to have the UN step in?

Bright deduction!

You seem to be the one making all the deductions, not me.

And I would change one thing you wrote to - "Thaksin (the mastermind of the 2010 events that led to the deaths of 90 people)"In case you have not noticed, I have no time for criminal despots, Shins in general or terrorists, and even less time for anyone who supports them for whatever reason.

Luckily you and I still have a right to our opinions and I respect yours even though I do not not agree with it. thumbsup.gif

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Should not be to hard to check if recent calls have been made.. if so.. then an other Shin lie. If not the general might indeed be innocent. I doubt its hard to check this.

If he was smart enough to use a burner cell phone then it won't show any recent calls made from his cell phone.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Without carrying a detailed forensics test on the explosives used and fingerprints etc, how can he come the conclusion the two were linked within 12 hours?

Are the Thai EOD and CSI teams so efficient that they're getting results faster than the FBI that they can state things like this so soon?

This is the same crap as saying we have been " following these guys for a while now" if that's the case, why no arrests and why are they allowing the devices to detonate?

Soldiers based conveniently located at the empty courthouse but no soldiers to interdict this vehicle and prevent such an attack?

If they really wanted to cause instability, they would have parked that vehicle outside Pizzahut or any other fast food outlet and killed dozens of tourists.

Detonation a VBIEDS in a confined space minimising collateral and physical damage diesnt look anything like trying to destabilise the country.

If they're were not shy in lobbing petrol bombs in downtown Bangkok or try to blow up a petrol tanker, then going all out and detonating a device outside swampy at the height of the local holidays with 400,000 Chinese on their way in is how to destabilise a country.

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In a desperate attempt to justify & legitimise a coup they will stop at nothing.

The alleged MIB have rescinded their confessions forced out under severe duress. Now we see the signs of physical abuse on the new scapegoats.

the bombings and shootings did happen.....that weren't show events.

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The basterds strike again in samui. Thaksin reign of terror has gone to far and gone on on to long.

Don't go laying blame where there is no evidence as yet as to who was involved although the fact that the ute used in the bombing was stolen in Yala could point to those in the south.

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